It is said that the heavy artillery that Lu Ming of the Military Intelligence Department got from Sun Wanwan was a cannon. How to transport this big guy to Yanzhou under the eyes of the Japanese is a big problem.Fortunately, Ma Wencheng set up the rules of the rivers and lakes. Liu Nansheng, the bandit leader south of the Black Jiaoji Line, gave a generous gift, and no bandits would come to attack them on the way.Then, the Military Intelligence Department organized another group of workers to go secretly, dismantled the cannon and transported it to Xuzhou instead.In order to avoid the eyes and ears of the Japanese, they had to hide during the day and transport at night. Due to the difficult road and no lighting, more than ten people were injured and sacrificed along the way.

After the cannon was transported to Xuzhou, it happened to be in time for the opening of the Shangqiu-Xuzhou section of the Longhai Railway, so Ma Qian'an, who guarded Xuzhou, immediately loaded the cannon and transported it by train to Shangqiu Machinery Factory for installation.Since this Japanese cannon was developed on the basis of the German Krupp cannon, it was easily restored by German mechanics in the Shangqiu factory.

Pei Yuqing looked at the gate and rubbed his hands together, and said, "The little Japanese really has the confidence to be arrogant, such a big gun, even the Hanyang Gun Factory can't make it."

An engineer who jumped over from the Hanyang factory on the side twisted his mouth and said, "Don't talk about Hanyang, any factory in China can't make it."

The Chinese engineers present could not help showing a sense of desolation, but the German engineer thought nothing of it, "No way? Although we also know that China's industrial technology is backward, but even a 105mm cannon can't be built. come out?"

All the Chinese engineers looked at him sideways, mocking him in their hearts that a full man doesn't know a hungry man is hungry.

Li Mohan said: "Our Chinese weapons industry is backward, and we can't produce heavy weapons by ourselves, let alone design them. But, Lao Pei, since I got everything for you, can you copy the copycats?"

Pei Yuqing was taken aback for a moment, "Shall I copy it?"

Li Mohan improved and changed his words: "It means imitation."

Pei Yuqing touched the cannon body and said, "Other problems should not be serious, but I'm afraid it was hard to find the barrel just now."

Li Mohan said with a smile: "Have you forgotten the steel I bought from the United States? Among them are 105mm seamless steel pipes, which are used to make cannons."

Broni, a German mechanic, interjected, "General Li, do you have such confidence in their mechanic?"

Li Mohan pointed to Broni and said, "No, I have confidence in you."

"We also want to participate in this project?" Broni asked in surprise, "Is this a violation of patent rights?"

Li Mohan smiled and said, "Japanese patents? They have neither registered the patent for this kind of artillery in China, nor registered it in Germany. Are you worried that the Japanese will come here to trouble you?"

Broni also smiled, "Of course not. But, it always feels a little strange."

"Don't be surprised, I still want to use it to cause trouble for the Japanese." Li Mohan said: "As far as I know, this kind of artillery was finalized in 1911, and it was not exported to China. If the Japanese are on the battlefield What would they think if they found out that we used such artillery in great numbers themselves?"

Broney said: "If it were me, I might suspect that a spy stole the blueprint, or a traitor appeared and resold the blueprint."

"Yes, I just want the Japanese to think the same way." Li Mohan said

"Okay, in order to make the damn Japanese pay a little~" Broni finally agreed

"Well, this cannon is a very valuable and important military material, so it should be transported to the military material warehouse first." Li Mohan said

The crowd found another truck and pulled the cannon into the warehouse. "You all go out. I want to study this cannon." Li Mohan drove away the others, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, turned on the camera and pointed at the door. cannon.

A holographic picture is immediately mapped out

1257-type 120mm howitzer, developed by the famous Japanese weapon designer Arisaka Chengzhang, with a total weight of 1.4 kg, a caliber of 5 mm, barrel length: 43 meters, up and down shooting angle: -2 degrees to +5650 degrees, horizontal shooting angle: left and right Each is [-] degrees, with a maximum range of [-] meters. It can fire Type [-] shrapnel and armor-piercing grenades. This cannon was used when the Japanese army attacked Qingdao.

"Yo, Arisaka Chengzhang, the guy who designed the Yousaka bullet." Li Mohan murmured, and filled in [20] in the software quantity box, and after a burst of blue light, 20 [-]-style [-]-kilometer howitzers appeared In the warehouse, and the power of the mobile phone also consumes a small bar.

Li Mohan decided to give 20 of the 5 cannons to the machinery factory as templates, 5 to the students of Huaxia University as teaching aids, and 10 to be incorporated into the heavy artillery battalion of the Volunteer Army.

Li Mohan put away his mobile phone and walked out of the secret room of the warehouse. "Si De, let's go back."

"Four virtues?" Li Mohan found that Guo Side was not waiting at the door, "Four virtues? People?"

"Where did this kid go?" Li Mohan walked out of the gate alone, only to see Guo Side running over in a hurry

"Si De~" Li Mohan was about to reprimand Guo Side for a few words, when he heard Guo Side yell: "General, it's not good, the phone call I received just now is from Yanzhou."

"Oh?" Li Mohan hurriedly asked, "Who fired the first shot?"

Guo Side was taken aback, "That's not a question."

Li Mohan hurriedly urged, "Hurry up and drive over here, and go back to the office immediately."

"Yes." Guo Side waved to the driver from afar

Li Mohan's transfer car rampaged on Shangqiu Street, ran through several red lights, and almost hit someone, and finally returned to the guarding mission in the shortest time.After getting out of the car, Li Mohan said to the driver: "You go to the police station and deal with traffic violations."

Just as Li Mohan turned to leave, he added, "I don't want you to eliminate violations, but to accept punishment."

The driver was taken aback for a moment, then understood, and responded with a smile.

As soon as Li Mohan entered the gate, Liu Musheng greeted him, "Young master, Jinan is at war."

"I see." Li Mohan threw the windbreaker to the servants, and quickly walked to the conference room with Liu Musheng.Liu Shijie and the others are already here.

"Report, at ten o'clock this morning, a platoon of soldiers from the Volunteer Army posted slogans in Weizhuang near Jinan. The Japanese army stopped them innocently and shot and wounded our soldiers." There were sporadic firefights, but at about eleven o'clock, the Japanese army drove out of Jinan and aggressively attacked Weizhuang. Brigadier Xiao also ordered the first battalion of the Volunteer Army's First Regiment to enter Weizhuang, so the scale of the fighting expanded. By one o'clock in the afternoon, the two sides participated in the battle. With thousands of people and the use of cannons, the fight has officially begun.”

"That is to say, the first shot was fired by the Japanese?" Li Mohan asked

"Yes, the Japanese fired the first shot, and Editor-in-Chief Lin also plans to use this title to make a fuss." Liu Shijie said

"No. It should be changed to the Volunteer Army firing the first shot to regain Jinan." Li Mohan immediately denied the headline, "Since we dare to fight the Japanese, why do we have to wait for them to fire the first shot? The Volunteer Army The first time I went to Shandong, I wanted to show off my momentum and make a name for myself.”

"Yes, I will notify the newspaper immediately."

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