The Great East Emperor

Chapter 12, Mu Gong's thoughts, Zu Wu's plans

But he said that everyone in the audience was talking happily, but the East Prince saw that the Queen Mother of the West was restless.Then he went up to hold Queen Mother Xi's hand with concern and said, "Queen Mother Xi, what's wrong?"

Seeing the anxious face of the Eastern Prince, the Queen Mother of the West naturally knew that she had made the Eastern Prince worried, so she smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, but I feel a little uneasy in my heart, but I can't say it. It disturbed the atmosphere and made you worry." .”

The East Prince seemed to understand something when he heard it, and he comforted the Queen Mother of the West and said: "It's good that it's okay, but I want to come to this huge family business, but I know why you are so restless."

"Ugh? But if you say it, it can relieve my worries." When the Queen Mother of the West heard it, she thought that the Prince of the East must know what he said.

"I think you saw so many great powers in the Great Desolate that day in Beiming, and they are no worse than you and me. What's more, Sanqing, Emperor Jun Taiyi, Twelve Ancestral Witches and others are even more amazing, you and I It is also difficult to win together. Now, you see me recruiting troops to expand the territory, achieving the foundation of everything that is indestructible, and I am too sharp, but I am worried about your safety."

When Queen Mother of the West heard it, it was indeed the case. It seemed that she was deluded by the authorities. She didn't want the Eastern Prince to see it so thoroughly, so she quickly asked: "It is true, then how do you say you and I should deal with each other? I see that those people are not good at it. The younger generation is not easy to provoke, and besides, Sanqing is here in Kunlun Mountain. I am afraid that I have hated him and the others with the current movement?"

Hearing what the Queen Mother of the West said, the East Prince also looked helpless and said: "I don't know how I don't care about it, but at the moment everyone is full of pride, and I don't want to belittle the feelings of the people. Besides, I see that even though Sanqing is Pangu Transformed by the Yuanshen, but his ambition is on the great way, and he doesn't have the heart of an emperor. As long as I wait to restrain my subordinates from disturbing his Qingxiu, you and I will come to make friends with him in person in another day, and it will be fine. But the emperor is too handsome The two had no choice but to guard against them. I saw the emperor's aura lingering around them. Although they were obscured by it, I was aware of it. Moreover, the strength of the two was extraordinary, and they had the top-grade spiritual treasure in their hands. The clock is the most precious treasure of the sky, I don't want it to fall into his hands, and Hetu Luoshu is also a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, it is really difficult to deal with, and I see that the two of them also have the heart to rule the world, they must be you and me in the future. The Twelve Ancestral Witches are not the good men and faithful women, each of them has the strength of the Daluo Jinxian, and is transformed by the blood essence of Pangu. The body is strong, and the witch clan is powerful and good at fighting. It is also a big trouble. But the others don't have to worry. For example, Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun and others are indifferent and kind-hearted, they don't like to kill and attack, they only want Huang Ting to pursue the Dao, as long as they don't provoke them, they will be fine."

"But I don't want to, you already have such cares in your heart, but I worry too much, and it's the same. I saw that Taiyi's fighting skills were really good, and he was very scheming. I think that Kunpeng has been subdued by him now, so it is really difficult to deal with it. .Besides, Taiyi and Kunpeng seem to be fighting for a spiritual treasure. It is not an ordinary spiritual treasure that can make these two fight to the death. It is really a good chance that it fell into his hands. The enemy." The Queen Mother of the West is also unwilling.

"Having said that, there must be a silver lining in everything. You and I are now considered a party. As long as you and I manage well, things may not be impossible. Although the two brothers are powerful, isn't there still the twelve ancestor witches watching over us?" "The Prince of the East smiled sinisterly at the Queen Mother of the West, as if these were not problems in his eyes.

The Queen Mother of the West seemed to understand.

Not to mention that the East King, the Duke, and the West Queen Mother were scheming, the twelve ancestral witches in the Ancestral Witch Hall were also talking about plotting against them.

The twelve ancestral witches are headed by the space ancestor Wu Dijiang, and they transform into one place. Because they absorb the evil energy of the world and polish their bodies, each ancestor witch is extremely belligerent and has an extremely bad temper.The ancestral witch was transformed by Pangu's essence and blood, so the rigid body is extremely powerful, and with the practice of the Nine Turns Mysterious Art left by Pangu, the strength is even comparable to the strength of the innate spirit treasure.

Just listen to that sentence Mang said: "Brother, this Dong Wanggong is too ignorant, constantly developing power, unscrupulous, I didn't wait to take care of him before, but now he has bullied my Wu Clan, could it be that I think my Wu Clan If you are afraid that he will fail, it is really unreasonable."

Among the twelve ancestor witches, Zhu Rong had the most irritable temper. When he heard what Gou Mang said, it was okay. He immediately jumped up and smashed the stone table with his palm, and shouted: "This kind of pickling bird man, don't care about it." Brothers and sisters, please help me, I will twist his head on my own so that we can show our Wu people such a bird." After speaking, he rolled up his sleeves and lifted his knife and was about to go out.

Fire has been incompatible since ancient times.Among the ancestral witches, Gong Gong belongs to water, Zhu Rong belongs to water, and they are innately opposed.At this time, I only heard the ancestor witch of water said disdainfully: "Just you stupid bastard, don't go out and be ashamed, the Eastern Prince is also a man with means to develop such power, don't go out and touch his nose, it will ruin me!" The reputation of the witch clan."

When Zhu Rong heard this, he was naturally angry. Although he was his brother, he couldn't bear to be treated so lightly, and he wanted to fight Gong Gong immediately.It can only be said that it is commonplace for the Wu clan to fight, and it is already a habit of them.

"Enough, the two of you are not finished yet. Is this ancestral witch hall for you two to quarrel? Do you still have the father god in your eyes, and do you still have me as a big brother?" Di Jiang stared angrily. These two people have a kind of sadness that hates iron but not steel.

After listening to Di Jiang's words, Zhu Rong and Gonggong looked at the huge blood-red Pangu heart with a look of shame on their faces. They also stopped talking and lowered their heads in silence for a while, presumably because they knew what they had just done.

When Di Jiang saw them, he ignored them, and said to Houtu, "I'm a good girl." Houtu shook his head helplessly, waved his hand skillfully, and instantly conjured up a new earthen table.It seems that this situation has happened several times, and it is also a habit.

At this moment, Zhu Jiuyin spoke, "Brother, I think that although Zhu Rong and Gong Gong are a bit extreme in this matter, what the two brothers said is not unreasonable. My witch clan is formed by the spirit and blood of Father Pangu. Pangu is authentic, how noble that is. The contemporary Pangu father god of my Wu clan manages the prehistoric world. It is really unbearable for the East Prince to do this now, and he doesn’t take my Wu clan seriously. If I don’t teach me a lesson, what will outsiders think of me? Wu Clan, I think my Wu Clan is a cowardly and fearful person. However, Duke Dong is indeed capable. According to what Beiming saw that day, he is also an ambitious person, and his strength is also good. We really cannot underestimate it, otherwise once Suffering a loss makes people look down on it.”

Zhu Jiuyin is indeed one of the few rational people in the Wu Clan. Unlike the others who only know how to fight and fight without calculating, the Wu Clan has no primordial spirit.

When Di Jiang heard that Zhu Jiuyin's words were indeed reasonable, he nodded and looked at the crowd and said: "The second brother is right, I don't know what you brothers and sisters think."

The other ancestral witches didn't have any opinions at all, so naturally they wouldn't have any other opinions, so they all nodded their heads.

Seeing this, Di Jiang turned to look at Zhu Jiuyin and said, "I don't know what my brother's plan is, why don't you tell me and listen."

Zhu Jiuyin saw that everyone was looking at him and was waiting for him to speak, so he said: "Actually, this method is not difficult. I think my witch clan is a big clan with millions of people, although it is not as good as the monster clan. There are such a large number of people, but my elder brother Erlang of the Wu clan is strong and good at fighting. Why not integrate the Wu clan first, control the ground around Buzhou Mountain, and expel and kill the monster clan within this range. I will wait With the Buzhou Mountain as the foundation, the population of the Wu Clan will grow and expand, and then develop outwards, so that they will not be defeated by the Dong Wanggong's subordinates one by one. I can't make any big waves. If I really want to do it, I will wait for it. I just killed him and occupied him in West Kunlun."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard that, thinking that there was a battle to fight, everyone was gearing up, their blood was boiling, their fighting spirit was amazing, and their eyes were full of desire.What a bunch of fighters.

As soon as Di Jiang heard that this was indeed a clever plan, he said to Zhu Jiuyin: "Second brother, then you can tell everyone in detail, and we will all follow your arrangements."

The Wu Clan cares most about the blood relationship, and the ancestor Wu is even more intimate, with 12 people coming in and out together.If Di Jiang spoke like this, they would not have any objections.Furthermore, Zhu Jiuyin was originally a very prestigious person, the eldest emperor Jiang Du listened to him, and no one else would dare to disobey him.I saw everyone eagerly waiting for Zhu Jiuyin to issue an order.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I will tell my brothers and sisters about the specific plan, so that everyone can start to do it. First, Qiangliang, Jumang and the two younger sisters will lead the children to build twelve villages around Buzhou Mountain. This tribe let our Wu tribe live in order to expand the strength of our Wu tribe. Next, the three great witches, Jiufeng, Fengbo and Yushi, summoned all the Wu tribe sons in the wild to their respective ancestral witch tribes near Buzhou Mountain. To live, to garrison and train troops to consolidate our territory of the witch tribe. I led Lushou, Gonggong, Zhurong, Tianwu and Xizi to lead Kuafu, Xingtian, Chiyou and Houyi and other big witches to drive away all the monster tribes within thousands of miles of Buzhou Mountain. Killing, to make room for Qiangliang, Jumang and others to build a tribe. This time we must use the method of thunder, and the world must be shocked to know the method of our witch clan. The elder brother and the brother Shebishi stayed behind in the ancestor witch palace Just in case the younger generation can take advantage of it."

When Zhu Rong heard that he could go out to fight, he was already ready to move.But Dijiang and Shebishi don't do it anymore. Dijiang is the big brother. His brothers are all fighting outside, but he shrinks in this ancestral witch palace. The euphemistic name is to stay behind. How can he bear it, and immediately said: "Second brother, your other arrangements are very good, but why do I have to stay at home to watch the house? This is absolutely impossible. I think you should stay and guard the house." , I will take my brothers to fight the demon clan." She Bishi next to him naturally didn't want to stay behind, and also agreed.

Zhu Jiuyin had known for a long time that these two people would be like this. After all, the witches are all warlike, and they would feel uncomfortable without a fight, so she said: "Brother, there is a reason for my arrangement here, and I also did it for I think about the survival of my Wu Clan. After all, this Ancestral Witch Palace is the foundation of our Wu Clan. Although it is guarded by the Pangu Great Formation, someone still needs to guard it just in case. Otherwise, if the Ancestral Witch Palace is lost, we will be guilty. He Mianmu went to meet Father God and the underground. Brother, do you still remember that Di Jun and Tai Yi? I saw these two people in Beiming that day. Defense. What should we do if the two of them come to take the heart of Father God when we come out in full force? Therefore, the Ancestral Witch Hall must be guarded by great supernatural powers. Besides, even if there are several big monsters around Buzhou Mountain, we will not be able to enter. Zuwu’s eyes. Big brother won’t even rob us of this point.”

Di Jiang and She Bishi knew about Zhu Jiuyin's calculations after hearing Zhu Jiuyin's calculations, and felt that what Zhu Jiuyin said was reasonable.The Wu Clan are straightforward people, and Di Jiang immediately said: "Okay, I will accept my brothers in this way. Brothers and sisters, let's prepare like this. We must let the world know how powerful our Wu Clan is. This blind-eyed Duke of the East knows that we, the Wu Clan, are not to be trifled with."

"Follow elder brother's orders." After everyone finished speaking, Zhu Jiuyin explained how to establish a tribe, the tribe's selection of land, selection of materials and other details to everyone.Everyone went down and got ready.

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