As soon as the soul king left, Long Fei glanced at the direction where the corpse king fell into the formation, and then unfolded the "Wind Shadow Art", turning into a gust of wind, and drifting to the white stone path on the mountainside thousands of feet away.

Long Fei stood on the stone steps of the white stone path, looking up at the winding white stone path in surprise.I saw that the whole trail was built of white stones three feet long and one foot wide; although it looked very ordinary, there was no sign of damage due to time or catastrophe.

After that, Long Fei bent down in surprise, and touched the white stone on the bottom of his feet with his right hand.This stone has a hint of golden yellow in the white, it is difficult to find if you don't look carefully; the surface is rough, but there is a hint of warmth to the touch.Long Fei was puzzled: this stone will not be destroyed after a long period of time. It is golden in white and has a warm meaning. It should be far better than the black gang stone.No matter, knock a piece first and take it with you, and study it slowly later.

Immediately, Long Fei's spiritual consciousness came out of his body, and he wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to mobilize the white stone on the stone step, but as soon as his spiritual consciousness entered the white stone, he was sucked into the white stone and died like mud entering the sea.Long Fei was shocked, and hastily withdrew his divine consciousness, and turned his Qingshuang sword out of his body to slash one of the white stones, trying to break the integrated structure of the path, so that he could easily take the stone.

"Ding Dong!" With a sound, sparks flashed, and the Qingshuang Sword flew into the air.Baishi didn't move at all, and the overall structure of the trail was not damaged at all.

What a strange thing!Try it with the white glove "Lingyuan Sword", Long Fei thought to himself.

Afterwards, Long Fei's right hand suddenly appeared in the white glove, and a blue and yellow energy sword rushed into the air from the white glove in an instant, and slammed at a white stone with a "swoosh!" "Ding!" With a crisp sound, the "Sword of Lingyuan" still rebounded and flew, in vain; Baishi was naturally not damaged at all.

Long Fei smiled wryly, and sighed in his heart: The ancient things are really miraculous!This stone must be extraordinary, and I can only come back to see if I can get it when I have enough strength in the future.

Afterwards, Long Fei walked up the white stone path step by step.

At the beginning, I was walking in the mountains and forests, enjoying the scenery along the way, when the breeze came, my clothes and hair were lightly fluttering, my spirit was refreshed, and my mood was rare and peaceful, but it was also very comfortable.

When I was ten miles away, I suddenly felt the mountain wind disappear suddenly, and suddenly there was an invisible pressure around my body, and the clothes that were originally light and fluffy immediately clinged to my body.Although Long Fei was surprised, but he knew that there must be a formation here, so he didn't think too much, and still went up leisurely.But after a few miles, the pressure around his body was getting bigger and bigger, and he squeezed his body, making him a little breathless. Long Fei's "Yanyu Sword Art" immediately began to work, and his spiritual power and yuan power flowed through his body, Resist external pressure.

After traveling twenty miles, Long Fei was already sweating profusely, his face was blue, his mouth was black, his veins were bulging, his breathing was short of breath, his feet were squeezed so that it became more and more difficult to move, and even his body trembled abnormally difficult.Long Fei gritted his teeth, and "Yan Yu Jian Jue" ran crazily to the extreme.After walking for another mile, Long Fei's face was extremely ferocious, dense blood spots oozed from the pores on his body surface, and he could no longer move forward half a step.

After another ten miles, you will reach the peak, but you can't move forward, what should you do?Back down the mountain like this?No!no way!The more difficult it is, the more miraculous it is to prove this seal.Without wind and rain, can you see a rainbow?After Long Fei struggled in his heart, he suddenly raised his right foot and climbed up the stone steps in front.


Many blood vessel walls of Long Fei's body were suddenly squeezed with cracks, and the blood in the pores also completely seeped out, connecting into sheets.The feet that can be stepped are suspended in the air, and cannot be stepped forward and landed.

Shocked and helpless, Long Fei withdrew his right foot, his heart was full of disappointment and annoyance, he sighed softly: "Oh!"

"Huh!" Long Fei felt a surprise in his heart, and said to himself, "Could it be so?"

Afterwards, Long Fei cautiously slowed down the running speed of "Yanyu Sword Art", and a smile appeared on Long Fei's blood-stained face.Immediately afterwards, Long Fei gradually slowed down the running speed of "Yanyu Sword Art", and the pressure around his body gradually weakened accordingly.In the end, "Yan Yu Jian Jue" stopped working, and the pressure also disappeared.

"Hehe! This formation is really amazing! Fortunately, I have practiced "Yanyu Sword Art" to have such a powerful sense of consciousness and sensing ability, so that I can instantly sense the slight change in the operation speed of the technique caused by sighing, causing The slight change in the surrounding pressure. Alright! Go up the mountain." Long Fei let out a sigh of relief and said happily to himself.

Long Fei's body was completely relaxed, his spiritual consciousness, spiritual power, and primordial power were all still, just like a mortal climbing up the stone steps step by step with only his strength.With a peaceful mind and an ethereal spirit platform, Long Fei suddenly felt that he was integrated with this mountain instantly, and the every move of countless small animals in the mountain forest was in his senses.At this time, if someone watched Long Fei climb the mountain, they would be stunned, because Long Fei's feet did not touch the ground, but stepped up an inch from the ground, and the speed was as fast as flying; It crashed into the very inconspicuous white stone wall of ten feet high on the top of the peak and disappeared.

What happened, Long Fei seemed to know, but also didn't seem to know. When he woke up from this strange state, he found himself standing in the darkness.Naturally, his spiritual consciousness was sent out to detect, "Ah!" Long Fei couldn't help but screamed.At this moment, Long Fei suddenly felt that both his spiritual consciousness and his physical body were at least [-]% stronger.Long Fei thought to himself: Wealth and wealth are really in danger!Although he died due to poor blood, it was a blessing in disguise.The spiritual consciousness and the flesh god are [-]% stronger, it seems that it only takes a month or two to try to take the "Nine Yang Power Pill" to hit the Yuan Dynasty.

Afterwards, Long Fei took out the Ye Mingzhu to take a photo, only to see himself in a white stone room.The white room is about a hundred feet in size. There is nothing in the room, and the walls, ground, and roof are all built of magical white stones.The soft light of the luminous pearl is reflected by the white stone, and the whole stone chamber is as bright as day, extremely bright.At this moment, Long Fei was only staring at one place, which was the room wall opposite him.There was nothing on the wall, only two palm prints three feet wide and three inches deep.Long Fei stood still in the stone room, motionless, his eyes didn't even blink, he stared straight at the palm print.It's a pity that no matter how concentrated Long Fei was, the palm prints were just palm prints, and there was no abnormal phenomenon, let alone the slightest clue.Long Fei tried to probe into a palm print with a ray of spiritual consciousness, but just like the first detection of Baishi, as soon as the spiritual consciousness entered the palm print, Baishi was sucked into it and disappeared.Afterwards, Long Fei walked to the side of the palm print and touched it with his right hand, it was still the same as touching a white stone, except for a warm surprise, there was nothing special about it.

"The soul king said that there is a method of breaking the sky seal. After thinking about it, it refers to these two palm prints. But I have tried the method just now, but there is no phenomenon! This senior who left the seal is too exaggerated. !" Long Fei was puzzled, and murmured to himself in depression.

Long Fei watched patiently for a long time, but still had no results, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: Alas!It seems that you can't rush too much, everything depends on fate.

"Hey! It stinks! It's itchy all over the body, just now it was sweaty and bloody; why don't you take a bath and change your clothes, maybe once you feel comfortable all over, you can get a glimpse of the mystery. That's right, that's it! After Long Fei muttered to himself, he took out a large bathtub from the storage bag, and then took out bags of water and poured them into the wooden barrel.After pouring the water, he stripped his whole body naked, jumped into the barrel, and took a bath facing the palm prints.

Long Fei hummed a ditty while taking a bath, and shouted "Sweet!" from time to time.Shuang is very refreshing, comfortable is very comfortable, but after taking a bath for nearly an hour, I did not find the slightest mystery of the palm prints.

"Damn it! My skin was wrinkled after taking a bath, but I still got nothing. Wan Shanmeng couldn't have created two broken palm prints to fool his disciples to show that his sect's profound and profound spells!" Long Fei couldn't help cursing.

Afterwards, Long Fei jumped out of the bathtub, changed into clean clothes, glanced casually at the blood-stained clothes just changed, was startled, slapped his forehead, and shouted excitedly: "That's right! Why didn't I just change?" Think about it?"

Immediately, Long Fei's physical body was completely relaxed, his spiritual consciousness, spiritual power, and primordial power were all still, his mind was peaceful, his spiritual platform was ethereal, and he looked at his palm prints.

At this time, the two palm prints gradually became blurred, and one of them turned into five beige shadows the size of palms.Of the five pictures and shadows, four of them are exactly the same as the four engraved pictures of Laoshan Potianyin, except that there is a third one added.

The first one is called prostration, the half-naked old man puts his hands on the ground, and the palms are pressed to the ground; The old man lifts his hands to the sides of the body and pushes them outwards, his shoulders are in line with his hands, with the palms facing outwards; the fourth picture is called Nahai, the old man's hands are bent, the forearms are parallel to the chest, and the palms are facing the chest and two ru*heads; the fifth It is called Pokong, with both hands parallel and pushing the palms forward.

The five pictures and shadows were transformed into a ring in an instant, and the ring rotated rapidly to form a beige cylinder.The cylinder gradually shrunk, then shrank suddenly, turning into a little finger-thick, yellow stream of information rushing into Long Fei's left temple.Long Fei felt dizzy all of a sudden, and after a while, the five images were clearly condensed into the sea of ​​consciousness.Afterwards, Long Fei began to cultivate naturally, prostrate on the ground, support the sky, open mountains, accept seas, and break through the sky.At the beginning, it was stiff, stiff, and slow; after that, it gradually became smoother, more coordinated, and the speed gradually became faster.Two hours later, he prostrated himself on the ground, supported the sky, opened the mountain, took in the sea, and pierced the air, all in one go, "Boom!" There was a loud sound, and the two dark gray palm prints were pushed out instantly, the air flow surged wildly, and there was a whistling sound, "Bang!" !" With a loud sound, two dark gray palm prints violently hit the two palm prints on the wall of the room, and the entire stone room was suddenly shaken violently.


After the earthquake in the stone room, the wall of the opposite room unexpectedly split a zhang-wide crack between the two palm prints, revealing a dark hole.

After Long Fei was surprised, he walked into the black hole cautiously and slowly with Ye Mingzhu.The spiritual consciousness also expanded accordingly, and the hole was about nine miles in size, the walls were all flat stone walls, the ground was dry and there were many piles of dust.Needless to say, these dust particles are objects from ancient times that have been obliterated over time.Long Fei walked slowly in the cave. Although his consciousness covered the entire black hole, he still couldn't penetrate some subtle things, so Long Fei decided to search carefully in the cave.Taking advantage of the soft light of the night pearl, Long Fei carefully searched everything in the cave.Half an hour later, Long Fei searched to the left side of the stone wall, only to find a piece of text carved with a sharp knife on the stone wall, which turned out to be a poem:

Swipe a pen to give to my junior sister; Gemini has a beautiful woman.

Take a look at the city of Qingren; then look at the country of Qingren.

Alluring the city and all over the country; I love the beautiful cloud rhyme.

Twin Sect, Wind Valley.

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