Jagged Warlord

124. Interspersed troops 2

The volunteers spread out a long front to surround them and made dumplings for the Japanese soldiers entrenched in the village.The volunteers gathered the corpses of the killed village names and the corpses of the Japanese soldiers, and found that many villagers were killed with their hands tied behind their backs, and many of them were young and middle-aged. Obviously, they did not dare to resist. Just one class.

The volunteer soldier asked: "Song Lieutenant, what should we do with these corpses?"

"Establish a monument first, and we'll bury it later. The corpses of these little Japanese were burned." Song Shun held a rough doll in his hand, covered with mud and blood.It was Song Shuncong who took it from the corpse of a child.

Song Shun stuffed the doll into his arms, "Let's go, we still have to hurry."

Song Shun led the team to continue on their way. On the way, there was a sudden bang of a gunshot, and the bullet flew past Song Shun's head.

"Spread out, lie down." Song Shun quickly lay down on the ground

The sudden attack caught Song Shun and the others by surprise. The opponent's marksmanship was very inaccurate. The soldiers began to use their rifles to sweep towards the direction of the sound of the gunfire. The branches continued to emit green smoke.

But Song Shun felt something was wrong after fighting for a while, the opponent's firepower was too weak, sparse, and it was not a standard rifle, but like a homemade gun.Therefore, it is not accurate. This is not like an army at all, but more like a local security regiment or even a bandit armed.

"Stop shooting, everyone stop shooting!" Song Shun shouted

Seeing the faint screams coming from a distance and the more and more sparse counterattacks, Song Shun thought more and more that something was wrong, and loudly ordered the soldiers to stop shooting.

"The first row outflanks the left, the second row outflanks the right, advance covertly, and the third squad covers!"

"Crack, click..." The third squad immediately fired continuously with light machine guns, providing cover for the first and second squads

Sure enough, as Song Shun expected, the opponent was just a group of armed peasants, they were flying small triangular flags, and most of them were only equipped with broadswords, spears and iron sand guns.

"Who are you?" Song Shun asked, pointing to the oldest man among the captives

"We belong to the Red Spear Society." The man replied, "I am the eldest brother Qin Taotian, if you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want."

It is said that after the failure of the Boxer Movement in the Gengzi Year, there were actually a small number of people who were killed teaching Boxer Boxing, and most of them returned to their hometowns from the Beijing and Tianjin areas to work in agriculture and learn martial arts at the same time.At the beginning of the Republic of China, bandits were rampant, and the common people suffered untold misery, so the Boxing Sect of Yihe transformed itself and re-emerged in Shandong under the name of the Red Spear Club.The organization of the Red Spear Club is organized in villages and towns. One village or one town has one synagogue, and occasionally several small villages have one synagogue.Since then, the number of members has increased day by day, and only the titles of second senior brother and third senior brother have been given.There is only a horizontal connection between the Red Spear Clubs, no vertical relationship, and they do not belong to each other.There is little contact in normal times, and in case of major wars, different factions can join forces with each other and fight against the enemy in unison.

Song Shun asked, "Then why did you ambush us?"

Qin Taotian said: "We are going to ambush the Japanese, who knew we met you. By the way, what kind of team are you?"

Song Shun replied: "We are the Central Plains Volunteer Army, and we are here to fight the Japanese."

Qin Taotian raised his head and asked, "Are you the volunteer army?"

"Yes." Song Shun nodded

Qin Taotian choked his neck and said: "Boss, it seems that today is a misunderstanding, everyone is Chinese, then please let this boss let us live, we are going to Houshanzi Village to save people."

"Houshanzi Village?" Song Shun pointed to the direction he came from, and said, "Is that the village to the east?"

"Yes." Qin Taotian nodded

Song Shun shook his head, and took out the doll from his arms, "You don't need to go, we just came from there."

"Where did you get that?" A captive boy with short hair struggled to stand up, but the volunteer soldier forced him down

"We just came from there. Everyone in the village was murdered by the Japanese army, and no one survived." Song Shun looked sad, "I took this from the body of a seven or eight-year-old child."

"What?" The boy struggled even harder

"Untie him." Song Shun waved his hand, and the volunteer soldier cut the rope with a dagger

The young man ran up to Song Shun and snatched the doll, "That's right, I gave it to Er Gouzi. Then, where is Er Gouzi?" The young man looked at Song Shun beggingly.

Song Shun shook his head and said: "There are two men and two women in the yard, three big and one small, no one is alive."

"Ah~~" The young man yelled hysterically, and then hugged a tree and slammed his head against it.

"Da Dezi~" Qin Taotian wanted to stop him, but his hands were tied behind his back, so he was powerless.

"Hold him." Song Shun told the volunteer soldiers to hold the young man quickly.He stepped forward, raised his hand and gave him two slaps, "Trash. The Japanese killed your relatives. You have no intention of seeking revenge from the Japanese. Would you just hit a tree?"

"Who says I'm all kinds of things? Give me a gun, and I'll fight the Japanese as hard as I can." The young man stretched out his hand towards Song Shunyi

"Then what about you brothers and sisters?" Song Shun asked

Qin Taotian said: "Boss, we Shandong people have been harmed by the little Japanese. If you want to beat the Japanese, we are all willing to follow you."

Song Shun stepped forward to support Qin Taotian, untied the rope in his hand, and said, "Okay, he is a man who stands up to the sky. We are going to detour the little devil's back way and make him turn upside down. If you are willing to follow Come, we welcome."

With the participation of these Red Spear Clubs, Song Shun's interspersed operations went much smoother. These people are from their hometowns, and they only find paths that are inaccessible along the way. Supplement of supplies.Along the way, Song Shun also selected dozens of strong members of the Red Gun Club to join the volunteer army.

In the evening of the next day, people from the Red Gun Society reported that a group of Japanese soldiers had camped near a small forest one mile away.

Song Shun immediately sent people to investigate, and the people from the reconnaissance team came back to report and said: "Staff, we have caught a big fish. I see that the camp over there is full of antennas and radio stations. It must be the headquarters of the little Japanese. The place."

"Okay." Song Shun found Qin Taotian and asked him to take over the headquarters of the Japanese army with him.

"Officer Song is looking for me, because he thinks highly of me." Qin Taotian waved the big knife in his hand, "I only sharpened the knife yesterday, and I will use it today."

Song Shun said: "Then it's hard work for the strong men of Qin to gather more troops. We charge here, and you all charge with us."

"Success." Qin Taotian ordered his men to go to the nearby villages to gather people. In less than a meal, more than 200 people gathered.

Song Shun led his troops quietly approached the Japanese army headquarters from three directions, and sure enough, he saw a lot of antennas erected here, and he could vaguely see the radio station in the tent. "Sure enough, it's the Japanese Army Command."

Song Shun waved and told all the soldiers with grenades to come forward. "Beat it all in one breath, and then charge me after you finish the fight."

"Yes." The volunteer soldiers took out the grenades, stretched out their right thumbs to measure the approximate distance, and then loaded the special shells into the grenades.

bang bang bang

All the grenadiers were launched together, and more than 20 grenadier-specific bombs fell into the Japanese camp, immediately throwing the unprepared Japanese soldiers on their backs.After the five special shells were fired, the Japanese camp was already in a mess.

"Brothers, charge me." Song Shun held a pistol in one hand and a Yanling knife in the other, and was the first to get up from the ground.

"Men and young men, avenge the dead folks." Seeing the volunteers start to charge, Qin Taotian, the big brother of the Red Spear Society over there, also roared, brandishing a big knife and rushing forward.

Song Shun's left hand is m1911 style, and his right hand is a Yanling saber, cutting a line horizontally and sweeping a large area vertically, which is very majestic.The volunteer soldiers behind him screamed like chicken blood, and rushed forward after him as if they were dying.

People from the Red Gun Society have never seen such a formation. Most of them followed the volunteer soldiers, looking for an opportunity to attack the Japanese army. .Anyway, they are all shot at close range, and basically they will not miss.

The battle lasted less than 25 minutes, and the Japanese fled alive after dropping more than 100 corpses.

Song Shun came to the largest tent and took a look, only to see scattered papers all over the floor and radio stations piled up on a table. "What's this?" Song Shun's eyes scanned the pile of documents on the table like radar, and flipped through them casually.Suddenly Song Shun's eyes lit up, "What is this?" Song Shun found a Japanese army's telegram code book.

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