Ten Realms Cultivation of Gods

Chapter 118 Canglong White Jade Blade

Half a day later, Yuan Qi walked out of Ziyun Pavilion, looked back at the tall building, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.After a while, he turned around and walked to the side street.

He deliberately chooses crowded places, turns left and right, and when he encounters something curious, he will stop, take a look, play with it, and then walk away.

After this chaotic toss, the sky was getting late, and bright moonstones were lit up on both sides of the street.After finally confirming that no one was targeting him, he changed his direction, returned to the largest inn in the city, and randomly called for a guest room.

Yuan Qi sat cross-legged on the bed, and was not in a hurry to do other things, but started to meditate using the Fanyang formula.

One week passed, and he slowly recuperated. First, he used his spiritual sense to carefully spy on the surroundings of the house. Seeing that there was nothing special about it, he casually cast an almost transparent air shield to separate the entire interior space from the outside world. isolated.

Speaking of which, this method of sealing the space is an extremely simple forbidden spell that Yuan Qi learned during his time at Sanyangmen. Basically, monks with a little foundation can use it, but because of the level of cultivation, it is only because of the level of cultivation that it is used. The isolation effect is different.

Seeing that the gas mask was stable, Yuan Qi nodded in satisfaction, then took out seven identical pure white exquisite daggers from the storage bag, twisted his hands, and opened them like a feather fan. He stared at these daggers as if admiring a piece. Chun Meiyu had an imperceptible look of joy on his face.

This dagger was exactly the item in the third brocade box that Zi Xin took out, it was called the Canglong White Jade Blade, and it was a real treasure that was much more powerful than the best real weapon.

Speaking of real treasures, as the name suggests, they are of course the treasures of real weapons.The difference between real treasures and real weapons is that all real treasures need to practice a set of secrets in advance before they can be controlled. No.

In addition, the materials and means of refining real treasures are much more difficult than refining real treasures. The materials needed for real treasures are made by adding special substances and then tempered by certain means.And the next refining stage is an extremely complicated process.This is not as simple as 49 days on July 81 and [-] days on September [-]. It requires monks who are in the late stage of foundation establishment and have extremely high attainments in refining weapons to nourish them with their own mana from time to time, just like taking care of the seedlings of medicinal herbs.

This process can be regarded as extremely worrying, and it takes a very long time.It is said that it takes more than ten years for some real treasures to be refined, which shows that they are extraordinary.

There are also restrictions on the use of real treasures. In addition to learning its unique manipulation method, the user's spiritual consciousness must also be strong enough.If a person with insufficient spiritual consciousness can control it, it is only for a very short period of time. If it is used forcibly, it will cause a great loss of spiritual consciousness, which is extremely detrimental to the monk himself.

It is precisely because the real treasures have these restrictions, and the conditions for their forging are so harsh, so the real treasures are rare in the world of comprehension.

Just imagine, the monks are struggling to improve their cultivation realm. With all the time and energy, it is better to refine a few batches of pills and meditate in a down-to-earth manner. Who would waste time here for no reason? For this kind of laborious and laborious refining of real weapons, it is enough to use a few top-quality real weapons.

Even so, Yuan Qi was still a little puzzled. Since the monks were busy meditating and practicing in order to improve their realm, why did these true treasures still exist?

He asked this question, and Zi Xin happily answered his doubts.

It turns out that in the world of comprehension, many people who refine true treasures are late-stage foundation-building monks who know that their longevity is approaching, but they have not yet been able to form alchemy or ascend to the upper realm.After exhausting all kinds of methods, they saw that they still had no hope of forming alchemy, and they could not find the boundary point of ascension to the upper realm, so they saved their limited time and prepared to refine one or several true treasures to pass on to others. Self-defense for future generations.After all, the power of this real treasure is no small matter.

Like the real treasure of the Canglong White Jade Blade in Yuan Qi's hands, it was refined by a certain late-stage foundation-building monk in Ziyun Pavilion.Although it may not be in the forefront of all real treasures, it is at least much better than the ultimate real weapon.

Canglong Baiyuren, the reason why it is called this name naturally has a reason.Just look at the appearance of these seven small blades, which look like beautiful jade, pure and flawless, exquisite with dexterity, pure with delicateness, the word white jade comes from this.

In addition, after mastering the method of this set of real treasures, with a little manipulation, the combined power of the seven small blades can be aroused, and the seven white jade blades can be combined into a vigorous sword that looks like a raptor. When attacking the enemy, Just like the roar of the blue dragon, it is mighty and unyielding, so there is the word "canglong".

The Canglong White Jade Blade also has a special feature. After activating the Dharma Gate, it can automatically activate the spell formation it carries to create a small phantom formation to confuse the opponent.

However, although a true treasure like the Canglong White Jade Blade is powerful, it is not an invincible existence, and it will still be limited by the monk's cultivation.If people with almost the same level of cultivation fight against each other, they will naturally be able to win by surprise and play a role in turning the world around.But if the gap is large, it is another matter.

Of course, Zixin wouldn't talk too much about the flaws of the real treasure, she boasted that the real treasure was rare in the sky and unparalleled on earth, making the other party think that with this thing, they could dominate the cultivation world, and they could sit back and relax from now on.

Yuan Qi is not so short-sighted, he has his own ideas, things in this world are one thing and one thing, there is no absolute thing, but his rare treasures, although breaking certain rules and restrictions, are still subject to the laws of time. constraints.It can be seen that nothing is absolute.

However, when he really ascended to the God Realm and advanced to the Real God Realm many years later, when he recalled the thoughts at this time, he couldn't help but feel that he was really a frog at the bottom of the well.

But this is all for later, at least for now Yuan Qi still has his own little thoughts, even if Zi Xin doesn't brag, he has already decided to buy this thing.

In addition to this Canglong White Jade Blade, he also bought the other Huoyun True Artifact and the Great Forbidden Rune.This made Miss Zi on the opposite side laugh from ear to ear. Her mouth was a bit big, but it got bigger with a smile.

At this moment, while playing with the seven small blades in his hand, Yuan Qi was thinking about using twenty boxes of mature Mengyou grass in exchange for these three powerful things. He was overjoyed and paid more attention to the mature herbs.

"This medicinal herb is so valuable, it seems that it is better not to take it out randomly like this in the future, so as not to be encountered by the monks in the foundation establishment period and suffer unreasonable disasters."

After he finished talking to himself, he put away the Canglongbai jade blade, turned his palm over again, and two jade stones, one green and one red, appeared in his palm.

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