Jagged Warlord

130. Yunnan Baiyao

Recently, Lin Jianqiu criticized Yuan Shikai and Japan in newspapers, and praised Li Mohan and the SS at the same time.

But Li Mohan didn't have the time to read these compliments. In the past few days, he spent most of his time in the pharmaceutical factory.With the efforts of Fan Xudong, Hou Debang and others, this pharmaceutical factory named Huaxia Pharmaceutical Factory finally succeeded in the mass production of sulfonamides and morphine.However, this pharmaceutical factory invested 30 Chinese commercial notes only produces western medicines such as sulfonamides and morphine, which is overkill. Therefore, Li Mohan plans to introduce the production of traditional Chinese medicine in it to promote the quintessence of the country.

The title of "Chinese medicine" today began in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China.At that time, foreign education was called Western learning, and our own was called Chinese learning; foreign medicine was called Western medicine, and our own medicine was called Chinese medicine, and later it was also called Chinese medicine.

In the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894, China was defeated and the whole country was shocked.In Guangdong, the birthplace of modern Chinese revolution and thought, bourgeois reformists represented by Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao and others believed that China's failure was due to the backward political system and feudal culture.The success of the Meiji Restoration in Japan lies in the abolition of the feudal vassal system and the road to capitalism.

Intellectuals at that time found that in the field of medicine, the important measure of the Meiji Restoration in Japan was to completely abandon the medical system with traditional Chinese medicine as the main body and switch to Western medicine.Thus, learning from Japan, the movement to abolish traditional Chinese medicine began to surface as a political proposition to enrich the country and strengthen the people.In order to learn from Japan, educated youth set off a wave of studying in Japan.

Among those who went to study in Japan in the early days, there was Mr. Sun Yat-sen, the bourgeois revolutionist and the first president of China who overthrew the Manchu Qing Dynasty, and he studied Western medicine in Japan; Mr. Lu Xun, the latter even denounced the "Chinese medicine" and "Chinese studies" in the fields he had studied successively.

In fact, the toxic and side effects of traditional Chinese medicine are less than that of western medicine, and after being made into Chinese patent medicine, it is ready-to-use, adapts to urgent needs, convenient to store, can be carried around, saves the decoction process, and eliminates the peculiar inconvenience of taking traditional Chinese medicine decoction. Odor and bad stimulation and other advantages.It is said that during the Battle of Taierzhuang in the Anti-Japanese War, in the camp of the Chinese army, a unit from Yunnan was surprising.They wore French steel helmets and scissor-cut cloth shoes, and they fought very bravely. They also carried a small bottle of white powder on their bodies.

These soldiers were injured, no matter what the injury was, as long as they could still move, they didn't wear bandages or sit on stretchers. They just ate a little of this white powder, applied it externally, and fought again.The white powder used by the soldiers of the Yunnan Army was Qu Huanzhang Wanying Baibao Pill, known as the holy medicine for healing, and later people called it Yunnan Baiyao.

In fact, Li Mohan is a layman when it comes to traditional Chinese medicine, and he basically knows the famous Yunnan Baiyao.Yunnan Baiyao is a famous Chinese patent medicine in Yunnan, which was successfully developed in 1902 by Qu Huanzhang, a folk doctor in Yunnan.It has a good curative effect on bruises and traumatic bleeding.Yunnan Baiyao is made of precious medicinal materials, which has the effects of removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, detoxifying and reducing swelling.Over the past hundred years since its birth, Yunnan Baiyao has been hailed as a "Chinese treasure, a holy medicine for traumatology" for its unique and miraculous effects, and it has also become famous all over the world and overseas.

However, in China, which lacks legal guarantees such as patent laws, those who have mastered some advanced skills are forced to cherish their skills in order to avoid being robbed of their jobs.Therefore, when Xu Guangxi, the person sent by Li Mohan, first found Qu Huanzhang in Yunnan, Qu Huanzhang was not willing to participate, and even claimed that he was just a country doctor who ran around the rivers and lakes and could not wait for the elegant court.

Qu Huanzhang's wife, Miao Lanying, asked Qu Huanzhang, "Why don't you go when people invite you?"

Qu Huanzhang said: "Women, what do you know? They want to use my prescriptions for business. Selling the prescriptions can make a fortune right now, but what about in the future?"

The sent person heard the conversation between Qu Huanzhang and his wife, and said: "Doctor Qu, don't worry, our commander-in-chief is not trying to plot your secret recipe, but hopes to make this Wanying Baibao Pill bigger and stronger together with you, Doctor Qu." In the future, not only all Chinese people will know, but also the whole world, foreigners will also give a thumbs up. You can make money, get rid of your name, and stand proud in front of foreigners. Why not do such a thing of fame and fortune? "

"Really?" Qu Huanzhang's heart skipped a beat

At that time, practicing medicine was not a respectable profession, and these words were still very tempting. Xu Guangxi said again: "Of course, our commander-in-chief said that this Chinese medicine is the quintessence of the country. Okay, but you can’t lose your family heirlooms either. Our commander-in-chief also said that if Dr. Qu is willing to cooperate, he will register a trademark for Dr. Qu in the Imperial Chamber of Commerce. Anyone who dares to counterfeit in the future will lose money or even face a lawsuit. What's more, Dr. Qu can also use this prescription, and every bottle of Wanying Baibao Pill will have a portrait of Dr. Qu printed on it, and every bottle of Wanying Baibao Pill will be sold for a penny from Dr. Qu."

Qu Huanzhang was still a little hesitant, "If you take it to a machine factory to do this, doesn't it mean that everyone who makes medicine knows the prescription?"

The person who came shook his head and said, "Our commander-in-chief has thought about this for a long time. After Dr. Qu's partnership, this prescription is not only the lifeblood of Dr. Qu, but also the lifeblood of our factory. The commander-in-chief will try his best to help Dr. Qu." Confidentiality. For example, Dr. Qu is responsible for all the procurement of medicinal materials, and the medicinal herbs are only marked with A, B, C, D, and no names, etc.~~~”

Qu Huanzhang was finally persuaded, and took his wife Miao Lanying to travel long distances to Shangqiu.Li Mohan personally greeted Qu Huanzhang at the train station.

The status of doctors in ancient China has always been low. What impresses people is probably the sentence in the text about Li Shizhen in later Chinese textbooks, "At that time, practicing medicine was a profession that was despised by others".

In fact, in the Yuan Dynasty, medical households were given preferential treatment by the rulers. They were exempt from miscellaneous labor, and only paid three taels of silver every year for the expenses of the imperial physician.In the Ming Dynasty, except for some miscellaneous duties, medical households could not be exempted from regular service and taxes.Another example is the medical profession in the Taiyuan Hospital. In the Yuan Dynasty, the highest rank was the second rank; in the Ming Dynasty, the highest rank in the Taiyuan Hospital was reduced to the third rank after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and then to the fifth rank.

The Qing Dynasty basically followed the Taiyuan hospital system of the Ming Dynasty, and its discriminatory attitude towards medicine was even stronger than that of the Ming Dynasty. For example, it once ordered: "A department of acupuncture and moxibustion in the Taiyuan Hospital will be stopped forever", which hindered the development of acupuncture and moxibustion therapy to a certain extent; Governor Pei Ledu once said: "Medical divination and astrology often use tricks to confuse the people. Although it is not a cult, it should be severely punished at the time." At that time, Emperor Yongzheng was "deeply appreciative", and his attitude towards medical doctors was different. This is evident.

At the same time, the current situation of Chinese medicine in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China was indeed a headache.The theory of using medicinal materials is even more incredible. To treat liver ascites caused by liver disease, a broken copper drum skin is used. Because edema is also called "bulging", it can be subdued with the broken drum skin; Dried and used as medicine can promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis; earthworms burrowing around in the soil, it is believed that dried and used as medicine can dredge collaterals and diuresis; couples drink a cup of rainwater after the beginning of spring, can cure infertility.

Lu Xun even fiercely criticized Chinese medicine in many of his works. On the one hand, it has something to do with the western science and medicine he accepted during his study in Japan, and on the other hand, it has something to do with his father's death.In Lu Xun's view, his father should have been killed by a quack doctor.In his collection of essays "Father's Disease", he expressed his critical attitude towards Chinese medicine: in order to treat his father's illness, the Zhou family sold all their property, jewelry and clothes, and finally invited the so-called "famous doctor" (Chen Lianhe, namely He Lianchen ).

But the prescription of the "famous doctor" is really strange. "The most common one is 'a pair of crickets', and the small words in the side note say: 'You want the original match, that is, the one who was originally in the same nest. The drug qualification is also lost."

My father's stomach is swollen like a drum, but the "famous doctor" has his own method. He has a special pill: Baigupi Pill, "This 'Baigupi Pill' is made from broken old drum skin; edema is a bulge, As soon as the broken drum skin is used, it can naturally subdue him", using the drum skin as medicine, fighting poison with poison.His father finally died under the torture of this "famous doctor".

People's hearts are fleshy, Li Mohan has the attitude of a corporal, and Qu Huanzhang's pride of dying for his confidant also arises spontaneously.

Li Mohan took Qu Huanzhang to visit the pharmaceutical factory. Along the way, Li Mohan said to Qu Huanzhang: "In the past, Chinese people were ignorant, discriminated against craftsmen, and called all kinds of stunts as supernatural skills. What is the result?"

Feeling behind him, Qu Huanzhang said, "That's right, many famous doctors' unique skills have been lost because of this."

"So, I have come all the way to invite Dr. Qu to come to Shangqiu. I just want to join hands with Dr. Qu to promote Chinese medicine and promote the quintessence of Chinese medicine." Li Mohan looked at Qu Huanzhang seriously, "Although people nowadays believe in Western medicine , but I believe that Chinese medicine is also a life-saving technique that has been accumulated for thousands of years. I hope that through our efforts, some people's prejudice against Chinese medicine can be reversed."

Qu Huanzhang was a little nervous, and said: "I am a doctor, and I know how to see a doctor and make medicine. My lord, what you said is too profound, and I don't quite understand it. But I understand one thing. The quacks of medical ethics say that it is a lie. Whoever says that, I am in a hurry."

"With this kind of energy, the matter is half successful." Li Mohan was very happy

Not long after, the car drove into the pharmaceutical factory.The pharmaceutical factory is divided into two parts, one for pharmaceuticals and the other for research and development of new and special medicines.The workshop producing sulfa belongs to the restricted area of ​​the pharmaceutical factory, and only a few people with a pass can enter.

After Qu Huanzhang walked around inside, he felt that the refining room full of glassware was boring, but felt that the rumbling machines outside were very fresh.All kinds of herbal medicines were sent into the crusher to be crushed into granules, and then ground into fine powder with a small ball mill, which was a thousand times faster than using a copper roller.In the thousand-square-meter warehouse behind the processing workshop, medicinal materials are neatly arranged after drying and drying in categories, and the air carries a faint medicinal fragrance.

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