Jagged Warlord

176. Aftermath of the Imperial Regime

There is a large barracks in the eastern suburbs of Xuzhou, with barracks, playgrounds, and training facilities in the barracks.This is the military academy that Li Mohan intends to train officers for the SS, but it is still in the preparation stage, so it has not yet been listed.

In the auditorium of the military academy, Li Mohan was teaching a group of newly recruited young students and junior officers selected from the grassroots.

Our Chinese Nationalist Party is the vanguard of the Chinese people, a group composed of outstanding elements from various ethnic groups in the Chinese nation, and shoulders the important task of rejuvenating the Chinese nation;

The action guidelines of our Chinese Nationalist Party: Always represent the development requirements of China's advanced productive forces, always represent the direction of China's excellent culture, and always represent the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people;

The purpose of our Chinese Nationalist Party: Adhere to the people's line, come from the people, go to the people, and use power for the people.Love is for the people, interests are for the people, and serve the people wholeheartedly;

The highest program of our Chinese Nationalist Party: to build China into a prosperous, civilized, and democratic republic, realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and truly achieve national prosperity, political democracy, national unity, social progress, and people's happiness;

Our Chinese Nationalist Party believes that the goal and task of our party at this stage is to strive to build four modernizations, namely, economic modernization, scientific and technological modernization, national defense modernization, and ideological and cultural modernization.

Members of our Chinese Nationalist Party should be proud of loving the motherland and be ashamed of harming the motherland.Be proud of serving the people, be ashamed of betraying the people, and be proud of advocating science.Be ashamed of ignorance and proud of hard work.Be ashamed of liking leisure and loathing work, and proud of solidarity and mutual assistance.Be ashamed of benefiting yourself at the expense of others, and be proud of being honest and trustworthy.Be ashamed of seeing profit and forgetting righteousness, be proud of obeying the law, be ashamed of violating the law and discipline, be proud of hard work, and be ashamed of arrogance and lust.

The students below listened very carefully. Everyone took notes very carefully. In the auditorium, there were only the sound of breathing and the rustling of pencils writing.

Li Mohan said on the podium: "This is the end of today's class. You go back and read the party constitution carefully. You will have an exam tomorrow. get out of class is over."

"Stand up." The squad leader Luo Xiongjie stood up and said loudly, "Salute." The students stretched out their right arms like a forest.

"Goodbye, classmates." Li Mohan smiled back

"Goodbye, principal." The students replied in unison

After leaving the school, Li Mohan just walked out of the school gate when he saw a black Huanghe brand car driving quickly.The Huanghe brand car is also produced by Huashang Vehicle Manufacturing Company, and the main imitation object is Li Mohan's black Ford car.Today, the streets of Shangqiu are no longer the era when Li Mohan dominated with a single car.Since the Huashang Vehicle Manufacturing Company produced the domestically produced Yellow River brand vehicles, Li Mohan has equipped officials at all levels and their departments with public vehicles, all of which are Yellow River brand vehicles, and has also formulated vehicle license plates in accordance with the license plate system of later generations.As for Li Mohan himself, in order to play a leading role in encouraging the use of domestic products, that Ford can only sleep in the warehouse, and he should sit in a domestic car that is one size bigger than the Ford and one size bigger in noise.

Looking at the license plate number, the car driving in front of him knew that it was the special car of Shang Yifu from the Secretariat of the Commissioner's Office.The car stopped beside Li Mohan's car No. Xu 00001, and Shang Yifu got out of the car and handed a document to Li Mohan. "Commander, Chen Shufan of Shaanxi has called to announce the cancellation of independence."

The day after Yuan Shikai's death, Chen Shufan, the governor of Shaanxi, announced the cancellation of independence. He sent a telegram and said:

"Since President Yuan has passed away, the independence of Shaanxi should be abolished immediately. Shufan only returned the entire territory of Shaanxi to the central government, and everything was subject to the central government's punishment. The maintenance of order is naturally the responsibility of Shufan. Worry about looking west. Yishu Fan has more appeals. Although there are nine independent provinces, President Yuan passed away before he abdicated. The ancestor of the Republic of China is not good. Therefore, I plan to invite you to be extra generous in the final ceremony, and agree on the conditions for preferential treatment of family members, so as to show the unfinished thoughts of our people. In addition, regarding the overall situation and the aftermath, please give instructions to follow at any time, I am deeply grateful prayer."

Duan Duan Qirui was very satisfied with his action and thought it was worth encouraging, so he issued an order on June 6, appointing Chen Shufan as the general of Hanwu to supervise the military affairs of Shaanxi.From then on, Chen Shufan became a Beiyang affiliated soldier.

Chen Shufan's telegram abolishing independence was hated by all strata of the country except the Beiyang faction. Yu Youren, one of the leaders of the Kuomintang, sent a telegram to question Chen:

"Looking at Gongyang electricity, it makes people point out. Shaanxi is independent, named Huguo, and it should take concerted action with the southwestern provinces. Now that Yuan's dynasty is dead, Gongmu will cancel independence, and Yin and Yin promote Yuan as the respect of the common people. If it is not the ancestor, why should Shaanxi be independent? Is independence a traitor to the ancestors? Especially those who are different, please pay attention to the final ceremony of the Yuan family, and please set the conditions for preferential treatment of family members. How much is the inheritance of the Yuan family? ?Since the rise of the army, millions of people have died in the battlefield, and who cares more about these family members?"

Li Mohan threw the telegram back to Shang Yifu and said, "Chen Shufan didn't intend to protect the country sincerely, but just wanted to take the opportunity to crowd out the Beiyang officials arranged by Yuan Shikai. How naive are these revolutionaries?"

Shang Yifu pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and asked: "Our military government of the Republican Army is also in a state of independence, and there is no verbal or written ceasefire agreement with the Beiyang side." Then, Shang Yifu gave Li Mohan another This telegram is a telegram from Sichuan Chen Huan announcing the abolition of independence.

Chen Huan said in the telegram: "Because of the issue of abdication, Sichuan Province previously announced the severance of ties with Xiangcheng. Now that Junzuo has taken office, Huan would like to abide by the Declaration of Independence and cancel independence immediately. After that, all matters in Sichuan Province will be obeyed by the central government. Orders. In addition to notifying the provinces, Fuqi's instructions are only followed!"

There is also a reason for him to come here, because he received a secret telegram from Li Yuanhong's strategists Jiang Zuobin, Jin Yongyan, and Ha Hanzhang, trying to persuade him with the friendship of his hometown. Now the president is from Hubei, and Hubei people should praise Hubei people. If Sichuan can advocate for the southwestern provinces, it will contribute to the current situation.These words are very good for Chen, not to mention that Chen and Li have worked together for a while, that is, before leaving Beijing, Chen served as the deputy chief of staff, and Li was the nominal chief of staff. Li and Chen got along very well because of their fellowship. However, since he was both a fellow villager and a former colleague, Chen also felt that Li's position should be praised, so he called Cai E to cancel his independence without contacting Cai E and the police.

Li Mohan read Chen Huan's telegram, smiled and said, "Chen Huan is going to shoot himself in the foot this time."

Shang Yifu was a little strange and asked, "Why did the commander-in-chief say that?"

Li Mohan said: "First, Chen Huan flattered Li Yuanhong in the telegram, but Chen Huan didn't know that Li was a light-hearted president with no power and no real power, and the real power was in the hands of Duan Qirui. This is the priority. Second, Chen Huan When Huan announced his independence, he added a sentence of "severing ties with Yuan Shikai personally". Chen Huan was showing off his cleverness at the time, thinking that Yuan Shikai's downfall was inevitable. This sentence is completely unforgivable in the eyes of Duan Qirui, who has a deep traditional concept. Duan Qirui believes that anyone who has received personal favor from Yuan Shikai can oppose the monarchy in public, but not betray Yuan Shikai in private. To betray Yuan Shikai is to betray the whole Beiyang. Duan Zheng regards himself as the orthodox leader of the Beiyang system , he felt that you could sever all ties with Yuan yesterday, so why not sever ties with me tomorrow? Is this kind of person still available? The third is that Chen Huan canceled independence, not because of Duan Qirui's promotion, but in response to Li Yuanhong's left and right Instigated by strategists to express their loyalty to Li, Duan Qirui thought that the advisers around Li Yuanhong were treacherous villains. Chen Huan first betrayed Yuan Shikai, and then flattered Li Yuanhong, and even had a conflict of interest with Duan Qirui."

Shang Yifu thought for a while, then nodded and said, "I understand. Chen Huan was a hunchback and lost his head. After Chen Huan declared Sichuan's independence, Duan Qirui would definitely not appoint him as the general and military supervisor of Sichuan as he did with Chen Shufan. Now Chen Huan is in a very embarrassing situation. Because of the abolition of independence, he can no longer be called the governor of Sichuan, and the Beijing government does not give him military affairs supervision, so he has lost both ends."

In fact, as early as when Chen Huan declared his independence, Yuan Shikai set fire to Sichuan. He promoted Zhou Jun, the first division commander of the Sichuan Army and the guard envoy of Chongqing, to be a heavy military general to supervise Sichuan's military affairs, and ordered him to lead the army to Chengdu to expel Chen Huan. official.

After Yuan Shikai's death, Duan Qirui continued this plan. He instructed Cao Kun, the commander of the Beiyang Army stationed in Sichuan, to secretly support Zhou Jun, and told him to continue to march into Chengdu and seize western Sichuan.Zhou Jun had the backing support and was full of courage. He sent troops to occupy Yongchuan, Longchang and Neijiang.He also sent the brigade commander Wang Lingji to lead the fifth battalion into Zizhong to cut off the connection between the Xufu in Chengdu.At the same time, Zhou Jun shouted the slogan "Sichuan people don't fight Sichuan people" in order to win the sympathy of Sichuan generals Liu Cunhou, Xiong Kewu and others who were protecting the Communist Party.

When Chen Huan declared independence, he obtained Cai E's guarantee that the guards admitted to maintaining Chen's status as governor, and sent troops to support Chen when necessary to deal with the complicated situation in Sichuan.So when Zhou Jun marched into Chengdu, Chen Huan asked Cai for help one after another.Since Chen Huan has canceled his independence, neither the guards nor Cai E have the obligation to assist Chen. However, Zhou Jun accepted Yuan Shikai's appointment as a heavy military general during the Sichuan armistice, which was tantamount to carrying out Yuan Shikai's mission, and the guards opposed it. .At the same time, Zhou Jun kept saying that the Sichuan Army would jointly deal with the Yunnan Army and provoke the feelings of the Sichuan and Yunnan Army. Cai E had to stop it in terms of responsibility.

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