The Great East Emperor

Chapter 424 Intercept and kill halfway, Shenlei vomits a letter

Chapter 420: Intercept and Kill Halfway, God Thunder Spits Out

"Okay, Mafu, Yonghe, Huoshu, and Huasnake, hurry up and close the four gates of the Heavenly Court. No one in the Heavenly Court can enter or leave without the maiden's hand. The three of you must guard the four gates tightly, and you must not be careless." Then he said to Ji Meng and Bai Ze: "Monster Ji Meng, go to the Demon Realm quickly and ask the demon master to come back to take charge of the overall situation, Demon Saint Bai Ze, you are fast, quickly take brothers Suanni and Taotie to chase the leader Zhao Gongming , if there is anything on the road, we must resist desperately and must tell His Majesty the Eastern Emperor what happened here. The humble minister will look for the Nuwa Empress in Qiwa Palace. Yes." After all, Tu Shan was the prime minister of the three dynasties, and he quickly sent everyone out. The matter asked for help from three directions. As long as one of them succeeds, the matter should not get worse.

Several major ministers of the heavenly court have left one after another, which will attract some people's attention, especially the Chizhen Taoist who has returned to the heavenly court, but he is not a member of the demon clan, and he does not want to interfere in many things. Nothing happened and didn't care.

But he said that Zhao Gongming went to the sun star after leaving the heavenly court. Although the heavenly court and the sun star are not far away, they still have to go through the chaos, and it is not so easy to go.Zhao Gongming was not satisfied with his speed, but it was not that easy to pass through the chaos, especially when he was blocked by someone.That's right, it was Ping Xin, the helper Xiangyang Taoist had found before.Zhao Gongming thinks he is not an opponent of Pingxin, but at this time, saving people is like putting out a fire. Even if we meet on a narrow road, Zhao Gongming can't back away, and it's just like this, he can't back down, but he can't imagine that the Wu Clan has disappeared for so many years. It finally came out.Tai Yi didn't know about the situation in Heavenly Court, so it might have something to do with them.

In fact, he had a high opinion of Pingxin on this point, Pingxin is just a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how can he stop Taiyi's supernatural power, the one who deceived Taiyi is actually the way of heaven, the good fortune of Hongjun who was snatched by Taiyi from under his nose before Yudie, let him lose all face, and now it is more or less a taste of revenge. At this time, many restrictions outside the sun star have been shattered by Tiandao, leaving only a fiery red sun star burning naked in front of Tiandao, and Tiandao He Hongjun had no choice but to look at the fireball. If Taiyi really didn't come out, they couldn't help it with the sun star. After all, the sun star is too important to the prehistoric land. If there is any mistake, they don't know What should I do, I can only use my power to seal off the land of ten thousand miles around the sun star. At this time, although Tai Yi knows the situation outside, he doesn't want to make a move. What's more, he was at the critical moment of cultivating Good Fortune Jade Butterfly and Yang Liugen, so he didn't have much thought about it, and naturally he didn't expect the crisis in the heavenly court at this time.

"Zhao Gongming, in the face of Tongtian sage, if you leave here, I will not make things difficult for you." Pingxin is responsible for stopping Zhao Gongming, but he knows that Zhao Gongming is now the leader of Jiejiao, if Tongtian knows Zhao Gongming If you are in danger, you may break through the level and get out, and then you will be in trouble. As long as Mr. Zhao knows it will be difficult and retreats from this muddy water, it will also prevent the confrontation with Tongtian from attracting Taiyi's attention, and the success will fall short.

"Your Majesty, you are joking. You can see that I have ever shrunk from my teacher. Pindao is highly regarded by the teacher as the leader of the Jiejiao. He should inherit the mantle of the teacher. Even though the mana is weak, my spirit of the Jiejiao is strong." I'll lose it." Before Zhao Gongming finished speaking, the Tianheng sword in his hand and the Zhenshen tower above his head had already been sacrificed, he had the luck of cutting off the teaching, his Taoism had already reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage, and he had the best spiritual treasure in his hand, She may be invincible against Shang Pingxin, but if she is strong, as long as she can come to the sun star, how could Pingxin dare to go to the sun star to play wild?Zhao Gongming made up his mind and didn't get entangled. He turned into a white brilliance and profound light. It was his Qingyun body, and his innate true spirit was extraordinary.

"It's stubborn." Pingxin saw that Zhao Gongming couldn't explain it, so he didn't stop talking. The aura of Hunyuan came out, and the chaos around thousands of miles seemed to have condensed into a solid body. The pressure swept away towards Zhao Gongming like a violent storm, breaking through all methods with one force, this is the gap in strength.Although Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is not a saint, his combat power is no less than this.

"It's amazing." Zhao Gongming moved forward reluctantly, but the Zhenshen Tower above his head was already crumbling, and the Tianheng Sword swung several times of sword energy, but it still couldn't sweep away the coercion. "It's really troublesome. I didn't expect that the growth of the cultivation base would still be able to defeat Hunyuan's attack. I'm really not reconciled." Zhao Gongming was unwilling, but he could only hold on. Gongming also saw this point.

In fact, just as Zhao Gongming thought, although Pingxin was moved by Taoist Xiangyang's plan, she did not lose her mind. As long as Taiyi makes a move, their calculations are actually nothing. As long as there is the Ancestral Witch Hall, the clan will not be wiped out, but since there is a glimmer of hope, she is unwilling to give up, not to mention judging by the situation, Tai Yi will not make a move in a short time.Therefore, as long as the planning is proper, as long as the Wu Clan obtains the space of Luzhou in Beiju, it will be enough to recuperate. It is precisely because of this that she is unwilling to offend Tongtian.After all, the two came from Pangu, as long as she didn't mess with Tongtian and Jiejiao, Tongtian wouldn't have trouble with the Wu Clan either.

"Isn't that Ping Xin? Why is she here?" At this time, Bai Ze and Suan Ni brothers had already arrived, but they saw Ping Xin cast a spell.With sharp eyes, Suan Ni recognized it at a glance, and shouted.Looking at Pingxin's methods, they were shocked. They had never fought with Pingxin directly, but they had also seen Houtu's methods during the Lich War. .Once involved, it will be troublesome under the siege of these chaotic turbulent currents, and it may not necessarily be ground to pieces.

"It was really hit by the prime minister." Bai Ze was a little surprised when he saw that Pingxin hadn't come out of the Wu Clan for a long time, so he didn't expect this incident to be related to the Wu Clan.However, he has dealt with the Wu Clan all his life, and now it is hard to be kind when he is worried about seeing someone again. After all, he came to help Zhao Gongming get out of trouble, so he hurriedly called Suanni and Taotie to gather the strength of three people to go together Help Zhao Gongming.

"Bai Ze, time is running out, I think you should make a detour to go to Sun Star, let my brother handle it here?" Seeing that Bai Ze was about to step forward, Taotie grabbed Bai Ze and said.Bai Ze knew that what he said was reasonable, but he pointed to the surroundings and said: "There is too much chaos and turbulence around, I can't get through it at all, if I take a long way, I am afraid it will take a long time, the road in front of me may be a long way The only way to the sun star is now, and Pingxin will set up an ambush here after seeing this point, so we can't avoid it, there is only this road in front of us.

The Suan Ni brothers have never been to the Sun Star, so they don’t know the necessary routes to the Sun Star. Now that they heard what Bai Ze said, they no longer insisted on it. Luan Liu felt a sense of oppression that seemed to crush his body.

"How do you say it's you." Pingxin suddenly found that someone had broken in, and when she looked back, it was actually the three of Bai Ze, but she didn't care too much, after all, the three of them together are not her opponent, if she can get a few monsters here Cutting off the great saint of the clan is also a weakening of the strength of the monster clan. After all, although there are many masters in the monster clan, there are only a few who have the real quasi-sage strength, not to mention that Bai Ze is one of the three wise men of the monster clan. The threat of the demon saint is more terrifying than that of the other demon saints. When the lich fought against the witch clan, he suffered a lot from this demon saint.

"Master, don't panic, I'll come to help you." Seeing that Zhao Gongming had consumed a lot of mana, Bai Ze and Suan Ni hurried over to help him with the pressure.When Zhao Gongming saw this stall, he didn't see what was going on, but since he had the opportunity, he quickly took out a elixir and took it. Using the power of the medicine, he finally regained his senses. Seeing that it was Bai Ze, Suan Ni, and Tao Tie, he was a little surprised Said: "Monster Bai Ze, why are you here?"

Bai Ze listened to what Tu Shan said before to Zhao Gongming. He didn't want to have to testify now, and he also worried that other people who went to ask for help would have already encountered an ambush. If he wants to succeed no matter what, he hurriedly told Zhao Gongming: "Master, please report to His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, and let us stop it. This matter is urgent, so please don't hesitate any longer." Bai Ze knew Zhao Gongming's temper, and it would be impossible for Zhao Gongming to leave them behind. But things have to be prioritized, even if he Bai Ze died here, it doesn't matter, as long as he can invite the Eastern Emperor Taiyi to come out of the mountain, let alone a peace of mind, even the entire Wu Clan is not enough for the Taiyi sword.It's a pity that Zhao Gongming is not willing to listen to what Bai Ze thought. The three of Bai Ze came to help him. As the leader of Jiejiao, how could he leave his friend and run away alone.

"Monster Bai Ze, listen to me, after all, Pingxin is still a little jealous of his master, so he hasn't made any killing moves yet, otherwise, how can the poor Daoist wait for you to come here? As long as I'm here, you go quickly Sun Star, as long as my uncle takes action in time, I will be fine." Actually, what Zhao Gongming said was not unreasonable, Bai Ze couldn't resist him, so he had to follow him and rush to Sun Star by himself. This Zhao Gongming has the same temper as his teacher , very stubborn.They can't resist it anymore, but that being said, it's not easy to break through here. Bai Ze's cultivation base is not as good as Zhao Gongming's. I'm afraid it will be difficult to walk a mile.Seeing Bai Ze breaking through the siege, I finally realized that I was shy away because of Zhao Gongming just now, but if Bai Ze successfully rushed to Sun Star, it would be too late. Suddenly, the purple-black thunder turned into a brilliance and flew towards Bai Ze, like a purple-black poisonous snake, spewing snake letters, making people shudder.

"Dangerous, Demon Saint Bai Ze, watch out from behind." Zhao Gongming hurriedly shouted to the sudden change, before he could react in time.It's just that the sound can't compare to the flickering of thunder and fire, but its fangs have been revealed in an instant.Zhao Gongming was shocked by the power of Pangu's supernatural powers, the purple sky thunder, which can open up the world.

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