The Great East Emperor

Chapter 70, 2 The Fall of the Demon, the Development of the Human Race

It is true that Di Jun looked up at this time, but saw a huge red and black Yin-Yang Pisces forming a huge red and black Yin-Yang Pisces all over the sky. The evil spirit condensed, and he saw two Taoists with sinister faces, one holding a knife and the other holding a bead, pointing to the ground Looking at Donghuang Taiyi.It turned out that after fighting for a long time, the two of Guiyuan no longer had much natal essence to maintain this strong and fierce offensive.

Nether evil spirit is different from the general evil spirit in the prehistoric world. It is formed by Guiyuan Daoist and Qianyuan ancestors using the power of law to consume the essence of life. Essence, this time Guiyuan had no choice but to use this magical power.Now seeing that the evil spirit of the nether world is not too unified, it can only gather the evil spirit of the nether world, but it can increase mana power in a short period of time. Although this kind of enlightenment method can greatly increase the combat power in a short period of time, it is afraid that there will be endless troubles in the future. Perhaps it is difficult to improve the cultivation base.

At this time, Tai Yi also followed Di Jun to look up, and at this time, he saw Guiyuan Daoist and Qianyuan Patriarch, who looked sullen but surprised, "Hahaha, Guiyuan, you finally have the courage to come out and fight!" It turns out that the Chaos Demon God is just like you." Indeed, Tai Yi was finally able to vent his fighting spirit and resentment.

"Eastern Emperor Taiyi, don't be crazy, you will fall here today." For Taiyi at this time, it is no longer Guiyuan who has hatred alone, even Qianyuan is also full of anger, and he has already gritted his teeth.

Di Jun and Kunpeng were on the side. Seeing the hatred in the eyes of Guiyuan and the two, their cultivation had recovered a lot, and their expressions were solemn. The strength that Guiyuan showed before did not dare to be underestimated by Dijun and Kunpeng.

At this time, Tai Yi had already had a strong fighting spirit, and his murderous aura broke out from his body. He held the Donghuang Bell and raised his sword to slash Gui Yuan and the two of them.Seeing Taiyi coming to kill Guiyuan, he raised the blood soul knife in his hand, not wanting Taiyi to strike hard, Guiyuan Taoist also trembled slightly.Patriarch Qianyuan saw that Taoist Guiyuan was nervous, and waved his hand with a ghostly sword energy, but in an instant one changed into ten ways, ten ways changed into hundreds of ways, hundreds of ways changed into thousands of ways, and ten thousand ways changed, and they all killed Taiyi one after another.

"It's such a small technique, let's see if I break it." After Tai Yi finished speaking, the Eastern Emperor Bell rang twice above his head, and when he was about to get close, the Eastern Emperor Bell directly blocked the sword energy.Qian Yuan was also helpless when he saw the Eastern Emperor Bell. Taiyi was protected by such a treasure that opened the sky, but it was invulnerable to all magic.

At this time, Kunpeng was about to step forward to help, but he didn't want Dijun to hold him back and said, "Monster, don't be like this. With the personality of the emperor, I absolutely don't want us to go up at this time. I'd better accompany the widow to watch Donghuang from the sidelines." Destroy the enemy." Kunpeng nodded and said, "Your Majesty still has a far-reaching thought."

Let's say that at this time Taiyi is alone fighting Guiyuan Daoren and Qianyuan Patriarch, completely fearless, with the Eastern Emperor Bell in hand, measuring the sky ruler and suppressing demon sword to attack very fiercely. Although Guiyuan and Guiyuan's mana surged for a while, they could only cope with it.

Bian Shenjun and Kunpeng saw that Taiyi's cultivation has improved a lot. If they were to fight against Guiyuan and Guiyuan alone, they would have lost. , Taoism is mysterious, and it is also applauded.

At this time, I saw that Tai Yi was already full of fighting spirit at this time. Because of the help of the Chaos Orb, he had improved a lot in his cultivation before, and now he just tried his skills. The rules can be easily corrected.In fact, it was also because Taoist Guiyuan and Patriarch Qianyuan only relied on the evil energy of the underworld to increase their mana for a short period of time, and it was gradually exhausted at this time.

"Ah." At this moment, only a scream was heard, and Patriarch Qianyuan was hit hard on the chest by Tai Yi with the Eastern Emperor Bell.The old ancestor Qianyuan had relied on a breath of true energy to survive until now, but he didn't want to be severely injured by Tai Yi in an instant, his true energy leaked out, and he lost most of his magic power. At this time, his clothes were broken and black blood flowed from his mouth. Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

"Brother!" Taoist Guiyuan turned pale with fright when he saw that Patriarch Qianyuan was seriously injured. I hurt you for my brother, you have to hold on." Guiyuan desperately poured mana into Qianyuan's body.

"Brother, there's no need to be like this. I'm afraid I have to take a step forward as a brother today." At this time, Qian Yuan's body was severely injured, his soul was scattered, and he only relied on a mouthful of true energy to lift his breath.

Taoist Guiyuan saw that the ancestor Qianyuan was like this, he had already lost all thoughts, the evil spirit around him dissipated, and he no longer had the fierce aura just now. At this time, his eyes were full of tears and he regretted it in his heart. Originally, this was just the cause and effect between him and Taiyi. If he hadn't gone to find the elder Qianyuan himself Ancestor, how could Patriarch Qianyuan be involved in this matter.

At this time, he put Patriarch Qianyuan aside, with loose eyes and a lonely face, and said to Tai: "East Emperor Taiyi, you won this time, hahaha, don't you just want my life, today is just like yours!" All I want is that I have one thing to ask, if you don't agree, I won't make it easier for you even if I die."

"Hahaha, Guiyuan, what qualifications do you have to bargain with the emperor at this time." Tai Yi was not angry when he heard the threat from Taoist Guiyuan. Now the two are like fish on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered by others, and Tai Yi is not angry either. Will get acquainted with him.

"Tai Yi, today is the day, you defeated my two brothers, but do you think you can easily kill me and others? As long as you promise Pindao to let my brother go, Pindao will do whatever he wants, and he will never turn back. Pindao Elder brother is now leaking his true energy, so he won’t pose any threat to you anymore.” Taoist Guiyuan knew that he was doomed today, but he didn’t want to see Patriarch Qianyuan die here too.

At this time, the two emperors and Jun saw that Taiyi seriously injured Patriarch Qianyuan, and the fighting between the two sides had stopped. : "Hmph, Guiyuan, what qualifications do you have to bargain with the emperor now, your lives will be saved today."

"Taiyi, you! Pindao will not make you feel better even if you die." Although Guiyuan knew that Taiyi would definitely not agree to this matter, when he heard Taiyi's refusal at this time, he was furious in his heart. Soul knife slashed towards Taiyi.

At the end of the crossbow, Taiyi looked at the knife in Guiyuan's hand, and smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth. The sword light of the Demon Suppressing Sword had already blocked the Blood Soul Knife. Taiyi laughed loudly and said, "Guiyuan, your evil spirit is exhausted now, and most of your magic power has been lost. How can you be my opponent?" After Tai Yi finished speaking, the Suppressing Demon Sword was fierce and charged at Guiyuan Taoist.

Seeing Tai Yi's murderous intent overflowing, the Taoist Guiyuan knew that he had no way out. He glanced at the ancestor Qianyuan who was lying quietly in the distance. Knowing Guiyuan's thoughts, he secretly asked Emperor Jun and Kunpeng to seal the void, preventing Guiyuan from escaping like last time, causing endless troubles. Taiyi himself hurriedly poured mana into the Eastern Emperor Bell, and the Donghuang Bell continued to ring, causing countless chaos The aura broke through the evil spirits and entangled Guiyuan. The Donghuang Bell itself smashed the body of Guiyuan Taoist under the control of Taiyi, leaving only a true spirit erratic.

At this time, the surrounding thousands of miles of space was blocked by Dijun and Kunpeng's magic power, and Guiyuan had no chance to escape. Guiyuan's soul was instantly burned to ashes by Taiyi's real sun fire.A generation of Chaos Demon God was lucky enough to escape death under the Sky-Opening Axe, but now it is still difficult to escape the Chaos Clock transformed by the handle of the Sky-Opening Axe, which is now under the Eastern Emperor Bell, and it just dissipates between heaven and earth.

"Hmph, threatening me with self-explosion is really beyond my reach." Over the years, Taiyi is no longer as afraid of his opponent's self-destruction as before, especially now that the Donghuang Bell has become more proficient in using it. Die, put away the Donghuang Bell, and looked at Patriarch Qianyuan in the distance.

At this time, Patriarch Qianyuan saw the death of his best friend and brother Guiyuan Daoist who had been his best friend for thousands of years.Even if he blew himself up, he couldn't do anything about it, and said sadly in his heart: "Hahaha, brother, you just left, and now you leave me as a crippled person, why do you have the face to stay in this world and give us chaos? The demon god discredited me, how powerful and proud I was when I waited for the Chaos Demon God, I never imagined that I have come to such a field now, hahaha, it’s really unpredictable, brother, go slowly, I’m here to find you.” Qian Yuan said Seeing that he exhausted his true energy by himself, a generation of demon gods returned to that vast chaotic space following the turbulent energy of chaos.

The two Chaos Demon Gods fell, and Tai Yi watched the two great powers dissipate in the sky and the earth, leaving not even a trace of true spirit. The Chaos Demon God was abandoned by Dao back then, and basically died under Pangu's Sky-opening Axe. A few remnant souls escaped, but after all, they are people whose destiny is not there, and they cannot escape death after all.The so-called supernatural powers are invincible to the sky, what kind of magic power and supernatural powers are needed to defy the sky, and how can ordinary people reverse the way of heaven.

"Brother Emperor, Demon Master, we'll be in heaven." Seeing Di Jun and Di Jun approaching, Tai Yi said indifferently, without the slightest smile on his face.This made Di Jun and the two very puzzled. They should be happy to win this big victory, but seeing Tai Yi like this is not easy to ask, so they went back to heaven with Tai Yi.

But it is said that in the prehistoric period, after Nuwa created human beings, she arranged the human race to multiply and thrive on the edge of the East China Sea.In recent years, the human race has also developed rapidly under the leadership of the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Ziyi clan.The Suiren clan invented the method of drilling wood to make fire, which ended the era of drinking blood after the human race had the method of making fire; the Youchao clan was inspired by the nesting of birds on trees, and used branches and vines to build fire on tall trunks. Building houses can keep out the wind and rain, and can also prevent the attacks of animals. People will no longer live in that kind of fearful life; wear.It was the third ancestor of the human race that made the civilization of the human race a big step forward.

Today, because of the smooth development of the human race over the years, it has grown into a clan of tens of millions.With the increase in the number of human races, some human races gradually left the vicinity of the East China Sea and migrated to the inland of the prehistoric region. There were many intersections with the two clans of liches, and there were occasional frictions. The fierce liches caused the races to suffer a lot.Although Emperor Jun had clearly stipulated that the Yaozu, the human race was created by Nuwa, and the Yaozu were brother races, they should support each other, but the two tribes are not the same after all, and the children of the Yaozu occasionally commit crimes.

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