The Great East Emperor

Chapter 74, Inexplicably Lost, Ashura Sect

Tai Yi looked into Pangu's eyes, and didn't know what to do for a moment, breaking it was naturally impossible, at this time Tai Yi's mind flashed that he couldn't break it, but suppressing it was possible. Zu Wu will not be noticed.Thinking of this, Tai Yi didn't hesitate anymore, directly sacrificed the Demon Suppressing Sword, swung two golden sword qi, formed two magic seals, directly blocked Pangu's eyes, and finally isolated the phantom.Because the eyes of the formation were suppressed, the surrounding phantoms gradually dissipated, and the phantom formation broke in an instant.

"After all, it's just a small phantom formation, and there's no one guarding it, but it's easy." Although Tai Yi broke the phantom formation at this time, he still didn't know where to go.This time he sneaked into the Ancestral Witch Hall, he didn't know the situation inside, and he didn't have any specific purpose. He was just curious, and felt that there must be a big secret in the Ancestral Witch Hall. There was a trace of breath in the Ancestral Witch Hall, and this time it was only thanks to a few great witches to enter the hall.

Tai Yi had no choice but to walk along this road and keep going inward. Although it was a bit dangerous, curiosity kept guiding Tai Yi to go further.Tai Yi didn't expect that the journey would be extremely smooth, and he only encountered a few big witches on patrol, so naturally he easily avoided it.It's just because of this that Taiyi became more and more uneasy. It is impossible to go deep into the important place of the Ancestral Witch Hall so easily, and there is almost no obstacle except for a phantom formation along the way.

Just when Taiyi was restless, Taiyi's worries were finally fulfilled.I saw that this road has come to an end, and what Tai Yi sees now is a piece of yin and yang, and the way of yin and yang is all in it.The way of yin and yang is the root of all things in the world, and the energy contained in it, transformed by the yin and yang qi when the heaven and earth first opened, is enough to destroy the human body and invade the soul.The black and white gas, like two black and white dragons, baring their teeth and dancing their claws, is very frightening, Tai Yi also frowned when he saw it.

Although the yin and yang qi are formidable, they are nothing to Tai Yi.At this time, Tai Yi suddenly thought that the yin and yang energy would also be a great harm to the witch clan. The previous few ancestor witches left for only a cup of tea, and it can be said that they disappeared in an instant.Taiyi thought that there must be other passages here, so he didn't force his way through the yin and yang. After all, he didn't know what dangers there were, so it was better to be careful in the Ancestral Witch Hall.

"Before there was Pangu's chaotic eyes that evolved into a phantom array, there must be a treasure sitting here, otherwise the yin and yang energy would not be so strong." Tai Yi looked at the boundless yin and yang energy, and there was a hint of greed in his eyes, but in an instant then disappeared.I thought to myself: "Fortunately, after years of cultivation, I have a firm mind and can resist temptation even in the face of such a treasure."

Now, the focus is on finding a way out and entering the inner core of the Ancestral Witch Hall.Tai Yi sorted out his thoughts, and didn't rush into this yin and yang two qi. After carefully observing this area, he found that this area is a space of its own, and there is actually a layer of enchantment separating it from the intersection of the passage where he is now, "What the hell? It’s the Ancestral Witch Hall, it’s really a big deal.” Tai Yi thought to himself, the defense of this Ancestral Witch Hall is really extraordinary, this barrier is invisible and invisible, making it difficult for intruders to find it, once touched, the Ancestral Witches in the hall will immediately notice.At this time Tai Yi was very fortunate that he was able to stabilize his figure just now and did not rush in rashly.

"Hmph, even with this barrier, could it be possible to block this emperor?" Tai Yi smiled slightly, and waved out a measuring ruler.The measuring ruler exudes traces of majestic purple air.Although this primordial purple qi is not a complete purple qi and cannot form the foundation of the Dao, it is still more than enough to break through the barrier and open a passage without being noticed by the ancestor witch.

Taiyi thought that the passage through the yin and yang must be behind this enchantment, otherwise he would not have missed it with his eyes that have seen all over the world.Time does not wait, Tai Yi threw the measuring ruler forward, purple light flashed on the measuring ruler, and the primordial purple energy was replaced by a purple long bridge to cross the barrier, and a purple long bridge was built in the space on both sides, Tai Yi jumped up and followed the long bridge. However, he waved his hand and retracted the measuring ruler.This process is only a momentary change, and the transparent enchantment barrier seems to have not changed at all.

Tai Yi doesn't care about these, at this time he is already on the edge of Yin and Yang, and the Yin and Yang feel that Tai Yi exists, one is black and the other is white, the two gases are like two giant swords attacking Tai Yi, "I never thought that the Yin and Yang are Conceived in the chaos, not born in the prehistoric, it is actually more powerful than the Qi of Chaos. Tai Yi dared not be careless, and separated the purple Qi from the measuring ruler in his hand to keep the Yin and Yang Qi out of him, and observed this space again.

At this time, in Taiyi's eyes, it is no longer just the black and white gases, but the vast and boundless universe above his head, countless stars, and the power of all kinds of stars, covering this space, Taiyi can't see clearly at all. What is in the depths of the universe, but under his feet is a huge picture of Tai Chi, the yin and yang Pisces are spinning, and they are exuding boundless yin and yang. What else is there?" But because of this, Tai Yi wanted to look inside even more, but the attraction of the Ancestral Witch Hall became stronger and stronger.

Tai Yi held the measuring ruler tightly, and the majestic purple energy continued to radiate out. Tai Yi carefully looked at this space, and saw that although the universe above his head was almost the same as the universe controlled by the Heavenly Court, it did not have the power of heaven. The scene above the stars.And this huge power of the stars only keeps the stars running, and has not been transformed into aura.Tai Da was puzzled, because most of the power of stars in the prehistoric world was transformed into innate aura to maintain the 33-day survival of all things under the control of the monster clan, and some of them were scattered in the prehistoric prehistoric, and the prehistoric stars basically did not need so much The power of the stars is maintained.

The more Tai Yi looked at it, the more he felt strange. Looking at the starry sky quietly, he realized that the starry sky in front of him became more and more suspicious. Tai Yi felt that there must be a secret in the starry sky. With a slap above his head, a big bronze bell jumped out from among the three flowers on top of Tai Yi's head. It was Tai Yi's Zhibao Donghuang Bell.With the Donghuang Bell and the Tiantian Ruler in hand, Tai Yi is not afraid of the yin and yang, and flies towards the starry sky of the universe, but the higher he flies, the more difficult it is for Tai Yi to move his body, as if there are many faults in the space.If it wasn't for Tai Yi's strong physical body and the treasure defense in his hands, he might have been torn apart by the yin and yang energy.

Tai Yi was puzzled, no matter how powerful the yin and yang qi were, they would not be so strong.At this time, he didn't dare to use the Eastern Emperor Bell to break through the space, so he had to sacrifice the measuring ruler again to build a long bridge, and then came to the starry sky.Tai Yi saw that he came to the universe and starry sky, but was shocked again. Except that the orbit here is different from that of the prehistoric starry sky, there is simply a prehistoric starry sky.Following the trend of Liangyi and the position of the Eight Diagrams in the Nine Palaces, Tai Yi slowly deduced the laws of the stars, and found that the power of the Taiyin star and the Sun star here are absorbed by the Bagua diagram below, while the surrounding stars supply the power of countless stars to the Taiyin star and sun star.

"No wonder so much star power is needed, so that's how it is." Tai Yi suddenly realized, and followed the yang energy emitted by the sun star to drill into the white fish eyes of the yin and yang Pisces in the Tai Chi diagram.Taiben is the body of the most yang, so the entry is quite smooth. When Taiyi entered, he found that there were actually two doors, one in front and one behind. The shape was extremely simple, but it was covered with various Shamanic symbols. Make a note of the shape.This door was facing the direction he came from. He waved his hand and pushed it open with force, only to find that it was the invisible barrier he had passed through before.

Tai Yi didn't understand why he passed through the barrier just now, but didn't come here but went to the yin and yang, and he couldn't see the door at all in the barrier.But at this time.He didn't care about these, Tai Yi gently opened another door, but he didn't want to open it, Tai Yi was even more frightened, because in front of his eyes, he saw the Pangu mural he saw before again , The two sword qi of the previous Demon Suppressing Sword have not completely dissipated, and there are still traces of aura hanging in the air.And this door is just above this phantom formation enchantment.

"Why is this so? How did you come back to the same place before going around? Where is this mysterious passage?" If it was in the previous life, Tai Yi would have told himself that he had encountered a ghost hitting the wall, but he Now he is the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, the strongest under the saints. He doesn't understand how he fell into this huge maze since he has been careful since he entered the Ancestral Witch Hall.

Not to mention that Taiyi is unable to advance or retreat in the Zuwu Temple at this time, and besides, all the saints appointed by Hongjun in the prehistoric world have been sanctified except Hongyun.One is that the entire Great Desolation exploded, especially those congenital gods who were also heard by Zixiao Palace at the beginning, they were all unwilling to be reduced to ants, and they retreated to practice one after another. Even he didn't know where the holy seat was, and this also gave a glimmer of hope to Da Neng who didn't get the holy seat.

In the sea of ​​blood, Minghe saw that the Sanqing and the Western Sages had achieved great merits and virtues to become saints by virtue of establishing the teaching. Although he knew that it would be difficult for him to prove the Tao without the primordial purple energy, how could he be reconciled if he hadn't tried it.At the beginning, he created the Asura clan and gained a lot of merit. Although he could not become a saint, he still made great progress in cultivation. Now he has used the northern Xuanyuan Water Control Banner to cut out good corpses by virtue of his merit. If he established a religion like a few saints, You can also get some merit, even if you can't become a saint, it will be beneficial to your cultivation, and it will be good to honor the Taoist ancestor in the future.

On this day, Styx stood on the sea of ​​blood, and there were many Asuras under his command. He held Yuantu and Abi swords, and behind him was a huge black flag. I, Styx, take Netherworld Blood Sea as the teaching of Kiri Asura, and the way of heaven learns from it." As soon as Styx finished speaking, the sky thundered, and soon after the auspicious clouds passed, the merits and virtues descended. Seeing this, Styx immediately absorbed the merits, but only Styx absorbed them. After gaining merit, he found that his morality had reached the peak of quasi-sage, but he still couldn't become a saint, even the third corpse was difficult to cut out.Styx also had no choice but to shake his head helplessly. After all, this was within his expectation, and he murmured: "If there is no primordial purple energy, sanctification is just empty talk."

Originally, people in the prehistoric world heard that Styx was established as a religion, and then their merits and virtues fell, thinking that another saint would be born, but it has been a long time since Styx was sanctified, and they also knew that Styx was not sanctified.Those people with great supernatural powers saw what Styx did, and they didn't laugh at Styx for learning the Three Purities and the Western Ersheng Lijiao.Because it is still difficult for Styx to become a saint after obtaining merits twice, he undoubtedly stabbed a knife in the hearts of everyone. Without the majestic purple energy, no matter how many merits you have obtained, it will be in vain.

But at this time in the Ancestral Witch Hall, Tai Yi looked at the two doors in front of him, and kept recalling the scene he had walked all the way, thinking about where he made a mistake.After a long time, Tai Yi finally showed a slight smile, and said lightly: "It turned out to be like this."

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