The Great East Emperor

Chapter 40, 2 sermons, Hongjun accepts disciples

But it is said that Kunpeng went to the Sun Palace, and the three great masters talked together from time to time. Of course, it was Qingling who gained the most.Soon Hongjun's second lecture is coming.

On this day, Tai Yi and the other three were in the hall and summoned many monsters, Di Jun entrusted all the affairs of the monster clan to Ji Meng, Bai Ze and others.At that time in Buzhou Mountain, Taiyi had already made an agreement with the ancestor witch for three chapters, and the witch clan was not allowed to attack the monster clan in the absence of Taiyi, but Dijun was still worried, so he asked the top ten demon commanders and others to take strict precautions, not to cause trouble, and wait for them if something happened. Come back after listening to the sermon.

All the demons naturally knew that this was a big deal, and they all swore to the death.Di Jun nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, I only heard Tai Yidao: "In these 3000 years, if there is an emergency, you and others can discuss with Bai Ze and Tu Shan. There must be no violation."

All the monsters obeyed one after another. After all, Bai Ze and Tu Shan were known as the brains of the monster clan. They usually performed extraordinary and had a high prestige among the monster clan.

Then Tai Yi said to Bai Ze and Tu Shan: "Bai Ze, Tu Shan, you two are usually calm in dealing with things, have your own opinions, and have outstanding strategies. During our absence, the demon clan will be handed over to you. The main thing is to beware of the witch clan. You have to be careful."

When Bai Ze and Tu Shan saw that Tai Yi valued them so much, they were delighted, but when they thought of the burden on their shoulders, they accepted the order with a serious face.

Kunpeng looked at the big monsters of the monster clan in the hall, all of them were extraordinary and loyal.Dijun and Taiyi are lucky in their handling of affairs.

After arranging everything, Dijun, Taiyi, Kunpeng and Qingling left the Sun Palace together and flew into the chaos.It turned out that Taiyi saw that Qingling was now a Daluo Jinxian, so he took him to Zixiao Palace to see the world.This made Qing Ling very happy.He had heard Tai Yi say something about Zixiao Palace, and he had longed for it for a long time, never thought that he would have such an opportunity.

Without talking all the way, the four of them soon came to the edge of chaos, only to hear Tai Yidao: "Ling'er, don't touch the air of chaos." Unpredictable, the two of them sacrificed their spirit treasures for body protection.Only Tai Yi swaggered into the chaos, and Kunpeng was amazed to see it.

At this time, although Qingling was protected by emerald light lamps, she was still avoiding the incoming Chaos Qi.When Taiyi saw it, he sighed and thought: After all, he has not long been certified as the Golden Immortal of the Daluo, even though he has a spirit treasure to protect him, his Taoism is not stable enough.

I saw a chaotic-colored bell appearing above Qingling's head, blocking the chaotic energy beside Qingling.Qing Ling felt a lot easier now.

Soon the four of them came to Zixiao Palace, and saw that there were already many people in Zixiao Palace.After Taichi and the others went up to say hello, they sat down on their own futons.Qing Ling sat down behind Tai Yi, but her heart was hard to calm down, but she still restrained herself.Taiyi was also very satisfied.

Not long after, everyone arrived one after another, and Zixiao Palace was full again.

When the time came, Jin Zhong remembered that Hongjun Daozu appeared on the jade platform again, just like the first time, everyone still didn't notice, they were shocked, and all marveled that the saint's supernatural powers were really extraordinary.

Daoist Hongjun didn't say much, and started preaching on his own.

"Kong De's appearance, only the Tao follows. The Tao is a thing, but it is trance. Trance and trance, there is an image in it; trance and trance, there is something in it. It's true, there is faith in it. The avenue is strong, and it can be left and right. All things rely on life without giving up, and success does not exist. Clothes support all things rather than being the main one, so it can be called small; It can be called great. Because it is not self-important, it can become great.”

Suddenly, the corner of Hongjun Daozu's eyes twitched, and with a flick of his finger, a monkey on the prehistoric land who seemed to be listening to the voice of the Great Dao screamed, his eyes full of loneliness.It turns out that there are five immortals in Zhoutian: heaven, earth, gods, humans, and ghosts.There are five insects: naiying, scales, hairs, feathers, and kun.This guy is not heaven, not earth, not god, not human, not ghost; nor is it a dragon, not scales, not hair, not feathers, not kun.There are also four monkeys who are mixed with the world and do not belong to the ten categories.This monkey is exactly the six-eared macaque, who is good at listening, can perceive, knows the front and back, and understands everything.One of the four great spirit monkeys, he never thought that he would be so ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth, listening to the sage, but he didn't want to be punished by Hongjun.

Hongjun Daozu's preaching is still extraordinary, with golden flowers dancing wildly and purple air lingering.

At this time, everyone had different expressions, and there was a slight smile between Lao Tzu's brows, obviously intoxicated.The reception is getting more and more bitter.The original Tongtian is almost the same, sometimes confused, sometimes laughing.Nuwa and Zhunti frowned.Di Jun and Kunpeng sometimes frowned, and sometimes shook their heads, not knowing what to say.Everyone else was also bitter.Qingling was the most relaxed, but because Qingling's cultivation base was too low, she didn't understand almost anything, and she seemed to have some enlightenment, which can be regarded as gaining something.

This time Taiyi has gained a lot, and the Dao of Chaos and the Dao of Hongjun have confirmed each other that they have learned a lot.Tai Yi was also overjoyed, the Taoism that had been quiet for thousands of years was finally loosened.

As Hongjun Daozu's preaching became deeper and deeper, it became more and more difficult for everyone to hear, and everyone's face became more and more ugly.

This time, Hongjun stopped talking after 900 years. Everyone was puzzled when they saw that Hongjun stopped talking.I only heard Hongjun say: "After the creation of the world, I have to create an artifact to achieve this Hongjun Dao. Under the heavenly way, I have to preach three times to educate all living beings. After this time, there will be another one that is about to be consummated. Yuan Dao Fruit is scheduled to be ten thousand years later, so if you have any questions at this time, you can answer them as a teacher."

Upon hearing this, Yuan Yuan stepped forward and asked, "Teacher, what is Hunyuan Daoguo?"

Hongjun glanced at Yuanyuan lightly and said, "I'll talk about this matter next time when I preach, but it's inappropriate to say it at this time."

Yuan Yuan had no choice but to keep silent.

Everyone in the audience saw that Yuan was devastated, and none of them dared to speak out.

At this time, I only heard Taiyi: "Teacher, what is the way of heaven? Has the way of heaven ever been perfect?"

When Hongjun heard this, his eyes lit up, and he stared straight at Taiyi.

Taiyi also didn't expect Hongjun to look at him like this.Di Jun thought that Tai Yi had offended Hong Jun, and was afraid that Tai Yi would be punished, so he hurriedly stood up and said to Hong Jun, "Teacher, forgive me, Tai Yi has absolutely no intention of offending."

At this time, Hongjun said to Taiyi: "The way of heaven is misty, and he is responsible for controlling the prehistoric world. He divides the fate of heaven and earth. It is hard to tell today. If the way is not complete today, the way is fifty, and the sky is fourty-nine. Let go of one of them. Therefore the Way of Heaven is not complete."

At this time, Taiyi continued: "Is it possible to be complete that day?"

At this time, Hongjun was touched, frowning at Tai, frightened Dijun, Qingling knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Teacher, this disciple will never do such a thing against the heavens. I just have doubts in my heart. Please ask the teacher to answer."

When everyone in the audience heard this, Tai Yi still didn't give up, and they cursed Tai Yi in their hearts for not knowing what to do.

But at this time, Hongjun said: "The way of heaven needs someone to cooperate with it. When the time comes, the way of heaven will be perfect. I know what you think. This is the will of God, and I can't do it. You can do it yourself. Step back."

After Taiyi thanked Hongjun, he retreated to his futon.

Everyone in the audience was in a cloud of fog, not knowing what the two were talking about.

Then Hongjun ignored the crowd, and just said indifferently: "Poverty Taoists have to make jade butterflies, prove Taoism and become holy, and the contemporary heavenly Taoism teaches and transforms all things in the world. I should take a few people as disciples and educate the living beings for me."

Then Hongjun looked at Sanqing and said: "The three of you were transformed by the primordial spirit of the Great God Pangu. They have the virtue of opening up the sky and have a relationship with me as a teacher and student. You are willing to be my disciples."

When Sanqing heard this, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly got up and bowed down: "Disciple pays homage to teacher."

Hongjun nodded in relief, and then said to Nuwa: "Nuwa, you and I have a relationship as a master and apprentice, so you are willing to close the door as a disciple for me."

When Nvwa heard it, peach blossoms hit her face instantly, and she smiled. The happiness came so suddenly, she hurriedly got up and bowed down, and said: "The disciple pays homage to the teacher." Then she said: "The teacher is merciful, my brother Fuxi has great perseverance, and I will show my respect to you." The heart of the Tao is firm, and the teacher is also invited to enter the door wall."

When Hongjun heard this, his expression was neither happy nor sad, and he just said to Nuwa lightly: "Everyone has his own fate. Fuxi and I don't have a master-student relationship. There will be a chance."

Seeing Hongjun Daozu say this, Nuwa knew that she couldn't force it, so she didn't say anything. She glanced at Fuxi who was beside her, feeling very lonely, so she returned to her seat and sat down.

After Hongjun Taoist accepted Nuwa, he didn't speak any more, and he didn't look at the people in the audience. He just sat quietly on the stage with a solemn face, as if he no longer had the intention of accepting disciples.

Everyone in the audience was disappointed, helpless, sighed, and angry when they saw it.It's just that Hongjun Daozu still lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, ignoring him.

At this time Jieyin and Zhunti couldn't sit still, and immediately got up and bowed: "Please be merciful, teacher. The two of us came here from the west without fear of hardships and dangers. We really admire the Tao. Please also record the door wall and pass it on. I am waiting for the Dao of Taoism to educate all living beings."

Looking at these two people, Daoist Hongjun was also helpless. The war with Luohu Xixi destroyed countless Western spiritual veins and made the West impoverished, which is also a big cause and effect.Jieyin and Zhunti were born adhering to the luck of the West, but this karma has to be repaid.Hongjun frowned, sighed and said: "You two are also people with great perseverance, great opportunity, and great wisdom, but the relationship with me as a teacher and apprentice is shallow. Forget it, I will accept you two as registered disciples. "

Received the introduction, Zhun mentioned it, and was overjoyed immediately, thanked him quickly, and then also performed the ceremony of apprenticeship.In their minds, even though they are registered disciples, they are not bad.

At this time, everyone begged for a while, hoping that Hongjun would accept him.

Seeing everyone's performance, Hongjun didn't respond at all, but just said: "If you don't have a fate, you don't have a fate, don't force it."

Tai Yi looked at the crowd in the audience, and felt amused in his heart.It's just that Dijun didn't beg Hongjun like others, but he admired him in his heart.If I hadn't been known by later generations, these people who are destined to be saints are Hongjun's acceptance, but others don't have that chance.Maybe they will behave like them.After all, Di Jun is the Emperor of Heaven, he is really arrogant and noble.

At this time, Tai Yi didn't know that Hongjun Daozu was paying attention to Dijun and him again, but it was only for a moment, so everyone in the audience didn't notice.

Everyone heard Hongjun Daozu say this, but they also knew that the opportunity had been lost, so they stopped begging, but felt helpless in their hearts.

After accepting apprentices, Hongjun said: "The 3000th year of this sermon has come, and you will come to listen to the sermon after ten thousand years." After speaking, he disappeared on the stage.

Everyone left Zixiao Palace one by one, but some were happy while others were sad.

After everyone came out of Zixiao Palace, they didn't stay long, and went back to their dojo to retreat one after another, digesting the results of listening to the sermon.

Taiyi and the others didn't stay long, and rushed back to the Sun Palace together.The few people gained a lot from listening to the sermon this time, but now they have to retreat to digest what they have learned, for fear of delaying the time and forgetting something, and losing the opportunity.Therefore, the four of them didn't slow down, they were all supernatural beings, Jinwu, Pengniao, and Xiantian Fengling, which of them was not a person who could fly thousands of miles, and quickly returned to the Sun Palace.

Di Jun saw that everything in the Yaozu had its own rules, so he complimented Bai Ze and the others and went to retreat with Taiyi and the others.Qingling has gained a lot this time, and even the god-killing spear bestowed by Taiyi has not yet been refined, and Taiyi has already arranged for him to go to retreat.Since Kunpeng moved to the Sun Palace, he has not been as high-profile as his later generations, and went straight to the quiet room in the back hall of the Sun Palace to meditate.With many great powers retreating and cultivating, Hong Huang became much quieter again.

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