The Great East Emperor

Chapter 62: The Majesty of the Taoist Ancestor, Calling the Demon God Banner

However, Tai Yi was waiting for Houyi to leave the ancestral witch palace in the Wu clan tribe, but he didn't want to see many little monsters in the Wu tribe's territory being killed by the Wu tribe one after another, and became the blood of the Wu tribe. Demon, but it is just a drop in the bucket.The Witch Clan's territory is so huge that tens of thousands of Monster Clan children are killed by the Witch Clan every day and eaten as blood.

"This matter has to be taken care of." Although Qingqiu, Bu Zhoushan, Ji Meng, Bai Ze and others recruited from the Honghuang Yaozu, many children of the Yaozu were killed by the Wuzu. There are basically Wu clan tribes in the land of transformation.Therefore, only a small half of the monster clan can survive after transforming into form. Looking at these, Tai Yi felt a little bit unbearable.I am the Eastern Emperor of the Monster Clan, but I can't protect the children of the Monster Clan, so I feel uneasy.

"I still need to go back and discuss this matter with Brother Huang, and there is nothing I can do at this time." Although Tai Yi couldn't bear it, he couldn't help it for a while.However, Tai Yi wandered around in the prehistoric world for decades, but today he saw a big man with a strong physique and a dignified appearance, with a hard bow on his back and sharp arrows hanging from his waist.

When Taiyi saw this big man, he thought to himself: Could it be that this person is Houyi, I will know when the emperor goes to try it.Taiyi turned into a flood dragon and rushed towards the big man.

The big man suddenly saw a black flood dragon rushing towards him, he was stunned for a moment, but then he dodged the dragon and shouted: "The little reptile is so bold that it dares to attack you." The big man saw the black flood dragon attacking , furious in his heart, he had already clasped his fists and punched, and the wind of the fists whistled.

"What I want is for you to get angry." Tai Yi saw the big man using force, and the black flood dragon rushed towards the big man again, spitting out a large ball of real fire, but it was not the real fire of the sun, but the real fire of Sanwei, but Tai Yi didn't want to reveal his whereabouts, the real sun was real After all, Huo knew that only he and Di Jun had the real fire of life.

Seeing that the Jiaolong was so strong that it was difficult for him to parry, the big man dodged the real fire, took down the hard bow, drew out the long arrow, and hugged the moon with his arms full, and said to the black Jiao: "You evil, you are really rude, but look at Grandpa Houyi's spirit!" Arrows are powerful."

When Taiyi saw Houyi drawing a bow and shooting an arrow, he was sure that this person was the great witch Houyi. Hearing Houyi's words at this time, he was furious. For a hundred years, resentment naturally accumulated in my heart.

"Whoosh." At this moment, there was only a sound of strings, and a sharp arrow came straight towards Tai Yi.Taiyi smiled in his heart, and a ball of real fire in his mouth instantly burned the long arrow. This arrow is an ordinary arrow, so how can it block Taiyi's three-flavored real fire.

"You're a villain with some skills. I didn't expect there to be monsters like you in this prehistoric world." Hou Yi was also quite surprised when he saw that the black flood dragon was so fierce that he instantly dispelled his attack.At this time, Hou Yi's fighting spirit was already wide open, and he didn't hold back even more in his hands. He fired sharp arrows and clenched his iron fists tightly.

At this time, Taiyi has already made it clear that this person is Houyi, and originally wanted to take away Houyi's magic bow, but this also healed a worry, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes.It's just that now that Tai Yi has changed into a black flood dragon, all kinds of supernatural powers and spiritual treasures are not easy to use. It is obviously not a wise choice to fight against Hou Yi with a strong physical body and compete with the great witch.The physical body of the Wu clan is notoriously strong in the prehistoric.

At this time, I saw a surge of magic power in Taiyi's dantian, and the black dragon's body disappeared in an instant. A young man in a golden crow robe and a purple gold crown on his head stood in midair, with a slight smile on his mouth.

"East Emperor Taiyi, it's Donghuang Taiyi, why?" Hou Yi was terrified by this series of changes. The previous black flood dragon turned out to be the monster clan Taiyi, the Heavenly Court East Emperor, and his heart turned pale with shock.

"Hahaha, the great witch Hou Yi does have some strength. The existence of a great witch with your strength is indeed a threat to my monster clan. Don't be surprised. This emperor came to you specially today. When you destroyed my heaven Beitianmen, today the emperor came to you to settle the cause and effect." Taiyi didn't want to explain too much, since he was a noble person, there was no need to talk too much with Houyi, but after he finished speaking, Taiyi held the demon-suppressing sword and killed Xiang Houyi.

Hou Yi didn't know why Tai Yi wanted to get on with him, but when he heard Tai Yi talk about Beitianmen, he naturally knew it, but it was ruined, and he didn't regret it at all. Deep, this point of cause and effect is nothing.At this time, seeing Taiyi coming with a sword, he was about to resist, but he didn't expect a figure to appear in front of him, it was Zu Wuzhu Jiuyin.It turned out that this place was Zhu Jiuyin's tribe, and he had been paying attention to the fight between Tai Yi and Hou Yi before, seeing Tai Yi revealing his real body at this time, how could he sit and watch Hou Yi fall.

"Donghuang Taiyi, back then Hongjun Taoist ancestor had a sacred decree that the two clans of liches were not allowed to fight for ten thousand years. Are you going to disobey the Taoist ancestor's sacred decree?" Zhu Jiuyin knew that he had no chance of winning against Taiyi alone, so he had to delay , Waiting for other ancestral witches to come to support.

"It turned out to be Zhu Jiuyin. You don't have to threaten me with the Taoist ancestor. Back then, Houyi shot down the North Heaven Gate of my heavenly court. This time, the emperor came to him to understand the cause and effect. If you stop him, you will disobey the order of the Taoist ancestor. "At this time, Tai Yi didn't know that Zhu Jiuyin had already ordered someone to notify the other ancestral witches, and he also dismissed Zhu Jiuyin's coming to disrupt the situation.

"Hahaha, Eastern Emperor Taiyi, it's useless for you to be a prominent figure in the prehistoric world, yet you come here to find trouble with such a naive excuse. The cause and effect of your and my clan have long been endless, so there is no need to talk about the cause and effect." Zhu Jiuyin in the end He is a rare wise ancestor witch among the witch clan, and he refuted Taiyi's excuse with a single sentence.

Tai Yi also knew that his reasons were really far-fetched, and he had nothing to say for a while, when he saw four figures approaching not far away, they were Di Jiang, Xuan Ming, Qiang Liang and Hou Tu's Four Great Ancestral Witches.Seeing the arrival of the four of them, Zhu Jiuyin felt relieved and let out a long breath.

But at this time Tai Yi's complexion was ashen, and it was naturally uncomfortable to be teased by others. "Zhu Jiuyin, it's abominable that you play tricks in front of me." Tai Yi was furious at this moment, with a long sword in his palm, a sword shadow slashed straight at Zhu Jiuyin.

Zhu Jiuyin had already made preparations. He had been observing Taiyi, and when he saw the golden light of the demon-suppressing sword in Taiyi's hand, he immediately set up a time barrier.Just hearing a loud "boom", the sword shadow fell, and the time barrier instantly turned into pieces and dissipated.Zhu Jiuyin also yelled, the corners of his mouth were bloodshot.Tai Yi's angry blow was indeed powerful.

When Di Jiang and others saw Tai Yi making a move, they were all furious. After all, several people came to Tai Yi to make a move. This obviously did not take them seriously, so how could they not be angry.When he was about to surround him to deal with Tai Yi, he heard a muffled hum in the sky, and a powerful coercion came from the chaos.

Taiyi suddenly felt that there was a huge boulder weighing tens of millions of catties on his body, and he couldn't even breathe.The primordial spirit is also locked in the body, and mana cannot be activated at all. "Ah." Tai opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of golden blood, and he had already suffered serious injuries.

Although Di Jiang and the others were also suppressed by coercion, they were not injured like Tai Yi.At this time, everyone already understood that it was Daozu Hongjun who sent down the pressure of the saints to punish them.Because this matter was mainly provoked by Tai Yi, he received the heaviest pressure, and was seriously injured by Hongjun Daozu. It may not be difficult to recover in hundreds of years.

At this time, Tai Yi couldn't calm down. He originally thought that Hongjun was in harmony with the way of heaven, so he would naturally not care about such trivial matters. He didn't expect that he would take action against him just as soon as he had the intention to kill. Could it be that the way of heaven is hard to change.This time, he failed so much that he couldn't fail anymore, so he had to turn into a golden rainbow and go back to the heaven.

Di Jiang and the others were also frightened by Hongjun Daozu's methods, so naturally they would not make things difficult for Taiyi, otherwise they would not be able to resist Hongjun's anger.

But he said that Taiyi returned to the Heavenly Court, and originally wanted to go directly to retreat, but didn't want to happen to meet Di Jun.Seeing Taiyi's pale face, Di Jun was shocked when he knew Taiyi was injured, and asked, "Imperial brother, what's wrong with you, why is your injury so serious?"

When Taiyi saw Di Jun asking, he knew it was difficult to conceal, so he told Di Jun what happened before, but only concealed the matter of Houyi's magic arrow.

When Di Jun heard that it was Hongjun who made the move, he was shocked. He only felt relieved when he heard Taiyi say that the matter had passed, but he complained that Taiyi was too reckless. Fortunately, Hongjun didn't kill him, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous .Di Jun didn't say too much, and urged Tai Yi to heal quickly.

Tai Yi didn't say much, and after talking to Di Jun, he went back to his quiet room, set up restraints and began to heal his wounds.Tai Yi took out a lot of innate elixir and fairy grass from the fortune gourd, smashed them into spiritual liquid and took it, then began to meditate.At this time, Huang Zhongli was taken out by Tai Yi because of his original source, and it is difficult to recover every 10 years.Therefore, the Huang Zhongli in Taiyi's hands only had the remaining seven before, and he was naturally reluctant to use them for healing at this time.

Not talking about Taiyi healing, but saying that in the deep chaos of Zixiao Palace, Hongjun saw that Taiyi was still acquainted, and did not continue to entangle with Zuwu. It's impetuous, but fate is so difficult to deduce for some reason, can it be said that the way of heaven can really be changed?"

At this time, 700 years have passed in a hurry, Taiyi has left the customs, his injuries have healed, and his Taoism and mana have also faintly increased.At this time, Tai Yi, Di Jun and others were discussing the matter of the monster clan in Lingxiao Palace.Before Di Jun and others heard that most of the monsters in the prehistoric world were killed by the Wu Clan, they were furious in their hearts, but thinking of Hongjun Daozu who took action against Tai Yi not long ago, none of them dared to go to the Wu Clan to find trouble at this time.

In the end, Taiyi made a suggestion. The demon clan can refine one side to recruit demon banners, so that the children of the demon clan can directly come to the heavenly court to garrison after they transform into forms. On the one hand, the demon clan in the prehistoric world will not be burnt; .It is indeed a good way to have the best of both worlds.

Everyone agreed, and Nuwa took out the spirit treasure gourd she got in Kunlun Mountain to refine the demon banners. She didn't do anything for the demon clan these years, so she felt somewhat guilty.After all, Nuwa is also a monster race, so she naturally has feelings for the monster race.

After being refined by several quasi-sages together, it took less than a hundred years to see a golden banner standing on the real fire of the sun, covered with densely packed demon scripts and spells.There was only a loud noise, and the demon-calling banner was in full bloom, and countless demon spirits from the prehistoric and heavenly courts flew to attach themselves to the demon-calling banner.The people watching were shocked.

Di Jun held the demon banner and laughed endlessly, so that he could truly grasp the lifeblood of the demon clan.If he had the heart, even Kunpeng, Fuxi and other primordial spirits could be forcibly taken away, but this would definitely offend everyone, so he didn't do it. After all, Kunpeng and others had followed him since he started the incident. Naturally, he would not do such a chilling thing.When the cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks;

At this time, I saw Dijun's finger pointing, and the demon-calling flag was instantly put into the gourd by a green leather gourd, and the gourd was also overflowing with monster aura.From then on, the Yaozu Supreme Treasure was born, but the Yaozu foundation was truly consolidated.

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