Chapter 450 The fifth way is gone, the way is not the other way

It is said that Tai Yi came to the infinite dimension again, relying on the memory inheritance given to him by the Taoist Hongmeng, he has learned some situations of the shattering of the Hongmeng after several studies, and he is not as afraid of the dimensional space as before, including the infinite dimension. It can be dealt with as long as you are careful.The immeasurable dimension is different from the dimensional space. It is the product of the grand bang and is not in the chaos. Although Taiyi is in the chaos, he doesn't understand it deeply.Taiyi protects his body with chaos, but those different-dimensional lights in the infinite dimension can't hurt him. Searching with his memory, he finally found the guidance place of Hongmeng Taoist. .If the Dao is here at this time, he will definitely recognize this thing, which is the true spirit of the Dao.The majesty was shattered, and the Dao came out as the times require, but he lost his true soul and could not take form. At this time, Taiyi couldn't help being very excited when he saw this.

"Sure enough, it is a thing of good fortune." After all, it is not a thing of chaos, it is produced by the primordial dimensional space, and it has not weakened after billions of years. If it is not trapped by the light of another dimension, it is really difficult to find, but it is also It was these different-dimensional rays that allowed Tai Yi to find this object easily.Now Tai Yi has a problem, the barrier formed by the different-dimensional light is not easy to break. Although he is not afraid of this thing, he still needs some means to break the barrier.The different-dimensional light is invisible and colorless. He has refined the Chaos Orb and the Good Fortune Jade Plate. These two things, one into Chaos and two into Yin and Yang, can't deal with this enchantment, especially now that the Chaos Orb and the Good Fortune Jade Plate have returned to their original form. Returning to the source, and becoming one with Tai Yi, even though Tai Yi has many means, he still feels a little overwhelmed.

"Down Sunda and up Sunda, it is the image of the wind following each other." This statement was left by Taoist Hongmeng. Tai Yiben doesn't know what the meaning of this statement is. In terms of the hexagram image alone, hardness and softness follow each other. Taiyi has thunder, of course he also has Governing the world and plotting, but they don't know that this is where the Tao lies.Being in Wuliang, I gradually understood the meaning of these words. There is always a definite order in everything, and you can't force it. Naturally, there are karma and chance.After understanding the cause and effect, Tai Yi knew what his mission was, and the predicament in front of him was no longer an obstacle. With the operation of the Primordial Taoism, waves of primordial aura spread from Tai's body, and the enchantment barrier in front of him gradually dissipated.Seeing that this method is feasible, Tai Yi felt a burst of joy in his heart.

The true spirit of the Dao Dao has lost the enchantment and has been silent for hundreds of millions of years. It finally sees the sun again, and it is about to break the enchantment and disperse. How can Taiyi make it come true? The barrier is polished and broken.Dao Dao's natal true spirit broke through the boundary, and Dao Dao has already sensed it. This thing is originally Dao Dao's thing. If it hadn't been scattered during the Hongmeng explosion, Dao Dao would have been able to take shape with this thing, so the heart is connected. At this time Dao Dao, who was healing in the depths of chaos, was surprised and delighted.Dao now has no cards to deal with Tai Yi. If this thing can be lost and recovered, there will be a glimmer of life. How can he give up so easily? After countless years of searching, he finally has a clue. Naturally, he will not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"The infinite dimensional space is actually here, no wonder it is so." Looking at the infinite dimensional space in front of him, Da Dao frowned, unlike Tai Yi, who has the protection of the majestic qi.There are many crises in the infinite dimension, but thinking of Dao’s natal soul, Dao has nothing to do. This trip is inevitable. If you don’t improve your strength quickly, when Tai Yi completely merges the chaos behind him, he will no longer have a place to stay. Sooner or later, he will die at the hands of Tai Yi.It's just that Dao still doesn't know that Taiyi is also in the infinite dimension. If he faces Taiyi here, he is really in a dead end, and he doesn't even have a chance to escape.

"Da Dao, I don't want to say goodbye just now, and we met again." Da Dao quickly found the place where Dao Dao's natal soul was located, and his heart was on Dao Dao's natal soul. Having been cautious before, how could he have thought that Tai Yi had already set up a killing array here? The moment he stepped into the infinite dimension, he had already fallen into Tai Yi's ambush.Before Taiyi, who had found the Dao's natal soul, had already thought that this thing would definitely attract the Dao, and only then did he think of this plan.Although this plan is simple, it is difficult for Daoist to avoid it.

"Tai Yi, it's not good." Hearing Tai Yi's words, Dao Dao was startled, cursing himself in his heart for being so careless, how could it be so simple to come out of Dao Dao's natal true spirit, otherwise after so many years of searching, Dao Dao had a sense at this time, thinking of Tai Yi, the killer God, how can I care about the Dao Dao and the true soul in front of me, who is in a whole body at this time, desperately fleeing back.How could Taiyi let him escape with the Dao, the original soul? Now that the Dao is under his feet, the only thing he can't rest assured about is the Dao. Although he had the upper hand in the previous battle, he had no chance to kill and deal with it.Although the chaotic world can be completely integrated after Taiyi merges with Dao's natal true spirit and the source of chaos, chaos is just Taiyi's inner world, and Dao will be locked in Taiyi's inner world at that time, but after all, there are hidden dangers, so it is better to stop once and for all.

"Da Dao, since you are here, why bother to leave? We will settle our grievances today." With Tai Yi's murderous intentions, a move is a killer move. In the infinite dimensional space, Da Dao is blocked everywhere, but for Tai Yi There is no obstacle, the majestic qi has formed countless dharma seals and turned it into a road barrier, which has already blocked the road. There is no four poles of heaven and earth here, but Taiyi has the ability to evolve.I saw Taiyi waving his hands, countless Taoisms covering the sky and covering the earth, gossip to take images, heaven, earth, water, fire, wind, thunder, mountains, swamps, heaven and earth, up and down, one yin and one yang, wind and thunder are rigid and soft, electric fire Brightness and extinction, mountains and swamps on the ground, water vapor ups and downs, just like a world.Dao knows that Taiyi already has the means to transcend chaos, but he doesn't expect Taiyi to have such a means in the infinite dimension, which can transform yin and yang with a wave of his hand.

"My life is over." Seeing that the way to come and go has been completely blocked, Dao has no way to challenge Tai Yi at this time, and without Chaos to rely on, Dao is just a duckweed leaf at this time.Without Dao Dao's natal true spirit and the origin of chaos, Dao Dao is just a consciousness. Once Tai Yi completely merges with Chaos in the future, he will dissipate.

Seeing the Dao disperse the essence of life, Tai Yi seemed to lose his determination for a moment, and his heart was a little sad. Back then, he came across and pursued the Dao. Although this Dao is not the Dao, the Dao is the incarnation of the Dao after all. , the strands of essence, Tai Yi's eyes were a little sad.Dao, the supreme existence of chaos, has become a trace of chaotic aura in this way.With the removal of the last hidden danger, Taiyi can completely rest assured about Honghuang and Yaozu. This time Taiyi took the true spirit of Dao Dao, and his long-cherished wish for many years has finally come true. Now there is only the last source of chaos, Honghuang The Word under the world.Now that this trip has been completed, Tai Yi doesn't know how to get the source of the Tao at this time. The only way he knows is to break through the prehistoric world, just like destroying the world. It is generally bound by different-dimensional light and can be easily obtained.

"Hey, let's talk about it later." Mieshi, this is naturally not what Tai Yi thought, among other things, after Mieshi, how will the monster race survive.However, this is the only method that Hongmeng Daoren said, but this method was rejected by Tai Yi at the beginning.Tai Yi put away his magical powers of Taoism and did not stay here. He raised his foot and returned to Chaos. Without the Dao, he is the Dao. After the majesty is shattered, the three thousand Chaos will return to him. It was chaos, and began to refine the true spirit of the Dao.Now that he has the cornerstone to play the primordial again, there is only time left as long as he fills up the last source.

Not to mention the Taiyi sacrifice to cultivate the true soul of the Dao, the prehistoric world has become increasingly stable, the six worlds of heaven and earth are stable, the order of the heavens is orderly, the demon world is developing steadily, and the saints of Hunyuan are returning to their positions. He was knocked down by Hunyuan, and now without the blessing of luck, his cultivation is unsustainable.Yuanshi demon king fell, Tongtian leader established his own sect, Lao Tzu broke the relationship between master and disciple, Amitabha Buddha fell, Western Buddhism luck was divided by many treasures, the spirit of the Qingling Demon Realm and the demon clan are connected, and Houtu is also too one because of Pangu There is no hope of abandoning the previous suspicions, and the whole prehistoric world has lost his foothold at some point.At this time, Hongjun was sitting alone in Zixiao Palace, with a lifeless expression on his face, not knowing what to do.He wanted to unite with Tiandao again, but Tiandao didn't know why he no longer had the heart to fight against Taiyi.The so-called those who don't know are fearless, the way of heaven knows Taiyi's current strength, and he can keep it in stock until now because Taiyi is too lazy to kill him, or because he is the way of heaven, he hopes that he can protect the monster clan, so he didn't do it.But Hongjun was different, the dispute over luck never stopped.Hunyuan proving the way needs to break through the way of heaven, and now Taiyi has succeeded. Taiyi broke through the way of heaven to prove the sanctification of the way, and then proved the way of chaos, which was a great blow to Hongjun.Hongjun looked at the three thousand futons in Zixiao Palace, and his eyes fell on which one Tai Yi sat on back then, feeling unhappy in his heart.

Hongjun's own origin is not complete now, and the first task is to supplement his own origin. The injuries he suffered a few times before are too serious. Without great fortune, it may be difficult to recover.Naturally, if it wasn't for this, Tai Yi would have killed him long ago, how could he let such a big hidden danger go.The Three Treasures of Chaos, the Chaos Orb originally belonged to Tai Yi, and the good luck jade plate belonged to him, but now they are also taken away by Tai Yi, and now these two treasures have also been refined by Tai Yi, and they no longer exist in the world. The next one is the Sky-Opening Axe, but the sky-opening ax was three points after Pangu opened the sky, and turned into three innate treasures, the Taiji Diagram, Pangu Banner and Chaos Clock, which are no longer the Chaos Supreme Treasure, but although the treasures are three points, they are Chaos Transformed by the most precious treasures, I believe that if he finds these three treasures and comprehends them, he may gain something in the future.Apart from this, Hongjun really couldn't think of any other way.After hearing a long sigh, Hongjun had already left Zixiao Palace.

This article comes from novels

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