Jagged Warlord

184. Can't come clearly

"Ah?" Chen Shouting's eyes widened, "I've been dealing with dyes for half my life, and I didn't know there was such a way."

Miao Shihou scolded: "Don't interrupt, let the governor continue talking."

Li Mohan continued: "There is an expert in the dye industry in Japan named Mu Ruifuyuan. When he talked about the diversity of the dye industry, he described it like this: As far as the manufacturing operations of dyes and intermediates are concerned, all the raw materials used, chemical Reactions, manufacturing devices, etc., have many common and similarities with other synthetic chemical industries, such as explosives, synthetic medicine and other organic industrial products, and even war gas, so they are closely related. Dye factories usually The production of the above-mentioned synthetic products is a sideline business, and once something happens, it suddenly becomes a factory for the production of explosives and poisonous gas. This is a well-known fact in the world.”

Miao Shihou said with emotion: "Let me tell you, why Germany dares to challenge Britain, France and Russia? It turns out that it has a strong chemical industry."

Li Mohan said: "I think that China has two vicious enemies. One is Russia in the north. Tsarist Russia has encroached and annexed nearly 200 million square kilometers of China's land, and split 180 million square kilometers of Outer Mongolia. The total is equivalent to 10 Japan. As for the Hailanpao and Jiangdong 64 massacres, I don’t need to say more. The other is Japan in the east. Compared with Russia’s ugly appearance, Japan’s aggression is more concealed and its ambitions are greater. In a sense, at present, Japan is more dangerous than Russia."

Miao Shihou asked, "Why do you say that?"

Li Mohan said: "First of all, the conditions in Japan are relatively poor. Japan is a Pacific island country located outside the East Rock of the Asian continent. Three-quarters are mountains and hills, lacking flat land, and Japan’s mineral resources are extremely poor. Most of the main raw materials needed for modern large-scale industrial production rely on imports. Moreover, Japan’s terrain is narrow and its defense depth is short. Any part of its inland is far from the coast. No more than 120 kilometers, basically no depth for defense. This harsh living environment makes Japan have a strong sense of urgency. It is difficult to improve the living environment through self-reform. Or seize other people's living space through external plunder and expansion , Japan chose the latter. This isolated overseas island environment has formed Japan's self-enclosed and split personality environment. On the one hand, it manifests itself as inferiority complex. Once it encounters a strong opponent, it will bow its head and surrender. Shun, like a watchdog. For example, in the Tang Dynasty of our country, our Chinese army defeated the Japanese army at Baijiangkou. After that, Japan sent Tang envoys to the Tang Dynasty to learn our country's advanced cultural system; For example, after the Sino-Japanese War, after the Russo-Japanese War, and the recent "Article 21", all of them reflect the wolfish ambitions of the Japanese."

Miao Shihou said: "I agree with what you say."

Miao Shihou first studied in the UK, and later also studied in Japan for several years, and also dabbled in Japanese history.Before the Meiji Restoration, Japan was basically in a closed state, and the war was basically carried out on the Japanese island.Later, the United States and other Western powers opened the door of Japan with strong ships and sharp guns. On the one hand, Japan realized the necessity of learning from the West, and on the other hand, it also realized the harshness and danger of its own isolated island existence. Set up the theory of self-reliance and move towards aggression and expansion. Once Japan's national strength increases, it will put the expansion theory into practice.

As early as the Ming Dynasty, Japan’s Kanbai Toyotomi Hideyoshi proposed the “Continental Policy” to first capture Korea, then Pingjin, North China, and finally East Asia. Around the 18th century, the Japanese School of Economics advocated "flying overseas" and "occupying China". In 1823, the Japanese military thinker Nobuhiro Sato declared in "Unai Confusion Secret Policy" that he would conquer Manchuria and bring China into Japan's territory. In 1875, Japanese thinker Yukichi Fukuzawa published "Outline of Civilization" and later "Theory of Leaving Asia". He strongly despised China and North Korea, and declared that he would carve up China with European and American powers. In 1882, the chairman of the Senate, Shanxian Youtomo, proposed in the "Armament Opinion" that China should be regarded as an imaginary enemy country. In 1890, he became the Prime Minister of the Cabinet and delivered a policy speech, declaring that Korea and China would be included in Japan's sphere of influence.

"This little Japan is really a bald man holding an umbrella—lawless." Chen Shouting slapped the table and shouted: "I will seize the opportunity and punish these Japanese devils severely."

Li Mohan smiled and said: "Boss Chen, don't worry, I already have a solution here, it depends on whether you are willing to help me."

Shi Shaoxian hurriedly said: "The warlord is too polite, you can use us because you think highly of us."

Chen Shouting hurriedly asked: "What method?"

Li Mohan said: "Although the Japanese dye industry is not as prominent and important as Germany's position in the world dye industry, it has obvious advantages in the Far East. The five major dye companies in Japan are: Nippon Dyestuff Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Miki Dyestuff Co., Ltd., Imperial Dyestuff Co., Ltd. Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Nippon Chemical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Chenggu Soda Co., Ltd. Nippon Dyestuff Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is the ancestor of the Japanese dye industry, with the largest scale, and its main factory is in Osaka, Honshu. According to reliable records, in 1939, the output of the factory accounted for The total output of dyes in Japan is 75%, employing 1300 workers. The factory forms a complete production system, and can be self-sufficient in crude products, semi-finished products and acids. The second largest factory is Miki Dyestuff Co., Ltd. under the management of Mitsubishi Mining Co., Ltd. The semi-finished product and dye factory are located in Kyushu. In 1938, 5000 workers were employed. Others include Imperial Dyestuff Manufacturing Co., Ltd., located in Fukuyama, Honshu; Nippon Chemical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., located in Osaka; The remaining 55 small factories are distributed from Tokyo to southern Kyushu. The above-mentioned factories mainly manufacture finished dyes, but according to data records, "big factories also produce semi-finished products. In addition to dyes, they also make medicines, spices, bakelite, Artificial rosin, rubber products, photographic materials, explosives, poison gas, etc.This shows that the five major dye factories at that time were involved in the production of explosives.Right now we can't confront the Japanese head-on, so we can only do it secretly. If we want to rectify Little Japan, we will start with their dye industry. "

Miao Shihou asked, "Then what shall we do?"

Li Mohan said: "This requires you to make full use of your relationship."

……Dividing line……

It is said that in Shanghai, when it comes to the well-known tycoon Yu Qiaqing, everyone knows everyone.Yu Qiaqing's nickname was Ruiyue, his first name was Hede, his later name was Qiaqing, and he was known as Adege by Xing. He was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang.Born in poverty, he once studied in a private school. Went to Shanghai at the age of 15, started as an apprentice in a paint shop, self-study after work, and can speak English. Since 1895, he has successively served as the German merchant Lulin Matheson.ABN Amro and Sino-Russian Daosheng Bank are compradors.Successively established Ningshao, Hongan and Sanbei Steamship Company.

Yu Qiaqing is a patriotic businessman. When Japan forced Yuan Shikai to sign the "21 Articles", Dong Song Hanzhang, Yu Qiaqing, ** San, Wang Wendian, etc. of the Shanghai General Chamber of Commerce began to discuss the launch of the "save the country and save money" campaign, and recommended Yu Qiaqing, Zhu Baosan, Bei Runsheng and other 37 members of the General Chamber of Commerce and people from the business community served as temporary clerks.A few days later, Yu Qiaqing was elected as the director-general, and Bei Runsheng and Ma Zuochen were elected as deputy director-generals.Set up the head office in Shanghai, and set up branch offices in various provinces, counties, and commercial ports at home and abroad. It is planned to raise 5000 million silver dollars for the purpose of adding military equipment to the country.

Since then, the activities of saving the nation’s funds have sprung up rapidly in response to the responses of various chambers of commerce across the country. By the end of August, 8 institutions for saving the nation’s funds had been set up in all provinces of the country, of which 299 had declared a deposit of more than 120 million yuan, and 640 had paid in deposits. 54 million yuan.In order to further promote the activities of saving the country, on September 202, a joint meeting of representatives of the National Gold Saving Group was held in Shanghai.There were 9 representatives present at the meeting, and the National Association of Gold Savings Representatives was established, and Yu Qiaqing was elected as the chairman.The meeting adopted a unified national approach, calling on governments at all levels, newspapers, chambers of commerce, and gold storage offices to do their best; amending the charter of the gold storage group, emphasizing independent control over the use of gold storage, and adding provisions for the use of gold storage for manufacturing plants .

Soon, this vigorous national saving gold reserve activity was forced to be returned and disbanded in order to prevent Yuan Shikai from misappropriating the reserve gold as funds for the restoration of the imperial system, but it also showed the intention of the chamber of commerce and the industrial and commercial circles to try to shoulder the responsibility of saving the country's rights and interests.

Yu Qiaqing's residence, Yu Mansion, is the largest building on Haining Road in Shanghai and one of the largest private residences in Shanghai.The construction started in the 24th year of Guangxu and was completed in the spring of 1899. It took one year and two months and cost nearly one million yuan. After the completion of the mansion, Yu Qiaqing moved to a new house.The entire Haining Street was decorated with lanterns and festoons, firecrackers were fired, and tens of thousands of people came to celebrate.I saw a tall and luxurious mansion with central and western terraces standing impressively. The two gates were as black as ink, inlaid with shiny and bright copper nails. Inside the high wall was a three-entry hall with five rooms.The first entrance is a Chinese-style structure, a two-story Shikumen building;

The second one is a Western-style building with three floors, and the second one is a mixed Chinese and Western structure with three floors, but it looks taller.On both sides of the three-entry building, there are various wing rooms, no less than dozens of sizes, which are account rooms, sedan and horse rooms, garages and housing for hired workers.Between or on both sides of each building, there are rockeries, pools, gardens and other scenic spots, which set off the whole mansion with clouds and purple air.Then it is equipped with various services.According to records, there are no less than 120 servants, maids, guards, drivers, secretaries, cooks, and handymen employed by the Yu mansion alone, forming a huge upstart family.Yu Qiaqing lives on the second floor of a Western-style building, and the third floor is his daughter's embroidery room.There are three living rooms in the middle of the first floor, and the east and west rooms are respectively the secretary's room and his own study room, each equipped with sofas, desks, telephones, etc.This is the remote control center for all of Yu Qiaqing's private business, and some important plans and business secret orders are conveyed from here.The living room is spacious and bright, with plenty of sunlight. The authentic calligraphy and paintings of Wang Tingjian, Zhu Zhishan, Tang Bohu and others are hung on the walls in an elegant and orderly manner, adding a touch of elegance to the host.

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