The Great East Emperor

Chapter 19: Zhu Rong's training partner, Tai 1 enlightened

Let's talk about the Wu Clan of Buzhou Mountain. In order to control the territory in their hands, the twelve ancestor witches were respectively in the twelve tribes established before.Because Houtu is Wutu's attribute, he stayed in the tribe of Buzhou Mountain in the middle, and stayed in the Zuwu Temple by the way.At this time, in a tribe on the east of Buzhou Mountain, Zhu Rong was fighting with five great witches under him. At the place where the tribe was located, there was a loud bang, "boom", five huge pits appeared on the ground, and a ghost came from nearby. A dissatisfied voice said, 'Oh, you are so weak, I have suppressed my mana to the same level as yours, you are still my opponent, I am so disappointed!How did this look win over that kid from Gonggong? "It turns out that Gong Gong and Zhu Rong, one belongs to fire and the other belongs to water. Fire and water are really incompatible, and they fight every two days, which also affects the big witch under his hand, and they also compete with each other.

Thinking of Gonggong's provocative smile, Zhu Rong became angry: "You are useless things, you are the great witches of my Zhurong tribe, and you are the face of my Zhurong. If you can't compare with other great tribes. Where do you put your face! Hurry up and practice."

The five great witches felt relieved and fled back like running for their lives.

Looking at this person's back, Zhu Rong also shook his head helplessly, with disappointment in his eyes. "Hey, the days of being in the Ancestral Witch Hall are coming soon. Now there is no one who can fight well. That Gonggong kid doesn't know how strong he is." Zhu Rong also felt a burst of emotion.

"Who is it?" Zhu Rong instinctively sensed the crisis, and turned around to see a handsome Taoist dressed in Taoist attire appearing beside him. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Tai Yi.After all, before Tai Yi fought against the Prince of the East and the Queen Mother of the West, he was considered a celebrity in the prehistoric times, "Tai Yi, you are really powerful, since you can appear by my side silently."

"The ancestral witch Zhu Rong is indeed quite capable. I came here to see if the ancestral witch is as powerful as the rumors, or to gain fame." Tai Yi said lightly, his eyes full of provocation.

How could Zhu Rong bear such an insult, doubting Zu Wu's strength, this touched Zhu Rong's bottom line, and saw that Zhu Rong was already burning with anger, and the Nanming Lihuo on his body kept burning. "Taixiaoer, you are too deceitful. You don't want to see Zuwu's strength, so a certain family will let you know, and you can count..."

Before Zhu Rong could finish talking about Tai Yi, he interrupted: "I didn't come to listen to your big talk, I came to you to see what the twelve ancestor witches transformed by Pangu's bloodline are capable of, and whether they are qualified to become Pangu's relics." pulse."

A cold light flashed in Zhu Rong's eyes, and he said in a cold voice: "Okay, very good, you forced me to be Taiyi, I will not kill you, but I will let you know what is the legacy of Pangu's father, and how can you be qualified to be called Taiyi?" Pan Gu is authentic. Is the reputation of my ancestor witch in the prehistoric world worthy of the name?"

Tai Yi flashed his eyes, glanced at Zhu Rong's eyes, knew that he had provoked Zhu Rong's anger, and said in a cold voice: "Don't worry, I won't kill you either, after all your twelve brothers and sisters are all nearby, I I don’t want to cause trouble.” After speaking, he sacrificed the God-killing Spear, because the Wu Clan has no primordial spirit, and this God-killing Spear can only be used as a weapon.Zhu Rong also shook the fiery red long knife in his hand, and slashed at Tai Yi. If you come and go, you can be regarded as a match, but in the end, Zhu Rong is much more proficient in martial arts. Tai Yi has fought against Kunpeng, the East Prince and the West Queen Mother since he was born. Twice, how could it be compared to Zu Wu who fought every day since he was born, and Zhu Rong and Gonggong were two fighting madmen.

Taiyi saw that Zhu Rong was indeed a bit capable, and the fighting style of this Wu clan was indeed powerful.This physical body is even stronger. I originally thought that my physical body was already very strong, but it seems that it is at most on the level of the great witch, only half of Zhu Rong.It is really difficult to win a hand-to-hand fight with Zuwu without a magic weapon. "Zhu Rong, you really have some strength, and you are indeed qualified to be my opponent. Hahaha, happy!"

Zhu Rong also had a good fight, "Tai Xiaoer, I also admit that you do have the capital to be arrogant, but this can only be done in front of others. If you meet Zuwu like me, you will only be beaten."

At this time, the fighting style of the two can be said to be the most rogue fighting style.Taiyi held the god-killing gun like a dragon in his hand, constantly using various moves such as left-handed, right-handed, front-stab, and back-block.Gong Gong waved his long knife, only hearing the whirring sound, the blades were like a tiger coming out of the mountain, with sharp claws.This fight between the dragon and the tiger was really shocking, it destroyed many bright rivers and rivers, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and everything was terrified.

However, in the single-round hand-to-hand combat, Zhu Rong was superior in skill. After all, Zhu Rong's physical body was much stronger than Tai Yi's.At this time, Tai Yi had been beaten to the point where he was unable to resist, his Taoist robe was also damaged in several places, and the purple gold crown was also crooked.Taiyi saw that he would be defeated sooner or later. This time he fought with Zhu Rong for many years, and he should go back to sort out and absorb the gains from this time, so he blocked Zhu Rong's long sword and said: "Zu Wu Zhu Rong's martial arts are really not annoying. Well, this poor way is really enjoyable, I will come to ask for advice next time." After speaking, a long rainbow disappeared at the end of Zhu Rong's field of vision.

"Hahaha, this time is really enjoyable. I didn't expect Tai Yi to fight like this." Zhu Rong felt comfortable all over his body at this moment, and the fighting spirit that had been suppressed for so long was finally released.In fact, Zhu Rong also knew that Tailun's cultivation base was higher than his own, and that Chaos Clock was an innate treasure. This time, he didn't use anything, just fought with his body in close quarters, and even fought like this, which is already a victory.But he doesn't care about these, as long as there is a battle, he will be satisfied.

Let's talk about Taiyi and Zhu Rong fighting to practice martial arts. During the 1000 years, the two fought more than a dozen times.At this time, Tai Yi was already able to suppress Zhu Rong with this martial skill alone. The fighting skills can be said to be quite proficient, and the back of the body is also polished to be quite hard. Although it is still not as good as the body of the Zu Wu, it is not far behind.This makes Zhu Rong very depressed, but fortunately, Taiyi has been fighting with him for thousands of years, which can be regarded as comfort to him.

"Zhu Rong, thanks to you practicing with me for thousands of years, my martial arts have become more mature. This Huang Zhongli is my thank you to you, and we have no cause and effect." Tai Yi handed Zhu Rong a Huang Zhongli.Although it is said that the Lich will be the enemy in the future.But Tai Yi admires Zhu Rong's true temperament, and he owes Zhu Rong karma to his great strength now. If they meet each other on the battlefield like this in the future, Tai Yi will be upset.So it's not bad to use this Huang Zhongli to resolve the cause and effect now.

Zhu Rong didn't make any pretense either, the witches were happy to come here, seeing that the fruit given by Taiyi was full of energy, he also liked it.Then he took the Huang Zhongli and ate it. He felt that the Huang Zhongli was smooth in the mouth and his mouth was fragrant. His mana had increased and his physical body had improved a little.He said happily: "Taiyi, your fruit is really good, you are also a kind-hearted person, you can be my friend."

Tai Yi felt helpless when he heard it. Zhu Rong himself also liked it, but they were destined not to be friends. Calais and the others were enemies for life. He shook his head and said, "Zhu Rong, we will never be friends. You are a witch. I am a demon, I will only be an enemy, never a friend." After speaking, he left, and he planned to go back to Sun Star for retreat.

After hearing Tai Yi's words, Zhu Rong seemed to understand something, but at the same time he didn't seem to know anything.After all, the Lich hasn't broken up yet.Of course, for Zhu Rong, this situation passed with a shake of his head.

Leave him alone, after all, the future fate of himself and his brother is still at a loss.The speed of the Golden Crow is very fast, and soon Tai Yi returned to the Sun Palace.

As soon as he arrived at the Sun Palace, Taiyi felt so cordial, the real fire of the sun around him kept jumping, presumably it was welcoming Taiyi home.

At this moment, Lu Wu and Qiongqi came out, seeing that it was Taiyi who had returned, with smiles on their faces.Immediately saluted Tai Xing and said, "Master."

Taiyi saw that the two of them have cultivated well in the past 1000 years. They have reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, and they are faintly going to Daluo Jinxian. The Sun Palace has also worked hard. Is my brother still out of customs?"

Lu Wu and Qiongqi were also moved when they heard this, and replied: "Yes, my lord is still in seclusion."

Tai nodded a little, and said: "Well, I also want to retreat, and when my elder brother comes out, you will say that the poor will retreat for a thousand years, and you two will follow the Lord to Qingqiu Mountain to help Ji Meng and Bai Ze train demon soldiers. "

"Subordinates obey."

After Taiyi finished speaking, he went into his quiet room, placed a few restrictions and began to sort out the harvest of the past 1000 years.But he said that the biggest gain from this is that his combat skills have become more mature. Now he can fight two ancestral witches in hand-to-hand combat without using spirit treasures. Although he can't win, he can still protect himself. One person challenged six ancestral witches undefeated.After the previous battles with the East Prince and the West Queen Mother, there has been a breakthrough in Taoism, and I think I should be able to gain something this time.Taiyi also stopped thinking about it, and began to practice in seclusion.

However, the Kunpeng of Beiming said that since Qingqiu Mountain returned to Beiming's lair that day, he checked the work of his subordinates and couldn't wait to retreat and sacrifice Haizhu. He finally had a decent spirit treasure. The Beiming Palace made of ten-thousand-year ice jade is decent, but compared with Emperor Juntaiyi, it is like rags. Now that he finally has a treasure that he can get, Kunpeng is naturally very happy.Soon Kunpeng began to refine Dinghaizhu.

This Dinghai pearl is really miraculous. Twelve of them are already good innate spiritual treasures. With the strength of Kunpeng Daluo Jinxian, it took a whole hundred years to complete the sacrifice. From this Dinghai pearl, it turns out that this Dinghai pearl There are 36 in total, and 24 are missing. "Forget it, wait for the ancestor to find all 36, and you will be consummated." Kunpeng touched the Dinghai pearl in his hand for a moment of joy.

After sacrificing the Ding Haizhu, Kunpeng was also happy to sort out the income from this trip. Thinking that Emperor Jun Taiyi now has a lot of talents and masters like a cloud, he is also Ding in his heart.At this time, he really recognized that Emperor Jun Taiyi was a person who could accomplish great things, and he thought that this monster clan would soon be born.Then my demon essay should be created quickly, after all, this is a matter of great public morality, so don't let outsiders snatch it.Thinking that Kunpeng didn't dare to be careless anymore, and it was time to create the demon text quickly, so he began to think about how to create this demon text.

This Kunpeng is indeed a wise person. Originally, he had been thinking about how to create a demon text. He had been thinking about it for 200 years without any results, but he was helpless in his heart. He didn't know what to do, and he didn't want to ask Tai Yi. The public morality is distributed to Taiyi. Originally, this was proposed by Taiyi. Part of Taiyi has already been distributed, and he doesn't want to lose another part.

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