The Great East Emperor

Chapter 24, Taiyi Xingling, the newborn demon

Let's say that Taiyi summoned all the demons to gather in Qingqiu Mountain to prepare for the grand ceremony of the founding of the demon clan.The Taiyi in the main hall of Qingqiu Mountain said with a serious face: "Where are Ji Meng, Fei Lian, Fei Dan, Xuan Feng, and Hua Fang?"

"The subordinates are here." Ji Meng and five people said in unison.

"Ji Meng, you are also a talented general. I ordered Fei Lian, Fei Dan, Xuan Feng, and Hua Fang to help you go to Guanshanling in the northwest to garrison, and strictly prevent the witch clan from causing trouble during the preparation of the grand ceremony of our Yaozu. There hasn't been a large-scale conflict with my monster clan yet, but the twelve tribes of the witch clan have been active recently, and there may be major incidents. You must be more careful when stationed in Guanshanling, and you must report to me in time if there is any change in the witch clan Brother and brother, we must never let a Wu clan come to our Qingqiu Mountain, do you ever understand?" He became imposing as soon as he finished speaking.

Ji Meng and the others did not dare to be careless, Ji Meng took the order arrow and said: "Your subordinates have orders, please rest assured, the subordinates and others will definitely not disappoint the two masters."

After hearing this, Di Jun nodded to express his satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, Ji Meng and the others stepped aside.Then Tai Yi took out another command arrow and said, "Where are the Ghost Chariot, Shang Yang, Horse Belly, Yong He, and Fire Rat?"

When the five people heard this, they went out to bow down and said, "This subordinate is here."

"Ghost Che, among the five of you, you have the highest cultivation level and the strongest strength, but your strategy is not as good as Shang Yang's. I ordered you to lead Shang Yang and others to Xiaomingji Mountain in the southwest of Qingqiu Mountain to guard against the Eastern Prince. Waiting for someone to harass, Wanwanger and others must be cautious."

This ghost car is also a person who knows the importance, Tai Yi sent him such an important matter, he did not dare to be careless, so he said: "Please rest assured, my lord, the subordinates will arrange it carefully, and discuss with the Shangyang brothers if there are any redundant."

Taiyi will send the ghost car, so naturally he is at ease with him. After all, the ghost car is proficient in demon skills and calm, so he nodded, and then ordered: "Bai Ze, Jiuying, Yingzhao, Qinyuan, Baritie, Zhu Qiang , Fuzhu, Dangkang, Lili, Majiao, Zhuyan, and chisel teeth?"

"The subordinates are here." As soon as the voice fell, 12 people came out to worship.

"The 12 Ru people have the heaviest task. The defense of Qingqiu Mountain must not be neglected. Bai Ze, Zhu Jian, Fu Zhu, and Dang Kang'er will guard the main hall and assist the four villages in front of the hall."

Bai Ze and others took the command arrow and stood in line.

After saying this, Tai Yi smiled and said to Di Jun: "Elder brother sits in the main hall, and this big mountain guard array also needs to be guarded by elder brother. It's really not good for someone else to do it."

Di Jun knew that the mountain guard formation was the most important thing, so he was not pretentious, and said jokingly: "Then brother will have to take some free time in this hall."

Tai Yi also smiled heartily, and said to Lu Wu and Bi Fang: "The two of you are still waiting for orders by my brother's side."

These two people had been guarding Dijun's side all the time, so this arrangement was also a joy, and they also took the order to stand aside.

Then Tai Yi said: "Where are Tu Shan and the Four Spirit Snake Kings?"

When the six people heard Tai Yi's call, they went out to salute.

When Taiyi saw the five people, he said: "The five of you will follow in the hall and wait for orders. Turning into a snake, you will first go to Beiming to invite the ancestor Kunpeng. Hooking the snake, you will go to Fengqi Mountain to invite Fuxi and Nuwa Two Taoist friends, you two must pay attention to etiquette when you go, these few are all great powers of our monster clan, and you must not offend them."

The two of them are clever people, so they naturally know it.

Then Tai Yi ordered Ming Snake and Nine-Tailed Snake to say: "The two of you will also go to the wilderness for a while, and send out the invitations one by one according to the names mentioned above, and you must hand them in. Don't act recklessly, pay attention to etiquette, But we can't weaken the name of my monster clan."

The two looked at each other, this errand is indeed a bit difficult, it's okay to meet some people who are easy to talk to, but I really don't know what to say if I meet some people with a bad temper, but after all, this is Taiyi's order, so naturally it can't be sloppy, Bite the bullet is also to do.

"Tu Shan, you will lead the Nine-Tails clan to arrange things such as Qingqiu Mountain's grand ceremony, spirit fruit, water and wine, ceremonial guards, and welcoming guests. Remember that the scene must be grand, and don't lose my monster clan's grandeur."

Hu Mei also followed the order.

Tai Yi saw that the arrangements had been made, so she said, "Go ahead and do things."

As soon as everyone heard this, they took the command arrows and went down to busy with their own tasks.

Di Jun and Tai Yi also chatted for a few words, then took Lu Wu and Bi Fang to the apse to arrange the prohibitions and formations in Qingqiu Mountain again. The formation is the main one, and the Hetu Luoshu as the formation eye is also extremely powerful, and there is also Taiyi's innate Yimu formation. Taiyi planted Huangzhong Li in Qingqiu Mountain. After all, the sun star is really not suitable for the growth of Huangzhong Li. It's also good to deploy this large formation on Qingqiu Mountain to increase defense.

At this time, Taiyi took Qiongqi out of the main hall and inspected around Qingqiu Mountain.Looking at the monster clan all over the mountains and plains, Tai Yi felt relieved, drinking the fine wine made of yellow plums and thousands of spiritual fruits, he felt very proud.

But he said that the wine that Tai Yi drank had a great background. It was made from three yellow plums and an unknown number of innate spirit fruits and fairy grasses.It is the last green-skinned gourd produced by the innate spiritual root gourd vine in Kunlun Mountains.

It turns out that after this gourd was acquired by Taiyi, after sacrifices, it was found that the attack and defense effects of this gourd are mediocre, and it can only absorb and trap people, but it is an artifact of good fortune. , can collect everything.Tai Yi is also delighted, he has no shortage of top-quality spiritual treasures in his hands, but it is not bad to have such a treasure, so he put all kinds of spiritual roots, fairy herbs, and spiritual fruits and fairy medicines he collected in this gourd, and by the way, It became Taiyi's wine gourd.

Nowadays, apart from Hongjun Daozu, that is Taiyi, Honghuang has such a big hand.

After walking around Qingqiu Mountain, everything was in order, and without interfering, I came to Linjue Peak, the top of Qingqiu, overlooking the whole Qingqiu Mountain as usual, but my face was serious: now It's hard to get over the water, and I still have to take this step in the end, I just hope that all my calculations will not turn out to be a mirror image.Brother, brother, I can only do this, and I can only resign myself to fate if I succeed or not.Taiyi didn't know that this had almost become a demon in Taiyi's heart.

At this time, Qiongqi stood respectfully behind Taiyi, it was the first time he saw Taiyi with such a solemn expression, but he didn't dare to disturb him.

"Qongqi, do you have any resentment in your heart for not using you again?" Tai Yi just said indifferently.

Qiongqi was dumbfounded immediately, he hastily knelt down, and tremblingly said: "Master Mingjian, how could this subordinate think this way, these two subordinates have followed the two masters these years, although they are not as famous as the fellow Taoists, they are still Receiving the favor of the two lords, and making great progress in cultivation, it is rare for cause and effect to happen."

Taiyi raised Qiongqi up with a wave of his hand, feeling a little unbearable in his heart: "Don't do that, I just asked casually, but I don't want to delay your future, my monster clan is about to be king in the world, and it is just when you become famous in the prehistoric times, the top ten The Yaoshuai, the Four Spirit Snake Kings, and the Twelve Heavenly Gods are now famous, and you, Lu Wu, and Bi Fang have followed my brothers for thousands of years, but I have always kept the three of you by my side. You have an idea, but it’s okay to say it.”

Qiongqi was originally a ferocious beast, bloodthirsty is indeed its nature, but the thousands of years of cultivation in the Sun Palace also refined a lot of evil spirits in his body. After all, the real fire of the sun is the most rigid and yang fire in the world. It's not bad. Naturally, I don't want to participate in the battle to add karma, so I sincerely said: "The subordinate is also happy with the arrangement of the lord. The subordinate also understands the love and love for the subordinates arranged by the lord."

Taiyi smiled with relief, as Qiongqi said, Taiyi really looked at Qiongqi, Lu Wu and Bi Fang differently and placed high hopes on them.Naturally, I don't want these three people to be entangled in karma and turn into ashes in the catastrophe in the future.Then he said lightly: "If you can think like this, it is not in vain to waste my cultivation over the years. You must work hard to practice and prove the status of Da Luo as soon as possible."

Qiongqi was delighted to hear about the status of Luo Guo, and said solemnly: "My lord, don't worry, my subordinates will work hard to practice and live up to my lord's expectations."

Tai Yi nodded but did not answer, then went down the mountain and went back to the main hall, Qiong Qi also respectfully followed behind Tai Yi.

Soon the two came to the main hall, seeing that the hundred years was approaching, but at this time Tai Yi couldn't be at peace.Sitting on top of the hall, Tai Yituan felt extremely hot all over his body, his heart was stuffy, and his body was covered by a thin layer of black evil energy. Various images of the past and present life kept flashing in his mind, and all kinds of true energy in his body kept rushing, as if to It is only reconciled to breaking one's own physical body, and it is impossible to meditate with peace of mind.

At this time, Qiongqi who was behind Tai Yi realized that something was wrong with Tai Yi. He saw that Tai Yi's body was shaking constantly, his whole body was surrounded by evil spirits, his face was covered with a layer of black evil spirit, and there seemed to be a dark cloud above his head. Constantly humming.

"My lord! My lord! What's going on here." Qiongqi asked anxiously, shocked in his heart, but flustered for a while.

But Tai Yi was already insane at this time, the evil energy entered the body and produced inner demons, and the soul was gradually obsessed.

Qiongqi was flustered, with his current cultivation, there was no way to help Taiyi.At this time, only Dijun has this ability in Qingqiu Mountain, "I'd better go and report." Then he stood up and said loudly to the servants who were also in a panic around him: "I'm going to invite Lord Dijun to come, you must be careful here. My lord, wait for me to come back." After speaking, he went straight to Di Jun to report without waiting for everyone's answer.

"Is the lord here?" Seeing Lu Wu and Bi Fang standing respectfully at the door of Dijun's practice room, Qiongqi immediately dragged them and asked.

"My lord was studying Hetu Luoshu inside, and told me not to disturb you. Why are you so reckless, and how decent you are." Seeing Qiongqi in such a mess, Bi Fang also made fun of him.

"Something has happened, hurry up and report something happened to Lord Taiyi, please move quickly." At this moment, Qiongqi has no mood to argue with him, his heart is already extremely urgent.

Bi Fang was shocked when he heard it, and immediately went inside to find Di Jun to report, and he couldn't care about the rules or irregularities.

Originally, Di Jun was comprehending the Great Formation of Heluo in Hetu Luoshu, and perfecting the mountain protection formation of Qingqiu Mountain. Suddenly, his heart throbbed and he was shocked.After all, Di Jun is also a Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, such a change must have happened, and when he was about to use Hetu Luoshu to calculate, he saw Bi Fang and others hurried in, and saw the panic, haste, and turmoil on the three faces. Various expressions of worry and anxiety are mixed in it.

"Wait for the three of you to rush into the quiet room of this seat, and you will be guilty!" Di Jun was nervous when he saw the three of them suddenly breaking in, but seeing that there was no murderous look in the eyes of the three, and there was only worry and anxiety in their eyes, he was relieved Quite a lot, but he asked anxiously.

At this time, Qiongqi didn't care what Dijun thought of him, and immediately knelt down, with tears in his eyes, and said anxiously: "My lord, Rongzhi, I definitely don't mean to offend you. I am really in a hurry. It is difficult to deal with the evil spirit, if it is a step later, I am afraid that I will go crazy."

When Di Jun heard it, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. He couldn't care about anything else, and rushed out of the gate to the main hall, anxious, and his mouth was still trembling: "Your brother must not be in trouble, otherwise you will let me do it for you." Brother, how do you deal with yourself!" As he spoke, his eyes were already flushed.

Qiongqi and Qiongqi also followed Dijun.

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