Zhan Ye glanced at Zhan Feng and the others who were hurting towards Heigang City in grief and anger, suddenly revealed his determination, and roared, the secret method of Zhanmen "Wrath of the God of War", unfolded in a fit of anger, blood, spiritual power, and origin power suddenly surged Twice, the berserk and savage aura soared up to the sky, the red robe was swollen and majestic, the eyebrows stood up like needles; the three-foot-three sky ax in his hand swept like a gale, and struck like lightning. Wherever it passed, no zombie was spared, only minced meat, but no corpse; black liquid flowed everywhere.

Victory from thousands of feet away, he glanced at Zhanye and the others, and he knew what Zhanye meant.With a big laugh, "God of War's Wrath" was immediately exhibited, the momentum soared, the angry face was proud, the eyes were wide open, and the whirlwind knife was like a whirlwind, breaking, breaking, breaking, and the zombies would break their waists; 嗤!laugh!laugh!Wherever it is cut, the zombies are split.

The more they fought, the braver they became, and the more they fought, the more fun they became.Large pieces of zombies were harvested, pieces of flesh flew across, and black liquid splashed violently.

Suddenly, there were two screams, sharp and ear-piercing, overwhelming.

Flying Zombies, two Flying Zombies, seeing that the siege of the corpses was ineffective for a while, their body was like a long rainbow, and they streaked across the sky;

Instead of being surprised by the victory, he sneered and made a move of "tornado slash", holding the whirlwind knife tightly with one hand in his right hand, spinning his body, and instantly killing all the zombies within a foot of his body.

Flying stiff had arrived, Sheng Zhan Yangtian let out an arrogant laugh, and immediately withdrew his whole body's defenses.






A heart-piercing sound of grief vibrated the seemingly still space.

At the last moment, Victory locked the enemy with his body, blew himself up with his body and consciousness, and died together with Fei Zang, a tragedy of benevolence.

"Victory! Big brother is coming!" Zhan's ambition was like a knife, and the pain was extremely painful. With a loud shout, he disarmed and rushed to the other flying zombie head-on.



Zhan Feng and the others stabbed their hearts like sharp knives, closed their eyes in grief and indignation, and two lines of tears flowed down their faces.

"Don't worry! We're going to have a big fight."

A sonorous and powerful voice entered the ears of Zhan Feng and the others, and they opened their eyes to take a look.

Long Fei, Long Fei flashed; Zhan Ye, Zhan Ye was not dead; Fei Zong, the one who exploded was actually Fei Zong.




The roaring shouts condensed the anger in his heart.




The strength of the whole body poured into the hands with bulging veins.




The sharp blade in his hand slashed and stabbed wildly, sweeping and cutting.




The corpses of the zombies were broken and fell to the ground in pieces like pushing dominoes, and the black liquid of the zombies had condensed into a river, flowing far away.

Zhanmen's "Wrath of the God of War", full of rage, arrogant fighting spirit, all grief, all anger, vented in the frenzied massacre.

In the battlefield, the three-foot-three sky-opening ax violently shot out the three-foot-three red evil spirit; sweeping, vertical chopping, and spinning; harvesting, absolute harvesting; black liquid splashing violently, and pieces of meat flying wildly.

Zhanfeng, hold the whirlwind knife of victory tightly, the knife rises and falls, rushes wildly, wherever it passes, the ground is covered with flesh and blood, and the corpse fluid is overflowing.

Zhan Qiang and Zhan Yun are like raging lions, people are mad with knives, and there is only one kill word in their hearts. Zombies will not only kill them, but they will also be crushed. The body is covered with mud and corpse fluid, and it is impossible to distinguish its true appearance.

Long Fei, although [-] green frost swords were flying all over the sky, killing all directions in an instant, and enjoying himself, but he looked at the people of Zhanmen with extreme shock, and exclaimed in his heart: "Wrath of the God of War" is strong!

Three days and three nights of madness, three days and three nights of catharsis, tens of millions of zombies were wiped out.

"Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!"

All four members of the Zhanmen fell to the ground, their strength had already been exhausted, and they were fighting alone, their vengeance was avenged, and all enemies were wiped out.What they need is rest.

With a face full of respect, Long Fei and the three of Tian Yougu helped Zhan Ye and the others one by one onto the Qingshuang Sword, which soared to a width of one foot and a length of three feet.Afterwards, Yu Jian flew into the distance.


Climb to Sendai, the Black Tower, the top floor, and the main hall.

In the hundred-foot-large hall, there are only two people and one beastman.One is handsome and evil, wrapped in a black robe; the other has a purple-black cloak, a stiff face, and silver-white eyes.Opposite these two people stood a snake-headed orc with a human body, wearing black clothes with spots, bowed and bowed, and looked at each other.

"What? 2000 million zombies, two big zombies, within three days, they were all wiped out." After the man in the cloak was shocked, a strong murderous aura surged out of his body, and his silver-white eyes were even more cold.

"Corpse King, this matter is absolutely true, I went to investigate it myself." The orc's tone was affirmative.

"Who did it? Do you have any clues?" Yinmu Corpse King asked.

"According to the report from the strange beast in the Heigang City, several human monks appeared near the Heigang City in those few days. Therefore, it is very likely that the human monks did this matter." The orc thought for a while, and then replied.

"If this is the case, then these human monks are really enemies. It seems that the deaths of Zisha and Black Shadow are also very likely to be caused by these people. It is better to kill them by mistake than to let them go. These people will be killed. Corpse King, I am also very saddened by the death of your two beloved generals, and I now make you fully responsible for the killing of these human monks." The black-robed man said with a gloomy face and murderous intent.

"Yes, young master." The silver-eyed corpse king bowed and cupped his hands, and then exited the hall after being ordered.

"Python King, you also need to speed up the matter of unifying the alien beasts. If you have any difficulties or requests, please let me know, and I will fully support you." , Very encouraging words came out immediately.

"Thank you, young master!" The python king's bloodthirsty eyes flashed with excitement.

Ten days later, at night, the night is still very dark, the cold wind is as sharp as a sharp knife, and the poison is misty. This time is the best time for Long Fei to practice "Wind Shadow Art" and absorb the poison to improve his cultivation.But Long Fei was not practicing at this time, but was hiding in a very hidden cave with Zhan Ye and others.The entrance of the cave has been blocked, and there are several large shielding formations.Inside the cave, Long Fei, Zhan Ye and others were sitting around a fire, silently roasting meat and drinking wine.

After a long time, Long Fei threw away the bones in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "I have been looking for several days, but I still haven't seen Li Zhilie, could he be dead?"

"Brother Li is definitely not dead. We have the secret treasure Tian Youhun Jade from Qitang. This jade can store a ray of spiritual consciousness or primordial spirit of a monk. If a monk does not die, the spiritual consciousness or primordial spirit in the soul jade will not be extinguished; once a monk dies, Spiritual consciousness and primordial spirit are separate. This piece of soul jade on my body has a ray of spiritual consciousness left by Brother Li, and his spiritual consciousness is still there, so he must not have died." A monk from Tianyougu said.

This person is called Wang Zan, and he is the eldest disciple of Tianyougu Qitang. He is wearing a black Taoist robe of Tianyougu. He looks quite honest, with a bumpy face.There are three halls under Tianyou Valley, namely Poison Hall, Array Hall and Qi Hall.

"That night, Li Zhilie disappeared without warning. This matter is very strange. Take out the soul jade and see if Li Zhilie's consciousness has changed?"

Zhan Ye frowned, his face was a bit haggard, without the heroism of the past, obviously he hadn't recovered from the influence of the death of defeating him.

Hearing this, Wang Zan nodded, and took out a fist-sized piece of precious jade from the storage bag, which resembled a heart, but was dark green in color with a slight green glow.Wang Zan injected a trace of spiritual power into Baoyu, and moved his lips a few times, obviously performing some kind of secret technique.After a while, the dark green soul jade gradually became transparent, and finally completely transparent.Afterwards, a pale gray figure gradually emerged in the core of the soul jade.After a while, the figure was clearly identifiable, it was Li Zhilie's image.

"Huh! There seem to be black lines on Senior Brother Li's brain that can be seen for a while and then disappear for a while." The thin figure with a horse-faced man in a Taoist robe from the Heavenly Valley said in confusion.This person is Qin Cai, the eldest disciple of Tianyou Valley Array Hall.

"He may have been poisoned." A man of medium build with dark eyes, black mouth, dark gray complexion said.This person is Duguyan, the chief disciple of the Tianyou Valley Poison Hall.

"Senior brother Li's consciousness in my soul jade was left before entering the ancient continent, how could the black line of this consciousness be a sign of poisoning?" Wang Zan said noncommittally.

"Not necessarily, this place is very strange. I have heard from the hall master that there is a legend that there is a kind of poison called "immortality". This poison can not only poison people's consciousness or primordial spirit, but also can chase gods for thousands of miles without dying. And there is no cure. The so-called chasing the soul of thousands of miles means that once a person is poisoned by this poison, not only his own spiritual consciousness or primordial spirit will be poisoned, but also his spiritual consciousness or spiritual thoughts in other places will be poisoned no matter where he is Including the chromium seal of the spiritual consciousness contained in the spiritual beast's spiritual consciousness." A trace of fear appeared on Dugu Yan's dark gray face, and his voice trembled slightly.

Everyone's face became solemn when they heard the words, and then fell silent. The mood of the three people in Tianyougu was extremely low.

"The Corpse King is attacking, run away! Keep heading east, towards the Wanshan League ruins." A floating, gentle voice suddenly entered Long Fei's ears.

Long Fei was shocked immediately, stood up, and shouted: "Quick! Our whereabouts have been discovered by the corpse king, leave here quickly, follow me."

After Long Fei finished speaking, he jumped to the entrance of the cave, put away the shielding formation in an instant, blasted the earth and rocks of the cave with his fist, and flew away with Yujian.

Zhan Ye and the others were stunned for a moment, but immediately jumped up, and Yu Bao hurriedly chased them away.

Facing the bitter cold wind, everyone galloped thousands of miles in the middle of the night. At dawn, they arrived at a grove with withered branches and leaves, yellow and decaying.

At this time, everyone's eyebrows were frosted and disheveled, their faces were dark and slightly scratched, and their clothes were disheveled and tattered, obviously caused by the wind and sand when they fled last night.Then everyone cleared an open space and sat on the ground.

"Young Master Lai, how did you know last night that the corpse king has come to chase us?" Zhan Ye asked casually.

"I have a secret method. After fully operating, I can detect the aura of a powerful enemy within a thousand miles." Long Fei withdrew a lie indiscriminately, and naturally he couldn't say what the Soul King told him.

Everyone heard that it was a secret method, so they didn't ask any more questions, took a rest, ate some wine and food, got up and changed their clothes, and then wanted to leave.

Suddenly, a thick bloodshot, one foot thick, ten feet long dark gray skeleton thighbone flashed from a height of one hundred feet above everyone's heads, and smashed down with the sound of air fluctuations.

"Flash!" Long Fei was the first to notice it, and shouted loudly, "The body is the wind" in "Wind Shadow Jue", his body turned into the wind and flashed to a distance of hundreds of feet.

Zhan Ye and the others each used their best body skills, or vertical, or leaped, or dodged, scattered and plundered.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise!

The skull smashed into the ground as deep as Zhang Xu, gravel was scattered and dust was flying.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The three of Tianyougu's body skills were relatively weak, their bodies only jumped thirty feet, and the scattered stones hit their bodies at once.With a muffled drink, a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Everything is done in a blink of an eye.

"Hmph! I finally found you lowly humans, and you will die now!" A cold, blunt voice came from high above the sky.

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