Chapter 450 The Seventh Chapter

Tianqing's demonic law evolves demonic energy, and Qingling's demonic technique and demonic energy have been used freely since he became a saint. Although he learned from Taiyi, Taiyi cultivated the Dao of Chaos, and Qingling only inherited Taiyi's demon clan skills. Qing Ling's cultivation level is similar to Kunpeng's, and she majors in monster skills.It's just that the way of magic that Qing Ling cultivates now, but the way of magic is not the way of evil spirits. What Qing Ling cultivates is the orthodox way of magic, which complements the law of demons. The two learn from each other, which makes Qing Ling, a rising saint, not fall behind.

Hongjun successfully opened the heavenly channel of the Heavenly Demon Realm with the order of the Heavenly Demon Talisman and reached the ninth floor of the Heavenly Demon Realm. Now that Hongjun has no protection from the Dao of Heaven, he has already cut off the magic calculation of the sky. The place of the Demon Realm is unfamiliar, let alone the Heavenly Demon Realm. The sky is the place where Qingling evolves after becoming holy. At this time, after arriving at the ninth floor of the Heavenly Demon Realm, I found that the five elements do not rotate here, the yin and yang are reversed, and I don’t even know the direction. , has its own invisible coercion, Hongjun is afraid that he can't even find Qingling's position.

"That little thief is vigilant. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. We need to fight quickly." Although Hongjun hides his figure, he only relies on the strength of his realm to cover up his aura with demonic energy. But it's not good on the ninth floor. Without the summoning of the Qingling, it is a capital crime to break into the magic palace without permission. What's more, how powerful the clean-up is, how can Hongjun's tricks not be seen in person.Fortunately, there is no one else on the ninth floor except Qingling. Qingling is so quiet, so there is not even a Taoist boy or servant arranged.

At this time, Hongjun had already entered the magic palace, and the purpose was naturally the treasure house of Qingling.The sage artificially created Tongxuan, and the Qingling just imprinted a trace of distraction on the Chaos Clock and placed it in the Treasure Pavilion.Hongjun didn't know the location of the Treasure Pavilion, but this time he was able to go deep into the Demon Realm and he had made all the preparations. The Three Treasures of Kaitian came out of one body, and the innate has its own cause and effect. Hongjun first took the Taiji diagram for his own purpose. For Hongjun, it is natural for Hongjun to come at random, and he has found the specific position of the Chaos Clock in a short while.All the Hunyuan Wuji methods of Qingling Treasure set up bans, but naturally the bans are not too complicated in your own dojo, but it is not difficult to break the simple bans with Hongjun's means.The only thing that bothers Hongjun is that once the ban on stealing the Chaos Clock is broken, Qingling will be vigilant. At that time, it will be difficult to hide. In the devil world, Qingling is like the way of heaven. He will have nothing to hide, and escape will be his only way out. , as long as you escape to the chaotic sky, you will have a chance of survival.

There must be only two ways to go out from the Heavenly Demon Realm, one is at the top of the Heavenly Demon Realm, where Qingling sits, and the other is to go back the same way.The former is bound to clash head-on with Qingling, while the latter has many barriers and it is not easy to escape. Once Qingling cuts off the eighth channel in the Heavenly Demon Realm, it will take a lot of time for him to break through the ban. Grabbing is time, before Qingling catches up with him, he has to escape to the Chaos Outer Heaven, so after weighing the pros and cons, breaking through the Heavenly Demon Realm is his only way out.Now that he has made up his mind, there is no need to hesitate any longer. Just as Hongjun thought, the banning of the Treasure Pavilion is really ordinary, it is just a few layers of shielding and banning. Seal it with the five magic talismans prepared earlier.With the Chaos Clock in his hands, Hongjun dared not stay there. Without hiding his mana, he went straight to the top of the Heavenly Demon Realm.The Heavenly Devil Realm is no different than other heavens. Qingling has set up many forbidden formations. If you want to break through, the biggest problem is the Great Demon Killing Formation laid by Qingling. It's really not good to rush.

"Thief, you are so brave. If you dare to break into my forbidden area and steal my treasure, then you can save your life." At the moment Hongjun forcibly broke the ban, Qingling had already noticed that someone else had stolen the treasure in the demon world. He took back the Chaos Clock but found that there was no response, so he concluded that the Chaos Clock had been banned.But at this time, Hongjun was even more anxious. This place was different from other places. He was divided into Yuanshi, and he also practiced the way of magic. The power of the three great formations that are no less powerful than the prehistoric world, the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, the Dutianshensha formation, and the Zhuxian sword formation, if you don't break through the encirclement before the Qingling bans the formation, I am afraid that you will be trapped in the magic formation. guilty.

The Great Array of Demons and Immortals is based on the nine heavens of the demon world, and operates nine gates. The three gates of banning, trapping, and shocking are trapped; Buckle, reincarnation of life and death, if the Qing Ling runs a large array of yin and yang, the nine gates are misaligned, and the yin and yang are reversed, then the shocking gates at the top of the sky in the demon world will be chaotic, and all nine gates will be dead gates, and the skin will peel off if you don't die.Just as Hongjun thought, Qingling presided over the big formation with the demon god banner in his hand. Nine banner gates formed by Tianbaozhuan, the capital of heavenly demons, stood in the air. , Yin and Yang change between life and death, and it doesn't take a stick of incense to form a formation. Thousands of demons kill immortals, kill heaven and earth, and there are many murderous intentions.

Hongjun had already discovered the changes in the formation at this time, and he didn't see Qingling's figure at this time, which made Hongjun feel uneasy, and regardless of the loss of mana, the cloud light escape method finally reached the Jingmen at the fastest speed, and the Taiji diagram evolved Yin and Yang, constantly stirring The demonic energy condensed, and finally opened a passage at Jingmen, and flew into the corridor. The inside was pitch black, filled with demonic energy, and the strong wind howled.At this time, the inside of the Jingmen has already been turned upside down. If you don't know how to break it, you will not be able to fly out for a lifetime.Hongjun is also a master of formations. He waved the Taiji diagram, and the energy of chaos finally blocked the light blade of magic energy from him, and the channel opened before was not closed.Although the surrounding black evil spirit was strong and the space was condensed, the entire Ten Thousand Demons Killing Immortal Formation was temporarily shattered by the chaotic atmosphere, unable to operate. Hongjun received the Taiji diagram and continued to fly forward, and it came to an end in a short while. Finally seeing the light in front of his eyes, he was overjoyed and finally heaved a sigh of relief, but before the smile on his mouth dissipated, there was a figure standing in front of him.

"Qing Ling!" It was Qing Ling who came, and Hongjun screamed out. He had already lost a lot of mana in order to break through the battle just now. Now facing Qing Ling, there is no chance of winning.How could Hongjun dare to stay? The cloud-light escape method was used again. Only by escaping to the chaotic sky can the genius have a chance to avoid the Qingling's sharp edge. He is still in the Demon Realm, but he is not far from the gate of the Demon Realm. As long as he is not cleared and caught up, he still has a chance to escape.

Qingling didn't want Hongjun to be so cunning. After all, he was the Taoist ancestor who had been in charge of the flood for hundreds of millions of years. He used frequent tricks and was hard to guard against.Although the cloud-light escaping method is fast, Qingling's master inherited Taiyi, the method of golden crow turning into a rainbow, and Qingling is also born with wind and spirit. After a while, he was already out of the devil world.Although Honghuang is big, one of them is a Hunyuan Saint and the other is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and they have already left Honghuang and came to Chaos soon.In the chaos, Hongjun has a great chance to get rid of Qingling's pursuit, especially when he comes to the outer sky, Hongjun can finally breathe a sigh of relief.On the contrary, Qingling had a gloomy face at this time. He had never experienced such a shame and humiliation. Being robbed of treasures under his nose and successfully escaped was unacceptable to him after sanctification, but he calmed down. After that, he quickly regained his composure.Although the Chaos Clock was powerful, it was incomprehensible that Hongjun would take such a risk to steal it. Although he was angry at this time, he was more restless, worried about some conspiracy.A Lingbao is nothing to Qingling, but this treasure is a gift from Taiyi.

Although Taiyi is now fused with chaos, chaos is Taiyi, and Taiyi is chaos, but only the outer sky is beyond this chaos, unfathomable.Hongjun steals the treasure, Tai Yi already knows at this time, and naturally he also knows why Hongjun stole the Chaos Clock, but although he has given up his mind now, he will naturally not bother about Honghuang's various things. "Hongjun, I don't want you to give up. You just opened the sky ax three points, and you have already lost the primordial embryo of chaos. Even if you gather the three treasures, the door of chaos has already been closed. How can this karma not be eliminated? Can this cause and effect not be broken until death? Ling'er, the so-called loss is more than enough to make up for what is not enough. Over time, the bigger the heart, the higher the realm, and the realization of the heart of heaven. , is the heart of the Tao. The so-called loss of the Tao, the loss of the loss, and even inaction, inaction can only make progress and sacrifice, and practice the Dharma body. The so-called Hunyuan is nothing more than a state. After passing this threshold, your The Tao is considered complete, I hope you will not be confused by this Hunyuan position, the demon world, the monster race, it’s over, it’s over, hahaha.” Tai sat on the side of Chaos, and said to himself, at this time Hongjun It's just an ant in his eyes.

After a lot of struggle, at this time Hongjun got the Tai Chi Diagram and the Chaos Clock as he wished, and now only the Pangu Banner is missing, but the stealing of the Chaos Clock has already alarmed Qingling. I am afraid that the Heavenly Court is already on guard, and the Heavenly Court is guarded by Zhou Tianxing Dou , It is more difficult to break through than the Demon Realm. In the past, the Chaos Clock could be stolen only through mental calculation and unintentional calculations, but it is difficult for Pan Gu Banan to repeat the same trick.Kunpeng and Luya are not fuel-efficient lamps. At this time, Hongjun is not at ease. He has no idea for a long time. He is alone and helpless.The Taoist master back then is now a loner, even his cultivation base has been greatly reduced.

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