Tongtian Town Fucheng has a radius of about [-] li, surrounded by a ten-foot-wide moat. Zhentai Mansion is located in the east of the town, and the other three sides are commercial areas.The martial arts arena is rectangular, nine hundred feet long and six hundred feet wide.There are stands on all sides, and the playing field in the middle. The stands are one foot higher than the playing field.In the center of the competition field, there are five circular arenas with a diameter of one hundred feet, one in the middle and one in each of the four corners.The east side of the stand is the rostrum, and the other three sides are auditoriums.

Half an hour later, Long Qingsong led the Long family's competition team to Fucheng. After setting up the horses, they went to the entrance passage of the competition field.At this time, I saw Zhentai Chennan of Tongtian Town and the guard Li Yunlong leading the Zhentai Mansion Team to face us.

"Brother Chen, Brother Li, the little fellows in Zhentai Mansion are all strong and powerful, like a rainbow!" Long Qingsong clasped his fists in salute.

"Where! Where! They're just here to join in the fun, so they can compare with all the players from the Long Family!" Chen Nan clasped his fists in return, and smiled modestly.Li Yunlong also cupped his fists and smiled.

Afterwards, the two teams walked side by side to the entrance channel.

"Long Fei, I will definitely beat you and Niu Zhong this year, hehe!" In the Chengfu team, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl in a green dress with bangs, big eyes, and a watery appearance seemed to be smiling but not smiling. typical.This girl's name is Chen Wan, the daughter of Chen Nan, and it has been half a year since she broke through the eighth level of body forging.However, how did she know that Long Fei had risen to the ninth floor shortly after last year's competition, and reached the tenth floor a few days ago.

"Hey! Your opponent is not me, but your Long Lin!" Long Fei smiled badly, and squeezed his left eye at Long Lin beside him.

Immediately, Long Lin blushed, withdrew his gaze from staring at Chen Wan, and quickly looked forward.

"Long Fei, you rascal, what nonsense are you talking about? Who's what?" Chen Wan's pretty face turned crimson, and she shouted coquettishly, but her voice was extremely soft.

Last year, while hunting in Cod Lake, Chen Wan accidentally fell into the lake to catch a snow fox, and was rescued by Long Lin.When the two were baking clothes in a cave, they were bumped into by Long Fei and Long Yang.Afterwards, Long Lin fell in love with Chen Wan at the beginning of his love, so he was always teased by Long Fei and Long Yang.

"That second sister-in-law! My second brother really likes you! Although he is not as handsome as I am, he is still a first-class handsome guy! Sigh! I have long wanted to eat your wedding candy." But Long Yang rushed to shout, the voice was so loud that it could be heard all around.

The people around immediately burst into laughter, and looked at Long Lin and Chen Wan strangely.Long Qingsong, Chen Nan and other elders didn't seem to hear, only Li Yunlong glanced at Long Qingsong and Chen Nan in surprise.At this time, Long Lin's face was like a pig's liver, and he turned his head back to Long Yang and rolled his eyes; while Chen Wan stomped her feet angrily, glared at Long Yang with hatred, and hurriedly strode forward, ignoring Long Yang again. How many people are there in Long Fei?

After everyone entered the competition arena, Long Qingsong, Chen Nan, Li Yunlong and other elders naturally sat on the rostrum, and the contestants sat on both sides of the rostrum according to their respective family seats.After a while, all the participating teams from all forces arrived.At this time, the entire martial arts arena was overcrowded and noisy.On the rostrum, Chen Nan and Li Yunlong sat in the middle, Long Qingsong and Niu Shichang lined up on both sides, and on the two sides and the last few rows were the leaders of various forces and the elders of the two parents.The participating teams sat on both sides of the rostrum, and the Long family team and the Niu family team happened to be located next to each other. Long Fei blinked at Niu Zhong, and Niu Zhong nodded knowingly.

As soon as the auspicious time arrived, Chen Nan got up and said loudly: "Everyone, today is the annual Tongtian Town martial arts competition. The competition rules have been announced three days ago. The town station does not talk nonsense. The chief referee of this competition is Guard Li Yunlong in the town, wait for the contestants to go to the referee's seat to draw lots, and the competition will be played according to the lot number. Alright, the Tongtian Town competition, let's start!"

Chen Nan spoke crisply, and sat down as soon as he finished speaking.Li Yunlong stood up from his seat and walked towards the referee's seat in the competition field.

The competition of the first level starts first, and "Peter Pan" Long Yang is in this level.Long Yang, 11 years old, third-tier bodybuilder, although he is fat, but in terms of talent and physical skills, the entire Long family is second only to Long Fei.

In the first round, Long Yang kicked a second-tier forged family player out of the ring in one round.In the next group stage, they passed all the way and successfully won the first place in the group.

For the top five ranking competitions, the competition points system will be implemented.Five people, each of them will have a duel with four other people, the winner will get one point, the loser will get zero points, and they will be ranked according to points.

The No. 1 contestants in the five groups are Long Yang from the Long Family, Niu Lan from the Niu Family, Ye Ming from the Liuyun Family, Chen Yun from the City Lord's Mansion, and Zhang Feng from the Tiannan Chamber of Commerce.

The first round, the results of the lottery: Longyang fights Zhang Feng, Chen Yun fights Ye Ming, and Niu Lan gets a bye.

Long Yang was dressed in a red robe. Although he was fat, he looked quite comfortable.

Zhang Feng, three layers of forged body, 14 years old, his face is densely covered with peas, he is tall and strong, his body is strong, he is half a head taller than Long Yang.

"Longyang, I heard that you call yourself 'Peter Pan of Tongtian'. Except for 'Tongtian Shuangshao', you don't pay attention to others. Today, I will let you see what is meant by 'There are mountains beyond mountains, people There are people outside'." Zhang Fengyin's face was sullen, and the corners of his mouth were the first to attack.

"Ben Fei Xia, the team can defeat the enemy with no more than three moves. Seeing that you are quite big, it is a good material for training. Alright, stop talking nonsense and start fighting."

As soon as Long Yang finished speaking, "Like a Shadow with You" immediately stretched out, his body was like a flowing shadow, and the refined black iron epee in his hand pierced Zhang Feng's throat.

Zhang Feng took a step forward, and with the black iron heavy hammer in his hand, he slammed at Long Yang with the advantage of his long soldiers, and he didn't dodge Long Yang's attack at all.

Long Yang sneered, his body shifted suddenly, avoided the heavy hammer, floated to Zhang Feng's right side, squatted down, and then swung out the "Horizontal Cutting Rock" of the right palm "Splitting Stone Palm", pushing it horizontally towards Zhang Feng's waist .

Zhang Feng was startled, and hurriedly backed away, the wind of his palm brushed past his abdomen.

"There are tricks! However, I was just careless just now, and I won't be so lucky next time. Look at the trick!"

Although Zhang Feng was in a cold sweat from shock, he was quite dissatisfied in his heart. He was good at using the special skill "Sky Thunder Hammer Method" with all his strength, dancing the heavy hammer wildly, blasting in all directions.

Long Yang was lying on the xi zang in the east, unable to get close for a while, but Long Yang was not eager to win, rolled his eyes, and smiled slyly, "Like a Shadow With You" showed off his skills, fought with Zhang Fengyou, and sneaked up from time to time, forcing Zhang Feng to only Keep swinging the hammer to defend yourself.

Zhang Feng's body is strong enough, but his movement skills are too poor, and his movements are relatively clumsy; although his strength is strong, it is limited after all; after a long time, he will not be able to bear it.

Half an hour later, Long Yang yelled: "Poke the ass hole!", and the epee in his hand attacked again.

Zhang Feng hastily swiped the back guard with a heavy hammer, but Long Yang didn't poke his butthole, the sword stopped attacking an inch from Zhang Feng's forehead in an instant.

Zhang Feng shouted angrily: "Lying, playing tricks, what are you capable of!"

"You're really stupid! You don't even know how to cheat." Long Yang looked at Zhang Feng with a shrunken face with a smile.

"Longyang vs. Zhang Feng, Longyang wins." The referee announced.

Ye Ming fights Chen Yun, Ye Ming, the third level of body forging, is good at fast attack, but he can easily defeat Chen Yun with a hundred moves.

In the second round, Longyang fought Chenyun, Niu Lan fought Zhang Feng, and Ye Ming got a bye.

Niu Lan, with a three-layer forged body, is wearing a goose-yellow color-trimmed dress. She has inherited the tall and burly Niu family. She is only 11 years old, but her figure is comparable to that of 14-year-old Zhang Feng; With an iron shield, his right hand is holding a ruler-long black iron dagger behind his back; that posture is quite similar to that of his brother Niu Zhong.

At the beginning, Niu Lan confronted Zhang Feng head-on.Zhang Feng smashed it with a heavy hammer; Niu Lan didn't dodge at all, she raised her shield to block, and took the opportunity to stab straight with the dagger in her hand.Faced with such a fierce woman, Zhang Feng was no stronger than her in strength and martial arts, but her body skills were far inferior to Niu Lan's.After fifty moves, Zhang Feng was forced out of the ring by Niu Lan.This time, Zhang Feng was completely convinced.

The audience in the stands applauded and cheered.

Long Yang faced Chen Yun, and Chen Yun's depression reappeared yesterday.Yesterday, facing the fast attacking Ye Ming, he was in a hurry; today, he was invincible against Longyang;

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