Jagged Warlord

139. Amendment to the Bethlehem Contract

It is said that in order to encourage Yuan Shikai to proclaim himself emperor, Yuan Keding made a fake "Shuntian Times" to deceive Yuan Shikai, but the paper could not contain the fire.After discovering that the "Shuntian Times" was fake, Yuan Shikai never read the newspaper again.As for the exposure and accusations of his attempt to proclaim himself emperor in the real "Shuntian Times", Yuan Shikai just turned his head cold, beat his son a few times with the leather whip, and turned the page over.He has a heart, even if you scold him, I have to do whatever I want.

Yuan Shikai in Beijing was busy building momentum, and Li Mohan was busy building guns, cannons, schools, and hospitals.

Zhou Minghao, who was active in the United States, ran the Giant Sequoia Company. Through cooperation with the Rockefeller Foundation, he persuaded the Baptist Church to help build a hospital and a school in Li Mohan's control area.

The donated hospital is called Shangqiu Union Medical College Hospital, which is divided into two parts: the hospital and the medical school. It is responsible for both treating diseases and training doctors, nurses and other medical and nursing talents; It is divided into three categories: science, engineering, and agriculture.These two universities almost do not charge tuition fees, and they also provide free meals, accommodation, and travel expenses to and from their hometowns for poor children.The Baptist Church also strives for opportunities for the students of these two universities to study abroad in famous American universities and obtain scholarships, and strives for famous professors to come to China as visiting professors for a period of time every year.

In addition, foreign missionary universities have a unique advantage, that is, prestigious schools all over the world recognize their academic qualifications, and it will be much more convenient for students to study abroad after graduation in the future.This is something that Li Mohan's Huashang University cannot do. He can build a university by himself, but he cannot force foreign universities to recognize his qualifications.

Similarly, in exchange, Li Mohan allowed the Baptist Church to build a church in Shangqiu and Xuzhou respectively.Some people suggested that allowing foreigners to preach so freely would make the common people listen to foreigners instead of their own people, or even cause religious people to oppress non-religious people like the Boxers did.

Li Mohan is not afraid of this. Christians in China are basically two types of people. One is local hooligans who rely on the influence of the church and foreigners to run rampant; That little millet sorghum live.The real mainstream of society, not many people who truly believe in Christianity.For example, Yu Qiaqing in Shanghai is a member of the Orthodox Church, and she even took the Christian name of Andrei Paparovich, which is also for the convenience of doing business with the Russians, and it does not belong to faith at all; The set is actually trying to brainwash soldiers in the form of religion.

Christian believers are all monogamous, but which rich and important person in China does not have a concubine?This point alone is probably enough to make mainstream society stay away from Christianity or violate it.

At the same time, Freddie Mahan, Jason Earhart, and Phillips Hill were young and unambiguous in their work, and actually succeeded in persuading a group of American companies to send a delegation to China.

Li Mohan referred to the experience of attracting investment from later generations, and received these Yankees with extremely high standards.These square-headed Yankees were both flattered and well-served.In the report to the parent company, no words of praise were spared.As a result, after entertaining these Yankees with delicious food, drinks and fun, as the boss of the Chinese business company, Mu Ouchu signed a series of cooperation and investment contracts with American companies, and the agreement attracted nearly ten million dollars of foreign investment.

Among the representatives of these American-funded companies, Li Mohan only secretly met with the commissioner of the Bethlehem Steel Company.

In 1908, T. Roosevelt proposed a cooperation plan to the Qing, considering the need to restrain Japanese influence and safeguard the interests of the United States in the Far East.Including: the United States built a fleet and all its facilities for the Qing Dynasty.The ships needed by the Qing Dynasty were built by the United States, and the expenses were temporarily paid by the U.S. government, and then gradually repaid according to the financial situation of the Qing government; the facilities and equipment of the military port were designed by the United States, and the construction was temporarily funded by the U.S. government; the U.S. government did not receive any compensation for the Chinese side. For the training of naval admirals, US naval officers can be stationed on various ships of the Qing Dynasty, and students of the Qing navy can also be accepted to study in the United States.

In March 1911, President Tafto received Liang Dunyan, the former minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who was visiting the United States, and emphasized that if China wanted to strengthen itself, it must strengthen its naval power. In this regard, the United States could build ships and train officers for China.According to this proposal, the Qing government reached a loan agreement within the Qing government, and decided that the shipbuilding fee should be limited to 3 million taels;

In September 1911, the general manager of Bethlehem Iron and Steel Company visited China with the support of the President. On October 9, the Qing government signed a contract with Bethlehem Steel Company.

On March 1914, 3, Johnson, the representative of the Bethlehem Steel Company, and the Chinese Navy Department secretly concluded a new loan contract.The main content of the contract is that Bethlehem Iron and Steel Company promises to provide loans for the construction of the Chinese Navy's ship canal (scheduled to be built on Luoxing Island in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River in Fujian Province) and coastal defense facilities, and undertake the construction tasks; the total loan amount is 9 million US dollars, and the first payment 3000 million U.S. dollars, and the remaining 1000 million U.S. dollars will be used for the construction of ship canals; the annual interest is 2000%, the loan period is 5 years (can be put on hold for 35 years); the handling fee is 10%; all the facilities built are guaranteed; only American People came to build the canals, using American materials.

Since then, there have been submarine loans (plans to introduce 100 submarines, each priced at US$75), and Jiangnan Shipbuilding Institute (US$500 million).

This is the only chance for China in modern times to obtain loans and technical support to build its own system of military industry. Once the projects stipulated in the contract are completed, China's industrial strength and naval strength can overwhelm Japan.Similar to this, Tsarist Russia's 1913-year shipbuilding plan in 15 was an enhanced version of the Sazhenice plan.However, this contract encountered resistance from Japan when it was implemented.Because Fujian is Japan's sphere of influence, how could the Japanese turn a blind eye to the fact that the U.S. military wanted to help China build naval canals, military ports, and coastal defense facilities in Fujian?

Therefore, Li Mohan secretly met with Johnson, the deputy manager of Bethlehem Company, hoping that Bethlehem Company would move the original construction project in Fujian to its own site.For example, the ship channel, military port, and coastal defense facilities originally planned to be built on Luoxing Island were moved to Lianyungang.

Johnson looked embarrassed and said: "General Li, it's not that I don't want to, nor can I make such a decision. It's just that there is a lot of preparatory work to be done to move such a large and so many construction projects from Fujian to Haizhou."

Li Mohan smiled, and said: "Mr. Johnson is not worried. I have prepared for it." After finishing speaking, Li Mohan rang the electric bell on the desk, and the secretary brought a middle-aged man into the office.

"Hello, Mr. Johnson, my name is Wu Tongju." The middle-aged man shook hands with Johnson

Wu Tongju, courtesy name Xiafeng, nicknamed Liangxuan and Yichen, was born in Nancheng, Haizhou (now Lianyungang).

During the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, he successively passed the examinations of Xiucai, Juren, and Bagong. In the late Qing Dynasty, he served as the general judge of Zhili Prefecture, Haizhou.After the founding of the Republic of China, Wu Tongju served as the editor-in-chief of the "Journal of Jiangsu Water Conservancy Association", the director of the Jiangsu Water Conservancy Administration of the National Government, and the professor of the history of water conservancy at Hohai University of Technology, the chief of the second section of the Jiangsu Construction Department, and "inspectors".At the invitation of Fan Zhifan, the superintendent of the Longhai Railway, he surveyed the waters near Lianyungang, and wrote tens of thousands of words "Guidelines for Surveying and Mapping Haizhou Port", which broke the intention of the French engineer Kenana to monopolize technology and made a contribution to the extension of the Longhai Railway. It provides a scientific basis for Lianyungang and port construction.

Johnson is not an expert in this field, but when he saw that Wu Tongju presented him with a lot of information, he knew that Li Mohan was not only determined to win, but also well prepared.

Johnson stood up with a smile, shook hands with Li Mohan, and said: "Opportunities are always reserved for those who are ready. I am very confident in your ability to fulfill the contract. Don't worry, I will leave this matter to me."

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