
Yuan Qi raised the sledgehammer, and with all his strength, he threw it at the jade without hesitation.The metallic sound of the two colliding with each other made his ears buzz endlessly.


Yuan Qi saw that there was an extra hole in the iron plate that was originally placed with jade.Look at the hammer again, the original flat hammer surface has sunken marks.

He lifted the iron plate and found that the jade was sunk in the soil intact, as if one eye was showing a mocking color to him.

Yuan Qi decided to give in.

He dropped the hammer, picked up the jade again, looked at the still smooth and crystal clear surface, and looked at the messy debris around him, suddenly he was a little speechless about his behavior.

Now the vision is not seen, but it has been identified that this thing is invulnerable to water and fire and extremely hard.It doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary.

In addition, the vision he was looking forward to has never appeared. It seems that either there is a problem with the jade itself, or he has not mastered the method.

With this in mind, Yuan Qi carefully collected the jade and began to tidy up a pile of messy things on the ground.

While cleaning up, a loud voice came from outside the house.

"Goudou, go to school!"

As soon as the voice fell, a bald, long-faced child in gray clothes ran into the house.

Yuan Qi looked up, not surprised, and said lazily:

"Wait, I haven't eaten yet!"

"Are you blacksmithing or selling meat, kid? I've used all the hammers, wow! There are also kitchen knives, shovels, and oil lamps. You want to learn how to cook? Tsk tsk tsk, there is a hole in this iron plate. You are really good ..."

The bald boy looked here and there in Yuan Qi's room, swaying and commenting.

"It's just a small experiment. Don't talk so much nonsense, help me clean up."

"It's so uneasy in the early morning, so much mess and doing a fart experiment!"

The bald boy complained a little, but he also helped Yuan Qi tidy up.

The room was quickly cleaned up, Yuan Qi hurriedly ate breakfast, and the two of them walked to the school at the east end of the village.

"Goudou, the coming-of-age ceremony test, let's form a team together!"

"Okay! I'm fine, I'm afraid you won't be able to make a group with me, you bald donkey."

It turned out that this bald boy was the "donkey bald boy" who had played with Yuan Qi since childhood.

Speaking of Baldy Donkey, his real name is Lu Guang.Because "Lu" and "Donkey" are homophonic, and "Guang" is similar to "Baldy", Yuan Qi nicknamed him "Donkey Bald".I don't know if it was influenced by his nickname, but Lu Guang really didn't grow his hair because of a serious illness, and his big, slender face looked like a donkey's face.He became a veritable "donkey bald".

"How is it possible, team formation is arbitrary, so it's boring."

"Never mind him! Anyway, I don't care, I've never loved it."

"It's okay, but you can't participate in the coming-of-age ceremony, and you can't marry a wife and have children."

"What's the matter? Are you still in a hurry to give birth to a bald little donkey? Haha!"

"Goudou, brat, watch me crush you!"

"Okay! If you want to beat me, I will catch up first."

Yuan Qi chuckled and ran out with all his strength.

Donkey Baldy scolded with a laugh, and chased after Yuan Qi with both legs without slowing down.But the strange thing is that the baldy donkey who used to be able to stay with him for a while even if he couldn't catch up, was quickly left behind by Yuan Qi this time.

Yuan Qi turned his head to look at Baldy Donkey, who was more than ten feet away, and was a little surprised.He knew very well that the bald donkey's foot strength was comparable to his own.The two often race and run on the way to school, and every time they reach the finish line at the same time.Why is there such a big difference today?Didn't this kid try his best?Can't?Isn't that like his style?

Yuan Qi stopped, and after the bald donkey followed, he said with some dissatisfaction:

"Donkey bald, you didn't perform well today, you didn't try your best."

Although Baldy Donkey sensed that something was wrong today, he was unwilling to show weakness.

"Hmph, I didn't perform well just now, let's try again."

"Okay, let's end at the big locust tree in front and see who gets there first."

"Wait, I have to mark the starting line."

Baldy Donkey found a small stone and drew a long straight line not far ahead.

At this time, several children who also went to school also came from other fork roads, including boys and girls.But one of the girls looked at Yuan Qi from time to time.

Yuan Qi and Donkey Bald also noticed the visitor.Seeing the girl who was looking at him, Yuan Qi couldn't help but "thump" in his heart.

Crispy skin? ***, why did we meet here?If others found out about the marriage proposal last night, I would not be the laughing stock of the whole village!

His brain was a little numb, and he was about to urge the bald donkey to hurry up and try, so as to avoid this trouble.Among the group of people, a big boy half a head taller than Yuan Qi came over.He looked at the two of them with disdain.

"You guys want to compete with your feet. How about the three of us? Whoever runs last will be the coolie, and will give each of the other two families a bundle of firewood."

Yuan Qi recognized this guy. He was the second son of Sun Laosan's family who sold pork in the south of the village. His name was Sun Xiaoliang, nicknamed "Tall Legs".The reason for this nickname is because this guy eats well and develops early, so he is taller than his peers.And there is a lot of hair on his body, especially a pile of black hair on his chest.In addition, his legs are also very fast, and he has always won the first place in the school's running competitions.

Yuan Qi and Donkey Baldy are neither good runners, but they can be ranked among the top ten in school.However, compared with the tall hairy legs in front of him, it was far worse.

"Why, don't you dare to compare with me? How about you two, as long as one of you outruns me, I will lose, okay?"

The bald donkey looked at Yuan Qi, which meant that Yuan Qi had the final say.

Yuan Qi lowered his head and thought, why is this tall hairy leg looking for trouble?Knowing that they are not rivals but deliberately making things difficult, is it because of the load of firewood?Still want to find fault and fight?I heard that this guy loves fighting and fighting the most.

He looked up at the tall hairy legs.

"Can't it be better?"

"No, just tell everyone that Zhang Xiaocui's mother came to your house to propose marriage."

Tall Legs said abruptly.



"Sun Xiaoliang, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Baldy Donkey and the rest of the boys and girls were in an uproar.

The donkey bald stared at Yuan Qi with doubts on his face.

Yuan Qi stared angrily at the tall hairy legs with an angry expression on his face!

"Crispy" Zhang Xiaocui was a little annoyed by what Sun Xiaoliang said suddenly.Although she told Sun Xiaoliang in private just now about her mother going to Yuan Qi's house to propose marriage, she still wanted him to keep it secret!At that time, I saw that he promised well, but I didn't expect to say it at this moment.She told the other party out of trust, but why the other party backtracked.

Seeing Sun Xiaoliang's proud expression and Yuan Qi's angry expression, Zhang Xiaocui couldn't help feeling a little scared.

"Haha, Xiaocui, I will ask my father to come to propose marriage, unlike some people who want a woman to propose marriage. Shame!!"

"I'll compare with you! As for Aunt Zhang's marriage proposal, I don't want to. If you like to mention it, you can."

Yuan Qi suppressed the anger in his heart and said through gritted teeth.

"If you said it earlier, there would be no such thing! Why do you need to make it known to everyone. It's best if you don't agree, even if you lose, you can just collect a load of firewood. Ha ha."

The tall-haired-legged haha, a look of indifference, as if he was sure to win.He looked at the bald donkey again:

"Do you still compare?"


The donkey bald looked at Yuan Qi with some confusion, and seeing Yuan Qi looking at him, the friendship of companionship over the years spontaneously arose.He gritted his teeth fiercely:

"Of course, Goudou and I are siblings, and I will always support him."

Yuan Qi patted Donkey Baldy's shoulder to express his gratitude.

"Hmph, Goudou! What a good name."

Yuan Qi resisted the urge to go up and punch him, and walked towards the starting line.Donkey Bald and Tall Legs also stepped forward.The three of them were ready to start.

A power test that angered Yuan Qi's self-esteem has officially begun!

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