Jagged Warlord

167. Duan Qirui Comes Out of the Mountain

After tidying up the model regiment, Ouyang Hua immediately pushed forward non-stop, as if to take down the Beiyang artillery, but when the vanguard of Jinkai's troops arrived at the artillery position of the Beiyang army, they found that the artillery had already been empty, except Except for shell casings and cigarette butts all over the place, nothing was left for the SS.

Jin Kai was very annoyed, "My good fellow, Beiyang and his group really know how to live their lives!"

So Ouyang Hua ordered Jin Kai's troops to garrison on the spot, and at the same time sent a good news to Jiang Fangzhen! !Eliminate Yuan Shikai's model regiment, kill Chen Guangyuan, and kill Geng Zibiao, the battalion commander.

Jiang Fangzhen was not very happy to receive Ouyang Hua's success report. He sighed and said to the adjutant: "The soldiers of the model regiment are all carefully selected Beiyang elites. One of the best of the team!"

The adjutant could only say helplessly: "I can only blame them for being wrong and right, for standing on the opposite side of the people and the republic!"

Jiang Fangzhen nodded and said, "I believe we will train more outstanding soldiers!"

"By the way, Chief of Staff, the sniper has been dispatched." The adjutant said, "It's just that we haven't received any reward yet!"

Jiang Fangzhen smiled and said: "Snipers are still a new thing. We can't rush for success. The purpose of our sending snipers is to disturb the enemy, and it may not be effective so soon!"

The adjutant said "Oh", rummaged through his briefcase, found a telegram, and said, "Chief of Staff, the general has sent a telegram to ask about the situation on the front line!"

Jiang Fangzhen thought for a while, and said, "Then send Ouyang Hua's success report to the commander-in-chief!"

……Dividing line……

Qu Tongfeng's headquarters is located in Xia Town, north of Zhanghekou. To the east of Xia Town, there is a dense mountain forest. A few rays of sunlight penetrate the leaves and shine on the ground. Everything seemed quiet and beautiful.

A hare is foraging in the woods.

Suddenly there was a whoosh, and the hare fell to the ground after being hit by something.

From behind a big tree appeared four camouflages wrapped in fish and covered with branches and leaves. One of them was holding a slingshot, others were holding bows and arrows, some were holding crossbows, and some were holding rifles.

The man with the rifle said, "Chang Lin, take a look!"

The man named Chang Lin agreed, and ran to the prey quickly, picked up the hare on the ground and looked at it, then turned around happily and said: "It's not dead yet, there is another one, and there are four, all of them were shot by you, captain! "

The two people next to him said in admiration: "Captain, I knew your marksmanship a long time ago, but I didn't expect that you can hit a hundred shots with a slingshot!"

The person called the captain was Xiao Tiannan, a small captain of the SS sniper team. He smiled, looked at the pocket in his hand, and said, "I'm tired of dry food, let's change it today!"

Chang Lin said: "Let's turn over two more beams, we haven't opened yet!"

Xiao Tiannan shook his head, and said: "No, this place is very close to the headquarters of the Beiyang Army, if we go further, what if we run into each other head-on!"

The three team members thought it was reasonable, so the four of them hid in a cave and roasted hares.

After eating the hare, the sky was already getting dark. Captain Xiao Tiannan looked up at the sky and saw a large dark cloud moving slowly towards the northwest, "Brothers, it must be a dark and windy day tonight, say Maybe there will be thunder and rain, it is a good time for us to do business, if you want to open, just wait until night!"

The three team members were checking the guns, and when they heard that the weather was beautiful, they immediately became excited.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, the sky was very dark, and the moon was covered by dark clouds. Xiao Tiannan led three team members carefully out of the cave, and began to explore the hinterland of the Beiyang Army's defense line under the cover of night.

After lingering on the mountain road for over an hour, Xiao Tiannan raised his hand and made a fist with five fingers, signaling the team members to stop, then made a gesture to signal them to lie down, and then fell down himself, and the four of them slowly crawled forward, finally Slowly climbed up the hill.

The lights under the mountain ridge are brightly lit, and countless bonfires, braziers and tents almost occupy the small open space under the mountain ridge. A flag of "Empire of China" is very eye-catching in the camp, and teams of Beiyang soldiers are standing in the camp with guns on their backs. Patrolling back and forth at night, it seems that this is a Beiyang Army garrison.

"Scatter, prepare to fight." Xiao Tiannan ordered in a low voice, and the four snipers immediately dispersed, each occupying a favorable shooting position or a concealed position.

At this time, an officer just came out to watch the night, and the soldiers of the Beiyang Army in the training camp saluted him habitually.

"Report~~" Xiaobing hadn't finished speaking when he heard a gunshot, and the officer standing in front of him had his head exploded, red plasma and white brains splashed all over his face.

"Oh my god~." Xiaobing was so frightened that he fell to the ground, his crotch got wet and he pissed out.

"Sneak attack by the enemy." The brave veteran shouted, and the Beiyang soldiers immediately picked up their guns, pulled the bolt, and fired indiscriminately into the dark surroundings.

Xiao Tiannan and his team members hid in the dark and laughed. Occasionally, a few bullets were fired in this direction, and they could hear the sound of the airflow vibrating as the bullets whistled past.

After a round of beatings, the Beiyang Army was obviously not at ease, so someone reported the matter to the officer leading the troops, and not long after, a major of the Beiyang Army came.

"What's going on, who shot indiscriminately." The major of the Beiyang Army had a black face, his clothes were draped over his body, and he obviously just got up from the bed.

"Report, there was an enemy attack at night and killed a second lieutenant who was watching the night." An old soldier replied

"Night attack, man." The major asked with his hands on his hips.

"No~~ I didn't see~" The surrounding soldiers all lowered their heads

"What is the enemy's night attack? I saw that bastard's gun went off." The major of the Beiyang Army pointed to the soldier who fell on the ground and peed his pants, and said, "Tell me, is it you!"

"It's not me, it's really not me." The soldier shouted injustice

"I see~~"

Before the major of the Beiyang Army could finish his sentence, another bullet flew from nowhere and hit his chest. The bullet shot from the back into the chest and exited, digging a bloody hole in his chest.

The major of the Beiyang Army collapsed to the ground without even humming.

Now the Beiyang army in this battalion was completely blown up, running and screaming, shooting randomly with guns, and some who were at a loss. In short, there was a lively scene under the mountain ridge.

At this time, Xiao Tiannan and his team members gathered together again, Chang Lin said with a smile: "Captain, look at how happy these gangsters are making a fuss!"

Xiao Tiannan was also amused, and said: "Shoot a gun to change a place, retreat!"


That night, six SS sniper teams shot and killed nearly fifty Beiyang Army officers at all levels. When Qu Tongfeng received telegrams from various units, he was at a loss for a while.

"This must be the fault of the Southern Army." Qu Tongfeng said angrily, "When did he, Jiang Fangzhen, get so low-handed that he used the method of sneering, and he only beat officers!"

For this reason, Qu Tongfeng specially sent a telegram to Jiang Fangzhen, protesting against Jiang Fangzhen's behavior. After Jiang Fangzhen received the telegram, he quickly returned the telegram to Qu Tongfeng. Yun: When you shoot a man, you shoot the horse first, and when you capture a thief, you first capture the king. You have never heard of this!"

Qu Tongfeng was angry and hated, but there was nothing he could do. The number of officers being shot to death every day was still increasing. Whether it was officers or soldiers, they were anxious all day and all night. The method of promoting grassroots soldiers to make up for the lack of officers, but later, rumors began to spread in the Beiyang Army that the sharpshooters of the SS Army were only officers, so even those who like to drill camps most on weekdays and dream of getting promoted and making a fortune When I heard that I was going to be promoted to an officer, I also yelled for help, and a million people were reluctant.

Companions around me are killed every day, but I can’t find where the enemy is. This kind of mental pressure is not something ordinary people can bear. The morale of the Beiyang Army began to plummet. Some soldiers even appeared to be afraid of being shot to death. As for the case of being in a trance and shooting himself.

"This battle can't be fought." Qu Tongfeng looked helplessly at the battle sand table, but he soon felt relieved, and laughed at himself: "I didn't die for Yuan Shikai in the first place. The model team is gone, so I will abolish it." Lao Shizi's strength!"

Qu Tongfeng looked at the situation of the enemy and us on the sand table, and the corner of his mouth turned up, showing a sly smile, "Jiang Fangzhen, don't you want to go north, okay, I will let you out of the way, and see if you have the courage to go !"

Qu Tongfeng blatantly withdrew the army. At this time, the Yi army who came to join him was still on the way. Jin Yunpeng of Wuding was still waiting for Qu Tongfeng to pull him, but this was the result. .

Yuan Shikai in Beijing fainted from anger, and when everyone rushed to rescue Yuan Shikai, his first sentence was: "I want Duan Qirui to come out of the mountain immediately at all costs!"

Yuan Shikai's arrangements for proclaiming himself emperor were extremely perfect, but a wise man would have to worry about something. He thought that Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang would not support proclaiming emperor, but they would not turn against them by force. Therefore, even if something happened in the southwest, there was nothing to be afraid of.

But in fact, although Duan Qirui did not use force to deal with Yuan Shikai like Cai E, Duan Qirui used the Anhui faction that he implicitly formed as the chief and prime minister to compete with him secretly, and with Duan Qirui's reputation, directly and indirectly Influencing some wall grass in the Beiyang system to choose to resist the imperial system passively or directly, played a great role in overthrowing Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai sent Zhang Yiling, his confidant, to Xishan to invite Duan Qirui out of the mountain to take up the post of Secretary of State. Duan Qirui was calm and calm, but Zhang Yiling was a little impatient. It’s a big deal, let me think about it!”

Zhang Yiling had no choice but to go back and return to his life first.

Seeing off Zhang Yiling, Xu Shuzheng, Duan Qirui's counselor fan, came out from behind the screen, "Yuan Xiangcheng is destitute and besieged on all sides. He will naturally think of you. If the whole country shouts 'Long live' three times, I am afraid that the first one to suffer is You are someone!"

Duan Qirui said: "How can I not know what the old man is thinking? You think I will be happy if I want to be the Secretary of State. I don't care about it. I, Duan Zhiquan, am a dignified general, not someone's watchdog: just stare at me. He ran away with his tail between his legs; if given a piece of rotten pancake, I would wag my tail and snuggle up! What Secretary of State? That’s a scapegoat!”

"Don't be angry, Zhiquan. Look, when Yuan Xiangcheng became emperor, he became the target of public criticism. Heroes from all directions were dispatched, and capable people from all over the world showed their prestige. Who will win the deer? It's hard to know the bottom line, but everyone wants to hunt deer. This is a fact, because Whoever hunts the deer is a hero! What is false is also true!"

Xu Shuzheng said: "Qu Tongfeng gave way to the Jinpu Railway. Li Mohan's SS army may go north at any time. Once this Li Mohan takes the lead, then this throne will no longer be in our Beiyang's hands!"

"I understand." Duan Qirui stood up and said, "Come on, change clothes, I'm going to see the old man."

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