Jagged Warlord

105.21 article

"Report to the President, Cao Rulin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, please bring the Japanese Minister to see him." Xiaobing reported loudly outside the door

"Please." Yuan Shikai took a deep breath, and the pain in his lower back slightly eased.

Li Jingxi bowed slightly to salute, and walked out the side door holding the manuscript paper in his hand.After a while, Cao Rulin and Hijiyi walked in.

"The Minister of the Empire of Japan in China is meeting with His Excellency the President of the Republic of China." Ri Zhiyi saluted Yuan Shikai.

"Minister, you are polite." Yuan Shikai asked with a smile: "The last time I asked the Minister to convey the words on my behalf, I wonder if it was delivered?"

Hiki Masuke straightened his back, presented a document with both hands, and said, "This is the official document from Okuma Shigenobu." Instead of answering Yuan Shikai's question, Hikimasu said, "Recently, there is a lack of communication between China and Japan. China has many doubts about Japan's actions, and there are unnecessary misunderstandings. Some Japanese citizens also doubt the sincerity of the Chinese authorities, and often feel disgusted, soliciting and slandering by a third party will cause accidental dangers to the diplomatic relations between the two countries. If we can agree to the conditions proposed this time, it will prove that Japan and China are close friends, and the Japanese government can also help President Yuan in trouble. I hope that the President will keep this confidential letter absolutely confidential and reply as soon as possible."

When Yuan Shikai opened the official document and looked at it, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

First issue

The Japanese government and the Chinese government are willing to maintain the overall peace of East Asia and hope to further consolidate the existing friendly and good neighbor relationship between the two countries. The following terms are hereby set:

Paragraph [-]. The Chinese government promises that in the future, the government of this country intends to agree with the German government on the basis of the treaty or other relations in Shandong Province that Germany will enjoy all the rights, interests, etc. of the Chinese government, which will be recognized.

Paragraph [-]. The Chinese government promises that all the land and islands in Shandong Province and its coastal areas will not be transferred or leased to other countries, no matter what the title is.

Paragraph [-]. The Chinese government permits Japan to build a railway connecting Yantai or Longkou to the Jiaoji line.

Paragraph [-]. The Chinese government promises to open the main cities in Shandong Province as commercial ports as soon as possible for the sake of foreigners' residence and trade; the places where they should be opened will be agreed separately.

Number two

The Government of Japan and the Government of China, because China recognizes Japan's superiority in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia, agree on the following terms:

Paragraph 99 The two contracting countries mutually agreed to extend the lease period of Lushun and Dalian, and the period of the South Manchuria and Anfeng Railways to [-] years.

On the date of Subparagraph [-], the subjects of the country may obtain the lease or ownership of the land they need for building houses and factories for industrial use in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia, or for farming.

In the third paragraph, the subjects of the country are allowed to live and come and go in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia at will, and operate various businesses such as commerce and industry.

Paragraph [-]: The Chinese government grants the right to exploit various mines in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia to the Japanese subjects of that country.As for the mines to be opened, they will be negotiated separately.

The Chinese government promises in the fifth paragraph that, with regard to the items on the left, it will be handled after the approval of the Japanese government:

[-]. When people from other countries are allowed to build railways in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia, or borrow money from other countries for the construction of railways.

[-]. When various taxes in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia are offset and borrowed from other countries.

Article [-] The Chinese government promises that if the Chinese government hires political, financial, and military advisers in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia, it must first discuss with the Japanese government.

Clause 99 The Chinese government promises to manage and operate the Jichang Railway, and the government of the country on the date of appointment shall have a term of [-] years from the date of signing this agreement.

Number three

The Japanese government and the Chinese government, taking into account that the capitalists of the country and the Han Yeping company have a close relationship, and are willing to enhance the common interests of the two countries, hereby agree on the terms as follows:

Paragraph [-] The two contracting parties have agreed to treat Hanyeping Company as a joint venture between the two countries when there is a reasonable opportunity in the future; and agree that without the consent of the Japanese government, the Chinese government will not dispose of all properties belonging to the company. , and the company shall not be arbitrarily punished.

Paragraph [-]. The Chinese government agrees that all nearby mines belonging to the Hanyeping Company shall not be exploited by anyone other than the company without the consent of the company; Any influential move must first be approved by the company.

No. [-]

For the purpose of effectively preserving Chinese territory, the Japanese government and the Chinese government have hereby established special provisions as follows:

The Chinese government allows all coastal ports and islands along the coast of China, and will not transfer or lease them to other countries.

Number five

The first item is that the Chinese central government must hire Japanese as political, financial, military and other consultants.

All Japanese hospitals, monasteries, schools, etc. set up in the second paragraph of the mainland of China shall be allowed to own their land.

The third item is that in Japan and China, there have been frequent police cases, resulting in many incidents of [Che Miao] [Che Hao]. Therefore, the police in necessary places must be jointly organized by Japan and China, or between these places. The police department must hire a large number of Japanese to plan and improve the Chinese police organization.

Paragraph [-] China purchases a certain amount of ordnance from Japan (for example, more than half of the ordnance required by the Chinese government), or establishes a Sino-Japanese joint ordnance factory in China to employ Japanese technicians and purchase Japanese materials.

Paragraph [-]. China agrees to grant to Japan the construction rights of the railways connecting Wuchang, Jiujiang and Nanchang, and the railways of Nanchang, Hangzhou, Nanchang and Chaozhou.

Subsection [-]: When foreign capital is needed for the construction of railways, mines, and Haikou consolidation in Fujian Province (including shipyards), an agreement should be made with Japan first.

Paragraph [-]: China recognizes that Japanese nationals have the right to teach in China.

(99) The two contracting countries mutually agreed to extend the lease period of Lushun and Dalian, as well as the period of the South Manchuria and Anfeng Railways, to a period of [-] years.

([-]) Subjects of that country who built factories for commercial and industrial applications in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia, or for farming purposes, can obtain lease rights or ownership of the land they need.

([-]) Japanese subjects may live in South Manchuria and East Inner Mongolia as they please, and operate various businesses such as commerce and industry.

([-]) The Chinese government agrees to grant mining rights to various mines in southern Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia.

However, Yuan Shikai was Yuan Shikai after all, and he said with a serious expression: "This matter is of great importance. The president should discuss with the foreign minister. The Japanese envoy can go back to the embassy to rest and wait for a reply." Cup of tea at hand.

When Cao Rulin saw this, he said, "Minister, please go back first. As soon as there is news, I will notify you immediately."

"Farewell." Hijimashi also stood up and said goodbye unceremoniously.

When Ri Zhiyi was far away, Yuan Shikai raised his eyebrows, smashed the tea bowl in his hand, and cursed: "Bastard, scoundrel, add three levels to the bastard."

Cao Rulin took the document and looked at it, and immediately became furious, "This is completely treating us like North Korea. It's too deceiving."

Yuan Shikai still wanted to curse, but a sharp pain came from his lower back, and Yuan Shikai couldn't help humming due to the pain.

Cao Rulin hurried forward to help, "President, your body is important, don't get angry and hurt your body."

Yuan Shikai gritted his teeth, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and said, "The Japanese want to blackmail me when Britain and France are having trouble getting away, and keep it secret? I can't suffer from being dumb."

Cao Rulin said: "But the Japanese are powerful, and we are powerless to confront them head-on."

With the support of Cao Rulin, Yuan Shikai sat upright and said, "Runtian, I have already thought of a countermeasure. The more he prevents us from leaking the secrets, the more we will leak the secrets. At that time, let's see how little Japan will be in the hands of the British and French." It ends in front of people."

"However, if the Japanese pursue it~" Cao Rulin said

"Let's just say that the person in charge lost the confidential documents by mistake after drinking. Find a few people to charge them with crimes, and then release them secretly. Just change to another place to work." Yuan Shikai leaned tiredly on the back of the mahogany chair.


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