The Great East Emperor

Chapter 97: The original confession, Ying Zhou has a treasure

However, Tai Yi came back from Jin'ao Island and planned to go back to Qingqiu Mountain. Halfway there, he saw a fairy light not far away, and there was even more purple air coiling around it. It is a fairy family blessed land full of congenital aura.Tai Yi originally thought that he had returned to Jin'ao Island, but after a closer look, he found that it was not, because he had just seen the island guard formation on Jin'ao Island before, so he was very sure of it.Tai Yi thought about where this is, but laughed at himself in his heart: Since it is right in front of his eyes, why didn't he go in and find out, and he was still thinking about it here.That's right, let's go in and talk about it, and we will naturally know.

Taiyi gave a wry smile, and planned to go to the island to experience it.But when Tai Yi flew towards the island, he found that there seemed to be an infinite pressure to push him away. Whenever he was about to enter the island, he returned to the original place in a flash, which made him unable to move forward. Enter the island.Tai Yi was puzzled, but then he thought again: it must be some kind of formation, there is such a mysterious place in the East China Sea, he must go in and find out.Now that he knows that there is a large formation guarding here, Tai Yi no longer rushes in, and carefully observes the mysteries and mysteries inside.

Regarding formations, although Tai Yi is not proficient, he has certain attainments. His Dao of Chaos is self-contained, and there are records of formations in it, so Tai Yi often comprehends it.Taiyi held the demon-suppressing sword and looked at the direction of the formation outside the island. His aura fluctuated and he continued to deduce. Seeing that he was very knowledgeable, he was also shocked by the formation. The big formation is really miraculous, but fortunately this formation is mainly used for concealment, it is a phantom formation, a trap formation, otherwise it was so reckless before, I am afraid that it has already been in a dangerous place.At this time, Tai Yi muttered a spell, and in his hand, he swung the demon-suppressing sword according to the position of the nine palaces and eight trigrams, in the shape of two appearances and four images. With the evolution of the formation, he constantly changed his figure, and gradually understood the trajectory of the formation.

The Suppressing Demon Sword is like a world-shaking Changhong, sorting out the coercion emanating from the large formation, one after another the prohibitions are constantly shattered by the sword in Taiyi's hand.Although this large formation is extraordinary, it is created by chaos, but because there is no person in the main formation to guard and operate it, it cannot exert its true power.Therefore, Tai Yi didn't encounter any troubles, and quickly grasped the trajectory of the large formation.When Taiyi broke the last restriction, there was a loud noise inside the island, and the misty smoke and dense fog on the island began to dissipate, and the formation also shattered like a ground crystal wall.Tai Yi saw that the formation had been broken, so he dodged into the fairy island, and saw a scene full of aura appearing in front of Tai Yi, Tai Yi was stunned.Moreover, the island is full of chaotic aura, which surprised Taiyi even more, but because Taiyi broke the big formation on the island, without the protection of the big formation, the chaotic aura slowly began to evolve into innate aura. "Why does this place have such a strong chaotic aura? Could it be that this is one of the three overseas islands. Penglai Island has already appeared before, this knife is definitely not Penglai, but I don't know if it is Yingzhou or the abbot." Tai Yi thought of the overseas island at this time. After all, the reputation of the three overseas islands is too great.

The three overseas islands are the three fairy islands of Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang. They were the three fragments of chaos scattered under the axe when Pangu opened the sky. There is no cause and effect, so it is difficult for the Hunyuan sage to figure out the trace of Mishima.Among the three islands, only Penglai Island has ever lived. Back then, the East Prince and West Queen Mother used Penglai Island as the foundation to establish the Purple Mansion. Year.At that time, the name of Penglai Island was also spread throughout the prehistoric world, but later the Purple Mansion was breached by the demon clan, even the Prince of the East and the Queen Mother of the West were killed, but this Penglai Island disappeared into the vast ocean at the same time. No one knows where it hides.How many people have searched for it over the years, but not all of them returned.

Taiyi walked and looked around the island, and finally saw the four characters "Yingzhou Immortal Island" on the cliff in the center of the island, and thought: It really is Yingzhou Island, it seems to be as true as the legend, this Yingzhou Dao is It belongs to the Yaozu, and the Dao of Heaven led me here today, let's see if there will be any treasures on this Yingzhou Island, it is not in vain for me to break through the formation and enter.But before that, it is better to refine the island first, so that I can understand the situation on the island.Taiyi began to refine the foundation stone engraved with "Yingzhou Immortal Island", and comprehended the island protection formation.

Not to mention that Taiyi is in Yingzhou Island, in Yuxu Palace of Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Yuan Tianzun found twelve golden immortals, took out twelve jade charms and threw them to everyone: "I have something for you to do, you go down and follow this You must be careful in what you say and do on the jade talisman, this matter is of great importance, and you must not be careless." After speaking, he took out the Pangu banner, and saw him waving the Pangu banner towards the void a few times, and saw a few gray and chaotic lines The sword energy instantly broke through the space and disrupted the secrets of heaven.After finishing this, Yuanyuan waved his hand to signal the Twelve Golden Immortals to retreat, but he was a little worried, because he had already deduced the secret before, and it was calculated that Taiyi actually went to Jinao Island, and this time he and The contradiction in Tongtian intensified again, which also made Yuanshi Tianzun feel a little uneasy. He was afraid that Taiyi would persuade the leader of Tongtian to help the Yaozu.Therefore, I plan to go to the Bajing Palace in Shouyang Mountain. Sanqing had an agreement before, and I was only worried about Tongtian, not worried. But I hated Lao Tzu before, but I was afraid that I would hold grudges and lose my support. After all, Lao Tzu The head of all the saints in the year, the cultivation base is the highest among all saints, and there are two treasures in his hand, the Tai Chi Tu and the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, to suppress luck, so he still wants to ease the relationship between the two, and he doesn't want to lose strong support, so he goes to the head alone. Go to Yangshan.

Besides, Taiyi had already refined the foundation stone and the island protection array in Yingzhou Island, and was dazzled by everything on the island at this time. This Yingzhou Island is like Penglai Island, with all kinds of spiritual herbs and immortal roots. Emeralds, gold, silver and agate are everywhere, but there are no living creatures on the island.Tai Yi knew that because Yingzhou Island was not transformed by Pangu, it was not within the control of the Dao of Heaven, and the spirits on the island were all born from chaos, with deep heels, so the difficulty of transforming into form was not much worse than their innate gods.

Along the way, Taiyi collected a lot of spiritual objects and celestial roots with the fortune gourd, but he couldn't find a single innate spiritual treasure. He wondered, although he didn't lack any innate spiritual treasures, he was somewhat discouraged, but Yingzhou Island has a radius of hundreds of millions of miles. In the distance, although Tai Yi is fast, he can't finish Yingzhou Island in one go. He thought: If he wants to be able to return the burden of overseas immortals, there must be something extraordinary about having so much chaotic aura. Let's take a look again. as well.

"Senior brother, what happened before is indeed wrong, and please forgive me." In the Bajing Palace of Shouyang Mountain, Yuan Yuan still paid a lot to Lao Tzu. It would be extremely unfavorable for him to form a ball, so he had to do something about it.

Seeing Yuanshi Tianzun, who has always been proud, take the initiative to apologize, his face that has not changed for thousands of years also twitched slightly. He thought to himself that Yuanshi was really scheming. He knew that Yuanshi must not be sincere here, but it is because of this that it is even more terrifying. In order to get things done, you can do whatever you can, and you are a saint. Thinking about it is really frightening.I saw Lao Tzu said indifferently: "You don't have to be like this, but you need to know that the two sages of the West are not the orthodox Taoists after all, so it's better if you don't get in touch or not. We need to find an opportunity to untangle this knot. I will wait for the trinity to be one, so don’t make people laugh.”

Yuanyuan was very displeased when he heard this, but naturally he didn't reveal it, he just said yes casually, now seeing that Lao Tzu has calmed down, he felt relieved, so he said: "Senior brother, I was counted as the Eastern Emperor Taiyi before, and now I have already gone to the third brother, do you think the third brother will..." But before Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lao Tzu: "Junior brother will definitely not do this, I think the relationship between you and Tongtian junior brother is probably not good. It's hard to understand. I waited for the sage to speak and become enlightened. At the beginning, the third brother agreed, and he would definitely not break his promise. This is such a simple truth, why can't the younger brother see it. What's more, the fall of the lich is the general trend of heaven. The third brother is also a sage, how could he do such an unwise move."

When Yuanyuan heard it, he suddenly realized that it was indeed as Lao Tzu said, when he complained in his heart that he became so impetuous, and he didn't see such a simple reason, but thinking that there would be nothing wrong with Tongtian, his mood improved a lot .

But Taiyi is still in Yingzhou Island at this time, but there is a tall giant tree beside him, with green leaves and spiritual roots, exuding strong power of stars, and the aura is no less than Taiyi's Huang Zhongli and Zhen Yuanzi's life fruit. It is called the Star Fruit, and it was transformed by a trace of the natal essence of the Star Demon God among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods when Pangu opened the sky, and the unique advantages of Yingzhou Island concealed the secrets of the heavens, so it escaped the catastrophe of the Heaven Opening. Now it has been nourished by the chaotic spiritual energy for hundreds of millions of years, and it has become a great achievement. I saw 360 five star fruits hanging on it, which corresponded to the prehistoric stars. Taiyi was overjoyed to get this spiritual root. Inside the star streamer, the power of the Zhou Tian Xing Dou array laid down will definitely rise to a higher level.In this way, Yaozu also has an extra guarantee.

"God bless my monster clan." Taiyi was overjoyed when he got the star fruit. This star fruit is more important to the monster clan than an innate treasure. That's all.Taiyi collected the star fruit with the fortune gourd, saw that Yingzhou Island was almost finished, and Yingzhou Island was also mastered, so he planned to go back to Honghuang.Tai Yi issued a few restrictions and re-arranged the island protection formation on Yingzhou Island, adding many maze formations, phantom formations, and killing formations in it, and then left Yingzhou Island with peace of mind and flew to the wilderness.

But Tai Yi didn't know that during his time on Yingzhou Island, something big happened in the wild.

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