Jagged Warlord

102. Foreign refugees

The orders that Strong brought were indeed enough, and the categories were also very diverse, ranging from ammunition to mechanical parts, from military uniforms to military boots, as well as traditional tung oil and pig bristles, etc.Tung oil and pig bristles have long been listed as military supplies by Li Mohan. The folks are only allowed to sell tung oil and bristles to the SS. Privately buying and selling military supplies is a felony.Therefore, it is not difficult to do this business.Military uniforms and military boots are not a big problem, and Li Mohan is very interested in the business of arms and mechanical parts.

The hardware factory and the machine repair factory, which is actually a gun factory, are both in charge of the engineer Pei Yuqing. It is said that recently he has recruited many old brothers from all over the country to make the hardware factory and the machine repair factory more impressive. Now is the time Give him a burden to pick and choose.

Strong did not bring much cargo this time, and the loading and unloading was completed quickly. The scrap steel was loaded on Dodge trucks or animal-drawn carts and sent to the steel factory.This steel factory in the industrial park has not yet been officially listed. It is said that Li Mohan intends to combine it with the supporting coal and iron mines to form a large-scale enterprise integrating coal, iron and steel. However, the projects of the coal mine and iron mine have not yet been completed, so The blast furnace open hearth of this iron and steel plant has been debugged long ago, but it has not been listed for a long time.

At this time, a group of SS soldiers walked over in neat steps with rifles on their shoulders, leading a platoon leader to see Liu Shijie and Li Mohan from a distance, and he quickly stepped forward to salute Li Mohan and Liu Shijie.

"Fei Zheng, platoon commander of the [-]st SS Division, salutes you."

"Hmm!" Liu Shijie returned the salute and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Platoon Leader Fei replied: "I was ordered to pick up people at the train station."

"Who are you picking up?" Liu Shijie asked

"Refugees from Shandong." Platoon Leader Fei replied


With the sound of the whistle, another train entered the station. This train was full of passenger carriages and stopped on the other side of the platform.The SS soldier in uniform opened the car door and jumped out of the car. When he saw Fei Zheng, he immediately stepped forward to salute, and then took out a splint with official documents on it and handed it to Fei Zheng.Said: "With the signature of the town guard, 414 people have been picked up from Shandong. Please sign for it."

Fei Zheng took the splint, handed it to the soldiers beside him, and then told the people in the car to get out of the car quickly.The passengers on the bus started to get off. Unlike before, most of them were blond and blue-eyed foreigners, and they all brought their families and bags with them. They didn't want to go on a trip like moving.Looking at their expressions, they are not as arrogant as usual, but full of hesitation and anxiety.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Shangqiu." Li Mohan coughed and greeted these people in fluent German.

Since the Japanese seized the Qingdao and Jiaoji railways, Germans and German companies have been squeezed out unprecedentedly. Many German businessmen went bankrupt and even their property was directly confiscated by the Japanese army.Many industrial and mining enterprises along the Jiaoji Railway were also occupied by the Japanese army. They drove away German and Chinese employees and directly appointed Japanese to manage them, causing many German and Chinese employees to be displaced.

Li Suifeng and Wang Daliang, who were appointed by Li Mohan to go to Shandong, took the opportunity to recruit a large number of these people to develop in Shangqiu at a low price. Many desperate Germans could only accept the employment in anxiety and helplessness.The Germans from Shandong had been on the train for several days and nights, and they were exhausted physically and mentally.As soon as they heard that someone could speak German and seemed to be in charge, these Germans rushed forward all of a sudden, and the scene was a little chaotic.

Li Mohan frowned, thinking how Li Suifeng and Wang Daliang got several wagonloads of people, that's not what they said in the telegram.

"Protect Your Excellency." Fei Zheng hurriedly led a platoon of SS soldiers to stop the Germans ten steps away from Li Mohan.

Li Mohan shouted loudly to the Germans: "Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you will maintain order first. I am the supervisor here. I assure you that you will be properly accommodated."

The group of Germans finally calmed down, and a middle-aged priest walked out from among them. He bowed slightly to Li Mohan and said in fluent Chinese: "Dear Mr. Supervisor, I am Father Hans, we are all German citizens, most of them are employed by a Chinese company called Huashang Industry. Can you tell us how we can get there?"

"After counting the number of people, I will arrange a car to take you there. Please maintain order now." Li Mohan put his hands behind his back and looked at the priest very seriously.

The priest and Li Mohan looked at each other for a few seconds, and there was no room for negotiation from Li Mohan's face, so he turned around and began to appease his compatriots.Not long after, the Germans calmed down and began to take pictures of the team and began to accept the count.Fei Zheng and his subordinates quickly counted the number of people, and Fei Zheng signed the document to accept it.

"Report to Master Zhentai, the acceptance is over." Fei Zheng reported to Li Mohan

"Okay, send them to the industrial park." Li Mohan waved his hand

So, more than 400 Germans and Chinese from Shandong got on trucks, ox carts, and horse-drawn carriages outside the railway station and started their migration in China.After arriving at the industrial park, these people were a little surprised.The Chinese among them are okay. The Germans who came to Shangqiu have never been to places other than Qingdao and Jiaoji Line, and they have never even heard of the place name Shangqiu before.

However, when they came to Shangqiu Industrial Park, they were greatly surprised. They never imagined that there would be such a vast and well-planned industrial park in this closed inland city.The neat factory buildings, wide and flat roads, complete supporting facilities and layout all surprised these Germans.

On the central square of the industrial park stands a tall stone tablet with the inscription "Building China's Ruhr" engraved on it.

Von Sewitz is a mechanic working at the dock and is familiar with Father Hans. He asked Father Hans, "Father, what do these Chinese words mean?"

"Build China's Ruhr." Father Hans replied

"Chinese Ruhr?" Von Sewitz showed disdain

Father Hans looked at Sevitz's expression and asked, "Why, don't you think the Chinese can do it?"

Sevitz replied: "I have also heard what Napoleon said about China's sleeping lion, but it has been 100 years. In my opinion, China is not a sleeping lion but a fat pig that is unconscious."

Father Hans said: "I have been in China for nearly 20 years. China has a vast territory, rich resources, and brave people. What they lack is a leader. In our European traditional concept, the Chinese are cowardly and resigned. Serbia Mr. Witts, have you ever seen a spring? According to my understanding of the Chinese, when the oppression reaches a certain level and exceeds the critical value, the Chinese will erupt with terrible resistance.”

Sevitz still had some disapproval, and said: "It's been 100 years, isn't the oppression that the Chinese have received not big enough?"

Father Hans smiled and said, "This is the elusive Chinese."

"What are you talking about?" Engineer Samuel happened to pass by with a few Chinese assistants, and when he heard someone chatting in German, he approached him, "Did you just come here?"

Samuel is a German-American, and his German is already very incoherent.

Father Hans and Sevitz looked at Samuel strangely, and Father Hans asked, "Are you German?"

Samuel smiled and said, "I'm German-American. Are you German?"

"Yes, we come from Shandong." Saivez said

"Trust me." Samuel said: "I don't know about other places, but this is indeed a place where miracles can be born."

"Miracle? Where did the machine come from?" asked Father Hans

Samuel pointed to his feet, "It's right here."

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