"Fortunately, no one came to pick the Linzhi flowers here. It seems that the thunder and lightning really attracted many monks. As for the people from the Qianye Sect, either they have not yet arrived here, or they have gone to the Bee Flower Forest on the way."

Yuan Qi glanced around the lotus pond, and there was no doubt that there was a weird smile on his face, indeed a cunning expression of a successful plot.

Next, the soles of his feet moved slightly, and he circled the lotus pond a few times, his eyes wandering around the lotus pond and between the Linzhi flowers all the time, obviously thinking about how to pick this medicinal herb.He is very clear that such exotic flowers and plants will be guarded by powerful real beasts, so he has to be careful.

Soon, Yuan Qi seemed to have made up his mind, his body sank slightly, he removed the hot wheel, and landed cautiously on the open space beside the lotus pond.

He waved one hand and was about to release something when his eyes suddenly moved and he turned to look at the eastern sky, revealing a look of doubt.

"At this time, someone actually came over!"

After pondering for a while, he lifted the soles of his feet and flew into the nearby weeds to hide. He easily cast the secret formula and disappeared without a trace.

Half a minute later, a pink figure hurriedly stepped on a weird wooden sword to the lotus pond, and withdrew the wooden sword, revealing a graceful figure of a woman.

"Finally got rid of those people. However, just now, I clearly sensed that there was someone here, why did they disappear now?"

After the woman landed and stood firmly, she murmured to herself in confusion, obviously someone was chasing her, but she was already thrown off.And she also sensed Yuan Qi's presence here, so she came here in a hurry.

She looked around in doubt for a while, even looked at the surrounding grass, but still found nothing, then looked at the Linzhi flowers in the lotus pond, her face was happy, and then she became tense, thinking quickly in her head :

"These Linzhi flowers have not been picked, so is this person still around?"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling tense, and stood there motionless, as if waiting for something.

"Come out! I see you!"

The woman suddenly yelled loudly, her eyes staring at a patch of weeds in the distance.

At this time, Yuan Qi, who was hiding in the grass, was closely observing the woman's every move.When the woman in pink showed her appearance, he had already recognized this person. It was the gentle and lovely woman who was holding a puppet when she was buying a hot wheel in Luoyang City.

He was thinking about how he should deal with this girl who came here alone, but when he heard the woman's scolding, he couldn't help being startled, thinking that the woman had discovered him.

However, Yuan Qi did not show up in a hurry, but looked over again calmly, only to find that the woman's eyes were not looking at the side where he was hiding, but another bush.This discovery made him a little speechless. Obviously, the other party was bluffing and yelling on purpose to lure people out.

Wanting to understand this, Yuan Qi couldn't help but feel a little funny.In this way, he will not show up easily. Although he has a good impression of this woman, it is only a one-time relationship after all, and he has not yet reached the point of mutual acquaintance.He had already figured it out in his heart, as long as the other party didn't take the Lin Zhihua seedling away, he would never show up to stop her.

Yuan Qizheng planned himself like this, the woman in pink had already scolded a few more words, but seeing that no one showed up, she was finally relieved, secretly thinking that the man was just a passing monk, and might have left this place long ago.

At the moment, she no longer cared about other things, but turned around, looked at the Linzhi flowers in the lotus pond, waved her hand, and five strange puppets the size of palms appeared at her feet.I saw the woman silently recited a spell, and with a light flick of her fingers, some spiritual lights appeared, and she was about to hit the puppets.

"This is?"

Seeing the woman's strange behavior, Yuan Qi couldn't help being a little puzzled.When he saw the other party take out the puppet for the first time, he thought that this lovely girl was going to play with her puppet carving by the lotus pond, but now seeing her chanting the spell, he felt that things were definitely not as boring as he thought. Looking forward to watching it.

Raising land——The woman in pink seemed to have sensed something, her fingers flickered and then went out, she waved her sleeves, and quickly put away the puppet. Together, she floated towards the grass where Yuan Qi was.

This sudden scene made Yuan Qi stunned for a while, thinking that the other party had discovered his location and was about to attack him. He was watching the other party closely, while locking on the real weapon of Huoyun, ready to activate it at any time.

With a flash of pink, the woman appeared a few feet away from Yuan Qi's side. She quickly took out a silky gauze and spread it on her body, instantly hiding her aura.

This strange behavior made Yuan Qi startled again, but soon he suddenly understood.Because several black spots appeared in the distant sky again, it was obvious that someone was flying towards this side.

It turned out that this woman was aware of someone coming here, so she also hid like him.

After understanding this matter, Yuan Qi was finally relieved.To say that the reason why he didn't notice the person coming from afar was because of the secret method of blessing Miaoyin to make him invisible.Because he was worried that the woman would find him, he was careful not to release his consciousness to focus on the distance.

However, since the woman hadn't found him, he didn't have to worry too much.At that moment, he took a closer look at the woman in pink, and saw that the light veil on her body was a wonderful thing, it could hide the blood energy.Although it is not possible to completely hide the body like him, it is extremely good to be able to achieve such a concealment effect.At least when the spiritual sense explored the past, it was empty and could not be noticed at all. From this point of view, this veil is also a rare treasure.

Yuan Qi commented, the black spot in the distance soon came to the side of the lotus pond, but there were four monks, three men and one woman, each of them had about ten levels of Qi training.Yuan Qi took a closer look and felt that he had never seen him before, and the other party's clothes were also very messy, so he couldn't tell which sect's monk it was.

When the four of them first arrived here, they searched around like women in pink. When they saw the Linzhi flowers growing in the lotus pond, they all showed extremely pleasant expressions. The hoarse voice said:

"Boss, I didn't expect that when we chased Lingluo Nannizi, we ran into Lin Zhihua by mistake. It seems that we are lucky! Haha!"

"Fortunate luck, fourth child, you didn't notice that the Lin Zhihua here hasn't moved at all, apparently those real beasts guarding the herbs haven't been wiped out yet, do you think the four of us are rivals?"

A yellow-faced middle-aged man gave the skinny man a head, and shouted angrily.

The skinny man didn't care about it at all, and smiled awkwardly:

"Third Brother, why do you look down on me so much? I don't think the Four Masters of Peach Valley are vegetarians. What are those real beasts? Maybe they are all idiot beasts, and they can be killed easily."

"Idiot beast? I think you are the idiot. This is Lin Zhihua, the main medicine for making Xichen Pill. Have you ever seen any real beasts around this herb have idiots?"


The thin man was about to argue, when an extremely alluring female cultivator next to him interrupted impatiently:

"Enough, why are you arguing! If you two are arguing like this, if the real beast guarding Lin Zhihua is attracted, it will be up to you two to deal with it, I don't care about it!"

After she finished speaking, she stopped paying attention to the two resentful men, but cautiously said to a tall man with a beard beside her:

"Boss, there was an aura of puppetry coming out here just now, and it was obviously from the Lingluo girl we were chasing. She must have noticed that we were chasing and then ran away. We should hurry up and catch up."

"What the second sister said is very true. The four of us are mainly chasing that girl Ling Luo and begging for the method of refining the puppet. However, since we have encountered this Lin Zhihua, we don't want it in vain. It's not worth chasing and killing Ling Luo anyway. No matter what is difficult, it's okay to delay for a moment. I know that the second sister has suffered from that little girl and wants to get revenge. Don't worry, I will find a way to deal with her. Fourth brother, release the puppet you got, We are going to pick Linzhi flowers."

The cheeky man analyzed with a gloomy face, first he comforted the coquettish woman, and then gave the skinny man some advice.

"Yes, boss!"

The thin man chuckled and flicked his hand casually, a row of seven or eight puppet puppets appeared on the ground in an instant, standing neatly in a row, lifelike.Among them is a silver puppet puppet, which is unique and dazzling among the many puppets. (It’s Chinese New Year, and I’d like to send my New Year’s greetings to book lovers in advance~ I wish you all the best and prosperity in the Year of the Snake, and make a lot of money~)

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