Jagged Warlord

146. Shandong War 2

The claws of the Japanese invaders stretched longer and longer, and Yuan Shikai, who was busy preparing to proclaim himself emperor and asked the Japanese government, had no choice but to swallow the bitter fruit secretly.However, the fuse that caused the Volunteers to exchange fire with the Japanese army again was indeed a shooting case.

After dinner, 30-year-old Gao Xiaoliu and 24-year-old Gao Hongming took their soil guns and quilts as usual, and went to watch the night in their vegetable garden on the north side of the railway.When the two walked near the railway, a sudden gunshot took their young lives.

The shooters were Shi Senzhu and others from the Changle garrison unit of the Japanese army, and the deceased was a villager in Gaojiahe Village, Changle County.That night Shi Senzhu and other three Japanese soldiers set off from Changle, inspected westward along the railway line, and crossed the Xiaodanhe Bridge.

Early the next morning, the dead body was discovered by villagers looking at the vegetable garden in the same village, and they hurriedly informed their families.Seeing that Gao Xiaoliu and Gao Hongming were shot to death near the railway, the family guessed that it must have been done by the Japanese army.Over the years, incidents of Japanese soldiers shooting casualties near the railway have happened from time to time.

It was a homicide case, and the family immediately rushed to the county office to report.Because the case occurred in the area under the jurisdiction of the Japanese army, Huang Chunxi, the governor of Changle County, informed Shuxiao Iwama, director of the Changle Police Station of the Fangzi Gendarmerie Unit, and others to go to the investigation together.

According to the inspection results, Gao Xiao’s body was left beside the railway track, about 10 meters west of the intersection of the railway and the crosswalk, with two gunshot wounds on his body, a quilt and an iron rake beside him; On the side of the utility pole about 10 meters west of the pedestrian crossing to the north, lying on his back with his head in the west and his feet in the east, he was wounded by a bullet, and beside him was a large cotton-padded jacket and a double-barrelled pistol.Iwama Shuxiao found an iron key from Gao Xiaoli's pocket, which matched the iron lock of the vegetable garden hut.

In accordance with the procedure, Huang Chunxi reported the situation to Tang Kesan, the Shandong negotiator specially assigned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Tang Kesan sent a note to Hayashi Jiujiro, the Japanese consul in Jinan: "According to the investigation of this case, the villagers Gao Xiaoliu and Gao Hongming went to the garden to guard the vegetables. There were only two of them, and there was no suspicion of any danger to the garrisoning Japanese army several feet away. If the Japanese army refused to let them pass through the railway, they could call them out. Why did they treat each other as enemies, shoot and kill them? ?”

The note stated, "The Charid-Qingdao War has long since ended, and the Japanese army still maintained a wartime attitude during the period of defense, which caused the residents along the Jiaoji Road to be cut off from traffic, causing danger. The goodwill between the two countries. These cases have occurred repeatedly in the past, but have not been properly resolved. It does not mean that they continue to occur today. The special commissioner is really sorry. Correspondingly, the consul will check the photos and severely punish the Japanese army for harming the Japanese army. Pay more attention to strictly ordering the Japanese troops to guard along the road, and change the behavior of violence."

Regarding the case of Gao Xiaoliu and Gao Hongming being shot to death, the Japanese side turned black and white, accusing them of stealing and cutting wires.Lin Jiuzhiro replied to Tang Kesan with a note, insisting on his own opinion.Tang Kesan sent a note to Lin Jiuzhilang again, and refuted his claims one by one.

Hayashi Kujiro said that the traces of the two people's feet climbing the electric pole were obvious.Tang Ke retorted: Cha Gao Xiaoliu's body was about a few feet away from the electric pole, and Gao Hongming's body head was at the same level as the electric pole. If he was shot while climbing the electric pole, his head should be some distance away from the electric pole. Are the poles aligned? A close inspection of the wood on the pole shows no signs of new peeling, and there is no place to climb. A close inspection of the wires shows not only no traces of cutting, but also no bends.

Hayashi Kujiro said that the two were holding pistols.Tang Ke retorted three times, it has become a habit to use Chinese-style earthen guns filled with sand to intimidate bandits in the village night guards.The victim, Gao Xiaoliu, waited to guard the vegetable garden, so it was in possession of it, and it was verified on the spot.

Hayashi Kyujiro said that three infantrymen heard the sound of wires being cut, sneaked into a vine tree, and opened fire after being shot by two people who resisted arrest.Tang Kesan retorted that the night when this case happened was very windy, and there were noises from the wires, which were also caused by the wind. It was inhumane to shoot the passerby farmer on suspicion; Gun resisted arrest.Kuang Ribing said he was shot while hiding in a tree, how could he resist arrest?

Hayashi Kujiro said that the two held an iron rake for cutting wires.Tang Ke retorted three times, the iron rake is used for loosening the soil in the vegetable field, it is less than three feet long, the hand cannot reach the wire, and it has no sharp blade, so how can it be used to cut the wire.During the on-site inspection, the chief of the gendarmerie found an iron key from Gao Xiaoliu's pocket, and went to his vegetable garden house to unlock it and found that it was consistent. The evidence is sufficient to prove that it came to guard the vegetable field.The Japanese officials concealed the key one layer and did not report it, which is indeed an intentional annihilation of strong evidence.

The case was later reported to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for negotiation, but nothing came of it.

Originally, this matter might not be settled like this, but Gao Xiaoliu has a relative named Gao Qiming, and he should call Gao Xiaoliu brother in terms of seniority.Gao Qiming joined the Volunteer Army after the Volunteer Army occupied Jinan. This time he went back to his hometown to visit his relatives. When he heard that Gao Xiaoliu was unjustly killed, he immediately became furious. The boning knife hid in the grove near the railway, intending to take a cold breath and kill a bunch of Japanese soldiers, as revenge for his brother Gao Xiaoliu.

However, God's will tricks people, this young man drank a lot of wine, waiting and waiting for Gao Qiming to fall asleep in the grove.Early the next morning, the Japanese patrol found Gao Xiaoliu, who was sleeping soundly with a sharp knife in his arms.Poor Gao Qiming failed to take revenge, but was caught by the Japanese army instead.The cruel Japanese army cut off Gao Qiming's head and hung it on a pole for public display.

The Gao family was heartbroken, and more than a dozen relatives and friends gathered together to avenge Gao Qiming with a sickle and a hoe.

"What are you talking about?" The oldest second uncle of the Gao family thumped on the ground with his cane, "Aren't you going to die like this?"

"Two lives?"

"Yeah, this revenge will not be avenged?"

The second uncle said: "Little Japanese have guns, what do we have?"

Hearing what the second uncle said, he was immediately discouraged, "Then what should we do? Let's just forget it? The government doesn't care."

The second uncle shook his head and said, "Of course not. The government doesn't dare to provoke the Japanese, but there are people who dare, and that's Qiming's team."

"Second uncle, are you talking about the volunteer army in Jinan?"

The second uncle nodded and said, "That's right. They dare to mess with the Japanese, and Qiming is also their soldier, so they won't ignore it."

"That's right, let's go to Qiming's team."

It is said that Gao Qiming asked for leave to go home to visit relatives, but he did not return to the team in time. Qiu Guozhu, the battalion commander of the third battalion of the fourth regiment of the Volunteer Army where he was, was about to send someone to find him, but someone came to report that a group of people in mourning came outside. , Said that he was a relative of Gao Qiming.

"Gao Qiming's relatives?" Qiu Guozhu frowned, "Still wearing sackcloth and mourning? Let's take a look."

Qiu Guozhu led people to the gate of the barracks, and he saw a group of people wearing sackcloth and filial piety. As soon as they saw Qiu Guozhu, they all knelt down on the ground, "Sir, our Qiming died so badly, you have to avenge him!" ?”

Qiu Guozhu's forehead buzzed, "What? Gao Qiming is dead? How did he die?"

"Killed by the little Japanese, his head was chopped off and hung on a pole~~"

"Qiming's death was so miserable~"

"Damn it, the little Japanese are itching again." Qiu Guozhu was a hot-tempered man, he pulled out the gun on his waist, and said to the staff next to him: "Gather the troops, let's~~"

The staff officer was very calm. He reminded Qiu Guozhu, "Battle Commander, we have to report this matter to the regiment commander first."

After being reminded by him, Qiu Guozhu also calmed down. He said to Gao Qiming's relatives: "My fellow countrymen, you stay here first, and I will report this matter to my chief. We will never ignore Gao Qiming's affairs." .”

The leader of the fourth regiment, Yang Yunlong, is from the Northeast. When the incident was reported, Yang Yunlong's temper was ten times hotter than Qiu Guozhu's. Come up. Our four regiments have never suffered such a loss. Gather the team and give Lao Tzu a little Japanese."

Dou Guanghua, chief of staff of the regiment, also reminded him, "Regiment commander, do you want to report to commander-in-chief Xiao?"

Yang Yunlong waved his hand, "Let's fight first. You know our teacher, as long as we can win the battle, we can talk about anything."

"This~" Staff Officer Dou still hesitated, and said, "Isn't that good?"

Yang Yunlong thought for a while, and finally compromised: "Well, you report to the division commander first, and I will take action here first, dispatching troops and generals. As long as the division commander nods, we can start fighting immediately."

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