"This damn Heavenly Dao Falun is really powerful." Taiyi didn't want to think that although his avatar of the Chaos Supreme Treasure was not damaged, he still felt some pain. A huge handprint rushed towards Good Fortune Jade Butterfly to grab it.Hongjun was still restraining the Chaos Clock at first, but he didn't want this sudden change to make his heart flustered, and his hands were naturally a little slow. Tai Yi planned well, so how could he miss a good opportunity.Chaos-colored handprints, this is Kunpeng's unique skill of sealing the sky with blood seals, but this method has been learned by Tai Yi, but he has created another method. Scattered out to cover, and in an instant with his handprints, the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly in front of Hongjun had already been caught by Chaos Hands.

Hongjun and Tiandao didn't notice, but found that Taiyi had already succeeded, especially Hongjun, who suddenly felt a tearing pain from Yuanshen. It was a big loss, and now being caught by Tai Yi, it seemed as if the primordial spirit was about to be caught out of the body. "Heaven helps me." Hongjun was flustered at this time, and he had no resistance in the face of Taiyi. Seeing that his good fortune jade butterfly was taken away, and his soul was seriously injured, he hurriedly called for help. Although he was dissatisfied with Tiandao, but this time At that time, only the Dao of Heaven could save him, so there was nothing else to care about, to run the whole body's mana, to guard the primordial spirits closely, and to integrate with the physical body.

"Damn it." The way of heaven was swayed by Taiyi. Taiyi has already made great progress. If he takes away the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune, it will be really troublesome. "Seeing that chaotic hand, Tiandao drew a circle in his hand, a golden light spun in it, and Tiandao's Falun drew an arc to strike. Seeing this, Taiyi had planned it long ago, and threw the Demon Suppressing Sword, just in front of Tiandao's Falun, Hitting several seals with one hand, the fingering changes, and the prosperity is as gorgeous. The supernatural power of the Hunyuan realm, the Hunyuan finger, and the demon-suppressing sword are transformed into a murderous aura. Heaven knows that the murderous aura is powerful, but time is not waiting for me. Being completely suppressed by Tai Yi, if he was a little slack, he would have been attacked by Tai Yi in this trip. Tai Yi acted first, and obviously had taken the absolute initiative. If he had any scruples, he would really have been succeeded by Tai Yi. Therefore Even at the risk of being injured, Tiandao still has to stop Taiyi from seizing the treasure. Tiandao's true body is a condensed Dao, which is as powerful as the true body of the Chaos Demon God back then. over strength.

"Hmph, whatever you can do, so what can you do?" Seeing Tiandao's desperate efforts, Tai Yi lifted a huge mana in his body, and a raging fire ignited all over his body, and the chaotic flames suddenly set off a huge wave, blocking all the magical powers of Tiandao , Chaos hand immediately raised it vigorously, and the good luck jade plate was already in his hand.Hongjun's complexion was pale at this time, and there was no trace of blood in his body, almost as if he had been seriously injured, but no matter how serious the injury was, his heart was in despair. It's the look of despair. I wanted to go all out, but was blocked by the Chaos Clock above my head, so I couldn't move.The Chaos Bell was blessed by the One Soul, like a clone of the Second Soul. The melodious bell rang continuously, making the whole chaos quiet, and the gunpowder smoke dissipated in an instant.

Tai Yi's trip was not to compete with Tiandao at all. He won the Jade Butterfly, and he didn't want to stay here. In the sleeves, the true spirit vitality is the life energy of Taiyuan, which is equal to a clone of Taiyi. There is no power to move Hongjun's primordial spirit in the good fortune jade butterfly, and it has been cut off by Taiyi before it resists. connect.Without the blessing of the deity's mana, the soul brand of Nei Hongjun, the good fortune jade butterfly, is just a decoration.In the blink of an eye, there was a chaotic sea of ​​flames behind him, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, where fire dragons churned.

"Damn it." Tiandao was blocked by the heat wave of Taiyi's chaotic real fire, Tiandao Falun swept away a sea of ​​flames, but there was no trace of Taiyi.It's too fast, Taiyi's speed is notoriously fast, now that he is a Hunyuan body, traveling through space and reincarnation is just a matter of hand.Tai Yi forcibly took the Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, but now he didn't want to delay here, and had already torn apart the space rift and returned to the Sun Palace.Outside the Sun Palace, there are all kinds of formation restrictions laid down by Taiyi, with the sun star as the eye of the formation, the chaos is so extreme that even the Dao of Heaven will never break through easily.In other words, the sun star is the source of Yang Qi in the wild. As the Dao of Heaven, he naturally knows the importance of the sun star, so he will not easily go to the sun star to make trouble. But if he lost the power of a realm, it would be difficult for him to protect himself, not to mention leaving the Dao. Without the primordial power, he would really have no value in the eyes of the Dao.

"Good Fortune Jade Butterfly." Without Taiyi's suppression, Hongjun was finally able to operate his dharma body freely, but without Good Fortune Jade Butterfly, he knew that he had almost lost his last hope.He originally wanted to count on Tiandao to help him get back the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune, but he saw that Tiandao couldn't do anything about Tai Yi. He was almost sure that the Jade Butterfly Good Fortune had been lost forever. If he wanted to grab something from Tai Yi, it seemed that Tai Yi had never been born since he was born. Someone has succeeded, let alone Tai Yi is now on the sun star, he can't even break through the outer defenses of the sun star.

At this time, Taiyi never thought that his trip would be so smooth. He was playing with the fortune jade butterfly in his hands, and he no longer paid attention to Tiandao and Hongjun. What is the relationship between the jade butterflies, or what secrets are hidden in the jade butterflies?He had seen before that Hongjun's use of Good Fortune Jade Butterfly hadn't completely completed the sacrifice of this treasure. "I think it's this small fragment, hmph, Hongjun, it must be for this thing in Abbot's Island back then, no wonder it is so."

After all, the fortune jade butterfly is not an ordinary spiritual treasure, but there is a way to sacrifice and refine all spiritual treasures.If there is a certain realm, the restriction of ordinary spirit treasures can be easily removed, but such treasures as the good luck jade butterfly cannot be sacrificed so easily.Tai Yi didn't know the relationship between the good fortune jade butterfly and the origin of chaos, and Xu Hongjun didn't know this.Now, only by fully sacrificially refining this treasure can we truly understand the cause and effect, but since the information in the willow root needs to be comprehended by the good fortune jade butterfly, there is nothing wrong with it.Now that Tai Yi got the Lingbao, he naturally couldn't wait in his heart, arranged all the forbidden methods, the directions of Kun and Qian, and didn't care about other things, so he started to sacrifice the treasure. [

But it is said that Lao Tzu integrated the teachings at the beginning, and now the teachings have finally improved. Yuanshi Mozun has long since ceased to be Yuqing, so naturally he will not care about the disciples of the teachings.Because of the thinness of luck, especially when Yuanshi was swallowed by Hongjun, and the luck of explaining and teaching is gone, it is difficult to rely on nature to gather together, so it is more difficult to cultivate and teach the immortals. Although it is not easy to cultivate, now someone teaches Laozi to help , I can still live on these days, but I don’t want Duobao Tathagata to establish Theravada Buddhism. The Eastward travel to the East has made the already uneasy East even more chaotic. After all, Theravada Buddhism came out of the Jiejiao. Different paths lead to the same goal, not to mention that Duobao Tathagata and Zhao Gongming, the leaders of the two religions, are both under the Tongtian sect, and they used to listen to the supernatural magic under the Tongtian seat.Now, although each is in charge of a teaching, one sits on Jinao Island, and the other is in charge of the Posuo World and Hualian Pure Land, but it will not hurt the harmony. Therefore, the greatest influence of the Theravada Buddhism on the east is ultimately the two teachings of human interpretation.

If you say that the prestige of the two sects of human interpretation is not high in the human race, it is almost because they have not gained much luck. Now, with Zhao Gongming sitting in the town to intercept the teaching, not only does it not have any influence, but at the same time, there is another point that is the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda in Tongtian's hands. Because of this treasure, the luck of the Jiejiao will be continuous and long.I am also very sorry for this, this treasure was given to Tongtian by him, but he has no regrets about it. For Tongtian, Sanqing made a bet that Tongtian did not take back his and Yuanshi's Yuanshen brand, which is already a big deal. If the karma is established, it will be very troublesome if you don’t get rid of it. A sage does not touch karma, and all laws cannot invade. This may be true for all living beings, but it will not work among a few sages.A sage is a sage, a holy realm of Hunyuan, but after all, he still has a character of "herringbone", so I can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect at the beginning, otherwise it will be a disaster for the sect, making it even more difficult for the already elusive human religion.

It is precisely because of this that Lao Tzu will include these disciples of teaching. Although there are not many disciples under Lao Tzu's sect, there are a few named disciples after Xuandu. Although they are named, they are from the Taiqing lineage. Life and death depend on one's destiny, the human religion has little luck, and I don't know if the human religion can escape.That's why Laozi found Guangchengzi and others as a substitute.But I don’t want to retaliate. In the battle of Conferred Gods, Guang Chengzi and others were arranged by Yuanshi to escape the catastrophe. Otherwise, they would have a chance to survive, but they didn’t want to. Now a few of them have been arranged by others to be the substitutes for the next killing robbery.

"Teacher, is it going to be measured again?" Xuandu, as Laozi's direct disciple, how could he not know what Laozi's plan was.Xuandu has experienced two calamities. The Lich War and the Conferred Gods War were so tragic, so I was terrified when I heard the catastrophe, and this time I even arranged for a replacement. , the amount of courseware this time is probably higher than the previous few times.

"The three clans all died here back then, and it was a calamity." Before I could speak, the one who spoke was the East Prince who was sitting next to Xuandu.

"Fellow Daoist is reborn after the catastrophe, and the karma has not disappeared. If you don't take advantage of the calamity to end it, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble." Hearing what Duke Dong said, I know what he is thinking.However, Dongwanggong's enemy is Donghuang Taiyi, and I know this, so I didn't say that I would stand up for him, nor did I say that I wanted him to be taught, but I just didn't want to bear the karma.

How could I not know that the current Donghuang Taiyi let alone him, even Hongjun is no match for him, revenge, this Dongwanggong is still a tragedy after all.It's just that saving him back that day was a gamble on the chance of survival.

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