Jagged Warlord

162. Long live the head of state

"Isn't it just a steam shovel? It's so difficult to start them." A big man said nonchalantly while taking off the helmet made of rattan from his head.

"You can drive a steam shovel." Samuel looked at the big man, somewhat disbelieving

"Smart people can learn it by themselves, ordinary people need to be taught to learn it, and mediocre people can't teach it even if they are exhausted." The big man wiped the mixture of dust and engine oil on his face with his sleeve.

"You are." Duan Qingxi asked

The big man said: "I am Tao Fugui from the machine repair shop!"

Duan Qingxi took a step back, highlighting Li Mohan's position, then leaned slightly, pointed at Li Mohan and said, "This is Li Mohan, Marshal Li, you said you can drive a steam shovel, in front of Marshal, you can't just talk about it!"

"Uh, Marshal." Tao Fugui stood up straight like a reflex, and saluted Li Mohan, "Salute!"

Li Mohan was taken aback, and returned the gift to Tao Fugui, "Why, you are also a member of the National Party!"

Tao Fugui scratched his head in embarrassment, and replied, "I just joined the party!"

Li Mohan was overjoyed, and thought that Wang Shihua had done a good job in party affairs, and he had gone deep into the machine repair shop.

"You said you could drive a steam shovel." Li Mohan asked

Tao Fugui replied: "I don't dare to speak big words in front of the commander. Over the years, our machine repair shop has repaired a lot of machines, starting from small pistols and rifles, large ones to trucks and large machines, steam shovels, parts on road rollers. It was broken, and it was repaired by our machine repair shop, as the saying goes, a long illness makes a good doctor, and after repairing it a lot, I gradually know how they work!"

"Okay!" Li Mohan said: "If you have such a thought, you should be rewarded." After saying that, Li Mohan went to take out his pockets, but Li Mohan hadn't brought any money with him for a long time, and he didn't find any money in two pockets in a row.

Seeing this, Duan Qingxi immediately took out a stack of Chinese business tickets from his pocket and handed it to Tao Fugui, "Take it, the commander will reward you!"

Tao Fugui didn't answer, and he said, "You don't get rewarded for nothing. After I start the steam shovel and roller, the commander will reward me soon!"

Duan Qingxi was very happy when he heard this, but he immediately became worried again, "But Tao Fugui, a steam shovel and a road roller are not enough for my military depot construction project!"

Tao Fugui grinned wide, showing his snow-white teeth, "Don't worry, Chief Duan, there are still several people in our machine repair shop who can operate this machine. I'll go to the machine repair shop and call someone!"

"Really." Samuel looked incredible, "Amazing Chinese!"

A small half of the technicians in the Xuzhou Machine Repair Factory were recruited from the Shangqiu Machine Repair Factory. This factory only processed some small hardware parts. At this stage, Li Mohan's attention was mainly on the military, and he did not invest much energy in this machine repair factory. This is completely spontaneous in nature.

Since Li Mohan imported several Dodge trucks from the United States, he copied more than 500 trucks through fake mobile phones. There are as many as three or four hundred Dodge trucks driving between Shangqiu, Xuzhou, and Haizhou every day. There are more and more faulty vehicles, and at the beginning, Li Mohan's way of dealing with these trucks damaged due to faults was to throw them to the machine repair shop when they were worn out.

So much so that after more than a year, hundreds of damaged five-wheel and six-wheel agricultural vehicles have been placed in Shangqiu and Xuzhou machine repair factories. It's not very heartache, but in the eyes of some management and employees of Huashang Company, it is very heartache.

Especially Mu Ouchu, who likes cost accounting the most, felt distressed seeing so many cars left there, so the old, young, middle-aged and young technicians in the engine repair factory tried to repair these locomotives. When imported, a thick instruction manual and maintenance manual were attached. Mu Ouchu and several English-speaking staff translated these manuals and maintenance manuals, and then distributed them to the mechanics of the machine repair shop.

To say that the Chinese technicians are smart, they have repaired more than a dozen trucks with these translations, not particularly professional manuals and instructions. The locomotives of this period used single-cylinder diesel engines and twin-cylinder diesel engines. The structure is relatively simple, so It doesn't take much effort for the auto repair shop to produce most of the parts on the diesel engine. Except for the parts that need to be finished, such as bearings, which cannot be processed and manufactured in the factory, most other parts can be produced by themselves, which is not conspicuous here. In the mechanic repair shop, many firsts were born inadvertently, such as the first cast iron piston, the first automobile shock absorber spring, the first automobile spring steel plate, the first diesel engine piston ring and so on.

Not long after, I saw a truck coming from the direction of the machine repair shop, with seven or eight young people loaded on it, the truck stopped, Tao Fugui jumped out of the cab, and came to Li Mohan, "Report to the commander, people are coming!" , can start working immediately!"

Li Mohan was very happy, and immediately promoted Tao Fugui to be the director of the workshop. At this stage, he is mainly responsible for helping Duan Qingxi build the military station, and at the same time, he must also take care of the work of training steam shovel and road roller drivers. The main technical backbone of China's first automobile factory.

While everyone was still cheering, they heard a loud buzzing sound in the sky. When they looked up, they saw a plane flying over the construction site.

"Congratulations, Marshal, this plane has successfully taken to the sky." Duan Qingxi quickly bowed to Li Mohan to congratulate him

"It's not easy." Li Mohan smiled gratifiedly.

This aircraft was a Curtiss aircraft imported from the United States last year. In order to avoid circumventing some US export regulations, this aircraft was disassembled into parts and shipped in in a dozen large wooden boxes.

"It's not easy for this plane to fly into the sky. I have to give credit to Bayuzao and Wang Zhu." Guo Side knew the hard-won of this plane.

In 1909, when the ministers of the Qing Dynasty went abroad for investigation, 9 people including Wang Zhu, Bayuzao, Wang Xiaofeng and Zeng Yijing were taken to the UK together and started their study abroad journey. As the earliest overseas students, many of them made contributions to Chinese science and technology in the future. significant contribution.

Among them, Bayuzao became Wang Zhu’s lifelong friend and like-minded helper. Wang Zhu had no children, and Bayuzao adopted his beloved son Zhongying to Wang Zhu as his adopted son and changed his name to Wang Zhongying. In 1910, Wang Zhu entered the Armstrong Naval University. Later, he went to the Vickers factory for an internship, where Wang Zhu laid the practical foundation for heavy industry technology.

The event that changed Wang Zhu’s life happened during the summer vacation in 1912. In that year, on Lake Windermere, Wang Zhu took a plane with the help of the pilot Porter. Since then, he has formed an indissoluble bond with aviation. He also entered Durham University to study mechanical engineering and continued to work with aircraft.

As the flames of World War I spread to Britain, a group of international students including Wang Zhu transferred to the United States for further study.

After arriving in the United States, Wang Zhu, Ba Yuzao and others entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study aeronautical engineering. They worked very hard in their studies and achieved excellent results. This is the first time for a Chinese to obtain a master's degree in aviation. According to historical data, there were no more than ten graduates in that period of aerospace engineering.

After Wang Zhu and others graduated, they caught up with Yuan Shikai’s proclaiming the emperor. Their public funds for studying abroad had no funds, and they could not return to China immediately. In the United States, he was severely racially discriminated against. Although the design and manufacture of b&w and c seaplanes were all designed and manufactured by Wang Zhu, the United States did not allow Wang Zhu to enter the test site during the flight test, fearing that he would steal. Learning "the highest aviation technology in the United States", this obvious discrimination against the Chinese made Wang Zhu extremely angry, and it also made him more aware of the significance of a strong motherland.

At this time, Jushan Petroleum Company, which is controlled by Li Mohan, was desperately looking for talents in the United States, so Wang Zhu, Bayuzao, Wang Xiaofeng, Zeng Yijing and others naturally entered the target of Jushan Petroleum.

Li Mohan looked up at the plane gradually going away, and asked Guo Side, "Side, who is in charge of the aviation school!"

Guo Side thought for a while and replied, "I remember it was Wang Zhu!"

"Oh, the aviation school is very important. They want money, things, and people. They want everything. They give priority to everything." Li Mohan pressed the iconic white round edge politely, "Let's go, the battle on the front line is still waiting What about us!"

Duan Qingxi set up the awning with his hands, and took a few glances at the plane gradually turning into a black spot from a distance, muttering, "What's the use of this plane, it's expensive!"

Before Li Mohan got into the car, it happened that a group of recruits walked past the car in a fairly neat line, singing military songs:

We are the glorious SS.

Dedicated to fighting for the Führer.

Like lightning in a storm.

Turn your enemies into dinner on your plate.

We are not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice.

We despise the wind and the sun.

Advance to the rhythm of military songs.

For the Führer, forward, forward.

The enemy sees us as a disaster.

Trembling with fear.

Your countenance is evil.

But a bunch of cowardly thieves.

Nothing but growling

We will drive you away.

For the Führer, forward, forward.

When the recruit platoon leader saw Li Mohan on the side of the road, he hurriedly shouted: "Stand still, rest a moment, stand at attention." Then the recruit platoon leader raised his right hand and shouted to Li Mohan: "Long live the head of state!"

The recruits followed suit and raised their right hands flatly, "Long live the head of state!"

Li Mohan raised his right arm to salute them, he waved to the recruit platoon leader, "You, come here!"

The recruit platoon leader trotted up to Li Mohan, stood at attention and saluted, "Sima Tong, the recruit platoon leader of the No. 15 military station, reports to you!"

Li Mohan asked: "Who taught you the phrase 'Long Live the Head of State' just now!"

Sima Tong was stunned, and then replied: "The humble officer blurted it out in a moment of excitement!"

Li Mohan smiled and said: "I accept your wish, but now Yuan Shikai is being scolded by the world when he claims to be the emperor and long live, you said 'Long live the head of state'~~"

Sima Tong came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "The commander-in-chief redeems his sins, the lowly position is unintentional!"

Li Mohan patted him on the shoulder lightly, and said: "Some things, you can just know it in your heart, you don't have to say it out of your mouth!"

"Yes, I understand." Sima Tong finally breathed a sigh of relief

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