The Great East Emperor

Chapter 92: Kunpeng Injured, Substitute Lingyu

But it is said that Kunpeng followed Yi and Kuafu to the Ancestral Witch Hall.Houyi and Kuafu also wanted to report the matter to Zuwu as soon as possible, so they dared not stop along the way, and they arrived at the Zuwu Temple after less than a month.But Kunpeng didn't get too close because he was afraid that the latter would notice, but he didn't want to lose sight of Houyi and them in the end.In fact, Kunpeng was not to blame, and Houyi and Houyi also used the Pangu formation to get rid of Kunpeng's stalking.Kunpeng had already heard Taiyi said that the Pangu formation outside the Zuwu Hall was very strange in the heavenly court. He thought that the two must have returned to the Zuwu Hall, so he didn't dare to act rashly, so he waited in the dark for the opportunity and watched the changes.

Hou Yi and the other two entered the ancestral witch hall and immediately told all the ancestral witches what happened before.Upon hearing this, several ancestor witches also felt that this matter was strange, and they were afraid that the monster clan would do something again, but they couldn't figure out why for a while.

At this time, I only heard She Bishi said: "Brothers and sisters, in my opinion, this Kunpeng must have some kind of plan when he comes here. No matter what it is, since that Kunpeng came to the door, I can't make him feel better. Since he came to the door , we just happened to kill him, and also cut off one arm of Dijun and Taiyi."

"Although what the virtuous brother said is reasonable, it is just such a big move to kill Kunpeng, will Hongjun stop it?" Hearing what She Bishi said, Di Jiang also wanted to kill Kunpeng, but he was still a little jealous of Hongjun.

"Brother, it's all right. I think what my brother said is very reasonable. Since he, Kunpeng, came to the door by himself, we can't blame us." Wu Shisan had just certified the cultivation of the ancestor witch not long ago, and now he has not fully displayed his mana. The forehand was itchy, and now Kunpeng came to his door, so it was good to have a try.

The Wu Clan is naturally good at killing and fighting. Hearing what Wu Shisan said, the veteran ancestor witches of them certainly couldn't show weakness and agreed with each other, but at this moment, Zhu Jiuyin said worriedly: "This matter I'm afraid it's not that simple, big brother, according to my little brother, I'd better let the thirteenth brother refine the Dou Tianshen formation earlier, after all, the time limit set by Hongjun is coming to an end, and we will have a battle with the Yaozu sooner or later, If you don't make preparations now, you may suffer in the future." Among the Wu Clan, only Zhu Jiuyin was relatively calm at this time.

Everyone felt reasonable when they heard it, but Kunpeng came alone this time, a rare opportunity, and it was a good opportunity to kill him, so they naturally didn't want to miss it.After all, I don't know where Kunpeng is now, if he has already returned to Heaven, wouldn't it be a waste of time.I also hesitated for a while, what I really don't know is whether it is fighting or practicing.

"Brothers, I'd better let the little brother meet that demon Kunpeng. The little brother has grown up since he was born, but he has never fought with anyone, and his hands are itchy. I really want to meet him. It's good to see What are your methods, little brother?" But it was difficult for Wu Shisan to calm down even if he practiced in closed doors like this, so Di Jiang and the others had no choice but to let Wu Shisan go out to fight.

At this time, Kunpeng had been hiding in a mountain top, since he couldn't find any clues, he had to wait.It's just that before Kunpeng heated up his butt, he saw a villain walking out of the valley, with a very strange appearance.The person who came was powerful in mana, profound in Taoism, and obviously had the cultivation of the ancestor witches, but he was not any one of the eleven ancestor witches. It was supposed to be the newly born Wu Shisan.Kunpeng observed secretly in the dark, but he couldn't see anything wrong. Except that Wu Shisan was indeed higher than the other ancestor witches, everything else was the same.

But he said that after the discussion of the twelve ancestor witches just now, Wu Shisan still couldn't hold back Wu Shisan's insistence. After all, the warlike Wu clan can understand Wu Shisan's thoughts, and after all, Wu Shisan has strong mana, so he agreed to Wu Shisan to go to Kunpeng to try his skills. Whenever there is a chance, the power of twelve ancestor witches will be gathered to kill Kunpeng.

"Your Excellency is the demon master Kunpeng. I have seen enough of it for so long." Kunpeng was observing the momentum around Wu Shisan, but he didn't want a thunderbolt to hit him.It was the Chaos God Thunder collected by Wu Shisan when he crossed the Heavenly Punishment before, combined with the Dutian God Thunder condensed by his own Pangu's blood, but its power was not one ten thousandth of the Dutian God Thunder shot by Pangu.

Kunpeng saw the divine thunder coming, the power of the divine thunder was not small, Kunpeng didn't dare to resist it, and hurriedly dodged.I wondered in my heart that what I hid so secretly was still discovered.It turns out that Wu Shisan has a drop of Di Jiang's ancestral witchcraft in his body, so he also has some inheritance of the laws of space. Although the space body is hidden, he is still in this space after all, so Wu Shisan has already noticed it as soon as he leaves the ancestral witch hall.

Kunpeng saw that since he had been discovered, he was not hiding anymore, a figure appeared in front of Wu Shisan, and said, "Your Excellency is the latest ancestor witch of the Wu clan."

"The demon master has good eyesight. I am your ancestor witch grandfather Wu Shisan. I came here to try out the skills of the demon master." After Wu Shisan finished speaking, he directly punched Kunpeng. Meteors all over the sky hit Kunpeng.

"The Wu clan is really a fighting maniac." Kunpeng sighed in his heart, but his hands were unambiguous, and the clear water sword swung towards Wu Shisan. Down, the sword energy of the clear water sword overflowed.

"It's really like what my brothers said, it's a monster master with some tricks." Wu Shisan was not surprised by Kunpeng's strength.Directly relying on strong physical strength to resist the sword power of the Clear Water Sword.Holding the Bishui sword with two iron fists, he freed his right hand, grabbed a black thunderbolt as thick as a bowl, and went straight to the top of Kunpeng's head.

Kunpeng was shocked when he saw that Wu Shisan was able to use his physical body against the Bishui sword in his hand. Before he could recover, he saw a huge thunderbolt falling, and it also shot out from his hand.The two thunder lights, like two flood dragons, roared into the sky and collided. After a loud noise, they turned into countless thunder lights and scattered in all directions.

The collision between the two of them was so powerful that even this space created ripples, which scattered a lot of aura around them.At this time, the other eleven ancestral witches watching outside the ancestral witch hall were also amazed.They knew Kunpeng's strength, and it was unbelievable that their thirteenth brother could fight Kunpeng evenly.

"This guy is not only physically strong, but I didn't expect this lightning control technique to be so good." Kunpeng also secretly marveled at Wu Shisan's strength, and he didn't dare to be careless in his heart. The Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Banner transformed into countless black lotuses and himself. The body-protecting divine light formed a gray barrier covering the whole body, and the clear water sword in his hand was constantly urged by mana, the blue light was brilliant, countless sword qi covered the sky and the sun, and under the control of Kunpeng, he killed Wu Shisan.

"Well done." Seeing that Kunpeng was so powerful, Wu Shisan also fought more and more courageously. He yelled, and countless gods and thunders wrapped around his body. Two iron fists held the gods and thunders, facing the sword energy coming from the dark side without giving in, and rushed away. Jian Guang rushed towards Kunpeng.

Kunpeng saw that his attack was so easily rushed away by Wu Shisan, and hurriedly urged the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag to block it, and twelve colorful beads appeared in his hand, which were the Dinghai beads. Kunpeng saw Wu Shisan's approach In a raging fire, Dinghaizhu had already shot at Wu Shisan like twelve giant missiles.

Although Wu Shisan used his powerful physical body to break away from the sword light just now, the Clear Water Sword is an innate spiritual treasure after all. After countless years of nurturing and sacrificial training by Kunpeng, it has injected the merits that were not absorbed when the characters were first created, and its power has long been no less than that of Tai Yi. The demon-suppressing sword in his hand.Now that Wu Shisan was not as strong as before after repeated physical confrontations, seeing the twelve orbs approaching from the winning side, he didn't dare to fight hard as before, so he had to dodge back and forth, but his heart was full of anger.As an ancestor witch, how could Wu Shisan be so useless, and there were other ancestor witches watching at this time, if he lost like this, it would not be a big embarrassment.Therefore, in a single thought, a powerful ancestral witch's aura emanated, and a powerful mana gathered in his hands. With a loud shout, countless black thunders gathered, "Dutianshen Thunder, open." After speaking, I saw a huge Dutianshen As soon as Lei Gang made a move, he turned into twelve lightning bolts and hit the twelve Dinghai Pearls. After the Dinghai Pearls were hit, they couldn't bear the power of Dutian Shenlei for a while, and were also bounced back into Kunpeng's hands.

Kunpeng saw that Du Tianshen Lei was so powerful. Before he could react, he saw Wu Shisan was already in front of him, and the shadow of his fist struck Kunpeng's chest.

"Ah!" Kunpeng was hit, spat out a mouthful of dirty blood, and sighed secretly in his heart: "If it weren't for the protection of the Northern Xuanyuan Water Banner, the blow just now would have been difficult to bear. How did Wu Shisan cultivate? So powerful." Kunpeng saw that the black lotus above his head was almost shattered, and the northern Xuanyuan control water flag was also dimmed a lot, and said: "The ancestor witch is very skilled, but today it is the demon master who lost, we will meet later." But Kunpeng saw that none of the eleven ancestral witches staring at him were good men and women, and the thirteenth witch was not a good person. Now that he was injured, it would be bad if he was besieged by these ancestral witches, so he had better leave earlier. It's better to go, after finishing speaking, he will show the body of the bird, and fly to the heaven with his wings spread.

"Hmph, I still want to leave now that I'm here." Seeing that Kunpeng wanted to escape, Wu Shisan followed Kunpeng and went straight for him.

"Kunpeng stop." Di Jiang and others watching the battle below saw that Kunpeng was injured by Wu Shisan, and their mana was also consumed a lot. How could they miss such a good time? They chased Kunpeng in a flash, and pointed at Kunpeng with all kinds of ancestral witch supernatural powers in their hands. Call to go.

Although Kunpeng is extremely fast in the prehistoric world, he has no advantage at all in front of Di Jiang and Wu Shisan. In two breaths, Di Jiang and others are about to catch up. At this time, all kinds of ancestral witches attack him , was shocked in his heart, reluctantly blocked it with the northern Xuanyuan control water flag, and rushed to the heaven desperately.After all, Dijiang has 24 miles in one breath, and Kunpeng has only 16 miles in one breath. The gap between the two sides is still too obvious.It's just that Kunpeng was so unprepared to go to the Wu Clan this time. After all, the Wu Clan has twelve ancestor witches. When he came alone, he brought a substitute feather refined by Tai Yi.These substitute feathers are two substitute feathers refined by Taiyi from countless materials in the heaven on weekdays. If used by a quasi-sage, it can block the full-strength blow of a quasi-sage at the same level, but after one blow, the spiritual power will disappear. run out.Kunpeng's wings vibrated twice again, and he got into a large cloud in a flash, with golden light shining from the feathers in his hands.

When Di Jiang and Wu Shisan saw it, they laughed and said, "Kunpeng's skills are poor, so I thought I would be unable to hide in the clouds." Di Jiang directly transformed into the real body of the ancestor witch, and the six wings behind him flapped while hiding in the clouds.The cloud disappeared in an instant. At this time, Di Jiang and others saw that Kunpeng was still flying towards the heavenly court, so they hurriedly flanked Wu 13 and left.Dijiang's six wings flew together, and a blue light flew out from the stick in his hand, shooting towards Kunpeng.Wu Shisan also shot out a beam of Heavenly God Thunder, one blue and one black, and the two rays of light went straight to Kunpeng.But Kunpeng still only cared about flying, as if he was not afraid of the danger behind him at all.

"Boom" only heard a loud noise, and Di Jiang and the others were overjoyed, because the two attacks hit Kunpeng directly, but after the smoke cleared, Di Jiang and the others saw a piece of golden feathers floating in the void, flickering. Two times, it turned into ashes and dissipated.

"Kunpeng!" How could Di Jiang not know at this time, this was a trick of Li Daitao made by Kunpeng envoy, and he was furious.

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