Ten Realms Cultivation of Gods

Chapter 57 Valley and Arrangement

A ray of light flashed across, and Tao Yan'er suddenly felt her body relax, and she could move freely.She looked nervously at the person in front of her:

"Are you Yuan Qi? Or—?"

Only a slightly cold voice came from Yuan Qi's mouth:

"Miss Yan'er, don't be nervous, I'm still myself."


Tao Yan'er was overjoyed, she jumped forward and hugged Yuan Qi tightly, and said with tears in her eyes:

"You, you're all right, that's great? Is Mr. Hu dead?"

Yuan Qi felt the warmth and fragrance filling his chest, and his heart moved inexplicably.However, he did not indulge in this, but gently pushed the other party away, and said lightly:

"It's dead! There are still some things to deal with right now, and I will explain to you later."

"Well, how to deal with this old hag?"

Tao Yan'er blushed, and then pointed to the young lady Baihua not far away who was still dying.

"She won't live long. I have no interest in doing anything to such a dying person. Let's just stay here to fend for myself. Let's go back to Moonlight Valley first, and some things need to be discussed in the long run."

A strange look flashed in Yuan Qi's eyes, and he took a hard look at Young Nai Baihua. Seeing that the aura on her body was getting weaker and weaker, he replied indifferently.

"Everything is up to you."

Yuan Qi chuckled, and suddenly took out the spirit arresting bag, and after hitting the magic formula, a three-eyed monster that was not as dark as winter spewed out, and upon closer inspection, it was the mutated Xiao Hei.

Tao Yan'er was startled by its appearance, but seeing that it just shook its head and ran up to Yuan Qi's body, it was extremely honest, so it wasn't too frightening.

However, she was very curious about the bag Yuan Qi took out, and also a little puzzled by his sudden release of such a monster.However, she didn't ask any more questions, but stood quietly aside, looking at the situation in front of her.

Yuan Qi didn't ask Tao Yan'er any more questions, but nodded secretly. He pointed at the black feather eagle, and said to Xiao Hei:

"Go, get rid of it!"

Xiao Hei snorted immediately, even if he had received the order, his third eye opened, and a flash of green light shot towards the big eagle's belly in an instant.


Because the big eagle was held in place by Hu Laoer before, he couldn't move, so he was easily pierced through the body.There was a muffled sound when the light beam hit the belly, feathers and blood splashed out immediately, and there was a hole in the belly.

Hei Yudiao seemed to be awakened by the excruciating pain, his body trembled slightly, and he was able to move.It let out a moan, its wings fluttered, and it was about to fly away.

Xiao Hei jumped forward, and his body was like a rolling ball, hitting the head of the big eagle. At the moment when the two were about to meet, he grabbed the big eagle's neck with his front claws, leaving several bloodstains.Then several claws were shot out frantically, not giving the black feather eagle a chance to escape or counterattack at all.But looking at its actions, it seems to be playing with a big eagle.

Looking at the scene of Xiao Hei beating the big eagle, Yuan Qi recalled the scene of him fighting with the big rooster in his backyard, and couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion, so he thought of his parents again, seeing that things are different now, he feels a dull pain in his heart.He shouted loudly:

"Xiao Hei, stop playing. Get rid of him quickly!"

After hearing these words, Xiao Hei's third eye flashed, and there was a bang, and the head of the black feather eagle cracked like an earthen jar, and countless flesh and blood fell from the air.

Yuan Qi grabbed Tao Yan'er's figure and dodged a pile of debris. When he looked at Xiao Hei again, he saw that this guy was grabbing a black frog pill from the body of the black feather eagle. It's very similar to something, I ate it in one bite, and at the end I smacked my mouth twice, as if I was enjoying it.

Seeing that what he ate was the demon pill, Yuan Qi didn't care, but waited for him to finish eating, and then called out, only to see Xiao Hei rushing over, and stopped at Yuan Qi's feet waiting for orders.

Yuan Qi took out the spirit arresting bag to take Xiao Hei back, and casually fired a fire bomb, burning the remains of the black eagle to pieces.At this time, he glanced at the old witch again, then called Tao Yan'er to go out of the cave without paying attention.

As soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, an extremely weak voice came:

"Yuan Qi, save, save me. I, willingly, give you the Baihua Palace!"

I saw that young lady Baihua struggled to raise her head, revealing a wrinkled and rough face, hazy eyes, coupled with white and dry hair, she looked lifeless.However, she was still very unwilling to die like this, but looked at Yuan Qi who turned his back on her and begged endlessly.

Tao Yan'er glanced back, saw his pitiful appearance, then looked at Yuan Qi again, hesitant to speak.

Yuan Qi just stopped for a moment, then took a big stride, and continued to walk out of the cave without saying a word.

He came to the boulder, used the drifting technique, took Tao Yan'er, and flew away along the way he came.

After a meal, Yuan Qi and his wife were already sitting in Tao Yan'er's room in Moonlight Valley.

Yuan Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled faintly at Tao Yan'er:

"Now, I finally got rid of the control of outsiders, and it's a relief. However, if Baihua Palace suddenly loses Baihua's young lady to sit in command, it will be chaotic. I have an idea, so that Baihua Palace can avoid the chaos in front of me. "

"This Baihua Palace was created by Baihua's young lady, and you still have to take care of it for her? Why don't you just dismiss all the disciples, and everything will be safe?"

Tao Yan'er asked Yuan Qi in confusion.

"The Hundred Flowers Palace has quite a status in the Jianghu. If it is disbanded like this, it will somewhat arouse the suspicion of the people in the palace. Moreover, I don't want it to disintegrate like this. In addition, the World Martial Arts Conference will be held in the Hundred Flowers Palace soon. , if there is a sudden chaos in the palace, it will definitely cause outsiders to take the opportunity to rob, this is something I absolutely don't want to see."

"Then what should we do now that Young Mistress Baihua has suddenly disappeared?"

"I have learned the art of disguise with Baihua young lady before, and I have achieved a small amount of success. I think, I will change you into Baihua's young lady's appearance, and pass the stage of the martial arts competition for the time being. In the future, we will Wouldn't it be great for you to lead the Baihua Palace?"

"Me? How can I manage such a big sect? And how can my ** compare with Baihua Shaonai?"

Tao Yan'er was startled, but there was a hint of joy in her eyes.

Yuan Qi stared at Tao Yan'er for a while, then suddenly smiled:

"Since you have cultivated to the third level of Fanyang Jue and learned Qihuojutsu, as long as you practice diligently, it will be more than ten times better than Baihua Shaonai in the future. Why can't you be in charge of a small sect? Just want to dominate the world in the future. It is possible. However, if you want to seek the way of immortality, that’s another story.”

"Practice hard? Can I be like you?"

Tao Yan'er suddenly showed a look of longing, as if she was looking forward to what Yuan Qi said.

"of course can."

Yuan Qi replied with a smile.

"What about you? Will you help me? Or go to seek the way of longevity, or go back to Chaoyang Village? Your parents have already—"

"I will stay in Baihua Palace for a while, and I will definitely help you through the current difficulties. Where will I go in the future? I think I may go to Wuyu Mountain. As for Chaoyang Village, I may go back."

Yuan Qi said something noncommittal, without showing the slightest strangeness on his face.

"In that case? I'll listen to you first."

Tao Yan'er spoke softly, and didn't ask any more questions.

Both of them sat quietly in one place, and the whole room became quiet, but there was a rare peace in this quietness.

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