The Great East Emperor

Chapter 8, Beiming War, Repaying Resentment with Virtue

But he said that Tai Yi was furious when he was sneak attacked as soon as he knew it: "Where is the bastard, dare to sneak attack the poor, hide your head and show your tail, and don't get out and die." Tai Yi shouted out of anger after being beaten.In fact, he already had calculations in his heart. In Beiming, no one except Kunpeng had such courage and strength.There are only a few creatures in Beiming, and the others are small fish and shrimps. Only Kunpeng has such strength.

At this time, Kunpeng was also very surprised, his full blow did not cause much damage to the opponent, and the treasure on the top of the man's head was really amazing, it was the innate treasure Chaos Clock, he already regretted provoking Tai Yi.But now riding a tiger is difficult, and I can't take care of so much. Even if the other party has the innate treasure, it is still a wounded Daluo Jinxian, so he appeared in front of Taiyi and said: "Wu that thief said, steal my North Mingling!" If you haven't handed over the treasure, the ancestor will show mercy and spare you from death."

Tai Yi saw a Taoist-like person in front of him, wearing a black Taoist robe, with a cold face, murderous looks in his eyes, his whole body was covered by a layer of black evil spirit, exuding a dark atmosphere.

This is the demon master Kunpeng.Taiyi saw the man's unkind expression, and was injured by the sneak attack just now, his heart was filled with unknown anger, and he shouted: "Wu Na is evil, and he is not a son of man. He dared to attack the poor for no reason, and he dared to speak so shamelessly, and he didn't report it." The name comes, the poor do not kill the unknown." I saw Tai Yi standing there, without panic, as stable as Mount Tai, calm and relaxed, with a heroic look on his face, full of the emperor's aura around him, proud and noble.

Kunpeng was also surprised to see Tai Yi like this, but he is also the ancestor of Beiming.In his own territory, he should not be too weak, and said in a cold voice: "The ancestor is the ancestor of Beiming Kunpeng. If you can return the spirit treasure of the ancestor, I will let you go. This matter will be exposed."

When Tai Yi heard this, the sun in his heart was really burning, he came to grab something, and he was so confident, he just didn't have a training partner, after practicing for so long, it's time to loosen his muscles and bones, and shouted: "When will this Lingbao come?" Became yours. If the poor Taoist gets it, then he is predestined to be with the poor Taoist. Stop talking nonsense, the previous sneak attack on the poor Taoist, this kind of cause and effect should be ended, so that you can know the methods of the poor Taoist." Flying towards Kunpeng, a flash of fire flew out.That is his natal supernatural power, the real fire of the sun, the innate top-level fire of the sun, which burns all demons and evil spirits.

Kunpeng also knew that this time it was not good to be kind, but he did not expect Tai Yi to be so tough, even though he was injured.But he also reacted immediately and jumped to avoid the two flames.Kunpeng's speed is also famous in Honghuang, and it is not worse than Dijun Taiyi.

When Kunpeng saw that the real fire of the sun from Taiyi was so powerful, he naturally did not dare to accept it.Several times in a row, Kunpeng was dodging, shooting out a series of heavenly demon and divine thunders to resist, making Taiyi feel uncomfortable for a while.

"I don't think you have a bit of ability in this wild way, but this supernatural power of escaping is really good, not bad, not bad, hahaha..." Seeing that Kunpeng didn't dare to take his own sun's real fire, Tai Yi sneered, and it was also true. He wanted to stir up Kunpeng's anger and have a good fight with himself.It can only be said that this guy is also a lunatic. Fortunately, Di Jun is not here, otherwise he doesn't know how angry he will be.

When Kunpeng heard Tai Yi's words, he was also very angry, and he was also the ancestor of this side. You ran to your own territory, found a treasure, and you are so arrogant, it is really tolerable.But Kunpeng was very scheming after all, and Taiyi could not provoke him with just a few words. At this time, he also saw the situation clearly. Zhong is really troublesome, standing on top of his head, his own attack can't break through the defense at all, so it is reasonable to think of a way to defeat Chaos Clock.Seriously speaking, this Kunpeng is indeed a character, and he can still stay awake under such circumstances. He really is an old demon who has practiced for a long time.

At this time, Kunpeng's first thought was to use speed to sneak attack, absolutely not to fight head-to-head with Tai Yi.I don't care about the gains and losses of face, anyway, face is nothing in front of strength.But it is impossible for him to succumb to Taiyi now, the Xiantian Shendi is still quite arrogant in his bones.Although Kunpeng didn't care as much about gains and losses as Sanqing did, he would not bow his head to others at will.Unexpectedly, after thinking about these things, Kunpeng felt refreshed all over his body, as if all the pores in his body had been dredged, and his morality had improved a little, which surprised Kunpeng endlessly.It's just that at this time, Taoism has made great progress, but there is no time to cultivate mana, so the combat power has not improved much.

Naturally, all of this cannot escape Tai Yi’s eyes. Unexpectedly, this Kunpeng is so powerful and has such a firm mind. No wonder he will survive the Lich War in the future. , life is not where to face.

Tai Yi was no longer as provocative as before, and he didn't dare to be careless. Although Kunpeng didn't have a spirit treasure to protect him, he was supernatural after all.Tai Yi's whole body suddenly opened up, and a fighting spirit was released, which made the surrounding area almost stand still for thousands of miles.The Chaos Clock also kept ringing "Dang Dang Dang" above the head, shaking the surrounding area, and those little monsters were trembling one by one, not knowing what happened, they were wearing their heads.At this time, those congenital divine mansions who were cultivating latently were awakened for a moment, and Sanqing, Fuxi, Nuwa, etc. all left the cave and came to Beiming.Everyone knew that the Chaos Clock was born, and even though they knew that it already had a master, they couldn't miss the battle between the two Da Luo Jinxians.

In the Sun Palace, when Di Jun heard the bell, his aura suddenly rose, knowing that something had happened to Tai Yi.Immediately rushed out of the Sun Palace and flew towards Beiming.Bullying his brother is not slapping him in the face, Tai Yi is Di Jun's only relative in the world, at this moment he is like a fireball, as if it is about to explode at any time.

In Beiming, Taiyi kept vibrating the chaotic clock, and the air was almost imprisoned. His eyes were fixed on the frightened Kunpeng in front of him, and he shot out the real fire of the sun.Numerous tongues of flame turned into countless three-legged Golden Crows burning with golden flames and flew towards Kunpeng who was held in place by the Chaos Clock.

Kunpeng knew at this time that he had kicked the iron plate this time, not to mention grabbing the treasure, it would be good if he could get out of his body.At this time, he still doesn't know that Tai Yi's elder brother Di Jun is coming, otherwise he really doesn't know what mood he is in at this time.Now he can't take care of these anymore, the key is to block these firebirds first, so he transforms into his own body and urges his whole body to break through the imprisonment.

I saw a roc bird with a fish body constantly flapping its wings and spitting out streams of water light to hit the fire bird. Explosions sounded continuously in the sky over Beiming, like brilliant fireworks, with four colors of light.Tai Yi didn't stop at this time and continued to send out the real fire of the sun, attacking Kunpeng, in order to practice this natal supernatural power well. After all, Lingbao is a foreign object, and the key is to cultivate one's own supernatural power.I saw the true fire of Taiyi's sun continuously transforming into thousands of golden crows, spitting out their tongues of fire and rushing towards Kunpeng.Kunpeng with such supernatural powers was hard to parry, and Kunpeng was flustered for a while.

Because Kunpeng had consumed a lot of mana in order to break through the confinement, now he can only parry. He formed seals with both hands, and formed various spells to protect his body. But after all, the real fire of the sun is so strong that it just suppresses him , so there are still many breakthroughs in defense.Now Kunpeng is unkempt, disheveled, and even tattered Taoist robes.

"It's a joke to come here to snatch the treasure of the poor with such strength. It's a joke." Tai Yi laughed when he saw Kunpeng's behavior.

"The way of the thief, the deception is too much, the ancestor will never die with you", Kunpeng was really angry when he was beaten like this, and it was unbearable to be teased like this again at this time. With only mana, he spit out a big mouthful of blood and formed a big blood-colored handprint to slap Tai Yi.

"Blood seal seals the sky", I saw a huge handprint with blood shining brightly, where the blood mark passed, the space suddenly burst, and black lightning surrounded the blood mark, constantly emitting bursts of world-destroying pressure to attack Tai Yi.

Tai Yi had already expected that the Kunpeng would definitely struggle to the death, and fought hard, but he didn't expect that the power would be so powerful, so he immediately poured mana into the Chaos Clock, only to hear the Chaos Clock's "dangdang" ringing, resounding through the world, and finally stopped The cracked space was opened, and the chaotic clock was pressing down on thousands of Hongmeng. I saw that the chaotic clock sent out sound waves and hit the bloody handprint. The two sides suddenly burst into light, and there was a loud noise when they collided with each other, leaving one collapsed on the ground without any resistance. The capable Kunpeng.As for Tai Yi, his complexion turned pale and he was slightly injured, but he was injured by Kunpeng's sneak attack before, and now the injury is added, and it is more uncomfortable.

At this time, Sanqing, Fuxi, Nuwa and others also arrived in Beiming, who didn't know what happened when they saw the situation in front of them.Everyone looked at the chaotic clock above Taiyi's head, their eyeballs were about to fall out, and even Lao Tzu, who had always been quiet and inactive, was moved in his heart.Yuanyuan was even more displeased, thinking that he was Pangu authentic but didn't have such a treasure to defend himself.Tong Tian was delighted to see the fight between the two, and he almost went up to show his hands.Styx's eyes were greedy, and he planned to grab the Chaos Clock after both of them were hurt.

"Which one who doesn't open his eyes bullies my brother, die quickly, brother, is it okay?" Di Jun came to Taiyi with a worried face, and sacrificed Hetu Luoshu to protect Taiyi.Seeing that Tai Yi was injured, Di Jun immediately looked at Kunpeng on the ground fiercely, as if he wanted to tear him into pieces to relieve his hatred.

"Brother, don't worry. My younger brother and this fellow Taoist were discussing Taoism casually. I was injured a little bit. I didn't expect to alarm my elder brother. It's my fault." Tai Yi was very moved when he saw Di Jun rushing to help him. .

Seeing that Taiyi's injury was not serious, Di Jun was relieved, but he was still injured after all, and immediately wanted to avenge Taiyi by killing Kunpeng.

On the opposite side, Kunpeng had a look of fear. He fought Taiyi just now, but now he has almost used up all his mana, and he is already at the end of his battle.Now seeing that the opponent actually has a big brother who is also a big Luo Jinxian, and this top-level Lingbao bodyguard, and now he is coming to kill him, he suddenly looks like a discouraged ball, knowing that this time he probably has to explain it here up.I am extremely regretful in my heart, I was greedy for some spiritual treasure, and I did it casually without knowing it, it is too late now.

The people watching from the side thought it was Kunpeng when they heard Dijun say that his brother was being bullied, but now hearing Taiyi say that, they all rolled their eyes. Your brother beat everyone like this and was bullied by others. of.

Those who were thinking about waiting for Tai Yi to grab the treasure after being injured suddenly lost their minds.They still have such a big brother who is still protecting their weaknesses. They don't want to be the next Kunpeng.Especially Styx, but he was secretly ruthless, but he didn't dare to make a move. Although he had the Yuantu Abi sword in his hand, and his attack was not weak, he didn't dare to take risks.

At this moment, Tai Yi immediately stopped Di Jun and said: "Brother, forget it, this can't be entirely blamed on fellow Taoist Kunpeng, it's also a misunderstanding." Then he went to help Kunpeng on the ground and took out a yellow Zhongli To Kunpeng, he said: "Fellow Daoist, it's also the fault of the poor Daoist that he took a heavy hand in this matter. Don't blame the fellow Daoist."

Tai Yi's trip was originally for Kunpeng, so he naturally planned to subdue Kunpeng, how could he be allowed to fall like this.

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