Five days later, all the mutated monsters in the Xingchen Cave were wiped out, and everyone had already gathered beside the Feichen Stone in the depths of the third floor.

The Feichen Stone is silvery white with a dazzling silver light. It is buried deep in the ground, and the exposed part is a cylinder, which is more than one foot high and a hundred feet in diameter.The best place to quench the body and absorb the power of the stars in the Star Cave is on the Feichen Stone, and the best of the best is naturally the center of the Feichen Stone.

"Fang Yun, now that all the monsters have been eradicated, it's time to decide who will enter Feichen Stone to practice. Tell me! How?" Han Ziling pulled his collar, raised his eyebrows, and said immediately.

"Hey! Big Han, we did too much for you during the Xingchen Cave experience ten years ago. How to decide? It's up to you!" Fang Yun sighed humbly.Fang Yun had passively accepted the struggle between the disciples of the big branch of the Seven Star Sect and the disciples of the small branch, but Wu Yunliang's death had touched him a lot, and killing the Rat Demon made him realize his own lack of strength, so he mentality has changed.

"Before entering the cave, Uncle Xuanguang asked me to be the leader of this experience, so listen to me first!" Although Liu Rushuang's face was still frosty, her tone was not as cold as before. She paused for a moment, then continued Said: "The fact that Wu Yunliang was killed is enough to infer that someone has tried to harm our Seven Star Sect, or intends to kill our outstanding young disciples of the Seven Star Sect. Although Wu Yunliang's death was caused by the raid of the traitor Leng Feng, the relationship among the disciples Contradictions caused competitions and resulted in Wu Yunliang being singled out, which is also an important reason why Leng Feng easily won. Therefore, if our disciples of the Seven Star Sect continue to split and disunity as before, it will definitely give the secret enemy an opportunity to take advantage of and lead to more The outstanding disciple was killed. Therefore, I suggest that everyone can practice on the Feichen Stone. Anyway, the Feichen Stone is so big. As for the cultivation point in the center of the circle, the top ten disciples will compete to decide who owns it! "

"Okay! I agree!" Han Ziling saw Liu Rushuang's mouth to persuade him to fight, and then raised his right hand with his sleeves rolled up high, and was the first to express his approval.

"I also agree with Feichenshi's cultivation. However, let's forget about the competition between the top ten disciples! The battle is so hard to let go, it's boring! The Zongmen Grand Competition is about to be held, and then everyone will have a good time." Battle. Here, Fang Yun and Long Fei have the highest attack, I suggest that the two of them fight a move, and whoever wins will choose someone to enter the center of the circle to practice." Wang Lei looked at Han Ziling and said immediately.

"That's good! I've seen the power of Long Fei's three ultimate moves, but I've never tried them. So it's not bad to take this opportunity to experience them!" Fang Yun looked at Long Fei, although he lacked confidence in his heart, he was full of expectations .

"Okay! Your 'Chen Attention' is very strong, I want to try it too!" Long Fei smiled, his eyes sparkled with excitement, and he looked eager to try.

Immediately, Long Fei and Leng Yun jumped onto the Feichen Stone and stood facing each other.

"Be careful, the star power and star light on this stone are the most powerful!"

As soon as Fang Yun finished speaking, the star sword in his right hand pointed vertically at the sky, and suddenly turned his wrist to draw a circle. The surrounding star light and star power converged like twisted twists, rushing towards the tip of the sword; A stream of silvery force and light converging energy burst out of the storm and shot into the Star Sword in an instant.The Xingchen Sword suddenly soared into the sky, piercing people's eyes so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.

Fang Yun's eyes were already narrowed, and the sword in his right hand slashed towards Long Fei, and a beam of energy that was as thick as ten feet and dazzling silver shot towards Long Fei.

Long Fei's eyes were full of excitement. As soon as the Qingshuang sword entered the air, [-] swords instantly condensed into a cone-shaped sword formation. The length of the foot.Then the cone-shaped sword formations spun rapidly, spiraling into a spiral shape like a small tornado, rushing towards the blinding energy beam rushing head-on.


The sound was like thunder and blasted in all directions, and the energy violently swept across all directions; the air waves soared into the sky, and the wind blew violently;The energy beams scattered like silver fireworks, and the conical sword array exploded and passed away with blue-yellow light. The scene was extremely gorgeous and brilliant.

For a moment, everything was silent.On the Feichen Stone, Long Fei and Fang Yun were still standing facing each other, about fifty feet apart.Their hair was disheveled and their clothes were torn, but neither was injured.

"Fight against me during the concentration period, I lost!" Fang Yun let out a long breath, as if he had been relieved, and said calmly.

Long Fei smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said, "Give it up! The Feichen Stone dot area can accommodate four people to practice at the same time, and there are still ten days before the one-month period. I think the time it takes for each of us to quench our bodies once should not be too long." It's more than five days, so ten days is enough to temper the bodies of our remaining eight top ten disciples. Besides, when everyone is practicing, someone will protect the law, wouldn't it be better!"

"You two perverts, change your clothes quickly! There are so many beauties here, you have to pay attention to your image!" Han Ziling swept between Long Fei and Fang Yun, and sneered at the beauties beside Feichen Stone, laughed and cursed.

After the male disciples were amazed by Fang Yun's defeat, they burst into laughter when they heard Han Ziling's teasing, and then jumped onto the Feichen Stone one after another;

"You guys came up so soon, do you want to watch them two striptease?" Han Ziling frowned and shook his head, and with a wave of his right hand, the "Crossing the Sky" invisible sound-proof formation immediately unfolded, and the thick gray fog immediately covered all the male disciples.

After a while, the fog cleared and Han Ziling smiled strangely: "How is it? Did you see it clearly?"

All the male disciples burst into tears and coughed unceasingly, pointing their right index fingers at Han Ziling, but they could not speak.

Niu Zhong and Xie Fang, standing outside the formation of "Crossing the Sea with Concealment", shook their heads speechlessly. The two of them could naturally see that Han Ziling would be funny, but they didn't expect him to scatter pepper in the fog formation.

At this time, Liu Rushuang and all the beauties have arrived.The beauties looked at the male disciples who were crying, and either smiled without showing their teeth, or covered their mouths, and even Liu Rushuang, who was as cold as ice, had a smile on his lips.

Han Ziling stared at Liu Rushuang's beautiful moment in a daze, and just as his unsatisfactory saliva was about to flow out, Long Fei coughed and slapped Han Ziling on the back of the head.

"Ouch!" Han Ziling yelled in surprise, raised his eyebrows, and was about to explode when he suddenly realized that there was still saliva left on the corner of his mouth, so he quickly wiped it with his right hand, but his expression was disapproving, and he said immediately: "Okay!" Now! Now that the practice location has been decided, everyone will start to choose a place to practice! The center point area will be practiced by Liu Rushuang, Long Fei, Niu Zhong, and me. Five days later, Fang Yun, Wang Lei, Wuxu, Gu Wuqiang practiced."

When the disciples heard the words, they scattered in all directions and chose places to meditate and practice.Fang Yun, Wang Lei, Wuxu, and Gu Wuqiang naturally separated Feichenshi Quartet to protect the Dharma for everyone.

"Rushuang! Sit here." Han Ziling leaped to the center of the circle, swung his sleeves violently, scraped off the dust on the Feichen Stone, and then took out two bright yellow buns from the storage bag and placed them next to each other On Feichen Stone, he warmly invited Liu Rushuang to sit down.

Liu Rushuang glanced at the two yellow buns next to each other, frowned slightly, walked lightly to Niu Zhong who was already seated at this time, took out a white bun, put it on the stone surface, and immediately Sit on it, close your eyes and meditate.

Niu Zhong turned his head to look at Liu Rushuang in astonishment, then got up under the threat of Han Ziling's raised eyebrows, and changed places with Han Ziling.

Liu Rushuang didn't show any surprise about this, she was still meditating with her eyes closed.

At this time, Long Fei had already entered the state of cultivation. The third chapter of "Yanyu Sword Art" "Melting the sword into the body" was running at full capacity, and his spiritual consciousness was working hard, drawing the light of the stars in the space into his body to temper his body.At this moment, a ray of starlight was inadvertently introduced into the light yellow sword pattern on the right wrist, and suddenly a huge suction force was generated in the sword pattern.The light and power of the stars around Long Fei quickly poured into the sword pattern through his body.With the rapid influx of starlight and star power, the suction becomes stronger and stronger; the greater the suction, the more star power and star light are absorbed; the more star power and star light are inhaled, the suction increases The bigger it is, the more it circulates like a snowball.For a moment, the power and light of the stars in the sky surged in like a tidal wave, and poured into the body like a tornado from the flying Tianling Gai, swam around the whole body and rushed into the sword pattern.At the same time, a huge force of the stars rushed out of the Feichen Stone, entered from Longfei's dantian, traveled along the meridians of the whole body, and then poured into the sword pattern in an instant.

Long Fei was frightened for a moment, but he had no choice but to let it go.

After a while, another tornado of star power and star light formed in the sky. This tornado was not caused by Long Fei, but by Niu Zhong.

The sudden vision alarmed the other people on the Feichen Stone, and everyone stared at Long Fei and Niu Zhong dumbfounded, feeling even more horrified in their hearts.

Long Fei's sword pattern and Niu Zhong's shield pattern are like a bottomless pit, no matter how powerful the incoming starlight and star power are, they can never be filled.

A day later, the entire third floor was shaking, which was caused by the violent and majestic light and force of the stars.

Another day later, the second floor also shook.

Another day later, the first floor also shook.

In only three days, all three floors shook, and only at this time did the abnormal suction show signs of weakening.At this time, Long Fei suddenly discovered that the "Yanyu Sword Art" was in full operation, and his body could absorb the power of the stars and integrate it into his own spiritual and primal power, which seemed to be changing the structure of the spiritual and primal power.

After another day, the abnormal suction suddenly stopped, and the tornado formed by the star force and light above Long Fei's head dispersed.After a while, Niu Zhong's tornado disappeared, and the surrounding fields were silent.

Although the suction power of the sword pattern was gone, Longfei's body suddenly regenerated and changed. A powerful energy burst out of the sword pattern and rushed straight to Longfei's brain. ooze.What is surprising is that the powerful energy seemed to be powerless, when it rushed to the meridian of Longfei's cervical spine, it suddenly paused, unable to rush forward, and then slowly retreated into the sword pattern.

When everything returned to its original position, Long Fei suppressed the horror in his heart. He was stunned for a while, and his physical body was more than a hundred times stronger than before the vision, which indicated that his physical body had reached the strength of the fusion of consciousness .This is the first, and the second is that there is a trace of silver star power integrated into his primordial power and spiritual power. What is this new force called?Long Fei didn't understand either.

Next, Long Fei didn't continue to practice, nor did he intend to take the essence of the golden shark here to attack the body, because there was only one day left in the five-day period, and then he opened his eyes.

After a while, Niu Zhong's eyes also slowly opened, his eyes were full of excitement, obviously his experience must be similar to Long Fei's.

Seeing that Long Fei and Niu Zhong had recovered and woke up, everyone kept asking questions in amazement.

Long Fei and Niu Zhong responded with a smile, because they would be speechless when they mentioned the situation of the two exercises, and the tattoos on the wrist weapons would not be understood by everyone, so it is better not to talk about it.

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