The Great East Emperor

Chapter 2: Pan Gu Opens the Sky and Transforms Everything

It is said that Hongmeng was shattered and chaos was just formed, there is a chaos treasure 36th-grade chaos green lotus, the chaos green lotus has been sucking chaos spiritual energy for thousands of years to give birth to a giant egg.The gigantic egg absorbed the chaotic aura and good fortune essence given to him by the chaotic green lotus, nourished by such hundreds of millions of years.

After tens of thousands of years of nourishment, on this day, the giant egg is now getting bigger and bigger, and finally burst open, only to see a bearded man holding a black giant axe and a white jade plate on his head.

I only heard the loud shout of the big man "Zha", the voice was like Hong Zhong Da Lu.Wherever the roar passed, the swaying chaos immediately quieted down.Then the big man looked at the two treasures of chaos that were born with him in his hands, but his face was lonely and desolate.

Besides, there were originally three thousand Chaos Demon Gods in Chaos, killing, cruel and violent, but they haven't awakened yet, they have been sleeping in various places in Chaos, and there is awakening inside, because the shock just now awakened the sleeping three thousand Chaos Demon Gods in Chaos, At the same time, they flew in the direction of Pangu, as if they were bound by fate.

At the same time, Qin Xi at this time also flew towards Pangu because of the traction of the Chaos Orb, perhaps this was also due to fate.

Besides, after seeing the two treasures in his hand, Pangu also knew that his birth was the mission to usher in the opening of the sky.After understanding all this, he was no longer obsessed. He covered tens of thousands of miles and appeared in the center of chaos.

At this moment, Chaos Bead brought Qin Xi to this place and stopped, quietly standing aside, as if waiting for some kind of mission.

Pangu rolled his eyes and saw Chaos Bead and smiled relievedly, as if he understood something.But Qin Xi couldn't laugh at this time, he knew that once Pangu opened the sky, it would be his doom.How could his odd number be tolerated by the Dao of Heaven, he wanted to keep cultivating in the chaos, hoping that Kaitian would have the power to protect himself in the future, but it was too late now.He used to respect and admire Pangu, but now he hates Pangu to death.

Qin Xi looked at Pangu, looked at Pangu's face, suddenly he saw Pangu's face was neither flattered nor frightened, and there was only that expression of indifference on his face. Difficult to calm down.

After one breath, I don't know how many years have passed, Qin Xi's surging momentum finally calmed down.That's how it is, that's how it is, that's the lifeline.Although Pangu knew that Kaitian might surely fall, Kaitian is also the key to his enlightenment. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. If he succeeds, he will be able to prove the Dao. Evil does not invade, and the universe is free.

Qin Xi realized that being able to travel to chaos is also a kind of chance, even if Kaitian falls, it is fate, but if there is a glimmer of life, one should fight for it, otherwise, the heart of enlightenment will be cut off.Thinking about this clearly, Qin Xi's thoughts are clear and his Dao heart is clear, but his Dao has made great progress and his whole body is full of momentum.In the absence of systematic exercises and no physical body, from a remnant soul without even a soul to now having the cultivation base of a golden immortal, accompanied by a treasure, is considered a blessing.After all, one cannot accumulate mana without a physical body. It can be said that Qin Xi really has an extraordinary chance.

Of course, the improvement this time did not escape Pan Gu's eyes. Pan Gu seemed to have discovered something, and smiled at the Chaos Pearl with relief.Maybe it's the same people who have fallen in the end of the world, so they cherish each other.

Finally, after waiting for a long time, Pangu held the ax and shouted loudly, his whole body was filled with momentum and majestic.I saw him raising his ax over the top, sacrificed the good fortune jade butterfly on his head, stepped on the 36th-grade chaotic green lotus, opened the sky ax with black light, and split the chaos. Suddenly, the chaos collapsed instantly, and the chaos storm continued to spread centered on Pangu , there were boundless ripples, and the huge waves formed by the chaotic air swallowed everything around.

Pan Gu's momentum remained undiminished, and several ax lights flashed in succession, stirring up the already collapsing chaos into boundless turbulence.All kinds of chaotic winds and tongues of lightning and flames flooded everywhere.

The ax lights just twisted the Chaos Demon God who had rushed over into balls, and the innate spiritual energy scattered in all directions and dissipated in the surging chaos.

I saw the continuous ax light splitting in the chaos, and the Chaos Orb seemed to know its mission, shining brightly, exuding aura of spiritual energy to suppress the storm formed by the constantly surging chaos.

At this time, the chaos was already in chaos, and the chaotic wind kept surging, forming various storms.The Chaos Orb could no longer bear the surging Chaos Storm, which had no light left.

After a long time, the clear and turbid air slowly formed. Gradually, the clear air continued to float upwards to form the sky, and the turbid air sank to form the earth. Only then did the heaven and earth begin to form slowly.

At this time, the Chaos Orb's defense had reached its limit and was split by the Sky-Opening Axe. A large crack appeared on the Chaos Orb, and it was almost about to collapse.Qin Xi suddenly felt a sharp pain in Yuanshen, almost about to collapse, and a heart-piercing pain hit from the depths of Yuanshen.After Pangu swung the 49th axe, the Sky-Opening Ax could no longer bear the pressure of opening the sky, and after it broke, it was divided into three parts, which became the three innate treasures of Yitu, Yifan and Yizhong.It is the Tai Chi Diagram transformed by the body of the axe, the Pangu Banner transformed by the blade of the axe, and the Chaos Clock transformed by the handle of the axe.

At this moment, the newly formed heaven and earth kept shaking, attracting each other like yin and yang poles.The newly formed world is about to return to chaos.Pangu saw that the 36th-grade chaotic green lotus had been broken, and the fortune jade butterfly and chaotic pearl had also been damaged. He immediately stretched out his hand and pointed, and the three lights of Tai Chi Diagram, Pangu Pan, and Chaos Bell flew in front of Pangu.I saw Pangu holding the Pangu banner and shaking it towards the world, several surging chaotic powers, with a boundless aura of destruction, shot continuously to resist the heaven and earth that was about to overlap.Then Pangu took the Taiji diagram and threw it up, and saw a golden bridge between heaven and earth crossing the Changhong, stopping the surging earth fire and geomantic omen.

At this time, Pan Gu's face was pale and his mana was consumed excessively, but he didn't hesitate to ring the Chaos Bell with his backhand.I only heard the chaotic clock ringing "dang dang", shaking the whole world for a while, and I saw countless chaotic sound waves scattered from the chaotic clock like waves.At this time, the shaking world gradually stabilized, and then waved the Chaos Bell to Qin Xi and the Chaos Orb to protect Qin Xi.

Pangu was already seriously injured and exhausted, but at this moment there was a loud noise in the sky, and this newly opened world was still about to unite again. "The way of heaven is shameless." Pan Gu was furious, his eyes were full of anger, seeing that the world was about to return to chaos, Pan Gu suddenly realized, but he seemed to understand, and then he stretched out his hands to support the world.It turns out that this world needs a pillar to support the sky to be complete.

Looking at all this, Qin Xi already knew that Pangu must die, but what about herself?Can I really seize that chance of survival?In this way, Pangu supported this world for an unknown number of years.Qin Xi also passed out because the information of the process was too huge after watching the whole process of opening the sky.

Pan Gu smiled gratifiedly when he saw that the world he had created no longer trembled.At this time, another ten thousand years have passed, and the sky and the earth are no longer in harmony.At this time, Pangu shouted loudly: "Today, I, Pangu, will transform all things into my body to complete this world."

As soon as the words fell, three streams of clear air and twelve drops of blood essence flew out of Pangu's body, and then he fell down, turning the wind and clouds into thunder, his eyes into the sun and moon, and his body into mountains and land. ; blood turned into rivers and lakes.Only Pangu's huge heart survived.

The prehistoric world continued to improve, the five poles of heaven and earth, the sun, moon and stars continued to form; flowers, plants, trees, birds, beasts, fish and insects also began to evolve slowly.In this way, Pangu dedicated everything to the great land.Transforming all things and creating a vast world, this kind of great love is worthy of admiration.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the sky, and the golden clouds rolled continuously, descending a ten thousand zhang-long black-yellow merit energy, and instantly the sky and the earth were full of golden light, fragrant and colorful.

I saw Xuanhuang merit descending, of which [-]% and Kaitian's Xuanhuang Qi turned into an [-]-storey golden pagoda, which is the most acquired merit defense treasure - Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.Standing on top of the head, this tower is invincible by all laws, punishing evil and retreating, and suppressing luck is no less than the innate treasure. The struggle with the class is really invincible.As soon as the pagoda was completed, it penetrated into the three streams of pure energy that had just been formed, and those three streams of clear air flew to the east of the Great Desolate Continent with [-]% of the merits of opening the sky.

These three clean qi are exactly the Pangu Sanqing formed by the three parts of Pangu Yuanshen—Taiqing Daode Tianzun Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun Yuanyuan, and Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun Tongtian.

And [-]% of the merits of opening the sky and a few wisps of the primordial purple energy turned into a small purple ruler, which is the most acquired merit and attacking treasure - the primordial heavenly measuring ruler. , and killing does not involve cause and effect, it is even more mysterious, and it can also suppress luck, which is truly a supreme treasure.I saw Qin Xi's primordial spirit breath as soon as the foot was completed, and a purple light penetrated into Qin Xi's primordial spirit.

Qin Xi also helped Pangu Kaitian because of the Chaos Orb, and the Chaos Orb belonged to him, so he was allocated half a level of Kaitian merit.The Chaos Clock was given to him by Pangu, and it was also to give him a place in the prehistoric world, but he also needed to fight for it himself, so it was a sympathy.

Then the twelve drops of blood that flew out of Pangu's body flew towards Buzhou Mountain, the pillar of heaven and earth transformed from Pangu's spine, with two layers of heaven-opening merit and the heart left behind by Pangu.These twelve drops of blood essence are the twelve ancestor witches who will be powerful in the future.

The remaining half layer of Heaven-Opening Merit was absorbed by the Three Great Treasures of Pangu's Ax and disappeared into the world. Only the Chaos Clock took Qin Xi to fly to the sun star transformed by Pangu's right eye.

At this time, Qin Xi didn't know that she had obtained such great benefits, she was still cultivating in a deep sleep, comprehending the knowledge of Kaitian and the Dao of Chaos in the Chaos Orb, recovering from her injuries.I don't know how many thousands of years have passed in this practice.

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