The Great East Emperor

Chapter 81: Spirit of Binghuo, Origin of Chaos

Taiyi took the Southern Lidi Flame Banner and went to Sunstar. If he wanted to restore the Chaos Orb, he needed the source of the innate Binghuo, but the source of the Xiantian Binghuo turned into a hibiscus tree to suppress the Sunstar, so Taiyi dared not go easily Pick.Now that the Ten Golden Crows are born, the yang energy is flourishing in the prehistoric, and the sun star is also active frequently, which also provides favorable conditions for Taiyi to obtain the source of the innate Binghuo.There is the Southern Lidi Flame Banner replacing the Hibiscus tree as the formation eye to set up the innate Binghuo formation. Taiyi is not afraid that the sun star has nothing to suppress, and the real fire will leak out, causing harm to the prehistoric people. .

Tai Yi looked at the fiery red giant tree with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet in front of him, and his eyes were extremely happy. He had waited countless years to understand the method of repairing the Chaos Orb, but he didn't expect that this method was more difficult than proving the Tao. Obtained the source of the innate Yimu, and now I can finally gather another source, I can't hold back the joy in my heart, the flame flag from the ground in the south of the hands and feet continues to enlarge, turning into a huge fiery red flag, Taiyi murmured a spell, Demonic powers, the red light of the banner is getting hotter, not weaker than the hibiscus in front of him.The Xiantian Binghuo and Taiyangzhenhuo are centered on the Southern Lidi Flame Banner, forming two flame barriers, one golden and one red, blocking the chaotic waves of scalding heat.

"The Xiantian Binghuo Great Formation, start." Tai Yi took the South Lidi Flame Banner as the center, gathered countless Sun True Fires and Xiantian Binghuo around, and set up a huge Xiantian Binghuo Great Array, covering the center of the entire Sun Star. are surrounded by it.Seeing that the time had come, Taiyi spat out the Chaos Bead from his mouth. As soon as the Chaos Bead came out of Taiyi's body, he sensed the source of the innate fire in the Fusang wood, and went straight to the Fusang wood.

Fusangmu naturally also sensed the appearance of the Chaos Bead, and the Binghuo and True Huo all over his body turned into countless yang qi, which sprayed out. He was too shocked, and hurriedly urged the Xiantian Binghuo array to stop these hot qi, leaving the ground with flames The flag is constantly fluttering in the sun star, and the whole formation is centered on the flame flag off the ground, with the position of yin and yang and five elements. The spiritual power of the Binghuo formation.

Seeing that he was blocking the hot air from Zhiyang, Taiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief, and dared not be careless again, and sacrificed the Eastern Emperor Bell to stabilize the space around Sunstar.With the Eastern Emperor Bell suppressing space, the Xiantian Binghuo formation also worked harder to protect the sun star.Tai Yi holds the Chaos Orb, a burst of spiritual energy enters it, and the Chaos Orb suddenly glows with black light, forming a small chaos. Countless chaotic energy is like thousands of spirit snakes entangled the hibiscus tree, absorbing the source of life of the hibiscus tree.

The golden-red innate origin was drawn by the origin of the Chaos Orb, and it kept pouring into the Chaos Orb.The Chaos Orb is injected with the power of the innate source, and it becomes more and more miraculous, mysterious and mysterious, adding a touch of miraculousness to it.Tai Yi also nodded slightly, but was overjoyed in his heart.

Taiyi made such a big commotion in Taiyangxing, how could he escape the eyes of several saints, Nuwa is a monster saint, naturally defending Taiyi, just smiled, and then went to take care of the flowers and plants in Wa Palace.Xixi Zhunti had a conversation with Taiyi back then.In these years, he has also taken in many monster disciples, so he will not embarrass Tai Yi.Because of Zhunti, Jieyin naturally wouldn't embarrass Taiyi, and even though Taiyi took the source of life from the hibiscus wood, he also used the innate Binghuo array to protect the sun star.It's just that Sanqing frowned. They are saints, and they are waiting for Hongjun to take care of the prehistoric world. They naturally disapprove of what Taiyi did in Sunstar, but it's not easy for Sanqing to take action directly at this time. As appropriate, there is no reason to make a move for a while.

How can Tai Yi manage these things at this time, and at this time the source of the Xiantian Binghuo is about to be removed, so he is naturally concentrating on it, fearing that something unexpected will happen.Taiyi manipulated the Chaos Orb to stand on the top of the hibiscus wood, and the countless sources of Binghuo were absorbed by the Chaos Orb like countless fiery red flames.

"Hahaha, it's finally done." Chaos Orb finally retrieved the innate Binghuo Qi from the Yimu Qi, and was repaired again.The cracks on the Chaos Orb have also been repaired a lot, gradually restoring the former style of the Chaos Orb.Taiyi saw that the hibiscus wood had lost too much of the source of the innate fire, so it was no longer as dazzling as before, and its whole body was dim, even its size had shrunk a lot.Now I'm afraid it's only [-] feet long, and it doesn't have the demeanor of the best innate spiritual roots before.

"But another spiritual root has been destroyed." Tai Yi looked at the Fusang tree in front of him with mixed feelings in his heart.If it's not a last resort, he doesn't want to do this, but fortunately there will be a day of recovery in the future.It's just that hibiscus wood and Sanguang Shenshui are born to restrain each other, and they can't be nourished by Sanguang Shenshui. They can only be nourished slowly by the power of fire virtue from the innate Binghuo formation. Sun Star helps Hibiscus recover.

After these were completed, Tai Yi couldn't wait to take back the Chaos Orb. Seeing that the Chaos Orb had recovered a lot, he couldn't wait to comprehend it. He set up countless restrictions and formations outside the Sun Star, and a stream of light directly entered the Sun Palace. This income.At this time, the recovery of the Chaos Orb is nearly half complete, and the Dao of Chaos is getting closer and closer to the Dao. Tai Yi is ecstatic, immersed in the Dao, and the three flowers on his head are arranged in the shape of heaven, earth, man and three talents. Formation, providing Tai Yi with a large amount of innate aura and star power.The Chaos Bead emits countless chaotic qi, forming a huge pattern of yin and yang, which supports the cloud bed under Taiyi's feet.

Tai Yi sits cross-legged on the cloud bed, absorbing countless chaotic qi, uttering admonitions of the great way, evolving chaos, deducing yin and yang.The Chaos Orb was further repaired, and Tai Yi also learned from the Chaos Orb that there is a trace of the origin of the Chaos Dao, which is the origin of chaos, and chaos evolves into yin and yang.The way of yin and yang is the most common way in the world, but it is also the most difficult way to control.The cathode is yang, the anode is yin, and the two poles are connected. Everything has its own laws, but it is difficult to grasp.

At the beginning, there was nothingness in the chaos. It was precisely when Pangu saw the origin of the chaos, and after comprehending the 36th-grade chaotic green lotus and the good fortune jade butterfly, that he understood the way of yin and yang, and then planned to break through the chaos and use the boundless The power of chaos creates the heaven and the earth, and evolves yin and yang by itself.Although he understood the mission of opening the sky, there is no life after ten deaths, but Pangu still chose this path for his attachment to Tao, but in the end he only saw it turned into the power of yin and yang.

Now that the prehistoric world has been completed, Hongjun unites the Dao, the Dao of Heaven is perfect, Taiyi has obtained the legacy of Pangu, and has initially understood all these things, and finally made a breakthrough in Dao Xing, but I still can’t laugh in my heart, because even though I have a preliminary understanding of the Dao of Chaos , but found that his own path became more and more difficult. It is not enough to gather the origin of the innate five elements.The further you practice on the Chaos Dao, the more difficult it is to comprehend the origin of Chaos, and the more difficult it is to cultivate.Moreover, Tai Yi can only comprehend it on his own. After all, except for Pangu, no one can achieve the Dao fruit position, and the Dao Hunyuan cannot be obtained casually.Even Hongjun can only prove the fruit of the Dao of Heaven, and even if he fits the Dao of Heaven now, it is difficult to escape from the Dao of Heaven. He is just a puppet of Dao of Heaven.

The vast sea, the chaos and nothingness, the way of the Tao, you need to pay attention to the heart of the Tao and the persistence of the Tao, otherwise, no matter how great your supernatural powers are, no matter how powerful your mana is, it will be difficult to prove the day.

Not to mention that Tai Yi was practicing on the sun star, and there was no peace in the prehistoric world.Because of Sanqing's testimony, the disciples naturally received a lot, especially the leader of Tongtian, who has thousands of disciples. These disciples are now disciples of saints, so they naturally feel that they are much nobler than others, and they are also unscrupulous in the prehistoric.Because there is a sage behind him to back him up, he is naturally unscrupulous in doing things, causing karma everywhere.This is especially true for the disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun. The Twelve Golden Immortals rely on their cultivation and magic weapons, and only pay attention to Yuanshi Tianzun in the prehistoric times, especially the monster race. This may be because of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Therefore, even in the wilderness, the Yaozu is now divided into many factions.The monster clans around Qingqiu Mountain and Buzhou Mountain are naturally governed by the Heavenly Court; most of the monster clans in other places are the incarnations of some hidden and powerful Taoist temples, most of them are people who refrain from the world and practice painstakingly, and there are also many monsters who claim to occupy the mountains as kings There are also a lot of saints; there are also disciples and disciples of saints and other great supernatural beings, mainly the master of Tongtian and the disciples of the two holy demon tribes who were introduced and accepted by the West.

In the prehistoric period, there were frequent frictions among several forces such as the monster clan, the witch clan, and the disciples of the saints. Although no major disturbances were caused, there were often fights.Di Jun naturally knew about this, but there was nothing he could do about the saint, he could only order his demon clan not to provoke the saint's disciples, but if others came to bully him, then naturally he would not be polite.After all, the Heavenly Court is prehistoric and orthodox, so it naturally has its majesty. Even the saints need to obey the orders of the Heavenly Court in name, but the saints are immortal after all.

"Monster, how do you think we should deal with this matter?" Di Jun was also a little tired for a while regarding the complicated prehistoric situation. After all, now that the saints are all out, the Heavenly Court no longer has the previous advantage. After all, the saints are angry and the world is broken.

"Your Majesty, the current situation is complicated, but in the end it is still above the witch clan. Although the disciples of saints are supported by saints, at most they only care about gains and losses, not prehistoric worlds. All we need to do is not to offend and be patient when things happen. First, solve the Wu clan and rule the prehistoric world, and then rely on the prehistoric great luck, as long as one of your Majesty and the Eastern Emperor is sanctified, then why do we have to worry about a big event in heaven." Regarding this matter, Kunpeng has already seen it in his eyes, and he As a demon master, it is natural to care about the development of the demon clan.

Although Kunpeng's method does not have much new ideas, it also tells the current situation of Tianting.Di Jun also knows that this method is also the most suitable method now. "What the demon master said is true. It's just the demon clan under him, and the demon master and Emperor Xi need to take care of them. It's an extraordinary time, so don't cause any trouble." Di Jun also knows that most of the demon clan are brave and ruthless people , the temper is mostly irritable, and he can't bear the slightest grievance. If he is not strictly restrained, he will definitely cause chaos in the future.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will leave this matter to me." Kunpeng and Fuxi bowed slightly to Dijun and left.

Di Jun thought in his heart: "Sage Hunyuan, can I really reach such a height?" Di Jun looked sad, sighed and went to the harem.

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