Ten Realms Cultivation of Gods

Chapter 181 The Hero Beast

As soon as Ling Luo finished speaking, Yuan Qi thought about it, but Zhong Lingyun pulled the hood, a tangible light appeared from the palm of his hand, and spread across the hood in an instant, wrapping the woman in pink like an egg, making him unable to communicate with her again. What to communicate with the outside world.

After he finished this quickly, he threw the object on the open space not far away, turned his head to look at Yuan Qi who was opposite, and asked darkly:

"Do you agree with what I just said, or do you want to fight with the four of us?"

After he said this, the light of the real weapon shield released from his body became more intense, and the triangular flying fork jumped up and accelerated its rotation speed.

"Boss, why bother talking nonsense with this kid. Although he is more cultivated than me, he is only one person, and we are four people. Are we still afraid that he will fail? In my opinion, it is not difficult to deal with him directly!"

The yellow-faced middle-aged man stared at Yuan Qi contemptuously, and then proposed to the boss again.

Yuan Qi, who was thinking about what the bearded man said, suddenly changed his expression when he heard the words of the yellow-faced middle-aged man, and the cold light in his eyes instantly appeared. Seeing the direction clearly, the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning.


Zhong Lingyun seemed to think that what the third child said was reasonable, and he didn't want to waste any more words, so he gave an order directly, pointed his finger forward, and killed Yuan Qi with a slap of the triangular flying fork.

The other three didn't stay idle after hearing the order, and each let go of the real weapons hovering around them and hit them forward.

For a moment, swish swish, the sound of real weapons piercing the air was endless.Looking at the posture of the four of them, it seemed that they would not give up until they killed Yuan Qi with one blow.

Boom!Bang bang bang!

First there was a loud bang, and after a pause of only a second, there were three more bangs in succession.I saw a burst of thick smoke rising from the place where Yuan Qi was standing, and several real weapons flew towards the surroundings at the touch of a touch, carrying puffs of white smoke, and fled in all directions as if they had been severely injured.

"Fourth, what the hell are you doing hitting my Xuanye Dao with a real weapon?"

The yellow-faced middle-aged man cursed angrily, and then stretched out his hand to a flying knife with red light flying into the distance.

"I didn't know that this kid was so cunning that he suddenly disappeared the moment the real weapon hit his body!? Otherwise, I would never have collided with your real weapon."

Luo Ziling's face darkened, and he replied angrily.While saying this, he called back a brick-shaped artifact that was floating crookedly in the distance.

"This kid's concealment technique is very weird. My Xiluo beast could sense his position just now, but now it has lost its trace. Everyone must be careful."

Zhong Lingyun calmly reminded after retracting the triangular flying fork.

At this time, the place where Yuan Qi was standing before was completely empty, without a trace of people. It was obvious that the attacks of the four of them just hit the empty space, and they even made an oolong thing about themselves hitting each other.

Zhong Lingyun played a formula to strengthen the surrounding defensive shields, and carefully watched the surrounding situation, as if he was cautious for fear of being attacked.

Soon, with a wave of his hand, he released a frog-shaped monster that was shining with jet-black luster. As soon as the real beast appeared, it made a cooing sound, and looked around with two big round eyes. Stop, with an extremely unsteady look.

"Hero Beast! Boss, if you let this guy out, aren't you afraid that it will run away?"

The charming woman stared at the black frog in surprise, and asked with some doubts.

"It's okay, I've put a restraint in its body, if it escapes, its flesh will rot and die within a hundred miles."

After Zhong Lingyun finished speaking quickly, he carefully glanced around a few times, and issued a secret order to the black frog.

I saw the black frog twisting its head very reluctantly, its red tongue kept spitting out, its eyes flashed brightly, and then it swept around in a daze.

Suddenly, the black frog seemed to have noticed something, slowed down, stopped scanning, and fixed its eyes not far from the skinny man Luo Ziling.

It croaked twice, and when it released its slender red tongue, a slender tongue like a red thread shot out from the frog's mouth and hit that place directly.



A small white blade appeared out of thin air like a whirlwind, circled around the skinny man strangely, and easily shattered the shield outside his body like falling glass, and then slashed across the other's neck without a trace of hesitation, making the man just now Luo Ziling, who had noticed something, didn't even have time to shout, and his head fell to the ground like a wheel.

Immediately afterwards, a thick fire bomb came in an instant, directly hitting Luo Ziling's body and head, and his primordial spirit disappeared from this world forever without even a chance to escape.

As for the burned body, there were only seven puppet puppets left, which were very eye-catching in the black ash.

This swift action of chopping the mess was exactly what Yuan Qi did.He had originally planned to kill the thin man with the puppet among the four opponents first.At this time, seeing that the plan had succeeded, he was very satisfied, and with a big hand, he grabbed the seven puppet figures in his hand, threw them away and put them into the storage bracelet.

However, although he succeeded in doing this, after all, his figure was revealed due to the casting of the spell, and the Xiluo beast had already locked him, but the long red tongue hit his body impartially. , as if hitting an iron plate, there was a loud noise.

Yuan Qi was shaken several times by the attack, his throat felt sweet, and a gust of hot blood was about to spurt out.Shocked, he swallowed it hastily, stretched out his fingers and tapped his chest repeatedly, then, with a movement of his waist, he stepped back a few feet away and stood firmly on the stake, only then did he take the opportunity to look at the situation on the opposite side.

It was only a few breaths from when Yuan Qi sacrificed the Canglong White Jade Blade to kill Luo Ziling, to when he retreated from the attack.

At this moment, he stared strangely at the black frog with the red tongue sticking out, his eyes full of shock.

He deliberately let the black frog attack him just now, mainly because he was quite confident in his body after eating the golden fruit, and wanted to see if he could take the next blow, but he didn't expect this guy's attack to be so fierce that he almost suffered a fatal blow. Seriously injured, fell here.

In addition, what shocked Yuan Qi even more was that the black frog in front of him was exactly the same as the one he saw in Moonlight Valley of Baihua Palace back then.He remembered what the other party said just now about the name of the beast, Shiluo, and suddenly thought about it:

Could it be that the black frog was originally a real beast in the realm of comprehension?No, the crossover of the real beast should have changed, how could there be no change?

Yuan Qi thought for a while, but still didn't have a clue.However, he couldn't think too much, because he had just stood firm, and the attack of the three people on the opposite side, the Xiluo beast and the other two real beasts swept in like a violent storm.

He had expected this long ago, flicking his big sleeve lightly, a black light flashed out immediately, and the little monkey Chi Yuan was quickly summoned by him from the animal breeding ring.Yuan Qi felt that, given his current situation, he had no choice but to let Chi Yuan fight side by side.

It's just that Chi Yuan was still in a sleepy state, and he was a little upset when he was suddenly called out by Yuan Qi.After it saw the surrounding situation clearly, it squeaked twice, dodged the two attacking fireballs, and stared at several real monsters on the other side with grinning teeth.

However, Yuan Qi, who had already activated the huoyun real weapon and dodged quickly, easily caught Chi Yuan's mind.

It turned out that this guy had a look of surprise when he saw the black frog, as if he was excited to see delicious food.

This sudden information made Yuan Qi a little ecstatic.

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