Ten Realms Cultivation of Gods

Chapter 135 Trading Conference

In the hall on the first floor of the Wanbao Hall in Luoyang City, at this moment, there are more than a hundred monks shuttling back and forth non-stop.Look at these people walking around in a hurry, as if there is something urgent.

The entrance of Wanbao Palace is also full of people coming and going, coming in and out, it is really lively.At the stairs, there were monks going up and down non-stop, jostling to and fro, some anxiously scrambling upwards, and some running down with joy or disappointment.

Looking at this kind of scene, it seems that there is something upstairs in the Wanbao Palace that makes them either excited or helpless.

On one side of the hall, in front of the counter where Yuan Qi had visited once before, there were several long queues. It was the same as what happened in the Ziyun Pavilion, and it was obvious that real stones were being delivered.However, there is something different in that there is a beautiful female nun standing next to each monk, which is very strange.

However, if you look at the person who is checking out at the front, you can immediately find the tricks.

It turns out that all the things that the monk wants to trade are in the hands of the female nun next to him. The monk first handed over the real stone, and then the female nun will take out an item from the storage bag and give it to the monk. , are all packed in a box or something, this box has a small formation that prohibits the prying of the spirit, outsiders can't see what's inside, obviously to prevent unpleasantness during the transaction preventive measures.

Near the counter, about two or three feet away, stood a thick pillar about two meters high. The pillar was topped with a huge boulder made of special stone. The surface of the boulder shone with a faint white light, which seemed full of spirituality.

Around the round stone, there were thirty or forty male and female monks, both in the Qi training stage and in the foundation building stage.These people all looked up at the boulder, as if there was some strange treasure on it, which attracted their attention very much.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man in his 40s with a cultivation level of only five levels of qi training was crossing his arms and staring at the round stone with a cold expression.

The middle-aged man was Yuan Qi after his disguise. He left the inn early in the morning and went straight to the Wanbao Palace, preparing to participate in the once-a-month trading conference.He was also very careful along the way, for fear of being discovered by interested people.

However, he was obviously a bit overwhelmed, because no one on the street cared about him at all, and they all ran towards the Wanbao Palace in a row, and it seemed that they all went to participate in the trade conference.

While this made him feel relieved, he was a little suspicious.Is every trading conference so lively?

He stopped a person to inquire casually, and he knew the whole story.It turned out that there were many treasures that had never been seen before at this trade conference.Even the number of good-looking and beautiful furnaces with high qualifications has increased a lot. These people go to see these things, whether to buy them or not is another matter.

After Yuan Qi inquired clearly, he couldn't help feeling a little speechless, the people here are really lively!However, in this way, he continued to move forward slowly without paying attention.He mainly wanted to buy a good flying machine, and to see if there were other good things by the way, but he had no interest in joining in the fun.

When he finally arrived at Wanbao Hall, he was overwhelmed by the aura of people coming and going here. It was even more lively than the market. There were monks everywhere, all kinds of cultivation levels, and some mortals watching the excitement , really responded to that sentence: fish and dragons mixed together.

Walking into the hall, he saw that many monks would go to the ball next to the counter to have a look, so he also walked over curiously, only to find that what was said on the ball were some details of the trading conference and A diagram of the trading area, apparently a guidebook or something.

From his eyes, he can see a plane spread out like a book page, covered with densely packed handwriting, and there is also a graph drawn, which is clearly marked:

"Second floor, Zhenfu trading area, third floor, Zhen** trading area... Fifth floor, real artifact trading area... Tenth floor, furnace cauldron trading area..."

Obviously, this graphic is to remind all the monks participating in the trading conference what kind of items can be traded on each floor.The description is very detailed, and looking at the distribution of the trading area, it is obvious that it covers everything. Almost everything is traded, and there is even a special area for the dual-repair furnace.

He was very curious about this white sphere, because no matter from which angle you looked at it, it was a plane. I don’t know what kind of material this weird thing is made of, but it can be viewed in all directions. Really learned a lot.

At the same time, by browsing the words written on the ball, he also had a little understanding of the trading conference.Needless to say, this trading conference is really spectacular. Not only is there only one type of item traded on each floor, but the trading method is also very special.

There are many trade booths on each floor, and each trade booth only has a few items.At the same time, several monks were sent by the Wanbao Temple to guard. If someone took a fancy to a certain item in a certain booth, they could deliver the real stone to the first floor under the leadership of a female nun.

Of course, since it is a trade conference, the exhibits in the booth are naturally treasures.These treasures are basically the trading items entrusted by some sects or monks in advance before the trading conference. They greeted Wan Baodian in advance, signed a guarantee contract, and settled after the transaction was completed.

Seeing this, Yuan Qi naturally thought that Tao Yan'er and Qiangwei must have entrusted something when they came here not long ago, but they didn't know what the trading item they entrusted was.

In addition to this kind of booth trading, there is also a larger auction trading area on the highest floor of the Wanbao Hall. There are only a few items on this floor, and each of them is a treasure among the treasures. Many monks will go to participate. And the trading rule is that whoever bids the highest will get the final item.It is said that many people will go to this floor to join in the fun, even if there are not so many equivalent items to exchange, it is okay to see what is new.

When Yuan Qi knew about it at the ball, he was about to go to the second floor to have a look, but before he could leave, a man with a dark face who was facing fiercely next to him grabbed a delicate girl next to him, and said sharply:

"Come on, follow me to the furnace trading area on the tenth floor."

"I'm not going!"

This woman has the appearance of three layers of qi training, she looks soft and weak, and her pure and lovable face is very cute.However, at this time, the girl seemed to have a stubborn temper. Seeing the black-faced man pulling her like this, she yelled with strength from nowhere, threw off the man's big hands like iron clamps, and ran towards the hall door. go.

The black-faced man scolded angrily, his figure flashed, and with a whoosh, he blocked the girl who was still running.The woman let out an exclamation, and directly bumped into the man's strong body.

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