Jagged Warlord

143. Shanghai trip 3

At about midnight, Hua Tuo, No. 829, Hongkou Police House, was patrolling the street. Suddenly, a Japanese man stabbed him from behind with a sharp knife. He stopped, was pushed to the ground, and was severely beaten.Another group of Japanese wanted to stop the tram, attacked the Chinese driver, and smashed the tram.The driver resolutely cut off his full horsepower and galloped forward, scaring the thugs to flee in all directions.At this time, dozens of Western arresters (patrol arresters from Europe and the United States), Indian arresters (patrol arresters from India) and Japanese arresters arrived after hearing the news, and the rioters gradually withdrew.The injured Hua Zhang was sent to the nearby Tongren Hospital for treatment. The doctor found that he had been stabbed four times, two in the head, one in the right shoulder, and one in the back. He bled profusely and was in critical condition.

At the same time, No. 780 Huazhang was also attacked by Japanese thugs. He was patrolling at the corner of Yalu Road and Miller Road. He was hugged from behind by a Japanese thug. His head was wounded with a wooden stick and bled profusely.After struggling desperately, he escaped from the clutches of the devil.Unexpectedly, he encountered another group of Japanese thugs on Wusong Road. No. 780 Huazuo suffered another misfortune.It was later found out that the Japanese came prepared that night and specifically attacked the Chinese arresters and Chinese civilians.In the middle of the night, a large number of policemen rushed to the scene to disperse the rioting crowd, and the Wusong Road area gradually returned to calm.Fearing another incident, the arresting room ordered only to disperse the crowd and not to arrest the perpetrators.

The outlaws among the Japanese overseas Chinese living in Shanghai provoked troubles in the Hongkou area for several days in a row, injured Chinese civilians and patrolled and arrested them, arousing the anger of the Shanghai people.The sporadic conflicts between the two sides for several days finally turned into a large-scale bloody incident on the night of the 19th.

At 10 o'clock that night, a large number of Chinese and Japanese civilians had gathered along Wusong Road in Hongkou, and the two sides were at war with each other.The Chinese have long been aggrieved by the beating of Chinese arresters and raped compatriots by Japanese overseas Chinese two days ago, and they are ready to fight back at any time.However, the Japanese overseas Chinese thought that the arrest of the sailors was an insult to the dignity of the Japanese emperor, and they had the intention of not giving up until Hongkou was expelled from China and the West.Dozens of Japanese overseas Chinese armed with swords, sticks and other weapons set off from the intersection of Zhapu Road and Kunshan Road, walked south along Zhapu Road, and smashed up Chinese or Chinese merchants' shops when they encountered them.Along the way, many Japanese overseas Chinese came out of shops and teahouses, joined the team, and rushed to demonstrate near the Hongkou vegetable market.

Someone shouted in Chinese: "Hongkou people are also in the Japanese Concession, so they only need to be caught every day."

Some insulted: "Chinese pigs are also pigs. We don't want Hua to be caught in Hongkou."

"The Japanese are all the offspring of brothers and sisters~" Suddenly, someone in the Chinese crowd shouted loudly: "In the opening chapter of your "Ancient Matters", it is recorded that two Japanese brothers and sisters married and gave birth to the evil offspring."

"They must be descendants of Wu Dalang, otherwise why are the Japanese all three-inch short winter melons?" The Chinese did not show any weakness, and resolutely scolded the Japanese

It is said that the Chinese arrester who was on the night shift had a premonition that the Japanese would come to harass him tonight. Out of self-defense, he asked Qingen, a small arrester in the Hongkou police station, to carry a gun on patrol.After hearing this, Qing En felt that the matter was of great importance, so she immediately called her boss to ask for instructions, but was sternly rejected.The arresting room sent officers to comfort them, saying that the reason for not firing firearms was to avoid conflicts and protect the safety of the patrol.After a long time of persuasion, Hua Zuo still refused to take up his post.After a while, when Banhua saw that there was no one to replace them, they came to the Hongkou vegetable market one after another.

Suddenly, the police siren blared at the intersection of Wenjianshi Road (now Tanggu Road) and Wusong Road.This is the secret code agreed in advance by the Chinese police, that is, when the Japanese invade, use the siren as a signal to gather and fight back. The 74 Hua arresters who were waiting for the night shift heard the siren and quickly rushed into the office, ready to collect short guns, but were stopped by Qing En and others who drew their guns.Everyone had no choice but to leave the arresting room, carry batons and ran to the vegetable market, and meet up with the Chinese arrester on duty.At this time, the brigade of Japanese was approaching with a murderous look, and there were many Japanese arresters with guns in them.The two sides meet and a melee ensues, with gunshots, sirens and beatings ringing out.

Soon, Huazu No. 675 and No. 964 were hit by bullets and fell to the ground with injuries. On the 3rd, the ankle was punctured, the blood vessel burst, and he died immediately. On the 26th, the Japanese patrolman was also injured and fell to the ground, and the owner of the Japanese Harayama Wu clothing store was injured.In addition, many people on both sides were slightly injured in the melee.

At the same time, the corner of Nanxun Road and Wenjianshi Road was the second battlefield, with dozens of people from each side participating in the battle.At first, a tall Japanese man in a suit stood at a high place and gave a speech, hoarse and spitting.After speaking, he shouted: "Don't care about the reason, go beat the Chinese!"

The Japanese audience echoed loudly: "Good! Good!" Then, these Japanese rushed to the street wielding knives and sticks, chasing and beating the Chinese, or destroying the shops of Chinese merchants.

In the distance, Tie Luohan looked at this place coldly from the window. He saw the Japanese devils chasing and beating the Chinese with sticks and knives, his eyes were burning, and his big fists were clenched. "Master, let's go help!"

Li Mohan drank his tea leisurely, and replied: "That won't work, if the Japanese are killed, the matter will become serious."

Tie Luohan said angrily: "Commander, you are afraid of the Japanese, but I am not. If something happens, I will die. I will do it myself."

Li Mohan said with a smile, "I said, old man, why are you so stubborn. I said that if you kill the Japanese, things will go wrong. If you don't kill the Japanese, you just wound and disable them, so it will be fine." ?”

Tie Luohan suddenly realized, he quickly apologized to Li Mohan, "Master, I misunderstood you, just now~~"

Li Mohan put down the teacup in his hand resolutely, and said, "Let's talk about it when you have something to say. Now beat these little devils hard for me."

"Yes!" Tie Luohan waved to the guards, "Brothers, follow me."

The guards also cheered, and rushed down after Tie Luohan.

The bloody battle lasted more than two hours, and both sides suffered heavy losses.At around 1:2 in the morning, a large number of Western arresters and Indian arresters rushed to the scene of the incident. It took a lot of trouble to separate the two parties, and ordered the confiscation of Huazhun's firearms, and the armed Indian arresters escorted Hua to the arresting room.The firearms of the Japanese arresters were also confiscated at the same time, and the personnel were sent to the daily arrester's boarding house.The Chief Inspector Mai Gaoyun and the Deputy Chief Inspector John Johnson of the Ministry of Industry in the Concession came to the scene to command and maintain order. The situation was not effectively controlled until [-] o'clock in the morning.

According to the investigation of the arresting house, 2 Japanese were killed (1 Japanese businessman was killed by a stray bullet) and 9 were injured; 2 Chinese arresters were seriously injured, and many civilians were slightly injured; dozens of Chinese and Japanese merchants’ shops were destroyed , The loss of goods is countless; more than 10 Chinese rickshaws were smashed.After the bloodshed, the Japanese residents living in Shanghai held meetings on the building of the Japanese Resident Mission on Wenjianshi Road to discuss how to deal with the aftermath. They asked the Japanese Consul General to negotiate with the concession authorities to increase the number of daily arrests in Hongkou, pay compensation to the killed and injured Japanese, and punish the gunmen. catch and so on.

Tie Luohan and a group of guards returned to the hotel with satisfied and tired expressions. That night, these strong men snored loudly.

After the Hongkou riot happened, the Shanghai West News commented that the Japanese side used the riot as an excuse to ask the Concession Industry Bureau and the Chinese government to expand their rights and interests. The most important one was to use daily arrests in Hongkou. Fang "Sima Zhao's heart is known to all passers-by."

Sure enough, the Japanese Residents Group in Shanghai sent papers to the Japanese Consul several times, requesting it to negotiate with the Ministry of Industry in the International Concession, agreeing to use all daily arrests in the Hongkou area, and to compensate the dead and injured Japanese for funeral expenses, medical expenses, and children’s education expenses.The Japanese Consular Office knew that these requests would inevitably be opposed by the Ministry of Industry and the Chinese people, so they dared not agree to all of them.The violent elements among the Japanese overseas Chinese were very dissatisfied with this, and publicly threatened that if the Japanese Consul General did not ask the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to use all daily arrests in Hongkou, they would burn down the Japanese Consular Office.Some simply incited, saying: "The Consul General is incompetent and cannot seek the best interests of the Japanese people in Hongkou."

After investigation, the Concession Chief Patrol Office completed the investigation report and submitted it to the Ministry of Industry for discussion.Ariyoshiaki, the Japanese Consul General in Shanghai, was informed and sent a letter to the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to raise objections to the content of the report, and tried his best to deny that the Japanese side wanted to open up a sphere of influence in Shanghai.The Bureau of the Ministry of Industry had reached an agreement with the Japanese side to increase the number of daily arrests in the Hongkou area, but it was strongly opposed by the Chinese.After this bloody incident, the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry believed that some Japanese residents living in Shanghai hoped to take this opportunity to put the entire Hongkou area under the protection of Japanese arrests and exclude the rule of the Ministry of Industry and Bureau in this area, so it temporarily terminated the plan to expand the Japanese arrests.Soon, the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry adopted a low-key attitude and gave 600 yuan as a pension to those who died on the day of death and 160 yuan for funeral expenses equivalent to that of Xizuo.The Chinese arresters who participated in the shootout were not dealt with severely, and were only given a demotion.

Tie Luohan and the others had already returned to the rented hotel in a panic. The gang of young men were full of enthusiasm, and they all compared how many little devils they had beaten and disabled, and they did not shy away from others.

Li Mohan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he had to quickly change to another hotel to avoid being targeted.

It is said that under the introduction of Franken, Li Mohan met with Davis, the manager of Remington's Shanghai office. contracts.During this period, Li Mohan deliberately revealed that he wanted to go to other foreign companies to order machinery and equipment. Davis hurriedly rolled up his sleeves with Franken and tried their best to coax Li Mohan to give up this idea. The two Yankees bargained.After some verbal confrontation, Davis and Franken finally succeeded in persuading Li Mohan to make all the orders for them, and Li Mohan also cut their quotations by nearly 3%.

After negotiating business with foreigners, Li Mohan still wants to visit someone in Shanghai, and he is the famous young rich man Liu Hongsheng.But unfortunately, after Li Mohan found his partner in Shanghai, Mr. Qin, he learned that Liu Hongsheng was not in Shanghai at this time, but in Tianjin.Therefore, Li Mohan could only leave an invitation letter and asked Mr. Qin to pass it on.

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