Ten Realms Cultivation of Gods

Chapter 183 Teleportation and Puppets

At this moment, Zhong Lingyun took out a small triangular shield and threw it in front of him to block the attacks of the four Canglong white jade blades rushing forward.

This small shield is extremely strong, emitting a faint yellow light, blocking all the fierce attacks of the white jade blade, without any sign of being penetrated.

However, although the small triangular shield easily blocked Bai Yuren's attack, Zhong Lingyun still saw the scene of Yuan Qi beheading the charming woman, and couldn't help feeling anxious, for fear that Yuan Qi would come and behead him next.

At that moment, he gritted his teeth fiercely, his body flickered strangely, like a shadow, under the protection of the small triangular shield, he bypassed the white jade blade and flew several feet away.Throwing the real disc in his hand, he stepped on it, holding the cover with his left hand, pinching his fingers with his right hand and reciting the formula, ready to activate the disc on the soles of his feet.

At this time, Yuan Qi had already taken off the storage bag from the charming woman, and threw it into the storage bracelet together with the storage bag from the yellow-faced middle-aged man.Seeing that the Linzhi flowers picked by these two people had already arrived in his hands, he finally felt relieved, and felt that the thunderbolt attack was worth it.

Afterwards, Yuan Qi squinted at the bearded man who was about to run away, the corners of his eyes turned cold, and he moved a few feet away quickly with his feet.In the process of maneuvering, he didn't let his hands idle, he swung again and again, mobilized the four white jade blades attacking Zhong Lingyun and the three small blades around his body again, and then struck Zhong Lingyun with one blow.

Zhong Lingyun, who was already standing on the disc, was very weird. He didn't step on the disc and fly away, but urged mana into the disc to make it rotate slowly.In just a moment, circles of light flashed from the disc, and soon they spiraled up like threads, and finally engulfed him like a big rice dumpling.

"Teleport in place!"

Yuan Qi, who had drifted not far away, suddenly saw this scene, and couldn't help being startled. A term he had heard before immediately flashed in his mind, and he called it out casually.After he yelled out, he stopped immediately, and the seven white jade blades of the Canglong were also pinched by his fingers, and stopped hovering a few feet in front of him.

"Haha! I didn't expect you to know this secret technique? That's right, this real weapon is exactly what I have obtained with great effort. It can instantly move the caster tens of miles away as long as the mana is activated. Continuous casting can quickly run thousands of miles away. It is not so easy to catch up with me!"

Zhong Lingyun, who was surrounded by a threaded light circle on the disc, explained with a strange smile after hearing Yuan Qi's surprised cry.As soon as he finished speaking, the brilliance of his whole body was radiated, and then formed two straight lines that flashed left and right, and then disappeared in place as if the light disappeared.

Yuan Qi looked strangely at the place where Zhong Lingyun was standing just now, seeing that there was nothing strange there, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he flew forward cautiously, and the Canglong Baiyuren hovering not far above his head followed suit. As his body moved, he circled a few times, then flew down, and stopped around him in an instant.

Yuan Qi put away the white jade blade, stood at the place where Zhong Lingyun disappeared, and looked around for a while. Suddenly, his mind moved, and he used his spiritual consciousness to sense it in the distance.

After a while, he slowly withdrew his consciousness and shook his head lightly, apparently not seeing Zhong Lingyun.

Yuan Qi pondered for a few times in a low voice, his eyes flashed non-stop, and finally seemed to have figured out something, and comforted himself:

"Anyway, Lin Zhihua has already got it, so let's run away! It's a pity that Lingluo is still in this person's hands. I wanted to save him and ask for some puppet skills."

He wanted to urge Bai Yuren to attack Zhong Lingyun just now, but he was afraid that after the opponent's star shifting disk was activated, his own set of real weapons would also be instantly transferred, and the loss would not be worth the gain.That's why he was patient and didn't attack this person, so he could only let him go.

Yuan Qi turned around twice, but found nothing, and then looked at the black and white mist in a blink of an eye.

He could sense very clearly that Chi Ape and the Xiluo beast were still fighting each other, but from the increasingly dense white mist and gradually thinning black mist on the field, it could be seen that Chi Ape had firmly gained the upper hand. It is only a matter of time before Xiluo beast is destroyed.

He nodded, then swept around again, ready to help Chi Yuan monitor the surrounding area, in case there was any mistake in the battle between Chi Yuan and Xiluo Beast.

"Huh? What is that!"

Yuan Qi's eyes moved, and he muttered in his heart.I saw a group of green flames attached to a small greenish tree trunk, like a chameleon, making it hard to distinguish.If it wasn't for his sharp eyes and his spiritual sense is twice as strong as that of ordinary people, it would be impossible to find out.

At this moment, Yuan Qi, who discovered this scene, did not take any action immediately, but pretended to be ignorant and swept away, but he began to plan non-stop in his heart.

According to his understanding, this green fire should be something similar to the primordial spirit, but it is different from the ordinary monk's primordial spirit, because the general monk's primordial spirit is relatively larger, but this green fire is a little smaller. Therefore, without knowing what it is, he must not act rashly, so as not to startle the snake.

Since this thing is hidden there so secretly, it is obviously afraid of being discovered.From this point of view, this green fire is either plotting something, or is deliberately avoiding his surveillance.

Based on the idea of ​​attacking first and then suffering disaster, Yuan Qi soon had a plan.Immediately, he looked at the place where Chi Yuan and Xiluo Beast were in the distance, and saw that the black mist was getting thinner and thinner, and it would be completely swallowed up by the white mist in just a moment, so he felt more relieved.

He secretly pinched the formula, and the Miaoyin formula was released immediately, with a strange flash of his figure, he disappeared without a trace.

At this time, besides the lotus pond, there is nothing strange except for a large thick white mist and sparse black air.

The most restless thing at the moment was the green fire, because it was monitoring Yuan Qi's every move, but suddenly found that Yuan Qi had disappeared. In shock, the whole body of the fire light trembled, as if it had sensed something. With a tight hug, he stuck to the green tree trunk, and there was no abnormal movement at all.

Just as it finished doing this, I felt a little at ease.Suddenly, a cold voice appeared nearby.

"Your Excellency is hiding deep enough! I have been here for so long, should I show up?"


Green Fire trembled, and actually let out a human voice.Listening to his words, it seems that he is extremely afraid of the sudden words.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you are?"



Before the green fire finished speaking, the fire flashed, and then rushed forward quickly, as if trying to escape.

"It's too easy for you to run away before you finish speaking, don't you think?"

A black figure suddenly appeared beside the tree trunk, with a dark and stern face, it was Yuan Qi who came here carefully.As he said this, a flash of inspiration flashed in his hand, and a forbidden talisman came out of his hand.

With a bang, the fleeing green fire happened to collide with the forbidden talisman, and was immediately restrained, unable to move anymore. Yuan Qi smiled coldly, and as soon as he reached out to grab the green fire in his hand, with the flash of fire, he was about to kill him.

"Wait a minute, Fellow Daoist! I don't have any malicious intentions, I just hope that I can survive."

Lu Huo felt Yuan Qi's cold killing intent, and hurriedly called out.

After Yuan Qi heard it, he snorted coldly, removed the flames, and asked solemnly:

"what are you?"

He didn't know if this thing was the monk's soul, so he could only ask like this.

"I am Luo Ziling's puppet spirit. To put it bluntly, I am actually Luo Ziling himself. It's just that the primordial nerve has been refined by a special secret method and turned into a puppet primordial spirit."

Green Fire said eagerly, and it seemed to be courteous, speaking very carefully.

"Puppet spirit? Puppet primordial spirit!?"

Surprise flashed across Yuan Qi's face, and he muttered strangely.

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