Chapter 430 Three Plans to Say Peace of Mind, All Heavens Should Be Punished

The way of heaven is furious, the purple energy of the six primordial realms under the way of heaven is incomplete, the barrier of the way of heaven has been broken, and the long river of fate has been severely damaged. Originally, the way of heaven calculated this catastrophe. Postponing later, I don't want Tongtian to break away from the shackles of the heavens at this time, break the barrier of the heavens, and break all his plans.As the saying goes, if one mistake is made, the whole plate is scattered.

"Tongtian's child is really rude." Tongtian broke away from the shackles of Tiandao. Although Tiandao was angry at this time, he was helpless. He also crushed the God of Punishment Thunder in his hand. But at this time Tongtian people are in the heavenly court, once the heavenly punishment falls, the whole heavenly court may suffer.The Heavenly Court is the foundation of the Six Realms. If there is any damage, it will inevitably cause chaos in the Six Realms. Therefore, Tian Dao has to postpone his attack. Anyway, as long as Tongtian leaves the range of the Heavenly Court, he will always have a chance to send down thunder and punishment.Of course, Tongtian has already understood this point at this time. After all, it is broken before it can be erected.

Let’s say that the Supreme One has already known about Tongtian’s situation through his soul avatar at this time, although he also knows that Tongtian’s move is definitely not a good thing for the whole prehistoric, the immeasurable calamity is the catastrophe of destroying the world, and now Tongtian is located in Zhengnanjie The boundary has been broken, and the lifeline of the prehistoric world has been disrupted.However, the world is impermanent, and Tai Yi will not ask Tongtian not to do this because of this. Cultivation of immortals is against the sky, let alone a Hunyuan saint.What's more, it is a blessing for Tongtian to switch to Pangu. Taiyi has a deep affection for Pangu. It can be said that without Pangu, he would not be where he is today.

"Pingxin, for the sake of the Great God Pangu, I don't want to argue with you, why don't you go back to the Ancestral Witch Hall?" At this time, seeing Pingxin catching up, Taiyi put away his sword and did not attack. He had a peaceful face and sat upright. He knew why Pingxin came here, but because of the sky, he remembered it again. Pan Gu, Ping Xin was transformed by Pan Gu's blood, and Pan Gu's heart reshaped the body. Tai Yi didn't want to kill all these Pan Gu's blood, so he kindly persuaded him.After all, although Pingxin was aggressive this time, it was mostly because of Taoist Xiangyang's instigation. Otherwise, the Wu Clan had retired for tens of thousands of years in the Ancestral Witch Palace, so how could he be born suddenly again? Pingxin would not be unclear about the current situation of the Wu Clan, With Pangu's heart broken, the blood of the witch clan is getting thinner now, and the total number of pure witches in ancient times is only a hundred thousand. Among them, there are probably only a hundred or so big witches. With this strength, it is necessary to challenge the Banyao clan and the witch clan. It can only seek foreign aid, precisely because of this.

"Father God." When Pingxin heard Pangu, he suddenly woke up in his heart. He was also in chaos back then. At this time in Qingming, I finally remembered Pangu's dying words, asking her to make friends with Taiyi. The witch clan regards Pangu as a god, so they will not disobey Pangu's intentions. People, but they were taught by Tai Yi's words, if they leave here, wouldn't the Wu clan be underestimated.

"Taiyi, that heaven-reaching event, but you instigated it. Don't you know how powerful it is?" Just as Taiyi and Peace Heart were entangled, a golden light wheel shook above the two of them, and the chaos of thousands of miles, misty waves Lingering, a round of Dharma Wheel was already covering the heads of the two, it was Tiandao and Hongjun who came and chased for a long time, finally found the trace of Taiyi, under the pressure of Heavenly Dao, Taiyi frowned, and Bian Shangping was startled.At this time, she had been mostly persuaded by Tai Yi, after all, because of Pangu, the conflicts between the Lich and the two clans could be considered to be reconciled a lot.What's more, Pingxin doesn't like the way of heaven. If it weren't for the calculation of the way of heaven, the Wu clan would not have fallen like this. Not only the brothers and sisters fell to nothing, but she herself could only rely on Pangu's heart to rebirth, but the Wu clan broke the inheritance .

In the East Imperial Palace, the avatar of the Taiyi Yuanshen was talking to Tongtian and Nuwa, but he didn't want the deity to summon him suddenly. Although there was a big event in the heavenly court at this time, his avatar was useless, after all, the chaotic aura in his body would also be exhausted. He Nuwa saw the Chaos Clock swaying on Taiyi's head, but Taiyi's figure was gradually dimming.Seeing this, Tongtian and Nuwa knew that it was Tai Tai in Chaos who had repeatedly recalled the Chaos Clock, presumably something major had happened in Chaos.However, the blindness of the prehistoric world is just the beginning of the catastrophe. At this time, outside the gate of hell, Yu Yixian and others have arrived. A big battle has already changed the color of the world and deterred the world.Tongtian and Nuwa decided to divide their troops into two groups, with Nuwa staying behind in Honghuang to preside over the Yaozu and cut off the teachings, while Tongtian followed the Chaos Clock to Chaos to see what happened.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, you are well now." Tongtian had just left the outer sky and came to the chaos, but saw a golden bridge falling across the sky, I came at a leisurely pace, the world changed suddenly, how could I sit still.He repeatedly calculated in front of the gossip furnace, but he only said that the secrets of the heavens were chaotic, there was no trace of clarity, and they caught up with the chaos of the heavens, and calamities abounded. Now, no one discusses with Lao Tzu, and he has to come to see what happened alone, but he saw that the sky was chasing chaos The clock is here.I didn't dare to intercept the Chaos Bell, but seeing Tongtian, I felt a little joy in my heart. After all, we were brothers of Sanqing and brothers for thousands of years. He has also drawn a clear line with him, and it seems that Tongtian is the only one who can talk to him in this prehistoric world.Tong Tian didn't want to have a conversation with him at first, but thinking of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda that day, he finally accepted a favor, stopped, and had a Taoist chat with Lao Tzu, saying: "Fellow Daoist Taiqing, you are too polite. That's polite." Tongtian didn't call him Senior Brother because Tongtian had escaped from the shackles of heaven and enjoyed Hunyuan. I didn't know about this matter, and he didn't need to explain it clearly. too fussy.

The two exchanged a few words, and when I asked about the Chaos Clock just now, Tongtian didn't hide it, and told the truth, anyway, the Chaos Clock is basically in the hands of Taiyi at this time, and the general situation is set, even if I have any malicious intentions, I can only go Tai Yi won the treasure in his hands, but I don't even have the guts to give Lao Tzu ten guts.Although the Chaos Clock is good, it is just as good as the Taiji Diagram. He can even give away the most precious treasure of merit, the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and even offend Taiyi for an innate treasure.At this time, Lao Tzu seemed to have guessed what Tong Tian was thinking, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. After all, he and Tong Tian couldn't be together. It is impossible for He Tongtian to return to the days when he was in Kunlun Mountain.

Not to mention that Tongtian and Laozi have their own thoughts, when Taiyi saw the return of the Chaos Clock, a golden flame above the three flowers above his head spat out tongues of flame, and the Chaos Clock flashed, and it had already been swallowed by the flames. The phantom swayed above.Tiandao is not interested in the Chaos Clock, and he didn't make a move, just because Tai Yi still didn't answer the question just now, and he was annoyed in his heart. He wanted to shoot down the Chaos Clock, so as to ridicule Tai Yi, but he didn't want Tai Yi to make such a quick move. When he had time to make a move, he lost his face.Of course, this is just a small episode, and what makes Tiandao angry is that Tongtian actually came at this time.Before Tongtian left the Heavenly Court, Tiandao had already noticed that Tongtian came to Chaos at this time, and Tiandao's new and old hatreds would naturally not let him go. Tongtian had just arrived, and he had not yet greeted Taiyi. There is no place to vent my sorrow, but I don't want the right lord to come. I only heard Tiandao's muffled groan, and a cloud formed above Tongtian's head, which rolled and became denser. Thunder.

"The way of heaven, this is chaos, and you are not allowed to form thunder here." It was Taiyi who spoke. It turns out that the way of heaven has no scruples about sending thunder, but the punishment of heaven is limited. In the chaos, even the Dao of Heaven has no right to send down the punishment of heaven.I saw that Taiyi was planning to disperse the thunder calamity, but he saw that Tongtian directly blocked Taiyi. Before the Demon Suppressing Sword was out of its scabbard, Taiyi seemed to have seen the determination in Tongtian's eyes, so he had no choice but to give up. "Little Heaven's Punishment, what can you do to me?" Tong Tian has been waiting for Heaven's Punishment to fall since he broke free from the shackles of Heaven, but he didn't want Heaven's Punishment to be delayed. Now that the time has come, he doesn't need to wait any longer. What is going to come will come after all, not to mention that he has made great progress in cultivation now, and he just uses this day's punishment to try the power of the current Hunyuan, which can also be confirmed.

Lao Tzu was puzzled peacefully, why did Tongtian attract such a huge punishment from heaven, seeing the rolling thunder above their heads, the two of them jumped in their hearts, how could they resist such power? Dare to look directly at the Thunder Snake above his head, his face pale.

Tongtian smiled at Tai Yiyi and raised his foot, and in a blink of an eye he had already stepped thousands of miles away. Tongtian was not as frightened as Lao Tzu and Hepingxin. Facing the sky full of thunder and fire, his whole body was full of light, forming a huge ball of light around his body, dispelling the thunder and fire around him. Keep them all out.

"Pangu opened the sky to protect the body." Seeing the brilliance, Lao Tzu called out in unison in peace. The ball of light around Tongtian turned out to be Pangu's magical power, the body-protecting light, which is much better than the saint's body-protecting light .It's just that this Pangu supernatural power has been lost since the fall of Pangu. Although Laozi, Yuanshi and Tongtian were transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, they cultivated the Hongjun Dao, and they rarely studied Pangu's inheritance. Only then did I comprehend this Pangu's supernatural power, the supreme magic method, and let this Pangu's supernatural power see the light of day again.

"Senior brother, good tricks." Tai Yi is a person who has seen Pan Gu open the sky, and seeing the sky-reaching demeanor at this time, it is like Pan Gu reincarnated, so he can't help but applaud.He didn't have any opinion on Tongtian's choice before. People who practice Taoism are against the sky, so there are so many flukes.

"Junior brother, that's absurd, let's see how senior brother breaks him and punishes him." Tong Tian couldn't help laughing loudly when he heard the applause and his whole body became more radiant.

"Boom." But at this moment, the thunder cloud above Tongtian's head changed, a purple light flashed, and an electric light had already gone towards Tongtian.

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