He guessed right, it was indeed Shi Ting's chassis.

Yuan Qi used both hands and feet, like a loach, groping along the bottom of the pavilion.Finally, one of his hands grasped the edge of Shiting.

At this time, he was holding his breath and was on the verge of collapse. The countless suffocation accumulated in his chest would cause him to be unable to breathe, and he might suffocate to death at any time.

Seeing that he was about to escape from the bottom of the lake, he felt relieved and pulled himself up with all his strength.First, the arm came out through the water, and then the head also got out.

Yuan Qi didn't care about anything else, first he took a few mouthfuls of fresh air, then randomly grabbed the protruding stones beside the stone pavilion, and was about to jump up.

A big hand suddenly appeared on the sole of his feet, with five fingers clenched tightly, it grabbed his ankle.

Yuan Qi, who was jumping vigorously upwards, was short in stature, his heart was shocked, and immediately desperately grasped the protruding stone tightly, using the martial arts and running skills he learned in the mortal world, his legs twisted and flicked strangely , slipping out of the big hand like a loach.Immediately afterwards, he exerted a little force on his waist, thumped, and finally jumped out of the water. With a bang, his feet landed firmly in the stone pavilion, and the water dripping all over his body fell on the ground, making a rattling sound. .

At this time, Yuan Qicai felt a little terrified when he thought of the thing that grabbed him just now.

Based on his feeling, he felt that it was not a monster, but a human hand.

Could it be a water ghost?

Yuan Qi thought with some horror, and soon shook his head with a wry smile.He quickly glanced around, and saw a quiet place, revealing a strange tranquility, like a dead lake, and the cold air emerging from the lake added to the strangeness of the place.The weirdest thing is that the thing that grabbed me just now didn't get out immediately, and I don't know what it was thinking.

He mobilized his mana secretly, and saw that his body seemed to be hollowed out, empty, and there was still no sign of mana appearing.Yuan Qi was horrified. Obviously, the entire area of ​​the small lake was cut off by mana. Unexpectedly, this place is so mysterious. What is this place?What is at the bottom of this lake?

Just thinking about it, there was a splashing sound in the lake, and a series of coughing sounds came out of the lake.

"Help, save—life. Fellow Daoist Yuan, save me—go ashore, at the bottom of the lake—there is a mysterious ice-cold air that can isolate monks' mana, and there is also a mysterious ice beast. Ah—help—me."

The voice yelled twice, as if finding Yuan Qi on the stone pavilion, he immediately yelled, his words full of fear.However, he only uttered a few words, as if he was submerged in the water again, and his words were intermittent and very incomplete.

Yuan Qi hurriedly looked, and could only vaguely see a black figure shining with light blue light struggling in the lake not far from Shiting, sometimes emerging from the water, sometimes submerged, very embarrassed, it was That clone of Yu Mochen.

"Ice-cold Qi? Ice Beast? Where have you heard of it?"

Yuan Qi muttered these two names in a low voice, as if he hadn't heard Yu Mochen's words, he wished that Yu Mochen would die in the lake, so as not to cause him any disadvantage.Speaking of it, he was a little bit chilled at the thought of his own trouble at first, but after thinking about it later, he felt that this is the way of the world. If you save him, the other party may not be grateful, and it is common for him to beat him up.Based on this understanding, coupled with my own indifferent heart, I am not so uncomfortable. I even hope that Yu Mochen will be killed by the monsters in the lake as soon as possible.

However, what exactly are the Xuanbing Chill and Xuanbing Beast?

He found a place to sit in the stone pavilion, he couldn't use mana anyway, and he couldn't get away from the lake, so he simply waited here first, and cooled his clothes by the way, and then figured out a solution after dawn.

Speaking of it, although it was cold here, and Yuan Qi was naked, he didn't feel cold at all in his body.He has already guessed that this is the effect of the strange constant temperature function of the psychic jade, just as he was not afraid of the burning fire in the fire cave in the mortal world.

Yuan Qi was extremely thankful that he was not drowned and froze to death. While twisting the water on his clothes, he tried hard to recall the large number of books he had read before, wanting to determine what the mysterious ice cold air and the mysterious ice beast were. .

Xuanbing cold air?Xuan Bing?chill?Eh, could it be——in the dark night, two bright lights suddenly appeared in his eyes, and his body trembled unknowingly.He suddenly remembered that these two things seemed to be mentioned in the "Shenxian Zhi" given to him by the Daoist Baopuzi before he entered the cultivation world.

The Xuanbing cold air seems to be a kind of extremely cold air produced by the extremely cold Xuanbing air eye, usually in the middle of the night, when the Xuanbing cold air erupts the strongest.

"Looking at the appearance of the cold wind blowing on the surface of the lake, the air hole that produces the cold air should be at the bottom of the lake."

Yuan Qi muttered, looking at the lake, a little dazed.

Speaking of this cold air, it is not that the monk's mana really disappears, but because the cold air is too strong, and the monk himself cannot resist the cold air entering the body, so the mana in the body is temporarily frozen, so that no matter what It is impossible to play half a point.

However, when the temperature rises at dawn, the power of the mysterious cold air will be greatly weakened. At this time, the monks whose mana is imprisoned will naturally return to normal.

Of course, the premise for this to return to normal is that the monk's body has not been damaged by freezing or attacked by foreign objects in the cold air of Xuanbing.Based on this point, I have to talk about the Xuanbing Beast that was produced by relying on the cold air of Xuanbing.

In the book of Immortals, although the Xuanbing cold air is said to be extremely strange, and it makes many monks change their expressions, but the most frightening and even fatal disaster is the area around the air eye that produces the Xuanbing cold air. A mysterious ice beast that has been bred for thousands of years.

It is said that the Xuanbing beast looks very similar to the white-haired gorilla, and it is born by relying on the cold air of the Xuanbing. Speaking of which, it cannot be regarded as a kind of real beast, because they do not rely on the true energy field of the cultivation world to survive, but use the The cold air of Xuanbing is the source of life, and when the cold air is thicker, it is also the time when they are most brave and cruel.Therefore, there are many unlucky monks who are accidentally planted in the cold air of Xuanbing. Even if they have special treasures to keep their bodies from being frozen, if they encounter Xuanbing beasts, they will only be ashamed. .

The more Yuan Qi thought about it, the more frightened he became. Thinking of the big hand that grabbed his calf when he swam up with all his strength just now, he couldn't help but shudder. After doing weird running skills, he must have been dragged down and dismembered long ago. How can he sit here like this now, thinking about some nonsense things.

He secretly called out his luck, and couldn't sit still any longer.I seem to be safe in this stone pavilion, but I have to be vigilant against the Xuanbing Beast at all times. It is the middle of the night, so don't be jumped up by it. If there is a fight, there may not be anything Good luck.

He stood up and looked towards the lake, seeing that after so long, the sound of rain and mochen had disappeared long ago, and he didn't know if he had already drowned, or was eaten by the mysterious ice beast.In short, the entire lake is now in a state of tranquility.

Yuan Qi stared at the lake closely without daring to be negligent, and occasionally looked at the sky in the east, hoping that the sky would lighten up soon.


After an unknown amount of time, a faint light appeared on the horizon, making the world less dark, and dawn seemed to be coming soon.

Yuan Qi still maintains a vigilant posture, staring at the lake surface unrelentingly.However, his palm was placed flat on the dantian, and some white light was slowly recovering. It was his frozen magic power. At this moment, there were signs of loosening.

He was secretly urging his luck, and suddenly—the sound of a heavy object splashing out of water appeared in his ears, and then, after a burst of rain-like splashing, a huge white fluffy monster appeared in front of him. Ten feet in front of Yuan Qi.

"Mysterious Ice Beast!"

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