The Great East Emperor

Chapter 90, The Three Saints Make a Plan

But he said that Yuanyuan, who was already disliked by the Yaozu, became more and more disgusted because he was humiliated by Taiyi before.But now the Lich clan is very powerful, and there are not many masters among them. Although he is a saint, he is in charge of the sect after all, so he doesn't want to touch his edge, so he came to Shouyang Mountain and Bajing Palace to discuss with Lao Tzu.

"Brother, the teacher once said that we would be the contemporary masters of the Three Qing Dynasty to preach, establish a great teaching, educate all living beings, and make the Xuanmen great, but now the two Lich clans are all brave and ruthless people, and they can't pass on the Dao at all, and they don't respect the saints. If you don’t worship Hongjun, it’s really not the choice of the protagonist of the world.” Yuanyuan has long been dissatisfied with the Lich clan, among other things, now that there are Liches, let alone spreading the Taoism, it is almost impossible to spread the word He regarded himself as authentic, so how could he bear it.

After listening to Yuanyuan's blunt words, Lao Tzu sighed slightly and said: "Forget it, since the younger brother is determined to do so, the older brother will help you. It's just that the three cleans are one, and you need to tell the Tongtian about this matter. When the time comes, the empress Nuwa will treat you generously." The old face is going to stop it, it's just that this prehistoric creature, after thousands of years of cultivation, will come to naught, alas."

When Yuan Yuan heard Lao Tzu's answer, he was overjoyed, and said: "Brother, you don't have to do this. This matter is also God's will. You have to know how to break it before you stand. If you don't break it, you can't stand it. For the luck of my Xuanmen, this is impossible." After hearing this, Lao Tzu nodded slightly, Said: "So, I will accompany you to Jin Ao Dao Tongtian Junior Brother for my brother."

But Taiyi returned to the East Palace, set up restrictions in the palace, waved his hand and released ten little golden crows, and said: "You guys, follow my uncle to practice at my side from now on."

"Yes, uncle." When the ten golden crows heard this, although they were unwilling in their hearts, they did not dare to disobey, because Tai Yi was very strict with them on weekdays, unlike Chang Xi and others who doted on them so much. Except for the two futons on the stage, there are only some scriptures, alchemy furnace and other cultivation items, nothing else, although the aura is abundant, it is extremely monotonous and simple.How could the little Golden Crow, who had been well-clothed and well-fed since birth, be able to bear this, and cried out in his heart, hoping that Di Jun would leave the customs quickly and take himself and others back.

Tai Yi knew what his ten nephews were thinking, and sighed in his heart: After all, they are still just children. "Ling'er, go and ask Qiongqi from outside the hall to come in. Today I will give a lecture on the Dao for my teacher." After hearing this, Qing Ling respectfully responded and went out to call Qiongqi.Shi Jinwu felt chills in his heart. They knew that his uncle was serious, but they didn't expect that his only disciple, Qing Ling, was the same. Looking at himself in the East Palace for the past few years, he might be sad.Although they have known Qingling for a long time, they have had little contact with him, so they don't know Qingling's nature.Before, Di Jun had already told Little Golden Crow about the deeds of Taiyi's master and apprentice. Taiyi was the most powerful person under a saint, even Di Jun could hardly match him. In addition, Taiyi was very strict with them on weekdays, so Little Golden Crow He is very afraid of Taiyi, but also admires Qingling, a strong man at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

As soon as Tai saw Qiongqi coming in, he waved his hands and made ten futons on the ground, and said to the little Golden Crow: "Sit down, uncle will preach to you, listen carefully, and uncle will punish anyone who doesn't pay attention." Little Golden Crow dared not Talk too much, and sit on the futon obediently.Qingling also sat down on her futon and listened carefully to Taiyi's sermon.Qiongqi stood at the door with a happy face and heard that he was originally Taiyi's bodyguard, but he had to pay attention to Taiyi. He was asked to listen to every sermon. The great grace has envied many others, so now the cultivation base is also at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, but the chance is not enough, otherwise he would have become a quasi-sage already.

Inside Jinao Island, "Senior brother, although the law of heaven is hard to go against this matter, there is a chance of survival under God's will after all. Pindao follows the teacher's will and cuts off the teaching immediately. He should intercept the chance of survival for all living beings. Enlightenment, but the monster race is separated from the prehistoric stars, and the queen of the witch race is transformed into the six reincarnations, all of which have great luck, so it is not appropriate to exterminate the clan." After hearing the intention of Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan, the leader of Tongtian was somewhat reluctant in his heart, but the three Qings were one after all. , Lao Tzu and Yuan Yuan came to visit in person again, and it was hard for him to say nothing.

When Yuanyuan heard this, he frowned slightly, and when he was about to speak, he was stopped by Lao Tzu and said: "Junior Tongtian's words are also reasonable, the Lich and Demon Clans do have great luck, and it is not appropriate to exterminate them, but the two clans are indeed not the protagonists of the world. "Yuan also nodded in agreement.

Seeing the two singing together, Tong Tian obviously planned it long ago, but they are brothers after all, so he had to follow their wishes: "In this case, the younger brother agrees, but the younger brother has set up an interception, the teaching is like this, and the demon clan There are indeed some people who have a predestined relationship with me, and the two senior brothers must not prevent them from joining me."

Lao Tzu agreed without thinking about it.Although Yuanyuan didn't want Tongtian's Jiejiao to be too strong, but getting rid of the lich as soon as possible is the key point, so he had to agree.Seeing Lao Tzu, Yuan Yuan agreed, and the corners of his mouth also smiled slightly, the sage's words are right.He naturally knew that after the Lich battle in the future, if those powerful demon saints were included in the sect, wouldn't that sect become the number one sect in the prehistoric world, with a long fortune, and become the leader of all sects.

"The ten-thousand-year period set by the teacher back then is coming soon. The two clans of liches are already deeply involved in karma. I just need to work harder to make the two tigers fight. Passing down the orthodoxy in the human race, Empress Nuwa is the Holy Mother of the human race, as long as we let the monster race leave the blood, I believe she will not say anything." Yuan Yuan said what he thought in his chest, secretly proud that his calculations are really unparalleled, and secretly whispered in his heart happiness.

At this moment, Master Tongtian said with a slight smile: "Second senior brother, although this method is good, it is just too sinister. The two clans of liches have dominated the prehistoric regions these years, and they have already become the target of public criticism. Why do we have to do it ourselves? Those of us who are more urgent also want to see the fall of the Lich." Master Tongtian pointed to the west after finishing speaking.

Lao Tzu smiled slightly and said: "Junior Brother Tongtian's words are reasonable. I am waiting for Pangu's authenticity, and doing this will really hurt my face. Since someone is willing to do it for me, it is of course the best." I think this method is very good, but I am also secretly surprised that Tongtian, who usually goes straight, has such a scheming, and I have an extra heart for Tongtian.

Beside the Western Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Jieyin and Zhunti suddenly became disturbed.The two hurriedly calculated, but found that the secrets of the sky were chaotic, and they could not calculate anything at all. "Brother, I'm afraid it's not a good thing." Zhunti knew that the saint would never recover, and he would not have such symptoms for no reason, so someone must be plotting.

Jieyin nodded slightly and said: "I'm afraid Sanqing can't wait for the Lich to fall, the world is in chaos, and thousands of years of cultivation are all empty talk." Zhunti listened to what Jieyin said, and after pondering for a while, Jieyin said: "Senior brother, there is no need In this way, this may also be an opportunity for me to flourish in the West. Back then, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi promised me that if I met a destined person in the Yaozu, I would be able to convert them as much as possible. After all, it’s a drop in the bucket, and this catastrophe can bring us more chances to come back.”

After listening to it, Jie Yin also found it reasonable, and said: "What the younger brother said is very true, but this matter will definitely harm the Sanqing, and most of the monsters are people with karma and karma, so this matter needs to be carefully considered. .”

Before Zhunti finished speaking, he said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, brother, I have already planned this matter. After all, the Yaozu was established by Emperor Jun and Taiyi. As long as we make friends with the two of you, we will help Yaozu together in the future." In other words, one can win the favor of the demon clan, and the two clans can also make friends with Empress Nuwa, and when the lich falls, those great saints of the monster clan will come to our west to seek refuge, so why not be happy in the west by that time. At this point, Zhunti could no longer restrain his inner excitement.

"Junior brother, your mind is disturbed." Jieyin reminded in a timely manner.

Zhunti quickly recovered his expression and said: "Thank you, brother, brother, I will make arrangements first."

It's just that Sanqing didn't know at this time that they wanted to provoke the war between the Lich clan and the two tribes, just like the demon ancestor Luohu provoked the dragon, wind, and unicorn clans to fight against each other. He is also a saint, so how could he be so easily fooled? Zhunti directly called all the disciples of the Western religion back to Mount Sumeru, and said with a slightly provocative smile: "Hehehe, my Western religion can't enter the East, and I don't get karma in the world of mortals. Look at you!" Let's figure out how to calculate, and see who can't help it in the end."

"Baihe, go and call your senior brother Guangchengzi." Yuanshi Tianzun has been in Yuxu Palace in Kunlun Mountain for 500 years. He originally wanted to wait for the flood to be disrupted. up.

"Disciple pays homage to teacher." Seeing Guang Chengzi arrived, Yuan Shi Tianzun said to Guang Chengzi, "Go and ring the golden bell. I have something to do for the teacher." Guang Chengzi did not dare to neglect, so he immediately went to ring the golden bell bell.All the disciples of Yuxu in Kunlun Mountain heard the bell and rushed to Yuxu Palace to meet Yuanshi Tianzun.

"The teacher called you here today because I have an order. After a hundred years, the teacher plans to invite all the saints to come to Kunlun Mountain to discuss the Tao. During this period of time, you must stabilize your cultivation and don't lose the face of being a teacher." With a light wave, the four golden lights turned into four invitations and fell into the hands of Taiyi Daoist, Yuding Daoist, Qingxu Daodao Tianzun, and Daoxing Tianzun: "Taiyi, Yuding, Qingxu, Daoxing, the four of you will act on your behalf." The master is going to invite all the saints to come, go and come back quickly, don't lose your etiquette."

"Disciple obeys." The four of them bid farewell to Yuanyuan and went down Kunlun Mountain.The other disciples of Chanjiao also went back to their residences to practice hard. They didn't want to be a joke when the saints talked about the Tao a hundred years later.

But he said that although the saints hadn't done anything yet, a series of changes had already caused chaos. In the heavenly court, Taiyi had not dared to relax his vigilance these years. In the past two years, he had always felt that the way of heaven was obscure and chaotic. It is difficult to see the secret clearly, and faintly feel a pair of eyes staring at him.He knew very well that this was the work of a sage, and only a sage in the prehistoric world was difficult for him to calculate.Thinking of this, Tai Yi frowned, and thought to himself: The Witch Clan is enough to give me a headache, now that the saint has made another move, it seems that our Monster Clan is in real trouble, and I don’t know about the Emperor Brother’s Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Formation Enlightenment What's going on, I'm afraid it's hard to be a saint now just relying on the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array. Alas, not being a saint is troublesome after all. "At this time, Tai Yi has been going smoothly all these years, and his cultivation base has always been the best in the world, but now under the saint, no matter how strong his supernatural power is, it is useless. Under the saint, he is an ant. For the first time, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart. .

"Teacher, what happened?" Qingling asked worriedly seeing Taiyi frowning and sighing all the time.Hearing this, Tai Yi just smiled slightly and said: "It's nothing, go and call your juniors and Qiong Qi, and I want to give a lecture on the Dao for the teacher." Looking at Qing Ling's back, Tai Yi's mood finally improved a lot, just thinking of In the catastrophe of the Lich, he had to think of a way so that Qing Ling could not do anything good or bad.

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