Ten Realms Cultivation of Gods

Chapter 35 Another Old Man

The Kingdom of the Rising Sun and the Kingdom of Chi Mu are at the intersection of a river more than ten feet wide, the Yuyue River.The river originated from the Pine Forest Mountains in the Rainforest Country in the south, and flowed all the way north to the Cold Moon Country in the north, where it merged into the northern bay. There were many tributaries in the middle.And this big river happens to separate the Kingdom of Twilight from the Kingdom of Rising Sun, forming a natural barrier.

However, on both sides of this broad Yuyue River, there are many large and small ports, and there are countless busy markets.

On the side of Chi Mu Country, next to the West River Bank, are the sites of Zaomeng Villa and Baihua Palace. The two are divided by a small town called Sanliudu in the middle. To the north is the control area of ​​Baihua Palace, and to the south is Zaomeng. The control area of ​​the villa.The reason why this place is called Sanliudu is because there are heroes and merchants from Linxi Town in Rising Sun Kingdom across the river.

These three crossings are also places where many knights of the rivers and lakes often gather.In addition to being the junction of the three sects of the two countries, another reason is that in the southeast of Linxi Town, there is a huge mountain range as high as ten thousand zhang, which is Wancao Mountain.

Wancao Mountain is known as the mountain with ten thousand grasses, and the name is naturally well-deserved.There are not many wild animals on the mountain, but there are surprisingly many flowers and trees. Many people who want to find herbs regard this place as a blessed place on earth, and there are countless people who come here.

As for the Wancao Mountain, why are there so many medicinal herbs? It is rumored that this is the place where the essence energy is densest in the world. Because of the continuous flow of energy energy, the herbs grow densely and the medicinal effects are extremely high.

Whether the rumors are true or not is unknown.It is because of this rarity that the East Forest League of the Rising Sun Kingdom, which controls Wancao Mountain, regards it as a treasure. Except for the locals who can enter Wancao Mountain for less money, people from other countries want to go to the mountain to collect herbs. Just pay twice as much silver taels.

In addition, because the value of herbs is very high, there will be robbery and plundering in the mountains, and occasional fighting is also a very normal thing, so many people will come in groups of three or four.

On this day, by the street of Sanliudu, after inquiring about the information, two people stopped there silently.

These two people were exactly Yuan Qi and Tao Yan'er who had driven nearly half a month's journey from Baihua Mountain to this place.

"Yuan Qi, judging from this, it is still a little dangerous to enter the Ten Thousand Grass Mountain, and there are things like killing, killing, and looting!"

"I'm not worried about these problems. Since my grandma asked us to come, and she values ​​you and me so much, I don't think there will be no backup at all."

"That's right. Should we cross the river to Linxi Town now?"

"If you're not tired, we'll cross the river in a minute—huh?"

Before Yuan Qi finished speaking, he looked in surprise at an old fortune-teller who walked out of the crowd in front of him with a canvas strip, and his heart sank:

"That fortune-teller old man? Could it be that the old hag didn't succeed? No, this old man is not a good person, I should leave now."

He quickly withdrew his gaze, and didn't give Tao Yan'er a chance to ask questions. He unconsciously grabbed her hand, led the horse, and was about to walk away in the opposite direction.

Unexpectedly, the old fortune teller had already seen the two of them from a distance, and he didn't know what kind of footwork he used to walk over, so he was about to stop them.

Yuan Qi looked back in response, seeing this scene, he was shocked and grabbed Tao Yan'er tightly with his hands, even ignoring the horse, he took a big step, and ran forward with a "whoosh", leaving only a A string of shadows.

His sudden display of running skills startled a group of passers-by around him.

The old fortune-teller let out a small sigh, but soon smiled, pinched his right hand, but his figure gradually disappeared from people's sight like green smoke.This scene frightened the passers-by again, and they all knelt down and shouted "Master Immortal" and "Master Immortal".

Yuan Qi's five senses have now reached an unbelievable level. He clearly felt that the old man was following him not far behind him. Shocked in his heart, he ran towards a mountain path on one side. However, he just ran into the woods not far away. Suddenly, a gray figure appeared a few feet in front of him. He hastily stopped his body, and was about to turn around and change direction, but there was an urgent voice from the opposite side:

"Little friend, wait a moment. The old man Wuyushan Hu Lao San just wants to say a few words to you. Why do you rush to avoid it? Could it be that little friend has seen the old man before?"

Yuan Qi, who was about to run away, yelled "Old fox, you still want to get me hooked" when he heard this, then put all his strength on his feet, and galloped forward.

This was a pain for Tao Yan'er, she was a little out of breath after being pulled by Yuan Qilian.

A hint of puzzlement flashed in the eyes of the old fortune-teller, but he didn't want to let Yuan Qi go. He pinched his right hand, and then pointed at Yuan Qi who ran more than ten feet away.

A white light flashed, and Yuan Qi, who was running away, only felt his body freeze, and he couldn't move anymore.He was shocked at the time, but he still said calmly:

"Since you don't know me before, why do you restrain me? Wouldn't it be better if you go your way and I go mine?"

"Hehe, my little friend reacted so strangely when he saw me, this old man wants to ask me a question."

Hu Laosan walked up to Yuan Qi with a smile on his face, and stared at Yuan Qidao.

"Old man, those who dare to bully our Baihua Palace, I think you are impatient."

Suddenly, there was a few angry shouts in the air, followed by dozens of men in black floating around.

"Huh, so there is still a helper? The old man just asked a few words, why did he attract so many troublesome people?"

"Old man, stop talking nonsense and let him go."

The leader of the man in black scolded.

"If you don't let me go, what will you do to me?"

"Hmph, you don't have to eat a toast, you have to drink fine wine! Line up to serve."

As soon as the leading man in black finished speaking, several people around him had already formed a strange formation.But he waved his long sword, floated forward alone, and slashed at the old head's head.

The old fortune-teller murmured in displeasure, circled his fingers, and pointed at the leader in black.


The man in black fell to the ground like a boulder.


The dozen or so men in black who had just completed the formation all let out a sigh, and no one dared to move.This expert leader who ranked high in Baihua Palace was restrained without even using a move. This old man is obviously not an ordinary person.

The leader in black was terrified. He felt that the old man must be an expert in the world.

"Senior, do you know the name of the young lady Baihua in Baihua Palace? Both of these two are direct disciples of my grandma and her old man. I will be responsible for protecting the two of them when they come here to do business. I hope that senior will look up for grandma's sake and let me go. go."

"What kind of grandma, young lady Baihua, I've never heard of it, and I won't give her any face. It's you guys who suddenly appeared, disturbing the old man's interest. I think you should sleep here first. One year!"

After finishing speaking, the old man waved his hand, and a white mist waved out from his sleeves. All of the dozen or so people were covered by the mist, and the space here suddenly became foggy.

But at this time, the old man took Yuan Qi and Tao Yan'er to another open space.

The two looked at a misty place not far away, Yuan Qi was alright, but Tao Yan'er opened her small mouth and was speechless for a long time.

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