The Great East Emperor

Chapter 57 Invincible supernatural powers, the number of days is set early

However, Jieyin and Zhunti took advantage of everyone's unpreparedness and were about to collect the Kongtong seal, but they didn't want all this to be noticed by Styx who was watching the battle.After all, Jieyin and Zhunti are outsiders from the West. Although they were favored by the Taoist ancestor and won the holy position, they were not treated by Styx.

"Jieyin, Zhunti, don't you think there is no one in the east, hahaha."

Jieyin and Zhunti only had the Kongtong seal in their eyes at this time, but they were unaware of Styx's sneak attack at this time, and the two sword qi approached him, and they were also staggering. The Kongtong seal should also be floating in the air without external interference.Jieyin, Zhunti was furious immediately: "Styx, if you spoil me and wait for good things, it will definitely not suit you."

Zhunti held the wonderful tree of seven treasures and really wanted to kill Minghe, but saw that Sanqing, Dijun, and Taiyi who were fighting on the side were all looking at him angrily.

Styx didn't want to completely offend the two Westerners. After all, the other party is also a sage of heaven and a disciple of Hongjun, so he shouldn't force him too much. He blocked Zhunti before because he didn't want to let Lingbao go, although the people present can easily offend Yes, it's just a matter of chance. If you don't fight for it, you may never have another chance.At this time, Minghe saw that everyone was attracted by Zhunti, releasing blood mist all over the sky, and saw that the sky was red with evil spirits.The real body of Styx took the Kongtong seal with two swords in his hands.

"You guys are deceiving people too much." At this moment, I only heard a roar, but it was Lao Tzu who was furious in his heart. He was the head of the Pangu Sanqing, a senior brother of Xuanmen, and everyone present saw him as nothing, no matter how quiet and inactive .I saw a golden pagoda rushing out from the top of Lao Tzu's head, with meritorious deeds and snow drifting, it scattered the blood god son in an instant.Innate merit is the nemesis of the blood sea, so how can the son of the blood god resist it.

Styx lost the cover of the Blood God Son, and at this time his real body had already been exposed in front of everyone.At this time, Lao Tzu took out a roll of blueprints in his hand, threw it upwards, and it immediately turned into a golden red streak, heading towards Minghe. Infinitely useful.

When Minghe saw it, he was shocked and paled. With a "swipe", a jet-black treasure flag flew out from above his head, transforming into countless black lotuses to wrap around his body. It will block the attack of Taijitu.Taijitu is good at defense, otherwise, how can others block the power of Kaitian Supreme Treasure.But even so, Styx took a few steps back, bloodshot eyes appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was faintly injured.Seeing that there was nothing to be done this time, Ming He gave Lao Tzu a hard look and then withdrew the Blood God Son, a red light dived back to the sea of ​​blood, but his eyes were full of hatred.

At this time, everyone was stunned. With this burst of tactics, Styx was injured in a flash, and the spirit treasure on his body was even more amazing, which made everyone dumbfounded.

Taiyi had always thought that his current strength should be No. 1 under Hongjun in the prehistoric world. Although he knew that Lao Tzu's strength was superior, he never expected that Lao Tzu's cultivation base was so deep, and it was not worse than his own. If you have settled down on this matter, go to the chaos to absorb the energy of chaos and restore the chaotic orb, so that you can use the chaotic orb to practice the chaotic road as soon as possible and seek a breakthrough.

At this time, when Zhunti saw the treasure in Lao Tzu's hands, he was full of emotions. Why are these treasures in the hands of everyone in the East? It is too barren, which also makes it more determined to win the Kongtong seal this time.

Minghe retreated from injury, Zhenyuanzi and Hongyun didn't like to fight at all, this time they came to try their own chances, now seeing that Sanqing, Tianting Erhuang, and Xixi are all determined to win the Kongtong seal, they will not make a move Be merciful, thinking that there is no chance for the two of us here, so we didn't say much, and nodded slightly to everyone, then turned back to Wuzhuang Temple, and went to drink tea and discuss the Tao.

A few great talents left, and some other individual visitors felt bored, so they dispersed one by one, but there were also many speculators who were still watching from the sidelines, but they still did not give up. After all, the temptation of the best innate spirit treasure is too great.When Hongjun talked about beheading the three corpses to prove the Tao, what he needed to behead the corpse must be an innate thing, so the innate spirit treasure made all living beings flock to it.

Seeing Zhen Yuanzi and the others leave at a glance, Tai didn't care, because what he had done before, and Zhunti had caused Sanqing's dissatisfaction. Nonsense.Tai said to Emperor Jun: "Brother Huang, although this treasure is infinitely powerful, it only attracts people to fight for it. If you want to seize it, there will probably be a fight. Wait for the younger brother to go to attract people, and Brother Huang will take the opportunity to go and seize the Lingbao."

Di Jun saw that Tai Yi had made plans, so he nodded and said: "For my brother's sake, it's just that the emperor should be more careful."

"Brother Huang, don't worry." After Tai Yi finished speaking, Xuanshui and black lotus bloomed under his feet, and he went straight to Kongtong Yin with the Demon Suppressing Sword in his hand.

Sanqing, Jieyin and Zhunti saw Taiyi make a move, and they all tried to stop him.Lao Tzu's mana is the strongest, and the spirit treasure is also miraculous, he has already stood in front of Tai Yi, Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda received the sword energy of the Demon Suppressing Sword, and immediately hit Tai Yi with the shoulder pole in his hand.

Seeing Lao Tzu's attack at a glance, and the three black lotus flowers flickering under his feet, Tai brushed Lao Tzu's shoulder pole aside, but suddenly felt a wave of magic power behind him. For some reason, he hurriedly urged the Eastern Emperor Bell to block it above his head. It seemed that it was Zhunti's wonderful tree of seven treasures that was bounced away by the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"Zhunti, you are so shameless." Taiyi was furious, and the Eastern Emperor Bell threw a golden light at Zhunti.

Seeing the Eastern Emperor Bell flying towards him, Zhunti was startled. He didn’t have a magic weapon in his hand to block the angry blow of the Taiyi Eastern Emperor Bell. On the ground, there was blood tightness in his chest.

If it wasn't for Taiyi still needing to be distracted from dealing with Lao Tzu, why would Zhunti only suffer such a minor injury.

Besides, Yuanyuan and Tongtian pretended to be the authentic Pangu, and they would not besiege Taiyi together. This time, they came to help Lao Tzu capture the Kongtong seal. , Receive and stop.At this time, Jieyin is facing Tongtian, and Dijun is facing Yuanyuan, both of them are fighting hard.

There is a kind of monk next to him, who has never seen such a fight before, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, he saw sword energy flickering on the battlefield, and traces of mana lingering around, it was someone who wanted to take away the spirit treasure, and was afraid of being surrounded by everyone When attacking, everyone stopped and waited for the opportunity.

At this time, Tai Yi held the Eastern Emperor Bell on his head, stepped on the black lotus of Xuanshui, held the Demon Suppressing Sword and the Heaven Measuring Ruler.Although Laozi's mana is high, he doesn't have a magic weapon for sharp attack in his hands. Although the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda and Taijitu are magical, they are good at defense and not good at attack.Zhunti was even more unbearable. He only had a wonderful tree of seven treasures in his hand. No matter how he broke through the defense of the Eastern Emperor Bell, even Xuanshui Heilian couldn't break through it.Therefore, for a while, both sides were unable to do anything to each other.

Tong Tian and Jie Yin are very funny.He is not good at fighting, but the twelfth-grade golden lotus and the Dongfang Qinglian Baose Banner are unparalleled in defense, so he just sits cross-legged in the void, knocking on the wooden fish for Tongtian to fight.At this time, Tongtian's Zhuxian sword formation has not been fully refined, and the formation is not very effective at this time, so he just holds the Qingping sword to attack Jieying for a while, but facing Jieyin's defense is helpless.

Dijun and Yuanyuan fought farther and farther at this time, but the Pangu flag in Yuanyuan's hand was too big, and Dijun had Hetu Luoshu and Nanfang Lidi Yanguang Banner for defense. Because it is one point higher than the original, it is difficult to distinguish the superiority for a while.

For a moment, it was difficult to distinguish between several people, but the monks who watched from the side were very happy. Fortunately, they didn't leave recently. This kind of battle is rare.Regardless of magical powers, mana, and spiritual treasures, they are all the best choices.It's just that after being excited, his expression was gloomy, because he faintly felt that it would be difficult for him to get his hands on this spirit treasure.

At this time, Tai Yi saw that Emperor Jun did not have the upper hand, and it was difficult to seize the Kongtong seal, so his thoughts became ruthless. Zhun mentioned to the side, while the Donghuang Bell blocked Lao Tzu's attack, escaped from the siege of the two with a dodge, and came to Di Jun to separate Yuan Yuan, the momentum around him soared, and a huge three-legged golden crow smashed down in an instant. On the original body, he beat Yuan Tianzun half a mile away, although he was not injured, he lost his face.Among the three Qings, Yuan Yuan was the most skinny, furious in his heart, staring at Tai Yi.

When Tai Yi suddenly appeared, Di Jun already had it in his heart, and took advantage of this gap to go straight to Kongtong Yin.Several other people were still not slowed down by Tai Yi's sudden exertion at this time. Seeing that Di Jun had come to the edge of Kongtong Seal and was about to collect the Lingbao, they were shocked and came to stop them one after another. I didn't want to shake the Donghuang Bell too much, but the chaotic sound waves made everyone shake and freeze in place.

Seeing that the time had come, Di Jun was about to use his mana to collect the Lingbao, but unexpectedly something happened.Seeing that Dijun was coming to collect it, the Kongtong seal immediately exploded with Nine Dragon True Qi to disperse Di Jun's magic power, and after the Kongtong seal flashed twice in the void, a golden light shot into Lao Tzu's arms.

All the people present looked at each other, this momentary change was too sudden, at this moment Di Jun was still standing there stupidly, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

It turns out that the Kongtong seal is a sacred weapon for the future human race, and it will suppress the luck of the human race.

At this time, Lao Tzu was overjoyed to see that the spirit treasure was alive, with a slight smile on his face.Yuanyuan and Tongtian also returned to Lao Tzu's side when they saw Lao Tzu's depot, to celebrate his elder brother's depot.

Seeing this situation, Jieyin's face became more and more painful, while Zhunti stared at Lao Tzu jealously, without saying a word.

Taiyi sighed in his heart: "It is indeed determined by the way of heaven, and the supernatural powers are invincible for days, hey."

At this moment, Di Jun had come to his senses, and came to Tai Yi, but his face was full of apology, he was about to write something, but was stopped by Tai Yi, and said: "Brother Huang, there is no need to do this, this is God's will, and we can't do it. "

After hearing this, Di Jun felt a little relieved, but he still blamed himself, but it was hard to say anything at this time.

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Taiqing for obtaining this treasure." Since Lao Tzu has already obtained the treasure, Tai Yi will not force him too much. These are all future saints. He does not want to offend too much, so he can only go forward to congratulate him.

"Fellow Daoist Donghuang, you are polite." For Tai Yi, I still respect him. After all, Tai Yi's strength has been recognized by Lao Tzu in the battle just now, and I am still far behind in one-on-one singles.

Jieyin and Zhunti saw that the Lingbao was obtained by Lao Tzu, so they had no choice but to go forward and make up, and the two returned to the West lonely.When Tai Yi saw these two people, he felt emotional. Although these two people are not popular, they are indeed people with great perseverance. The West is poor, and they are helpless. If they don't fight for it, it is difficult to survive.

Tai Yi shook his head, didn't say much, and went back to the Heavenly Court with Di Jun, but his heart was extremely depressed.

When the other monks saw what happened here, they also dispersed.

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