Jagged Warlord

187. Completed digging

Soon, many Japanese businessmen appeared in Shanghai, Tianjin, Suzhou, Nanjing, and Hangzhou.Their target is the dyes in various trading houses.Japanese businessmen have strong capital. Usually, a Japanese businessman buys more than several Chinese businessmen combined, and the bid is relatively high.Therefore, the price of dyes rose rapidly due to the panic buying by Japanese merchants.Some Chinese dyeing factories have just woken up like a dream, and hastened to join the ranks of panic buying.However, their capital and scale are not comparable to Japanese companies, and they can only look at the soaring dye prices in despair.

At this time, Yu Qiaqing, Bei Runsheng, and Zhou Zongliang began to reduce their shipments and no longer open their supply so much, and their prices also increased by 30.00%.But this does not deter Japanese businessmen, and their enthusiasm remains undiminished.In Kotaro Komiyayama's view, this is a precursor to the stock being sold out.

It wasn't until this time that the commissioner of the Governor's Mansion from Shandong came "long overdue" to find Yu Qiaqing, Bei Runsheng, and Zhou Zongliang to discuss the matter of mass purchases.However, according to the observation of the Japanese spies, every time the commissioner came out, he always had a sad expression on his face, and kept moaning and sighing.Moreover, each time the commissioner brought more and more expensive gifts to the residences of Yu Qiaqing, Bei Runsheng, and Zhou Zongliang.

Kotaro Komiyayama thought that this was a sign that Li Mohan sent a commissioner to Shanghai to purchase dyes, so he secretly used the funds of the Qingdao garrison and at the same time encouraged Japanese businessmen to further purchase dyes.Sure enough, as Kotaro Komiyayama expected, the Chinese merchants' "seeking profit and forgetting righteousness" showed up. Although the three companies further raised the price of dyes, they still sold a large number of dyes to Japanese merchants and trading companies.At the same time, Yu Qiaqing, Bei Runsheng, and Zhou Zongliang further reduced the shipments of dyes, and almost only sold them to Japanese merchants and trading companies.And the commissioner Li Mohan sent to Shanghai also started to be rejected by Yu Qiaqing, Bei Runsheng, and Zhou Zongliang.

In this way, in just one month, the price of dyes on the Shanghai market tripled in a short period of time, and Yu Qiaqing, Bei Runsheng, and Zhou Zongliang released more than half of their inventory.Chinese domestic merchants are basically saturated or unable to purchase, but Japanese merchants seem to have not been fed enough. Although the purchase is not as strong as it was at the beginning, they are still buying continuously.

Miao Shihou has been in Shanghai, constantly sending the implementation status to Shandong by telegram.Chen Shouting is now a regular visitor in the Governor's Mansion. He came to Li Mohan's office with a telegram, and handed the telegram to Li Mohan, "Mr. Miao sent a telegram, saying that those Japanese businessmen will soon be overwhelmed."

Li Mohan took the telegram and looked at it, then handed it to Mu Xiangyue who was beside him. Mu Xiangyue smiled and said, "Is it too much now? Then the days from now on will not be enough for these little Japans?"

Chen Shouting said with a smile: "I guess it's not a good day."

Li Mohan asked Mu Xiangyue, "Ouchu, have all our dyes been loaded into the car?"

Mu Xiangyue nodded and said, "The three special trains to Shanghai are all fully loaded. In addition, the trains to Tianjin and Wuhan are also ready."

"Okay!" Li Mohan clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Inform them, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the delivery will be on time."

"Yes." Mu Xiangyue replied

"Oh, some little Japanese are crying now." Chen Shouting was so happy that he rubbed his hands together.

"Crying? That's light. I don't know how many Japanese people will commit seppuku suicide because of bankruptcy." Li Mohan gloated, "Of course, the more the better."

……Dividing line……

In the office of the manager of the Qingdao garrison, Kotaro Komiyayama was receiving a guest. It was a fellow of his, Miyake in a Shanghai trading company.

"Miyake-kun, you have to trust me." Kotaro Komiyayama reassured Miyake, "You came to China to start a trading company because you believed in me, otherwise you would still be a street peddler in your hometown in Ueno."

"Miyayama-kun, I have always believed in you, but this time I am really disturbed. I have spent all my money on dyes, but so far, no one from China has come to buy them." Miyake is a big Cake face, and easy to sweat, even if the weather is not hot, he is still sweating profusely.

Kotaro Komiyayama smiled and said: "Mr. Miyake, you have been dealing with the Chinese people for many years, don't you still understand the character of the Chinese people? Don't worry, they won't come to you at first because of face. Buy it, but when they can't buy it from other channels, they will naturally beg you in a low voice."

Miyake wiped the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, and smiled reluctantly: "There is a saying in China that wealth and wealth are sought in danger, but this time, I feel that it is too dangerous."

Kotaro Komiyayama patted Miyake's shoulder lightly and said, "Don't worry, Miyake, when you make money, remember to invite me to drink in the best tavern."

Miyake smiled and said, "And the best geisha."

Kotaro Komiyayama laughed, and the two recalled the youthful days of their young students.They didn't know that a large piece of paper had already been scattered.

Just when Kotaro Komiyama and Miyake were looking forward to a bright future, a train quietly went south along the Jinpu Railway to Pukou.Then countless Tietong bearing the logo of Huashang Company were removed from the train, loaded onto a ferry boat and transported to Nanjing on the other side of the Yangtze River, and then transported to Shanghai, Suzhou and other places via the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway.

In the afternoon of the next day, there was an extra dye brand in Zhou Zongliang's dye sales store. giant banner.

At this time, Shanghai was the largest and most important textile industry and commercial center in China, and mechanized printing and dyeing also appeared relatively early. In 1912, Zhu Wenqi founded the Qiming Dyeing and Weaving Factory in Shanghai, imitating Western methods and specializing in dyeing yarns of various colors. This was the beginning of China's new method of dyeing yarns.Not long after, Wang Qiyu established Dafeng Dyeing and Weaving Factory in Shanghai. Its scale is relatively large, with "a capital of 50 taels, it can create various colored fabrics and arrange them by itself. The color is gorgeous and the quality is firm and uniform, which is directly comparable to European goods."It is the beginning of China's new method of dyeing raw cloth.In the new method dyeing raw fabric industry, factories such as Hongzhang, Guanghua, Xiefeng, Zengyu, Guangzhong, Renfeng and Datong have been established one after another.Therefore, the demand for the dyestuffs of the Shanghai team is very high. Ever since the Japanese businessmen swept up the goods and Yu Qiaqing, Bei Runsheng, and Zhou Zongliang were reluctant to sell them, the managers of the Shanghai dyeing factories who were starving for food were all red-eyed.

"Is it really a domestic product?" The technicians and experienced workers in the Shanghai Dyeing Factory were not very relieved about this new brand.

The clerk in the store said to them with a smile: "Manager Zhou, Manager Ma, it's not the first day we do business. If I recommend defective products to you, you can spare me, and our boss can't spare me either." The Huashang Company said that this batch of goods is not for sale."

The other party was overjoyed, and asked: "It's not for sale, so where did you come to see it?"

"Hey, you're really right." The guy said with a playful smile: "The Huashang Company is rich and powerful, and this first batch of dyes is given to everyone to take back for trial use. After a good use, a large number of supplies will arrive soon, and they are open for sale. As much as you want. If you can’t use it well, just return it to us.”

"Really?" The other party asked hurriedly

"It's still cooking." The man said, "If it wasn't for the above-mentioned explanation, can I tell you that?"

"Well, ten barrels of each color, take them to our factory."

The man laughed again, and said, "I'm talking about Manager Ma, even if you don't need money, you can't come here like this. It's so ugly to hear it~ There are two barrels for each color, and there are regulations on it."

"Okay, two barrels is two barrels." The other party laughed like self-deprecating.

"One word." The guy quickly arranged the delivery, and at the same time gave the two managers a quotation.

Manager Ma works for ** Dyeing Factory, the largest dyeing factory in Shanghai. He transports the free dyes to the factory and asks the workers to try it out.Put the cloth in the washing machine immediately after coloring.Manager Ma was anxiously waiting for the result in the office. He kept walking back and forth, one cigarette after another in his hand.

"Manager Ma." Someone knocked on the door and entered

"How was the result?" Manager Ma hurriedly asked

"The color fastness and color brightness are no worse than the German dyes we used before."

"Great!" Manager Ma put out the cigarette in the ashtray, "Tell the warehouse to move the batch of Japanese dyes to the small warehouse and free up the big warehouse."

"Okay." Manager Ma picked up the quotation again and looked at it carefully. Good guy, you really have a lot of money, and the price of Huashang brand dyes is half cheaper than that of German products before the start of the European War.

Manager Ma thought for a while, then grabbed the phone on the table, "Hello, is this the warehouse old Han? I'm Manager Ma."

"Yes, it's me, Manager Ma, what are your orders?" the other party asked

"I just said that all the Japanese dyes should be moved to the small warehouse, right?" Manager Ma said.

"That's right, that's what I said on the phone call just now." The other party replied

"It's changed now. Listen carefully, sell all the Japanese dyes." Manager Ma said

"Sell them all?" The other party was taken aback, "Is there something wrong with the factory?"

Manager Ma said: "Nonsense, the factory is fine, what can happen? Now the factory needs to import new dyes, and of course that batch of defective Japanese products must be disposed of."

"It turned out to be like this! I was shocked." Lao Han, who was in charge of the warehouse, smiled, "Now outside, the price of Japanese substandard goods is not low."

Manager Ma smiled and said: "Old Han, you have done this matter for me, and the benefits are indispensable to you."

"Okay, Manager Ma, just rest assured." Lao Han hung up the phone with a smile.Then he came to the warehouse and told the men to pile the Japanese dyes directly outside the warehouse.

"You write a big cover, saying that we will sell all the dyes." Old Han said

"It's all sold?" The guys were also quite surprised, "Is the factory going to close down?"

"Fart. The factory won't close if your own father dies." Old Han scolded, "This is what the manager above said. You just need to do your work."

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