Jagged Warlord

115. Volunteers in action 1

In the conference room of the Shangqiu Town Guard Mission Office hangs a huge map of Shandong, under the map is the long oak table, Ma Qianan, Ma Kecheng, Liu Shijie, Hu Chengxun, Shao Jianfeng, Han Yue, Jiang Haoran are sitting at the table .

"What I want to say is that the Japanese are not ready for an all-out war with us. Similarly, we are not capable of an all-out war with the Japanese." Li Mohan said: "So, this time we marched into Shandong just to fight Japan. A limited war, which is why I don't send troops in the name of the SS, but in the name of the Volunteer Army."

Ma Qian'an asked: "Limited? How is it limited?"

Li Mohan pointed to Jinan on the map, "Recovering Jinan is the minimum. After recovering Jinan, we have opened up the Jinpu Railway, and the materials from Tianjin Changsheng Foreign Bank can be continuously transported by railway. According to intelligence, the Japanese stationed In Shandong, there are 8 infantry brigades, 1 heavy artillery brigade, and more than 1 cavalry, engineering, railway, and communication troops. Except for 5 infantry brigades stationed along the Jiaoji Railway, most of the troops are stationed in Qingdao .This time the total strength of the Volunteer Army is 4 regiments, and the number of people is also around [-]."

Han Yue and Liu Shijie were from the artillery department. Han Yue was the first to raise his hand and asked, "General, the Japanese army has a heavy artillery brigade, but we only have 75mm small-caliber artillery. Although there are a lot of them, but..."

Li Mohan said: "I also thought of this, but it is an indisputable fact that our military industry lags behind Japan. Although I have bought large-caliber steel pipes from the United States, the arsenal has also successfully trial-produced 105mm and 115mm large-caliber artillery. , but whether it will be useful in actual combat is still unknown, although I will allocate large-caliber artillery to you, but I am afraid you can only use our small-caliber artillery as much as possible.”

What Li Mohan said is the truth. China itself basically has no weapon design capabilities. The so-called successful trial-produced large-caliber artillery Li Mohan said is a group of Chinese engineers recruited from various machine bureaus and arsenals, and a few Germans who fled from Qingdao. The mechanics who repair guns in the army and the engineering and technical personnel of the machinery factory work together to make it, including special shells. I really dare not guarantee the performance of these cannons and shells.

Liu Shijie had been dealing with Pei Yuqing before, and he knew the inside story well. He said: "We can only carry forward the spirit of not being afraid of death and fight closely with the Japanese, so that our small-caliber artillery can give full play to its numerical advantage."

Li Mohan said: "It is precisely because of this that in terms of the establishment of the volunteer army, I ask you to mobilize all the artillery to form an independent artillery unit."

Li Mohan's approach, according to the Soviet Army's 1940 version of the contract arms tactical manual, explained to the "big artillery" that "the principle of concentrating artillery within the organizational system to form a large independent artillery unit" is a principle of artillery centralization, which is consistent with the artillery caliber , quantity, quality, method of use, degree of worship of artillery does not matter.For example, a group army gathers all the heavy artillery under the jurisdiction of each division to form an independent artillery division brigade in wartime, which is called artillery.

Some people in later generations believed that the artillery doctrine of the Soviet army was a manifestation of backward tactical thinking and tactical capabilities. The evidence is that the US military never used this kind of tactics, and they all played air support.Why doesn't the United States like to use artillery as fire support?Quite simply, they have a surplus of aerial firepower, with the primary battlefield close support firepower coming from fighter jets, attack aircraft, bombers, helicopters and even drones already in the air.Therefore, in the battle order of the US military, the primary task of artillery is not to provide fire support, but to allocate fire support reasonably. They are the second brain of the US Army.The U.S. military's combat doctrine stipulates that if the division headquarters cannot command, the command power will be handed over to the division artillery, which shows its powerful information processing capabilities.

In addition, the U.S. military often conducts oversaturated shelling of suspected enemy hiding places, even if it turns out that there is not even a hair there.Such a speed of spending money is unbearable for the Russian Maozi. Maozi is characterized by crowds, Stalin's assault, and 50 militiamen with [-] guns.

The current situation Li Mohan is facing is not as good as that of Russia. It is said that a Curtiss plane bought through Changsheng Foreign Bank needs to be disassembled into screws and smuggled in under the name of mechanical parts. It is still a question of whether it can be assembled at that time.Air support?Unless Li Mohan has the ability to make Chinese birds hover over the Japanese and shit.

The atmosphere was a bit depressed, Ma Qian'an looked at the crowd, and said loudly: "Is it impossible to fight without heavy artillery? No matter how powerful a tiger is, it can't beat a pack of wolves. I think you are just scared, you are cowards."

"Who is the coward?" Han Yue immediately raised his head, "Who is afraid of who is this." He stretched out his little finger.Others also expressed dissatisfaction.

Li Mohan said: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much about the Japanese heavy artillery brigade. Although they used nearly a hundred heavy artillery pieces when they attacked Qingdao, there is only one heavy artillery brigade in Shandong now. It is said that it is a brigade, and it has more than 300 people. , but in fact, a heavy artillery brigade only has eight 8mm cannons."

Ma Qian'an also echoed, saying: "That's right, there are only 8 cannons in total, how many shells can be fired at one time? Besides, from Qingdao to Jinan, such a long front, can he evenly pass 8 cannons?"

Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere became lively again.

Li Mohan pointed to Jinan and said: "Jinan is the connection point connecting Jiaoji Railway and Jinpu Railway, and its strategic position is very important. Once we attack, the Japanese army will definitely mobilize troops and horses from Qingdao to support. Our strategy and tactics are to encircle the points and attack. "

Liu Shijie took out a document and gave each participant a copy, "This is the battle plan drawn up by our staff. Please read it."

Li Mohan opened the file and was about to take a closer look when he heard a hasty knock on the door. Secretary Shang Yifu appeared at the door and hurriedly said, "My lord, something has happened."

"what's up?"

"A call from Yanzhou, the Japanese army has increased its troops." Shang Yifu hurriedly handed a telegram to Li Mohan

It turned out that the Japanese cabinet meeting decided to send additional troops to China's three northeastern provinces, Shandong, and Beijing and Tianjin to intimidate China. On March 3, 14 Japanese troops went to Shandong and other places.In Jinan, the Japanese army sent an additional squadron of artillery and more than 3 infantry.

"The situation has changed again." Li Mohan thought for a while, and said, "The plan remains the same. The next month is to increase the number of troops, and the more we have to fight. If this battle can be won, the people of the whole country will regard us as heroes."

"Report." The telegraph soldier shouted loudly at the door: "The Ministry of the Army of Beijing has a good telegram."

"Great telegram? What do I have that deserves a reward from the Ministry of the Army?" Li Mohan took a look at the telegram and was amused. It turned out that it was the Ministry of the Army who promoted him to lieutenant general and division commander, replacing Zhang Xun as the patrol envoy to the Yangtze River.Along with the Jiadian from the Ministry of the Army, there was also a telegram sent to him in the name of the Government Affairs Council, asking Li Mohan to fulfill his duties and appease the local government.At the same time, China, Japan and Germany are all good friends.Li Mohan must strictly abide by China's neutral position, and must not recklessly engage in competition and killing, so as to damage the diplomatic relations with friends and neighbors.

Liu Shijie saw the telegram from the Government Affairs Council and laughed, "This is not allowed to fight, not allowed to fight."

Li Mohan also smiled, and said: "The Government Affairs Council said that I, Li Mohan, and the SS are not allowed to fight. You are volunteers, not in the SS ranks. How can I control you?"

The crowd laughed again.

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