The Great East Emperor

Chapter 79 Gains and losses of luck, see Chang Xi again

Houtu turned into reincarnation and gained immeasurable merit. Although the witch clan relied on merit and good luck, they lost their ancestors and queens.All sentient beings in the prehistoric land were grateful for the mercy of Houtu, and bowed down one after another: "Mrs. Pingxin is merciful." Even the saints Sanqing, Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti also bowed slightly to the six realms of reincarnation, expressing gratitude for the mercy of Houtu, myself and others Although he is a saint, he is not as good.

The twelve ancestral witches are connected by blood, and the other eleven ancestral witches were shocked when they heard that Houtu established the six realms of reincarnation and announced it to the world. They didn't know why Houtu was like this, and they all left their tribes and went to the sea of ​​blood.

At this time, Houtu has absorbed the merits and virtues, and the primordial spirit has achieved great success, turning into a woman who is about seven or eight minutes like himself. The cultivation base is close to that of a saint, but without the grand purple energy, he will not be a saint in the end.Ming He watched all this from the sidelines, lamented Pingxin's compassion in his heart, and bowed deeply to Pingxin: "The Empress Houtu is so merciful, from now on, my Asura clan can finally reproduce by myself, all thanks to the gift of the empress, and then I will give birth to the mother." All sentient beings in the prehistoric world also get the blessing of the empress."

"Fellow Daoists are over-reputed. Now the poor Daoist is Pingxin, and he is no longer the future land." In Pingxin's words, there was no joy of gaining Dao. When she established the six reincarnations, in the vast river of fate, she faintly saw The future fate of the Wu clan.The battle between the two clans of liches, after all, wiped out the luck of the two clans, and finally withdrew from the prehistoric land one after another, becoming abandoned children of heaven, feeling depressed in their hearts.The merits and virtues gained by my own reincarnation can only protect the luck of the witch clan for a while, and the inheritance will be immortal in the future, protecting a trace of incense, so that Pangu's bloodline will not completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

"Sister, what happened and why did you do this?" At this time, the other eleven ancestor witches had already arrived.At this time, everyone saw that although Pingxin had no ancestral witch aura and lost all his essence and blood, he gave birth to the body of Yuanshen, and they were very puzzled.

Seeing that the ancestral witches had arrived, Ming He was very embarrassed to be here, so he greeted the ancestral witches peacefully and went back to the sea of ​​blood.At this time, Zu Wu couldn't control Styx, they all surrounded Pingxin, waiting for the answer, and ignored Styx.Only Ping Xin nodded to Styx, which was considered an answer.Styx also understood, so he left on his own, but he had some thoughts in his heart.

"Brothers and sister Xuanming, this matter is normal. Honghuang was transformed by Pangu's father god. It's just that the father god separated twelve drops of blood essence and turned them into twelve ancestor witches. Therefore, Honghuang lacked six reincarnations. Therefore, it is natural that we need to wait for the Wu Clan to perfect it, and it is also a great cause and effect to repay the prehistoric times. The younger sister’s move is just in line with the way of heaven. It’s just that the younger sister didn’t discuss it with you brothers, so please don’t blame me, brothers.” Looking at you calmly , I don’t know how to tell them that the witch clan values ​​friendship the most, and they have been together since birth. Although I am not dead, I am no longer the body of the ancestor witch. I feel a little desolate, but the six paths of reincarnation are the way Given the general situation, she can only tell other ancestral witches how powerful it is.

"What bullshit is the general trend of heaven, does heaven have to make the girl die?" At this time, although Gong Gong was helpless to hear what Ping Xin said, but out of love for Ping Xin, he couldn't close much.Although Pingxin did not die this time because of the help of his merits and virtues, he was also confined to the six samsaras for immeasurable kalpas, and he was not allowed to enter the prehistoric world again, and his heart ached.Pingxin and Xuanming are the only two women among the ancestral witches, and they are the youngest. They are usually very thin and favored by the other ancestral witches. Now that Pingxin is like this, they all feel very heavy.Xuan Ming even held Ping Xin's hand, crying into tears.

"Hey, brothers, now that things have come to this point, we can't wait. Fortunately, God sees you, Houtu girl will finally save her life. Now that she has a primordial spirit, there will always be a day of escape in the future. It's just that the Wu clan is also the same now. In troubled times, I can't wait here to take care of my sister all the time. For the sake of my brother, I will choose some powerful big witches and lead some clansmen to help my sister manage the six reincarnations. There are people who help you when you cause trouble, what do you think, big brother?" After all, Zhu Jiuyin has far-sightedness, and he is also much more rational at this time.

When Di Jiang heard it, he also felt that what Zhu Jiuyin said was reasonable, and the other ancestral witches also felt that what Zhu Jiuyin said was very reasonable, so they had no choice but to bid farewell peacefully and went back to their own tribe to choose people.Seeing Zuwu leave with peace of mind, there were also tears in his eyes: "Brothers, I'm sorry, it's not that my younger sister doesn't want to save you, it's just that my younger sister can't. If my younger sister makes a move, I, you and the Wu Clan are afraid that even the last There is no chance of survival."

However, in the Heavenly Court, Di Jun and others learned about the reincarnation of Houtu, they sighed in their hearts for peace and compassion, but they were more happy that Houtu fell, although there is peace now, but peace is not the ancestor witch , the gods and gods of the witch clan can no longer lay down the earth after the formation is missing, which is really gratifying.

"Hahaha, without Houtu, let's see how the Wu Clan will fight against our Monster Clan. In a few years, the Witch Clan will definitely give up the wild land, and our Monster Clan will dominate the wild land." Di Jun couldn't hide his heart at this time. Excited, Kunpeng, Fuxi and the others were also overjoyed and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the important matter of my monster clan can be settled."

"Hey, if it wasn't for Hongjun Daozu's pressure, I really want to take you to wipe out the witch clan now." Di Jun was also a little hard to hide his arrogance at this time, and the innate emperor's aura leaked out A touch of coercion.

"Your Majesty, even though Hou Tu lost the body of the ancestral witch by transforming into the six realms of reincarnation, he has also added immeasurable merit to the Wu Clan. The current luck of the Wu Clan is not bad. We still need to find a way." After all, Kunpeng is also a man with far-reaching plans, and he is the only one who still has a cautious heart when others get carried away.

When Di Jun heard what Kunpeng said, he also felt reasonable, and said: "What the demon master said is very true, but I am a little forgetful and whimsical. According to the demon master, what should we do."

"Your Majesty, I'm ashamed of the poor, and there's nothing I can do about it." Although Kunpeng knew about luck, he didn't have a proper way to deal with it, and looked at Fuxi.Fuxi also shook his head helplessly, and stood by the side with a guilty expression on his face, without saying a word.

"Your Majesty, this is a very important matter. I will wait for His Majesty the Eastern Emperor to come out. I will wait for His Majesty the Eastern Emperor's opinion. With His Majesty's wisdom, there must be a good solution." Kunpeng saw everyone. Helpless, thinking of Taiyi at this moment, I feel that only Taiyi can have a good solution to this matter.

"Hey, let's do it according to the demon master's words, and wait for the emperor to leave the customs." Di Jun felt very lost at this time, he had to rely on Tai Yi for everything, thinking that he owed Tai Yi too much.

But at this time, Tai Yi in the Sun Palace didn't know that Honghuang had turned the sky at this time, but Yin Yi felt that the luck of the demon clan in the heaven was actually missing a bit, if it weren't for the Donghuang Bell, the measuring ruler and the twelfth-grade Xuanshui Black Lotus Suppressing luck, I am afraid that more luck will be lost.The luck of the monster clan has always been stable, but this change made Tai Yi very puzzled.The matter of luck is related to the rise and fall of the monster clan. Now Taiyi's heart is all about luck. At this time, he has no intention of cultivating. Besides, this retreat has gained a lot, so he removed the restriction and went back to the heaven.

With the speed of Taiyi, he quickly returned to the Heavenly Court. Only then did Taiyi learn about the reincarnation of the Empress Dowager, and secretly regretted that he had missed another great merit.It's just that the lich is an old enemy, and this kind of merit is not easy to plan. Besides, he does not lack merit, so he doesn't care about it.

"Brother, on the surface, this matter seems to be beneficial to our monster clan, but in fact it is not. The witch clan already has the protection of Pangu's open heaven merit, which is extremely difficult to deal with. Now they have the merit of the six realms of reincarnation. Even managing the six realms of reincarnation is a great merit. , Great luck, it will be impossible to completely wipe out the Wu Clan in the future." Tai Yi told Di Jun and the others in his heart.

"What the emperor said is true, but now that there is no more witches in the future, and the gods and demons that the witches are proud of can hardly summon Pangu's real body. As long as we plan properly, our advantage is still very obvious." Although Di Jun knew that what Tai Yi said was reasonable, he couldn't resist the temptation of power after all.

Hearing what Di Jun said, Tai Yi frowned slightly, and pointed upwards lightly with his hand: "Brother Emperor, if we attack this time, Hong Jun will definitely not stand by and watch, but if he waits for thousands of years, I don’t know if the Wu Clan will give birth to another ancestor witch to fill Houtu’s position, I think that Hou Yi and Xing Tian are now extraordinary, and they both have Da Luo Jinxian’s late stage cultivation, we can’t be careless.”

Speaking of Hongjun, Di Jun felt great resentment in his heart. Back then, he was able to kill the Wu Clan, but in the end he was blocked by Hongjun and lost that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. As for Houyi and Xingtian, although they felt that they were strong, But it is extremely difficult for these two people to break through the realm of ancestral witches. After all, the prerequisite for ancestral witches is pure fat blood essence. Did not attract his attention.

"Royal brother, what is Hongjun Daozu thinking? Why is he so partial to the Wu clan? Does he have any opinions on my monster clan?" Regarding this question, Di Jun thought about it for countless years, but there was no result.

"Brother, in fact, this matter is also very easy to understand. One is that the witches are descendants of Pangu, and they have the merits of Pangu to open the sky to suppress the luck of the witches. Daozu Hongjun didn't want to see my monster clan become too powerful and dominate the prehistoric world, but after all, this is just my younger brother's guess, so I can't say it well." Of course, Taiyi can't tell Di Jun too much, he can't tell Di Jun that in the future, the Lich will If the battle is not Zhoushan, even you and I will both die in the battle between heaven and earth.He wouldn't say these words, and he wouldn't believe them even if he said them.

"Imperial brother, it's just the current situation, what should our witch clan do?" When Di Jun heard this, Tai Yiyan Hongjun didn't want to see the monster clan being too strong, and was terrified in his heart. "Brother Huang, don't worry, Hongjun fits the Dao of Heaven now, and there will be a catastrophe. As long as we don't provoke the punishment of God, everything will be fine." Seeing Dijun flustered, Tai Yi hurriedly helped him stabilize his mood.

Seeing Tai Yi's concerned expression, Di Jun felt warm in his heart, so he continued talking with Tai Yi again.But just at this moment, Chang Xi rushed in from outside, and seeing Tai Yi in front of him, he was startled, stood upright for a moment, and said to Di Jun, "Your Majesty, go and have a look, my sister seems to be about to give birth." .”

When Di Jun heard this, he was pleasantly surprised, and he didn't care about Tai Yi, so he rushed to the apse in an instant.

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