"You go to see the old hag first, I have to go back to Moonlight Valley first."

When he was about to reach Young Mistress Baihua's bedroom, Yuan Qi suddenly turned his head and whispered something to Tao Yan'er.

"Let me go in alone? Let's go together. I also want to go back to the hut in Moonlight Valley to do something."

Tao Yan'er's complexion changed, and she also replied in a low voice.

"It doesn't matter!"

Yuan Qi had no objection, he wanted to bring Xiao Hei with him when he returned to his residence, so that in case of an accident, he would also have a helper.Thinking that Xiao Hei ate the Black Frog Pill, it must be a great help when fighting against the enemy.Moreover, he now has a spirit arresting bag, which can be used to hold all living beings without any problem, but he can put Xiao Hei in it, and he is not afraid of being discovered by others.

The two of them, one in front and one behind, chose the secluded and uninhabited path, and soon returned to Moonlight Valley.

Tao Yan'er went back to her room first, Yuan Qi didn't go back in a hurry, but looked around and saw that there was nothing unusual before leaving the valley, so she walked to the door with confidence, quickly opened the door, and then flashed Enter the house and lock the door behind you.

After a meal, the door of the room opened slightly.One gleaming eye glanced out.

"Come out! Two little guys!"

A gloomy voice sounded, looking at the source of the voice, it turned out to be the young lady Baihua who was standing in the valley at some time.

The door was gently opened, Yuan Qi came out calmly, looked at the person who came, without blinking, his expression was calm and he didn't say a word.And that Tao Yan'er was already standing outside the house, looking at the girl in green with some timidity, and forced a calm smile:

"Grandma—Grandma, the two of us were planning to go to your bedroom after cleaning up, but I didn't expect your old man to come here by himself."

"The two of you don't go to greet my old man first, but go back to your own residence first. Grandma, I am very worried, so I came to see you two little guys. What the hell are you going to do?"

Baihua young lady looked at Tao Yan'er, her words were extremely cold.

"How dare the two of us play tricks, just put down some things we brought when we left the palace. Grandma, look, we have brought back all the herbs this time."

Tao Yan'er saw that Yuan Qi didn't say a word, and saw that Baihua's young lady's face was extremely strange, so she quickly took the bag containing the herbs, with a hint of apologetic smile on her face.

"Oh? My old man thought you forgot about this?! Take a look!"

There was a hint of joy in Baihua's eyes, but she quickly concealed it, but her face also eased a lot.She took the bag, opened it and checked it carefully, then nodded, and said again:

"It is indeed the herbal medicine I want, grandma. You have contributed a lot by going out this time, and you will be rewarded later."

"Thank you grandma for the reward."

Yuan Qi didn't say anything, but Tao Yan'er breathed a sigh of relief and replied respectfully.

"Yuan Qi, what do you mean by not saying a word up until now? Do you have any objections to my old man?"

Baihua Young Mistress finally looked sideways at Yuan Qi, and asked Yuan Qi what he expected.

"I do have a problem with you. You arrested my parents, where are they now?! What did you do to them?"

"Going out for a while, the wings are hard, and you dare to question my old man! Good! Very good!"

A cold light flashed in Baihua's young lady's eyes, and after she finished saying "very good" at the end, her figure moved like a ghost.

The corners of Yuan Qi's eyes tightened, his ears moved, and he suddenly heard a humming sound coming from the right side.He swayed slightly, and easily dodged away, only to see three silver needles passing through where he was originally standing, shining coldly, and deeply inserted into a small tree on the right.

But he didn't stop there, but with a flash of light on his body, a faint white air appeared all over his body, and then the air whirled under his feet, his whole body was like air, and suddenly disappeared in place, and appeared in the next moment where Baihua was originally Where the teenage tits stand.

Seeing Yuan Qi's strange movements, Tao Yan'er couldn't help opening her mouth, she never imagined that Yuan Qi would have such abilities in the past few days.

Looking at the place where Yuan Qi was standing before, a feminine air current has just swept over, and not far away, the young lady Baihua is retracting her hands with a look of surprise, staring at Yuan Qi, who is shining with white light, without saying a word .

Yuan Qi watched Baihua young lady calmly, and suddenly smiled lightly:

"Grandma, you are not my opponent now, why don't we make peace! You let my parents go, and I will no longer be a disciple of Baihua Palace. How about we have nothing to do with each other?"

"Let your parents go? Good! But leave your body behind."

Young Maid Baihua hadn't spoken yet, but a gloomy voice sounded in her body. As soon as the words fell, there was a flash of white light on Young Maid Baihua's head, and two jets of white air spewed out one after another, shooting towards Yuan Qi like a meteor. One of them actually hit Tao Yan'er.

Seeing this, Yuan Qi smiled coldly, the fire flashed in his hand, and a fire bomb appeared between his fingers.With a wave of one hand, the fire bomb the size of a palm carried a burst of hot air, facing the erupting white air flow.

He himself didn't stop at all, he took a step backwards, grabbed Tao Yan'er who was obviously a little dumbfounded, moved his body again, and arrived at another safe place.

Two loud bangs came one after another.

I saw that after the fire gas bomb collided with the white gas, the surrounding air flow was shaken to form small cyclones, which swayed and rotated like tangible objects.

But the other white air that was originally aimed at Tao Yan'er hit the ground, creating a big pit, and suddenly there was a burst of flying sand and rocks, blowing sand all over the sky.

Young Nai Baihua on the opposite side had long avoided the impact of the two air currents.She looked at the two of Yuan Qi, snorted, and didn't speak, but quickly jumped forward, and when they were in mid-air, she swung countless streams of sinister air and rushed towards the place where Yuan Qi was standing.

When Yuan Qi moved his feet, he easily dodged away. After putting Tao Yan'er down, he said lightly:

"Find a place where it won't be affected. I'll deal with this old hag."

Just after he finished speaking, a huge feminine air flow rushed again, he snorted softly, and condensed another fire bomb in his hand, which was a blow to the air flow.

Seeing this, Young Mistress Baihua was shocked, she would never dare to use her Nether Art to resist the opponent's fire bomb, she saw an open space beside her, so she wanted to dodge it.But before he could take any action, he saw a figure flashing, Yuan Qi suddenly appeared there, and another fire bomb was thrown in his hand.

Young Nai Baihua was startled, she had no time to think, she wanted to lean back.But he kept cursing Mr. Hu in his heart.She was also very surprised by Yuan Qi's magic power at the moment, she never expected that this kid would become so powerful.

While thinking like this, he narrowly dodged the attack of fire bombs, and when he was about to make a move, he saw a black figure flashing and appearing in the air not far away, and then, a pair of big hands came towards her Grab it from the top of your head.


The sound came again, and a flash of white light appeared on the head of Baihua Young Nai, like a wave of water, which could barely block Yuan Qi's big hand.

Young Nai Baihua took the opportunity to back away, and Yuan Qi also backed away, and the two looked at each other.

At this time, the site had already been attacked by air waves many times, and layers of sand and dust had been set off, covering the small valley here under a curtain of smoke.

In the dim sand fog, Yuan Qi suddenly said coldly:

"Sure enough, there is another person in your body, isn't it the fortune-teller old man?!"

"Yuan boy, you really have vision. It's the old man!"

"Hmph! You really are the one—"

Yuan Qi hadn't finished speaking yet, but Mr. Hu shouted loudly to Young Mistress Baihua:

"Hurry up and take out the bloodline bead! Take advantage of his unpreparedness and restrain his mana!"

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