Ten Realms Cultivation of Gods

Chapter 103 Alchemy Test Medicine

After some careful identification, it was confirmed that the herbs in front of him were really aged for more than a hundred years, Yuan Qi was dumbfounded, showing an expression of disbelief.

"Didn't it mean that the effect of pouring the power into the medicinal herbs is not obvious? Could it be—"

He suddenly remembered that piece of psychic jade, as if grasping something, his heart was beating non-stop.

"It must be the blue energy of the psychic jade. After being reconciled and stimulated by mana, it is absorbed by the medicinal herbs and accelerates its growth."

He murmured excitedly, and looked inside the jade again, and saw that the luster on the surface of the jade was now dim, obviously after the day of the full moon, there was no blue light.After studying for a while, he took off these hundred-year-old medicinal herbs and preserved them, and decided to refine a few pills to see how effective they were.Only by ensuring that there is no problem with the efficacy of the medicine will he be more at ease.

In the past year, although he managed the medicine garden, he also learned a lot about alchemy from his usual studies and witnessing many senior brothers' operations in the alchemy room.

First of all, the three most basic elements of alchemy, namely the cauldron, materials, and fire, cannot make alchemy without one of the three.This sounds simple, but the knowledge is great.The cauldron furnace alone is good or bad. The better the material of the cauldron furnace, the more perfect the effect of the elixir will be.As for the materials, it is natural to use the corresponding materials to refine any kind of elixir.

And the most important thing that determines the success or failure of alchemy is fire. What kind of fire is used to make alchemy determines the efficacy of the elixir and the length of time for alchemy.Take the alchemy room he was in as an example, the most commonly used is to burn some special wood, which produces endless flames.According to a brother, this kind of wood is very good, and there is not much smoke when it burns. The temperature of the flame produced is very high, and the burning time is also long. Generally, the fire of this kind of wood is used for alchemy in sects.

In addition to this kind of external fire produced by burning external objects, there are three other fire veins that can be used for alchemy, namely human fire, earth fire and sky fire.There are many divisions of human fire. After the advanced stage of foundation building, monks can stimulate the energy of the dantian to produce a kind of fire energy. When this fire is stimulated, they can make alchemy. It's just that the monks with extremely high cultivation levels are fine, but the cultivation base People with lower levels think that the firepower is not strong and it consumes mana, so not many monks are willing to use this method to make alchemy.If one really cultivates to the highest level and emits the real fire of samadhi, then the flame at that time is of course the best for alchemy.

In addition to this kind in the human fire, there are also people who specialize in cultivating special flame weapons.Part of the flame energy can not only be used to fight against the enemy, but also more than enough to be used for alchemy when it is trained to great power.

As for the earth fire and sky fire, they can actually be called natural fire veins.Through understanding, Yuan Qi discovered that the ground fire is actually a kind of magma-like fire vein, which is very similar to the ground fire that he saw in the flaming cave of Wancao Mountain in the mortal world.These are a kind of fire veins that are naturally generated after a certain number of years of precipitation and accumulation. Like the alchemy room he is in, there is also a ground fire pool, but where, given his current status, it is unknown.

The sky fire, which is opposite to the earth fire, is actually easy to understand, it is a kind of fire vein that descends from the sky.This kind of fire is extremely rare, and it is the least common alchemy fire.Skyfire often appears in special periods, such as after thunder and lightning, and the time is short, which can be encountered but not sought.After Yuan Qi first learned about Skyfire, he couldn't help but think of the big fireballs that rumbled down from the sky when he occasionally dreamed.

In addition to the three basic conditions for alchemy, the second is the experience of alchemy.This is the most difficult and most laborious condition.The amount of experience in alchemy determines the degree of mastery of the alchemy heat, and also determines the quality of alchemy.The reason why some pills are not effective after refining is not because the materials are not good, but because your alchemy skills are too poor.Therefore, many sects will train specialized alchemists to ensure the quality of the pills. After all, even if there are resources, they cannot be wasted without hesitation.

Now, although Yuan Qi has enough knowledge about alchemy, he has not refined elixir by himself, so he is not in a hurry to use these centuries-old herbs for alchemy immediately, but within the next month, He went to the alchemy room repeatedly, and found a kind-hearted senior brother Zhang who specialized in his experience in alchemy, and even tried to make the easiest elixir with his own hands.

After such a toss, the hard work paid off, and Yuan Qi really had a little confidence in alchemy.So on this day, he secretly dug a cellar in a hidden space in the medicine garden, and took out the cauldron he got in the mortal world.

Seeing this cauldron, Yuan Qi couldn't help but think of the scene where Baihua young lady and Hu Laoer were refining Duoshe Dan on the top of Baihua Palace, and also thought of the dead adoptive parents, feeling sad for a while.

But it only took a while, and he skipped it.He took out some firewood stolen from the alchemy room, put it under the cauldron, and ignited it with a fireball.

After doing all this, he took out those centuries-old medicinal herbs and put them into the cauldron all at once.

The elixir he is now refining is exactly what he has been trying in the alchemy room called Zhuangjing elixir. This elixir is very easy to refine, because the required herbs are all within ten years, so it is relatively easy to prepare. Common, after eating it can make people more energetic, and it is usually sold by monks to mortals for physical fitness.

However, Yuan Qi's thinking is relatively simple. He is now using centuries-old medicinal herbs, and the elixir he refines must be more effective than ordinary strong essence elixir.If there is no good effect as imagined, it can only prove that the effect of these herbs ripened by blue air is not good at all, so there is no need to waste time thinking about other things.

The flames under the cauldron made a whistling sound, and the smoke was thin and thin.Yuan Qi watched the situation of the cauldron closely, for fear that there might be a slight mistake.

After about two hours in this way, white hot air came out from several holes on the side of the cauldron, more and more, and then more than a dozen clear and muffled ding dong sounds came out.

With a puff, Yuan Qi extinguished the large area of ​​flames under the cauldron furnace. He didn't rush to open the furnace lid, but waited for the heat to dissipate.

After a quarter of an hour, the white air emitted from the hole finally became lighter.With excitement, Yuan Qi grabbed the furnace cover and looked intently. Inside the cauldron, there were fifteen or six round, thumb-sized black pills crowded together. Fragrance hits frequently.

He smiled knowingly, took out a porcelain bottle, filled these pills one after another, left the cellar, and returned to the hut.

Sitting on the bed, he poured out a strong elixir, felt the elixir that was still warm, smiled, and swallowed it without hesitation, and then began to meditate with luck.

After the Fanyang Jue circulated for a week, Yuan Qi slowly opened his eyes with a strong smile on his face.

"Sure enough, it is many times stronger than the ordinary Zhuang Jing Dan, and even the mana has improved."

Finally proved the actual effect of the herb, he couldn't hide his excitement any longer, and laughed out loud in the room alone.

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