
Yuan Qi's tone was filled with shock and doubt. Through the hazy night, he could feel that Tao Yan'er was a little reserved and awkward.

Since he joined the Sanyangmen, he has recognized the theory of inner demons.When cultivators generally practice, they need to have a quiet state of mind, that is, to have a peaceful mind, to embrace the essence and keep one, and to get rid of all distracting thoughts. Only in this way can the cultivation be effective.

If there are too many distracting thoughts, one carelessness may produce the so-called demons.If you are accidentally possessed by a demon, unless you eradicate the demon as soon as possible, you will suffer from a serious illness and regress your cultivation base; in severe cases, you will suffer from insanity, dance wildly and self-torture your body, and finally bleed to death from your seven orifices.Especially when breaking through the realm, the inner demon is a powerful resistance to the monk's advancement.

The distracting thoughts that cause demons are affected by the different emotions of the monks themselves, and they manifest in various forms.The demons manifested by hatred will have strong resentment, while the demons produced by yearning will be very lingering, the demons produced by joy will be more crazy, and so on.

It is precisely because of the existence of frightening things like heart demons that monks generally choose quiet and undisturbed places for retreat and practice.At the same time, before practicing, one should also adjust one's state of mind to the best state, without any emotional entanglement. After all, no one wants to be taken into the body by such things as inner demons because of some troublesome things.

Yuan Qi thought about these things about inner demons, and his heart was like a flood. He never expected that he would become Tao Yan'er's inner demons. Could it be that this girl has become a partner with others, but she still can't forget him?

Thinking of these, he is full of sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty.

However, as long as he kissed her, he could relieve the other party's demons?

Thoughtful, he did not rush to do so, but changed his tone and asked:

"Junior sister's request really surprised me. Is there no other way to solve the demon?"

At this time, Tao Yan'er seemed to be a little shy about what she said just now, and when she heard Yuan Qi's words, she lowered her head and said eloquently:

"Senior brother, actually since Wancao Mountain collected herbs and returned to Baihua Palace, I have developed an inexplicable affection for you. It is not an exaggeration to say that I like you. However, when Yu Mochen came during the martial arts competition, But it tied my heart firmly. Although he cast a spell on me at the beginning, which made me have endless affection for him, since I entered the world of cultivation, I gradually found that I really fell in love with him. It is precisely because of this that I agreed to double cultivation with him and seek the Dao together."

She paused for a while, then continued:

"However, Senior Brother, you have always held a place in my heart. I remember that when the foundation was established, you appeared in my illusion as a demon in my heart. The Anshen Pill that I took took effect, and I managed to get rid of my inner demons, and I was able to advance to the foundation-building stage. But when I thought about it later, I was very scared, even now, every time I practice now, your inner demons will still It appears from time to time, if it weren't for the Peiyuan Pill that my husband gave me to eat, my cultivation would not have improved. However, recently, the pill has not worked for me at all, which has aroused my husband's suspicion. Ask me, I didn't tell him this. I was just afraid that he would be jealous. So, this is-"

Although Tao Yan'er's words were long, her tone was extremely weak, and her voice dropped as she continued to speak some words.Before she finished speaking, Yuan Qi interrupted her, not letting her continue:

"So, you are inviting me here now, just to get rid of your demons?!"

"Yes. Brother, please help me. If my cultivation cannot improve at all, then my husband will be more suspicious of me. You have also seen that this time he came to Luoyang City to auction an item. Although he The mistress came, but sent that girl Qiangwei to watch over me, making me a little timid to do anything."

Tao Yan'er said sadly, looking very pitiful.

"That girl is only in the Qi training period, and you are in the foundation building period, are you still afraid of her?"

Yuan Qi suddenly asked in confusion.

"You don't know, Yu Mochen is afraid that I will have a different intention, so he planted a heart-locking worm in my body. This kind of worm is usually harmless, but if it is driven by a specific method, it will make people lose their mana. But that girl will use this method of repelling insects."

When Tao Yan'er said this, her voice trembled a little, and she regained her composure after a while.

Yuan Qi could clearly see her strangeness, he couldn't help frowning, and lowered his head in thought.

Tao Yan'er couldn't see his expression, but seeing that he didn't speak, she showed a trace of anxiety, and whispered:

"Senior Brother Yuan, you—"

"Hehe, Junior Sister, what do you mean, as long as I kiss you, I will be able to release your inner demons, and I will never stop your cultivation career from now on? Right!? But how did I hear that to eliminate inner demons, Do you have to get rid of that heart demon?"

Yuan Qi raised his head suddenly, his eyes were shining brightly, in the dark night, two rays of light like cold stars could be seen, but his tone of voice was smiling, and his bright white teeth were exposed.

Tao Yan'er didn't have any doubts about his sudden change, she just turned around slightly, and sighed faintly:

"It seems that senior brother doesn't believe me anymore. Do I have the intention of harming senior brother? I have said so much just now, and I have explained my own situation to you clearly. Don't you believe me?"

"Since the junior sister said so, of course the senior brother can't be unreasonable, so let's come and let me dispel your demons."

Seeing the other party like this, Yuan Qi suddenly took a step forward for no reason, and suggested without any nonsense.

"Brother, really, really want to? Sister, I really want to thank you, please accept my worship first."

Tao Yan'er turned around in surprise, her tone full of excitement.

"Of course, time is running out, so I'd better stop entrusting you, junior sister, in case things change later."

"Oh, senior brother, why are you so impatient all of a sudden, at least let me stabilize my mind for a while?"

Yuan Qi didn't answer, but stepped forward, wrapped one arm around Tao Yan'er's slender waist, and with the other finger, using the faint light, hooked the other's sharp chin, looking for the other's lips , the head gradually leaned over.

Tao Yan'er had already closed her eyes, but Yuan Qi opened a pair of bright black eyes, with the corners of her mouth tilted, revealing a cold smile.

"Senior brother, come on!"

Tao Yan'er raised her chin and murmured softly to herself.

One second, ten seconds, 20 seconds, Tao Yan'er felt that the other party's lips were not close yet, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious, opened her eyes, and saw the other party watching her closely, with a slight sneer on her face.

"Brother, what are you? You—ah!"

When she saw the other party's expression, her heart was shocked for no reason, and she wanted to break free with all her strength, but found that she couldn't move. She was so surprised that she just wanted to cry out, but Yuan Qi slowly withdrew her hands, and looked at the other party coldly. A big rock in the distance said:

"My friend behind the stone, why don't you come out and see me?"

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